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原创 Several Algorithms of Image Manipulation

 Im now focusing on  a proj of  pattern recognition.Im a fresher of this field,fortunately my task is not too hard and Iv finished the key function.During this proj Ive collected several algor

2007-09-03 18:40:00 1214

原创 Some JavaScript Codes or Nodes Collected from Web

More and more students came to ask me about the javascript quesitons.It took me a lot of time to dealing with e-mail for such things.So I collected some codes or nodes explanation and other informatio

2007-08-20 18:39:00 1282

原创 A simple Example of using Video Textures in Managed DirectX (C#)

You may be confused how to use video textures in managed directX as some students of mine,"because Tom Miller didnt explain detail enough." Well, This article may solve your problem. hehe,Tom has don

2007-07-20 19:05:00 7142 1

原创 How to register your own or the third ActiveX Control to the target PC using InstallShield 11.5 Pre Edition?

Some students asked this question ,here I give the answer.1. the most easy way,we use the guide. After you append your ocx or dll files ,you select one ,in the properties dialog you will see one opt

2007-07-07 17:54:00 1020

原创 Control WRL embedded in html using Javascript

In my last artitle,I discussed the Java EAI mode to control the vrml. Well,the eai mode is powerful  because of the powerful java support.Usually for those not very complicated communication cases,the

2007-07-06 17:15:00 1714 2

原创 Java communicates with VRML using EAI mode

Last week several students came to ask me how to use java to  control VRML?This question remembered me something:the same question was asked 2 years ago by one friend of mine,and I even forgot to tell

2007-07-06 15:19:00 1438

原创 Another class to control the camera

Here is another class to control your PC camera.It also uses the "avicap32.dll" and "User32.dll". You can use this class to do somethingThis article assumes you are familiar with C#.showVideo.cs

2007-07-04 20:44:00 1025 2

原创 A class to grab pictures from your camera

This is a simple class using "avicap32.dll"  and "User32.dll" to grab pictures from your PC camera. In the following content youll see the code of this class and how to use it.These system dlls can b

2007-07-04 20:35:00 806

原创 A simple Example of data processing from Excel as the datasource

This Example is about data processing using dataset.The datasource is an xls file,In the following content,youll see how to connect to  the datasource,how to load data to dataset  from Excel and how

2007-07-02 22:47:00 775

转载 Working Experience of one IT Senior

一个老程序员的工作经历 一些人总是发出一些错误的声音,形成了劣胜优汰可怕的现象。他们在误导着中国,把我们的后继军训练成软件蓝领――――胸无大志,目光短浅,稍有点成绩就自 满就自高自大的人,浑不知天外有天,外国正在虎视眈眈盯着中国的庞大市场。     由于软件蓝领的呼声人们不再致力于培养大批的高精尖人才,掌握国际尖端技术的人。而是花费心思培训一群猪出来给外国人利用。把自己的命运交给了外 国人

2007-07-02 17:03:00 720

原创 RS232 Serial Comm (Use P/Invoke to Develop a .NET Base Class Library for Serial Device Communications)

This article mainly talking about the RS232 COM communication .Nowadays the com communication mostly used in industry application,such as control signals,process instructions,kinds of feedbacks.But 

2007-07-01 22:57:00 2098

转载 Research on Skeletal Animation (Another one)

Copied from 天蚕蛾,Recently immersed in Skeletal Animation,many transshipments from other authors,these articles really helped me a lot at the beginning of the proj,thanks. 骨骼动画(Skeletal Animation)又叫Bo

2007-07-01 21:33:00 836

转载 3D Game Role Animation

 3D游戏角色动画                                    作者:迷糊小亚                                         (这篇文章在gameres也有下的,这里的没有图片) 摘要:本文主要描述了3D游戏角色动画的原理及应用,从介绍微软的X文件到最为广泛应用的骨骼蒙皮动画,另外简要的介绍了下渐变动画的原理。

2007-07-01 20:41:00 1960

原创 Response.ContentType

The ASP.net developer must know this "Response.ContentType",for example,you return an image drawn by the GDI+,I think you should call this function . Different Content type has different effect for th

2007-07-01 19:24:00 809

原创 MIME types in IIS

Im now only focus on the tpyes of IIS from the Server point.Im talking about this because I came across a problem for the 3dxml file registered on the server .As my server supplier has layed a stict

2007-07-01 19:00:00 967

转载 Implementing Skin Meshes with DirectX 8

This article is translated by luchy.源文件地址http://www.gamedev.net/reference/articles/article1835.asp 以下为翻译:Implementing Skin Meshes with DirectX 8 by Sarmad Kh Abdulla  Skin meshes或者骨骼meshes在3D世界里是大多数

2007-07-01 18:37:00 779

转载 Skeletal Animation

The author is luchy.This article expatiates the skeletal animation based on .X file supported by ms.相信这里没有人没玩过采用骨骼动画技术的游戏,看看那些热门的动作游戏,例如《波斯王子》、《分裂细胞》和《战神》,你就知道骨骼动画的威力了(我承认是猜的)。骨骼动画技术用来使我们的3D模型在屏幕上动起

2007-07-01 18:27:00 990

转载 Turorial of buliding Windows Mobile development Enviroment

 Im sorry to forget the authors name of this article,he/she has done some work to help beginners of this  field,sincerely many thanks. Anybody knows the name of the author,please tell me ,Ill reedi

2007-07-01 18:03:00 746

转载 how to use the X file (C++/DirectX)

This article below maybe helpful for the beginner of  DirectX or XNA ,it expatiates the .X file structure and how to handle this file type using C++.X文件的使用(完整)     有很多朋友也许想更加了解X文件,正好,本文将全面的介绍X文件的使用。

2007-07-01 17:54:00 1829 1

原创 How to make basic MSI install program including the third supporting exe installed first or last using InstallShield 11.5 Pre E

Usually this work is done by other guys who are in charge of this field,I just give them the relative docs.But as for one of them having trouble of health,I should do this myself,Im a fresher for usi

2007-07-01 17:19:00 842

原创 finally have time to write something,to pack up some articles

Its the leasure time during  the proj. Also its time for me to have a rest.Ive collected so much technical information and also many tech documents ,most of them are from the web,so its time to do

2007-07-01 16:56:00 471

c# COM+ 编程指南

c# COM+ 编程指南 c# COM+ 编程指南 c# COM+ 编程指南



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