墨尔本大学 SWEN20003 Project2 课业解析

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用Java设计与实现一款结合消除、弹珠等元素的Shadow Bounce游戏,包括绘制UML图及代码实现










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SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
The University of Melbourne
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development
Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
Released: Friday 13th September
Project 2A due: Friday 27th of September, 11:59pm
Project 2B due: Friday 18th of October, 11:59pm
Updated Thursday 19th of September
In this project, you will create a graphical arcade game in the Java programming language, continuing from your work in Project 1. We will provide a full working solution for Project 1; you are
welcome to use all or part of it, provided you add a comment explaining where you found the code
at the top of each file that uses the sample code.
This is an individual project. You can discuss it with other students, but all submitted code must
be your own work.
There are two parts to this project, with different submission dates.
The first task, Project 2A, requires that you produce a class design demonstrating how you plan
to implement the game. This should be submitted in the form of a UML diagram showing all the
classes you plan to implement, the relationships (e.g. inheritance and associations) between them,
and their attributes, as well as their primary public methods. (Methods such as getters and setters
need not be explicitly included.) If you so choose, you may show the relationships separately to
the class members in the interests of neatness, but you must use correct UML notation. Please
submit as PDF only.
The second task, Project 2B, is to complete the implementation of the game as described in the
rest of this specification. You do not have to follow your class design; it is there to encourage you
to think about object-oriented principles before you start programming. Indeed, it is expected that
some aspects of your design will need to change when you start programming.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
Shadow Bounce
Game overview
Shadow Bounce is an arcade game where the player must attempt to clear the game board of red
pegs with a limited number of shots. Once the board is cleared, the player can progress to the next
board, and so on until all boards are cleared or the player runs out of shots, whereupon the game
should end. A turn begins when the board is first loaded, and ends when all balls from the turn
have fallen off the bottom of the screen. When the turn ends, a new one begins.
The player begins with 20 shots. Each turn after the first, the number of shots should decrease by

When there are no more shots left, the game should end.
The game can be divided into three main types of objects: pegs, which can be destroyed to advance
to the next level; balls, which are used to destroy pegs; and a powerup, which can be activated by
striking it with the ball to get a bonus.
Boards are loaded from comma-separated value (.csv) files, numbered 0.csv (the first board) to
4.csv (the final board). You will not be tested on any other boards. Boards 1 through
4 will be released at a later date. Each line of these files is in the following format:
where type is the type of peg to be created, x is an integer representing the x-coordinate to create
the peg at, and y is an integer representing the y-coordinate to create the peg at. The pegs should
be created with their centre at these coordinates.
The pegs
Pegs come in three shapes. The shape will be specified along with the type; e.g. blue horizontal peg,
grey vertical peg. If it is not specified, the shape should be normal.
• Normal pegs:
These are the usual circular pegs from Project 1.
• Horizontal pegs:
these pegs are a horizontal rectangle shape.
• Vertical pegs:
these pegs are a vertical rectangle shape.
They come in four types. Blue and grey pegs are specified in the board files; the others are created
after the board is loaded.
• Blue pegs: these pegs have no special behaviour.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
• Grey pegs:
these pegs behave as the blue pegs, but cannot be destroyed.
• Red pegs:
at the start of each board, one fifth (rounded down) of the blue pegs should become red
instead. When all red pegs are destroyed, the game should advance to the next board.
• Green pegs:
at the beginning of each turn, a random blue peg should become green. If the green peg is
destroyed, two balls of the striking ball’s type should be created at the green peg’s position,
with an initial velocity of 10 pixels per second diagonally upwards and to the left and right
respectively. At the end of each turn, if the green peg was not destroyed, it should become
blue again.
The balls
There are two types of ball the player has access to. In Project 2, balls should bounce off pegs they
strike. If the ball strikes the peg from the top or bottom, it should reverse its vertical direction.
Similarly, if the ball strikes the peg from the left or right, it should reverse its horizontal direction.
The Rectangle class in Bagel contains a method to help you with this. As in Project 1, the circular
pegs may be treated as though they were square.
• The normal ball:
this ball has no special behaviour. It is created in the same way as Project 1, and moves
with the same gravity. Note: If your screen is too small to display the window fully, you
may reduce the size of the window (by calling AbstractGame’s constructor). The ball should
then be created with an x value of half the window width, and a y value of 32. All pegs must
remain visible.
• The fire ball:
the fire ball behaves as the normal ball, except when it strikes a peg, all pegs within 70 pixels
of the struck peg’s centre are destroyed. When the turn finishes, the ball returns to normal.
The powerup
At the start of each turn, with a 1/10 chance a powerup should be created at a random position on
the screen. The other 9/10 of the time, no powerup should be created. The powerup should choose
a random position on the screen and move towards it at a speed of 3 pixels per frame. When the
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
powerup is within 5 pixels of its destination, it should choose another random position. If the ball
strikes the powerup, the powerup is activated and destroyed.
• Fire Ball: when this powerup is activated, the player’s ball should be replaced with the fire
The bucket
The bucket begins at the coordinate (512, 744). Note: As with the ball, if you need to reduce the
window size, you can; the bucket should begin with an x value of half the window’s width, and a
y value equal to the window’s height minus 24.
The bucket moves left at a rate of 4 pixels per frame. When any part of the bucket reaches the left
or right sides of the screen, it should reverse direction.
If a ball leaves the bottom of the screen while making contact with the bucket, the player should
get an additional shot.
Implementation checklist
This project may seem daunting. As there are a lot of things you need to implement, we have
provided a feature checklist, ordered roughly in the order we think you should implement them in,
together with the marks each feature is worth:
The board is loaded and visible on screen (1 mark)
Grey pegs cannot be destroyed (0.5 marks)
Pegs are randomly chosen to be red when the board is loaded (0.5 marks)
The game advances to the next board when all red pegs are cleared (1 mark)
The game ends when all boards are cleared or the player runs out of shots (0.5 marks)
A peg is randomly chosen to be green pegs each turn (0.5 marks)
When the green peg is destroyed, the extra balls appear and move correctly (1 mark)
Powerup appears and moves as described (1 mark)
Powerup causes fire ball (0.5 marks)
Fire balls destroy multiple pegs (0.5 marks)
The bucket functions correctly (1 mark)
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
Optional: we want to encourage creativity with this project. We have tried to outline every aspect
of the game design here, but if you wish, you may customise any part of the game, including the
graphics, types of units, buildings, resources, game mechanics, etc. You can also add entirely new
features. However, to be eligible for full marks, you must implement all of the features in the above
implementation checklist.
For those of you with too much time on your hands, we will hold a competition for the best
game extension or modification, judged by the lecturer and tutors. The winning three will be
demonstrated at the final lecture, and there will be a prize for our favourite. Past modifications
have included drastically increasing the scope of the game, implementing jokes and creative game
design, adding polish to the game, and even introducing networked gameplay.
If you would like to enter the competition, please email the head tutor, Eleanor McMurtry, at
mcmurtrye@unimelb.edu.au with your username and a short description of the modifications you
came up with. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done!
If you like, you may submit a minimal version of the game to be assessed, and email a second
extended version to Eleanor. Extensions submitted this way may use any libraries you like, not
just Bagel and the Java standard library.
The supplied package
You will be given a package, oosd-project2-package.zip, which contains all of the graphics and
other files you need to build the game. You can use these in any way you like.
Submission and marking
Technical requirements
• The program must be written in the Java programming language.
• The program must not depend upon any libraries other than the Java standard library, the
Bagel library, and Bagel’s dependencies.
• The program must compile fully without errors.
• Every public method, attribute, and class must have Javadoc comments, as explained in
later lectures.
Submission will take place through the LMS. Please zip your project folder in its entirety, and
submit this .zip file. Do not submit a .rar, .7z, .tar.gz, or any other type of compressed
Ensure all your code is contained in this folder.
SWEN20003 Object Oriented Software Development Project 2, Semester 2, 2019
Extensions and late submissions
If you need an extension for the project, please email Eleanor at mcmurtrye@unimelb.edu.au
explaining your situation with some supporting documentation (medical certificate, academic adjustment plan, wedding invitation). If an extension has been granted, you may submit via the LMS
as usual; please do however email Eleanor once you have submitted your project.
The project is due at 11:59pm sharp. Any submissions received past this time (from 12:00am
onwards) will be considered late unless an extension has been granted. There will be no exceptions.
There is a penalty of 1 mark per day or part thereof for a late submission. If you submit late, you
must email Eleanor with your student ID so that we can ensure your late submission is marked
Project 2 is worth 22 marks out of the total 100 for the subject.
• Project 2A is worth 6 marks.
{ Correct UML notation for methods (1 mark)
{ Correct UML notation for attributes (1 mark)
{ Correct UML notation for associations (1 mark)
{ Good breakdown into classes (1 mark)
{ Sensible use of methods and attributes (1 mark)
{ Appropriate use of inheritance, interfaces, and abstract (1 mark)
• Project 2B is worth 16 marks.
{ Features implemented correctly: 8 marks (see Implementation checklist for details)
{ Coding style, documentation, and good object-oriented principles: 8 marks
∗ Delegation: breaking the code down into appropriate classes (2 marks)
∗ Use of methods: avoiding repeated code and overly complex methods (1 mark)
∗ Cohesion: classes are complete units that contain all their data (1 mark)
∗ Coupling: interactions between classes are not overly complex (1 mark)
∗ General code style: visibility modifiers, magic numbers, commenting etc. (2 marks)
∗ Use of documentation (javadocs) (1 mark)

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