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原创 被Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise提及的

Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise是本不错的讨论.NET应用程序架构的著作,在这本书中有好多不错的论文,图书被提及,对被提及的图书和论文,下面是一个总结。第一章 当代的架构师和构架ISO/IEC 42010:2007http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/cat

2011-12-24 13:29:09 533

转载 What is a software architecture?

From Peter Eeles, Senior IT Architect, IBM, Software GroupThe original article is on http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/

2011-08-25 08:57:40 466

转载 Characteristics of a software architect

From Peter Eeles, Senior IT Architect, IBM, Software GroupThis is the second article in a four-part series on software architecture. L

2011-08-25 08:23:39 2700

转载 Safe, Simple Multithreading in Windows Forms, Part 3

From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms993020.aspxSummary: Chris Sells discusses how to more cleanly communicate between a UI thread

2011-07-22 07:27:15 492

转载 Safe, Simple Multithreading in Windows Forms, Part 2

From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms951109.aspxSummary: Explores how to leverage multiple threads to split the user interface (UI

2011-07-22 07:20:13 429

转载 Safe, Simple Multithreading in Windows Forms, Part 1

From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms951089.aspxIt all started innocently enough. I found myself needing to calculate the area of

2011-07-22 07:11:58 415

原创 The max length of a byte array

The max length is different in 32bit OS and 64 bit OS.  In a Windows 7 Pro, 64 bit OS, the max length of a byte array is 2147483591. Its "int.MaxValue - 56". byte[] b = new byte[int.MaxValue-

2011-06-30 08:51:00 528

原创 How to create a File-Compare function in Visual C#

 This article is from Microsoft Support. The orignal article is on http://support.microsoft.com/kb/320348. This step-by-step article demonstrates how to compare two files to see if their conte

2011-06-23 07:54:00 614

转载 Using a delegate to pass data between two forms.

<br />Introduction<br />This code demonstrates how you can pass data from one form to another using a delegate. The advantage of using a delegate is that the form from which you want to send the data, doesn't need to know anything about the form that it's

2011-05-13 12:25:00 516

原创 How to disable datagridview column header to alllow sorting

The easy way to disable the sorting feature by clicking column header is set DataGridViewColumnSortMode to NotSortable.//Disable datagridview column header to allow sorting. for (int i = 0; i

2011-05-13 09:04:00 434

原创 "Problem Steps Recorder" - The new tool in Windows 7

The Problem Steps Recorder is the new tool in Windows 7. This tool could capture the steps you take on a computer automatically, and generate a MHTML file in a zip. This tool is under C:/Windows/System32.How to use psr on your computerOpen Problem Steps Re

2011-05-10 12:31:00 420

原创 Google的C++编码规范

<br />Google的C++编码规范已经公布了,分享下 http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml

2011-03-08 07:30:00 390

转载 XML Processing with Python

by Sean McGrathDecember 06, 1999As part of our XML'99 coverage, we are pleased tobring you this taster from the "Working with XML in Python" tutorialled by Sean McGrath.IntroductionA century ago, when HTML and CGI ruled the waves, Perl dominated

2010-12-28 10:41:00 701

原创 How to execute an application on Windows using Python.

Python has a module called "os", using this module, you can perform some actions on system, include "execute an application.". Please see the code below.>>> import os >>> os.system("C://WINDOWS//system32//notepad.exe") 0

2010-12-25 19:54:00 482

原创 How to group Option Button (Form control) with cell link.

<br />The linked cell returns the number of the selected option button in the group of options. Use the same linked cell for all options in a group. The first option button returns a 1, the second option button returns a 2, and so on. If you want to gr

2010-12-21 08:26:00 639

原创 What Is Python?

<br />Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language, first developed in 1990 by Guido van Rossum. By the end of 1998, it had grown to an estimated user base of 300,000, and it's beginning to attract wide attention in the

2010-12-14 12:37:00 921

原创 Free Python Books

<br />The links below are to freely available books using Python to teachbeginning programming:How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 2nd Ed.by Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey, Chris MeyersA Byte of Pythonby Swaroop C H

2010-12-14 07:48:00 494

转载 Windows Azure Developer Guidance Map

<br /><br />If you’re a Windows Azure developer or you want to learn Windows Azure, this map is for you.   Microsoft has an extensive collection of developer guidance available in the form of Code Samples, How Tos, Videos, and Training.  The challe

2010-12-11 12:51:00 551

转载 Remote Desktop to Your Azure Virtual Machine

<br />The Windows Azure Team had just published their new development portal this week and the SDK 1.3. Within this new release there are a lot of cool feature available. The one I’m looking forward to is Remote Desktop Access to your running Win

2010-12-11 12:41:00 1066

转载 What we do with a bug report?

<br />This has been a busy couple of days for a few of us on the team as we had a report of a bug in Windows 7. The specifics of the issue are probably not as important as a discussion over how we will manage these types of situations down the road

2010-12-08 17:36:00 1757

原创 Windows Engineering team's blog

<br />For a more in-depth example of how Microsoft teams have continued to evolve engineering practices, review the Windows Engineering team's blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/.

2010-12-08 17:31:00 357

原创 Test-Driven Development

Test-Driven Development (TTD) suggests that tests express the requirements with which the code must comply. This technique requires developers to write an automated unit test before writing feature code. As feature code evolves, automated tests provide imm

2010-12-08 17:16:00 397

转载 What's your test automation strategy?

I overheard some test managers discussing problems with their test automation effort, so I couldn't refrain from asking the redundant question, "What is your test automation strategy?" They looked at me as if I had just beamed down from another planet and

2010-10-14 11:38:00 713

转载 Emotions and feelings in testing software

Software testers generally look at the requirements to figure out how the product must behave. Often these requirements cover the functional and some non-functional attributes including performance, security, some elements of usability, etc. Tests are deve

2010-09-30 10:25:00 429

转载 Software testers, sharpen your saw

How would you list the day in the life of a software tester ? Get in to work and test software ? I realize this is an over-simplification, but i am sure most lists would place testing as the task that would take up most or all of a tester's time.

2010-09-30 10:24:00 520

转载 Software Testing and the hammer and nail approach

If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

2010-09-30 10:23:00 469

转载 Software Testing: Theory on Defect Detection

A defect can only be discovered in an environment that contains the defect.

2010-09-30 10:20:00 824

转载 Static Testing

Static testing is a form of testing that does not involve execution of the application to be tested. Static testing involves going through the application’s code to check mainly for – conformance to functional requirements, conformance to design, missed fu

2010-09-30 10:15:00 666

转载 The Test Strategy and the Test Plan

Some more thoughts on test strategy and test plan.

2010-09-30 10:13:00 1199

转载 Stress Testing

In today's post, we look briefly at Stress Testing. As testers, we often come across the terms Performance, Load and Stress testing which are sometimes used inter-changeably. Here's a perspective on Stress Testing.

2010-09-30 10:11:00 410

转载 10 Most Popular Misconceptions about Exploratory Testing

Rony Wolfinzon and Ayal ZylbermanCo-Editor – James BachThe most well-known definitionof exploratory testing (ET) was coined by James Bach and Cem Kaner: Exploratory testing issimultaneous learning, test design, and test executionThis definiti

2010-09-29 13:30:00 595

原创 Change Windows 7 Pro Default Login User

<br />Opened the registry by going to “Start” and typing “regedit” in the search box. When “regedit” was found, double click on it. You need to find “DefaultUserName” the location is as follow:<br /> <br />[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NT

2010-09-28 15:40:00 589

转载 Seven Steps to Test Automation Success

Bret Pettichordbret@pettichord.comhttp://www.pettichord.comRevised version of a paper originally presented at STAR West, San Jose, November 1999.Version of 26 June 2001.AbstractTest automation

2010-04-12 17:02:00 1815

转载 Software Test Automation - Best Practices

Best practices are guidelines and advice on the best way to do something; collected over time and based on experience with previous projects. Best practices in an organisation should come from the b

2010-04-09 22:47:00 1308

转载 Automated Testing Advantages, Disadvantages and Guidelines

"Automated Testing" is automating the manual testing process currently in use. This requires that a formalized "manual testing process", currently exists in the company or organization. Automation

2010-04-09 22:25:00 609

转载 How to Succeed at Automated Testing

The following is based on interviews with Richard Bornet, the founder of the Scenario Tester process, and co-author of "Scenario Tester". He discusses the origins of both, how they were developed, and

2010-04-09 19:19:00 1038

转载 Software Testing challenges in the Spiral Lifecycle model

Having looked at the Sequential and Iterative models in the previous posts, let us now look at testing in the Spiral Lifecycle model. The spiral model is generally used in large, complex and expensive

2010-03-25 12:55:00 488

转载 Software Testing challenges in the Iterative lifecycle models

Iterative / Incremental lifecycle models, as the name suggests, focus on developing software in increments or chunks. Popular iterative models include the Agile methodologies such as Scrum, XP, etc. A

2010-03-25 12:54:00 359

转载 Software Testing in Sequential Lifecycle models (waterfall, v-model)

Sequential lifecycle models involve building the system in a sequence of steps or phases. Common sequential lifecycle models are the Waterfall model and the V model. These models have been around for

2010-03-25 12:53:00 656

转载 Why do users find bugs that Software Testers miss ?

Heres a familiar scenario: Testers spend months or longer, testing a product. Once the product is released, users report bugs that were not found by the testing team. The obvious question that gets

2010-03-25 12:50:00 384

Linux Bible RedHat

Red Hat Linux 7.2 Bible, Unlimited Edition Part I: Getting Started in Red Hat Linux Chapter List Chapter 1: An Overview of Red Hat Linux Overview Introducing Red Hat Linux What Is Linux? Linux’s Roots in UNIX Common Linux Features Primary Advantages of Linux What Is Red Hat Linux? Why Choose Red Hat Linux? New Features in Red Hat Linux 7.2 Improvements to Linux 2.4 kernel GRUB boot manager Journaling file system (ext3) Additional software packages The Culture of Free Software Summary


Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional

Gain a fundamental understanding of Python’s syntax and features with the second edition of Beginning Python, an up–to–date introduction and practical reference. Covering a wide array of Python–related programming topics, including addressing language internals, database integration, network programming, and web services, you’ll be guided by sound development principles. Ten accompanying projects will ensure you can get your hands dirty in no time.


Learning Python, Fourth Edition

Google and YouTube use Python because it's highly adaptable, easy to maintain, and allows for rapid development. If you want to write high-quality, efficient code that's easily integrated with other languages and tools, this hands-on book will help you be productive with Python 3.0 quickly. Each chapter includes a unique Test Your Knowledge section with practical exercises and quizzes, so you can practice new skills and test your understanding as you go.


Professional C# 2008

Professional C# 2008 starts by reviewing the overall architecture of .NET in Chapter 1 in order to give you the background you need to be able to write managed code. After that the book is divided into a number of sections that cover both the C# language and its application in a variety of areas.



The Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities have been rolled up into a single Suite of tools. This file contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files. It does not contain non-troubleshooting tools like the BSOD Screen Saver or NotMyFault.


C# Samples for Visual Studio 2008

CSharp Samples for Visual Studio 2008 Our first release on CodeGallery contains updates to the official C# samples that ship with Visual Studio 2008.


Beginning C# 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional

Assuming only basic knowledge of C# 2008, Beginning C# 2008 Databases teaches all the fundamentals of database technology and database programming readers need to quickly become highly proficient database users and application developers. A comprehensive tutorial on both SQL Server 2005 and ADO.NET 3.0, Beginning C# 2008 Databases explains and demonstrates how to create database objects and program against them in both T–SQL and C#. Full of practical, detailed examples, it’s been fully revised and updated for C# 2008 and offers the most complete, detailed, and gentle introduction to database technology for all C# programmers at any level of experience. Comprehensively and concisely explains fundamental database concepts and programming techniques Rich in working examples of both T–SQL and C# programs Covers all the features most database programming ever requires What you’ll learn How relational databases work and how to use them How C# uses ADO.NET to access databases How to write stored procedures in T–SQL and call them from C# programs How to use XML in database applications How to use LINQ to simplify C# database programming How to install SQL Server 2005 Express and Visual C# 3.0 Express and use them to teach yourself database programming by doing it Who is this book for? Beginning C# 2008 Databases is for every C# programmer. Database programming requires relatively little knowledge of C# but a lot of knowledge about relational database concepts and the database language SQL. This book assumes no prior database experience and teaches you, always through hands–on examples, how to create and use relational databases with SQL and how to access them with C#. Almost every application needs to access a database, and this book teaches all the fundamentals you needand may ever needto develop professional database applications. About the Apress Beginning Series The Beginning series from Apress is the right choice to get the information you need to land that crucial entry-level job. These books will teach you a standard and important technology from the ground up because they are explicitly designed to take you from “novice to professional.” You’ll start your journey by seeing what you need to know—but without needless theory and filler. You’ll build your skill set by learning how to put together real–world projects step by step. So whether your goal is your next career challenge or a new learning opportunity, the Beginning series from Apress will take you there—it is your trusted guide through unfamiliar territory! Related Titles from Apress Beginning C# 2008: From Novice to Professional Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform, Fourth Edition Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008


Accelerated C# 2008

Many books introduce C#, but if you don't have the time to read 1200 pages, Accelerated C# 2008 gives you everything you need to know about C# 2008 in a concentrated 500 pages of must-know information and best practices. C# 2008 offers powerful new features, and Accelerated C# 2008 is the fastest path to mastery, for both experienced C# programmers moving to C# 2008 and programmers moving to C# from another object-oriented language. You'll quickly master C# syntax while learning how the CLR simplifies many programming tasks. You'll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient, reusable, and robust. Why spend months or years discovering the best ways to design and code C# when this book will show you how to do things the right way, right from the start? Comprehensively and concisely explains both C# 2005 and C# 2008 features Focuses on the language itself and on how to use C# 2008 proficiently for all .NET application development Concentrates on how C# features work and how to best use them for robust, high-performance code. What you'll learn How C# works with and exploits the CLR How to use arrays, collections, and iterators How to handle events with delegates and anonymous functions How to design and use generic types and methods How to thread efficiently and robustly How to use the C# 2008 anonymous types, lamba expressions, and extension methods Who is this book for? If you're an experienced C# programmer, you need to understand how C# has changed with C# 2008. If youre an experienced object-oriented programmer moving to C#, you want to ramp up quickly in the language while learning the latest features and techniques. In either case, this book is for you. The first three chapters succinctly present C# fundamentals, for those new to or reviewing C#. The rest of the book covers all the major C# features, in great detail, explaining how they work and how best to use them. Whatever your background or need, youll treasure this book for as long as you code in C# 2008.


Ebook: C# 编程思想



Process Monitor v2.8

Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity. It combines the features of two legacy Sysinternals utilities, Filemon and Regmon, and adds an extensive list of enhancements including rich and non-destructive filtering, comprehensive event properties such session IDs and user names, reliable process information, full thread stacks with integrated symbol support for each operation, simultaneous logging to a file, and much more. Its uniquely powerful features will make Process Monitor a core utility in your system troubleshooting and malware hunting toolkit.


Becoming a Software Test Expert

The ppt for Google TechTalks June 13, 2006 by James Bach.


Pitfalls of Software Test Automation

a test automation article.


Tests and Requirements, Requirements and Tests

Writing acceptance tests early is a requirements-engineering technique that can save businesses time and money and help them better respond to change. An equivalence hypothesis states that concrete requirements blend with acceptance tests so that you should be able to specify and verify system behavior using tests. Several examples in the FIT (Framework for Integrated Testing) demonstrate the approach.


How Pair Programming Really Works

Stuart Wray, from the Royal School of Signals, wrote a paper for the January 2010 edition of IEEE Software Magazine entitled "How Pair Programming Really Works".


UI Spy (UISpy.exe)

The UI Spy tool enables developers and testers to view and interact with the user interface (UI) elements of an application. By viewing the application's UI hierarchical structure, property values, and raised events, developers and testers can verify that the UI they are creating is programmatically accessible to assistive technology devices such as screen readers.


Agile Project Management with Scrum

Apply the principles of Scrum, one of the most popular agile programming methods, to software project management—and focus your team on delivering real business value. Author Ken Schwaber, a leader in the agile process movement and a co-creator of Scrum, brings his vast expertise to helping you guide the product and software development process more effectively and efficiently. Help eliminate the ambiguity into which so many software projects are borne, where vision and planning documents are essentially thrown over the wall to developers. This high-level reference describes how to use Scrum to manage complex technology projects in detail, combining expert insights with examples and case studies based on Scrum. Emphasizing practice over theory, this book explores every aspect of using Scrum, focusing on driving projects for maximum return on investment.



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