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Try my best and smile every day!

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原创 Fedora hp laserjet 100 series printer configuration

Using: foo2zjs  http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/Note: 安装的时候最后将文件放在LINUX分区并进行。因为我的机器是双系统,平时都把文件存在window的那个分区下,进入linux时,我把 windows分区自动挂载并使我具有可写权限。所以安装foo2zjs时,我就直接在windows分区直接解压、然后make,结果发现老出错。后来 把文件copy到linux

2007-10-27 16:54:00 1327

原创 用JAVA写了一个简单的JS代码格式化工具

Section I: 为什么写这个小玩意1. 手上有些JS代码,因为某种原因,起代码中没有任何回车、制表符。在编辑器中打开时,显示的就是一行。而我实现想研究和学习这些写得比较漂亮的JS代码,2. 可是好想没有哪个编辑器自带了JS格式化的功能。它们都可以给JS着色,但就是不能控制代码格式,真是遗憾。3. 我是我去网上搜看有没有前人做过这个东东,发现有个JS写的JS代码格式化工具,相当不错,可以给代码

2007-10-17 11:34:00 4129

转载 Js code fomatter

Many thaks to the author (Whom I dont know.) ! html>head>title>JSer title>meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />style>.../**//* Global CSS */* {...}{ padding:0px;

2007-10-09 22:43:00 1231

原创 Chm reader on Linux

1. xChm1.1 using yumyum -y install  xchmor 1.2 download and intall 1) chmlib  2) wxGTK 3) xchm==================================other links:==================================  在linux下打开chm格式文件的方式有多种,如

2007-10-06 14:25:00 2313 1

原创 VirtualCD/DVD driver in Linux(Fedora 7)

1. make a ISO imagecp /dev/cdrom path/ISOName.iso  2. mount a ISO image2.1mkdir /mnt/isomount -t iso9660 -o loop path/ISOName.iso /mnt/isoor 2.2rm /dev/dvdln /dev/loop7 /dev/dvd/sbin/losetup /dev/loop

2007-10-05 14:26:00 671

原创 Install Flashplayer plugin in Fedora 7

First download following two rpm packages and install them respectively (using rpm -ivh ): http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/projects/nspluginwrapper/files/nspluginwrapper-i386-  htt

2007-10-05 13:13:00 786

原创 Linux(Fedora7)+JDK6+Eclipse3.2+Tomcat5.5

1.First download JDK6, copy it to /usr/share/JDK6, and install it.   NOTE: The first time I tried to install JDK6. however, in Fedora7, I failed to configure the JAVA_HOME, CLASSPATH and PATH in /etc/

2007-10-03 19:30:00 981


新鲜出炉的演进式架构 第二版,英文原版。 《Building Evolutionary Architectures —— Automated Software Governance》 2ND EDITION。 作者:Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua, and Pramod Sadalage。






最新版Anaconda Windows 64安装包:Anaconda3-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64。不要要积分,确发现最低值是2,分,没有0分这个选项……



Android编程权威指南的全部36章英文原版。MVC,Fragment,Service等各种概念,清清楚楚、明明白白。Android开发中的Java编程思想! 附带源码下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/newweapon/8136629 本书根据美国大名鼎鼎的Big Nerd Ranch训练营的Android培训讲义编写而成,已经为微软、谷歌、Facebook等行业巨头培养了众多专业人才。作者巧妙地把Android开发所需的庞杂知识、行业实践、编程规范等融入一本书中,通过精心编排的应用示例、循序渐进的内容组织,以及循循善诱的语言,深入地讲解了Android开发的方方面面。如果学完一章之后仍然意犹未尽,那“挑战练习”一定会让你大呼过瘾。本书之所以能在移动应用开发类图书中脱颖而出,还在于它真的是在与读者“对话”。阅读本书就好像有一位私人导师在你身边随时为你答疑解惑。



Android编程权威指南的全部36章源代码。MVC,Fragment,Service等各种概念,清清楚楚、明明白白。Android开发中的Java编程思想!源代码中有许多值得参考、学习、模仿甚至可以直接利用的价值。 本书根据美国大名鼎鼎的Big Nerd Ranch训练营的Android培训讲义编写而成,已经为微软、谷歌、Facebook等行业巨头培养了众多专业人才。作者巧妙地把Android开发所需的庞杂知识、行业实践、编程规范等融入一本书中,通过精心编排的应用示例、循序渐进的内容组织,以及循循善诱的语言,深入地讲解了Android开发的方方面面。如果学完一章之后仍然意犹未尽,那“挑战练习”一定会让你大呼过瘾。本书之所以能在移动应用开发类图书中脱颖而出,还在于它真的是在与读者“对话”。阅读本书就好像有一位私人导师在你身边随时为你答疑解惑。


Tomcat运行内幕-How Tomcat Works

本书讲述一般Java Web server以及Tomcat的运行原理,对JavaEE编程有极大的好处。<br>可惜只有前6章。


Java并发编程实践[英文版] - Java Concurrency In Practice



Manning - Java 3D Programming - Source Code(源码)

Manning - Java 3D Programming - Source Code(源码)


Java 3d Tutorial

Java 3d Tutorial


A compact reference for 3d computer graphics programming

A compact reference for 3d computer graphics programming


人工智能-现代方法 Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

人工智能-现代方法,Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach,第一版。<br>经典的人工智能学习书籍 。


BSD HACKS -- 100个业界最尖端的技巧和工具

Credits<br> About the Author<br> Contributors<br> Acknowledgments<br> Preface<br> Why BSD Hacks?<br> How to Use this Book<br> How This Book Is Organized<br> Conventions Used in This Book<br> Using Code Examples<br> We'd Like to Hear from You<br> Chapter 1. Customizing the User Environment<br> Section 0. Introduction<br> Section 1. Get the Most Out of the Default Shell<br> Section 2. Useful tcsh Shell Configuration File Options<br> Section 3. Create Shell Bindings<br> Section 4. Use Terminal and X Bindings<br> Section 5. Use the Mouse at a Terminal<br> Section 6. Get Your Daily Dose of Trivia<br> Section 7. Lock the Screen<br> Section 8. Create a Trash Directory<br> Section 9. Customize User Configurations<br> Section 10. Maintain Your Environment on Multiple Systems<br> Section 11. Use an Interactive Shell<br> Section 12. Use Multiple Screens on One Terminal<br> Chapter 2. Dealing with Files and Filesystems<br> Section 12. Introduction<br> Section 13. Find Things<br> Section 14. Get the Most Out of grep<br> Section 15. Manipulate Files with sed<br> Section 16. Format Text at the Command Line<br> Section 17. Delimiter Dilemma<br> Section 18. DOS Floppy Manipulation<br> Section 19. Access Windows Shares Without a Server<br> Section 20. Deal with Disk Hogs<br> Section 21. Manage Temporary Files and Swap Space<br> Section 22. Recreate a Directory Structure Using mtree<br> Section 23. Ghosting Systems<br> Chapter 3. The Boot and Login Environments<br> Introduction<br> Section 24. Customize the Default Boot Menu<br> Section 25. Protect the Boot Process<br> Section 26. Run a Headless System<br> Section 27. Log a Headless Server Remotely<br> Section 28. Remove the Terminal Login Banner<br> Section 29. Protecting Passwords With Blowfish Hashes<br> Section 30. Monitor Password Policy Compliance<br> Section 31. Create an Effective, Reusable Password Policy<br> Section 32. Automate Memorable Password Generation<br> Section 33. Use One Time Passwords<br> Section 34. Restrict Logins<br> Chapter 4. Backing Up<br> Introduction<br> Section 35. Back Up FreeBSD with SMBFS<br> Section 36. Create Portable POSIX Archives<br> Section 37. Interactive Copy<br> Section 38. Secure Backups Over a Network<br> Section 39. Automate Remote Backups<br> Section 40. Automate Data Dumps for PostgreSQL Databases<br> Section 41. Perform Client-Server Cross-Platform Backups with Bacula<br> Chapter 5. Networking Hacks<br> Introduction<br> Section 42. See Console Messages Over a Remote Login<br> Section 43. Spoof a MAC Address<br> Section 44. Use Multiple Wireless NIC Configurations<br> Section 45. Survive Catastrophic Internet Loss<br> Section 46. Humanize tcpdump Output<br> Section 47. Understand DNS Records and Tools<br> Section 48. Send and Receive Email Without a Mail Client<br> Section 49. Why Do I Need sendmail?<br> Section 50. Hold Email for Later Delivery<br> Section 51. Get the Most Out of FTP<br> Section 52. Distributed Command Execution<br> Section 53. Interactive Remote Administration<br> Chapter 6. Securing the System<br> Introduction<br> Section 54. Strip the Kernel<br> Section 55. FreeBSD Access Control Lists<br> Section 56. Protect Files with Flags<br> Section 57. Tighten Security with Mandatory Access Control<br> Section 58. Use mtree as a Built-in Tripwire<br> Section 59. Intrusion Detection with Snort, ACID, MySQL, and FreeBSD<br> Section 60. Encrypt Your Hard Disk<br> Section 61. Sudo Gotchas<br> Section 62. sudoscript<br> Section 63. Restrict an SSH server<br> Section 64. Script IP Filter Rulesets<br> Section 65. Secure a Wireless Network Using PF<br> Section 66. Automatically Generate Firewall Rules<br> Section 67. Automate Security Patches<br> Section 68. Scan a Network of Windows Computers for Viruses<br> Chapter 7. Going Beyond the Basics<br> Introduction<br> Section 69. Tune FreeBSD for Different Applications<br> Section 70. Traffic Shaping on FreeBSD<br> Section 71. Create an Emergency Repair Kit<br> Section 72. Use the FreeBSD Recovery Process<br> Section 73. Use the GNU Debugger to Analyze a Buffer Overflow<br> Section 74. Consolidate Web Server Logs<br> Section 75. Script User Interaction<br> Section 76. Create a Trade Show Demo<br> Chapter 8. Keeping Up-to-Date<br> Introduction<br> Section 77. Automated Install<br> Section 78. FreeBSD from Scratch<br> Section 79. Safely Merge Changes to /etc<br> Section 80. Automate Updates<br> Section 81. Create a Package Repository<br> Section 82. Build a Port Without the Ports Tree<br> Section 83. Keep Ports Up-to-Date with CTM<br> Section 84. Navigate the Ports System<br> Section 85. Downgrade a Port<br> Section 86. Create Your Own Startup Scripts<br> Section 87. Automate NetBSD Package Builds<br> Section 88. Easily Install Unix Applications on Mac OS X<br> Chapter 9. Grokking BSD<br> Introduction<br> Section 89. How'd He Know That?<br> Section 90. Create Your Own Manpages<br> Section 91. Get the Most Out of Manpages<br> Section 92. Apply, Understand, and Create Patches<br> Section 93. Display Hardware Information<br> Section 94. Determine Who Is on the System<br> Section 95. Spelling Bee<br> Section 96. Leave on Time<br> Section 97. Run Native Java Applications<br> Section 98. Rotate Your Signature<br> Section 99. Useful One-Liners<br> Section 9.13. Fun with X


Hibernate In Action(英文)

A good book to learn Hibernate.



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