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原创 learining user's intrinsic and extrinsic interests for point of interest recommendation IJCAI17
huayu li Point of interest recommendationPOI推荐 In this paper, 提出一个统一的方法,来有效学习细粒的(fine-grained)、可解释的用户兴趣,自适应建模缺失数据。用户的general 兴趣from 两个方面:内部兴趣和外部兴趣, so we propose a model (采用排序约束的方法),而且本文还提出自适应的面向位置的方法...
2018-12-19 21:17:35 298
原创 artical weekly181205
- Actor-Oriented Database Systems 2018ICDE 面向角色的:actor (来建模 the real-world objects并保存调用) 本文描述面向角色的框架,有三个优点:它有弹性,可扩充为a large number of servers;对存储系统来说,它是不可知的;它具备兼容性. componets描述:Identity and Location T...
2018-12-05 15:42:08 135 1
原创 artical weekly
Human Factors in Data Science the paper reviewed that human factors in data generation and management, processing and mining,application. human acts four roles in DS stack, including data Generators, ...
2018-11-27 17:00:25 213
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