java 通过 wsdl 生成java类.来访问 salesforce 中的对象

Quick Start

Use this topic to create a sample application in your development environment.

Before you begin building an integration or other client application:
  • Install your development platform according to its product documentation.
  • Read through all the steps before beginning this quick start. You may also wish to review the rest of this document to familiarize yourself with terms and concepts.

Step 1: Obtain a Developer Edition Account

If you are not already a member of the developer community, go to and follow the instructions for signing up for a Developer Edition account. Even if you already have an Enterprise Edition or Unlimited Edition account, it is strongly recommended that you use Developer Edition for developing, staging, and testing your solutions against sample data to protect your organization’s live data. This is especially true for applications that will be inserting, updating, or deleting data (as opposed to simply reading data).

If you already have a Developer Edition account, verify that your user profile has the “API Enabled” permission selected. This permission is enabled by default. For more information see the help in the user interface.

Step 2: Generate or Obtain the Web Service WSDL

To access the Web service, you need a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file. The WSDL file defines the Web service that is available to you. Your development platform uses this WSDL to generate an API to access the Web service it defines. You can either obtain the WSDL file from your organization’ administrator or you can generate it yourself if you have access to the WSDL download page in the user interface. You can navigate to the most recent WSDL for your organization by clicking Setup | Developer | API.

For more information about WSDL, see

Generating the WSDL File for Your Organization

Any user with the “Modify All Data” permission can download the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file to integrate and extend using the API. (The System Administrator profile has this permission.)

The WSDL file is dynamically generated based on which type of WSDL file (enterprise or partner) you download. The generated WSDL defines all of the API calls, objects (including standard and custom objects), and fields that are available for API access for your organization.

To generate the WSDL file for your organization:

  1. Log in to your Enterprise, Unlimited, or Developer Edition account. You must log in as an administrator or as a user who has the “Modify All Data” permission. Logins are checked to ensure they are from a known IP address. For more information, see “Setting Login Restrictions” in the online help.
  2. Click Setup | Develop | API to display the WSDL download page.
  3. Download the appropriate WSDL:
    • If you are downloading an enterprise WSDL and you have managed packages installed in your organization, click Generate Enterprise WSDL. prompts you to select the version of each installed package to include in the generated WSDL.
    • Otherwise, right-click the link for the appropriate WSDL document to save it to a local directory. In the right-click menu, Internet Explorer users can choose Save Target As, while Mozilla Firefox users can choose Save Link As.

Step 3: Import the WSDL File Into Your Development Platform

Once you have the WSDL file, you need to import it into your development platform so that your development environment can generate the necessary objects for use in building client Web service applications in that environment. This section provides sample instructions for Apache Axis and Microsoft Visual Studio. For instructions about other development platforms, see your platform’s product documentation.

The process for importing WSDL files is identical for the enterprise and partner WSDL files.

Instructions for Java Environments (Apache Axis)

Java environments access the API through Java objects that serve as proxies for their server-side counterparts. Before using the API, you must first generate these objects from your organization’s WSDL file.

Each SOAP client has its own tool for this process. For Apache Axis, use the WSDL2Java utility.

Before you run WSDL2Java, you must have Axis installed on your system and all of its component JAR files must be referenced in your classpath.

The basic syntax for WSDL2Java is:

java –classpath pathToJAR/Filename org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -a pathToWsdl/WsdlFilename

The -a switch generates code for all elements, referenced or not, which may be necessary depending on your WSDL. For more information, see the WSDL2Java documentation.

If you have JAR files in more than one location, list them with a semicolon separating the files. For example, if the Axis JAR files are installed in C:/axis-1.3, and the WSDL is named my_enterprise.wsdl and is stored in C:/mywsdls:

java –classpath c:/axis-1.3/lib/axis.jar;c:/axis-1.3/lib/axis-ant.jar;c:/axis-1.3/lib/axis-schema.jar;​c:/axis-1.3/lib/commons-discovery-0.2.jar;c:/axis-1.3/lib/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar;​c:/axis-1.3/lib/jaxrpc.jar;c:/axis-1.3/lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar;c:/axis-1.3/lib/saaj.jar;​c:/axis-1.3/lib/wsdl4j-1.5.2.jar;c:/axis-1.3/mail.jar;c:/axis-1.3/activation.jar;c:/axis-1.3/wsdl4j.jar;  org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -a C:/mywsdls/my_enterprise.wsdl

This command will generate a set of folders and Java source code files in the same directory in which it was run. After these files are compiled, they can be included in your Java programs for use in creating client applications.

For most Java development environments, you can use wizard-based tools for this process instead of the command line. For more information about using WSDL2Java, see For more information about using WSDL2Java with, visit the message boards at

Instructions for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio languages access the API through objects that serve as proxies for their server-side counterparts. Before using the API, you must first generate these objects from your organization's WSDL file.

Once you have the proxy classes for the server-side objects, you need to ensure that you specify whether you have set any values on non-string fields. For more information, see Implementation Considerations.

Visual Studio provides two approaches for importing your WSDL file and generating an XML Web service client: an IDE-based approach and a command line approach.

Before you begin, the first step is to create a new application or open an existing application in Visual Studio. In addition, you need to have generated the WSDL file, as described in  Generating the WSDL File for Your Organization.

An XML Web service client is any component or application that references and uses an XML Web service. This does not necessarily need to be a client-based application. In fact, in many cases, your XML Web service clients might be other Web applications, such as Web Forms or even other XML Web services. When accessing XML Web services in managed code, a proxy class and the .NET Framework handle all of the infrastructure coding.

To access an XML Web service from managed code:

  1. Name your project Walkthrough or change the using directive in the following sample to your_project_name.web_reference_name. Then, add a Web reference to your project for the XML Web service that you want to access. The Web reference creates a proxy class with methods that serve as proxies for each exposed method of the XML Web service.
  2. Add the namespace for the Web reference.
  3. Create an instance of the proxy class and then access the methods of that class as you would the methods of any other class.

To add a Web reference:

  1. On the Project menu, choose Add Web Reference.
  2. In the URL box of the Add Web Reference dialog box, type the URL to obtain the service description of the XML Web service you want to access, such as:


  3. Click Go to retrieve information about the XML Web service.
  4. In the Web reference name box, rename the Web reference to sforce, which is the name you will use for this Web reference.
  5. Click Add Reference to add a Web reference for the target XML Web service. For more information, see the topic “Adding and Removing Web References” in the Visual Studio documentation.
  6. Visual Studio retrieves the service description and generates a proxy class to interface between your application and the XML Web service.
If you are using Visual Basic .Net 1.1 and the enterprise WSDL, you will need to modify the generated Web service client to overcome a bug in Visual Studio's client generation utility. The  API exposes two objects ( Case and  Event) whose names conflict with Visual Basic keywords. When the classes that represent these objects are created, Visual Studio wraps the class names with brackets ( [Case] and  [Event]). This is the method by which you can reuse keywords.

Unfortunately, in the definition of the SObject class, Visual Studio does not wrap these to class references in the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute that are part of the SObject definition. To work around this problem in Visual Studio, you need to edit the XmlIncludeAttribute settings for Case and Event as shown below. This does not apply to C# and only applies when using the enterprise version of the WSDL.

     System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType([Event])), _
     System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute(GetType([Case])), _

Step 4: Walk Through the Sample Code

Once you have imported your WSDL file, you can begin building client applications that use the API. Use the following samples to create a basic client application. Comments embedded in the sample explain each section of code.

Java Sample Code

This section walks through a sample Java client application that uses the Apache Axis SOAP client. The purpose of this sample application is to show the required steps for logging into the login server and to demonstrate the invocation and subsequent handling of several API calls. This sample application performs the following main tasks:

  1. Prompts the user for their username and password.
  2. Calls login() to log in to the single login server and, if the login succeeds:
    • Sets the returned sessionId into the session header, which is required for session authentication on subsequent API calls.
    • Resets the endpoint to the returned serverUrl, which is the target of subsequent API calls.

      All client applications that access the API must complete the tasks in this step before attempting any subsequent API calls.

  3. Calls describeGlobal() to retrieve a list of all available objects for the organization’s data.
  4. Calls describeSObject() to retrieve metadata (field list and object properties) for a specified object.
  5. Calls query(), passing a simple query string ( select FirstName, LastName from Contact), and iterating through the returned QueryResult.

Note the error handling code that follows each API call.

//The sample client application begins by importing the necessary packages and objects.  
package com.doc.samples;

import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;

import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.*;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.fault.ExceptionCode;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.fault.LoginFault;
import com.sforce.soap.enterprise.sobject.Contact;

 * Title: Login Sample
 * Description: Console application illustrating login, session management,
 * and server redirection.
 * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005- 2008
 * Company:
 * @version 14.0
public class Samples {
    private SoapBindingStub binding;
    static BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    public Samples() {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws ServiceException {
        Samples samples1 = new Samples();;

    //The sample client application retrieves the user's login credentials.  
    // Helper function for retrieving user input from the console  
    String getUserInput(String prompt) {
        try {
            return rdr.readLine();
        catch (IOException ex) {
            return null;

     * The login call is used to obtain a token from Salesforce.
     * This token must be passed to all other calls to provide
     * authentication.
    private boolean login() throws ServiceException {
        String userName = getUserInput("Enter username: ");
        String password = getUserInput("Enter password: ");
        /** Next, the sample client application initializes the binding stub.
         * This is our main interface to the API through which all 
         * calls are made. The getSoap method takes an optional parameter,
         * (a which is the endpoint.
         * For the login call, the parameter always starts with 
         * http(s):// After logging in, the sample 
         * client application changes the endpoint to the one specified 
         * in the returned loginResult object.
        binding = (SoapBindingStub) new SforceServiceLocator().getSoap();
        // Time out after a minute  
        // Test operation  
        LoginResult loginResult;
        try {
            System.out.println("LOGGING IN NOW....");
            loginResult = binding.login(userName, password);
        catch (LoginFault ex) {
            // The LoginFault derives from AxisFault  
            ExceptionCode exCode = ex.getExceptionCode();
            if (exCode == ExceptionCode.FUNCTIONALITY_NOT_ENABLED ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.INVALID_CLIENT ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.INVALID_LOGIN ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.LOGIN_DURING_RESTRICTED_DOMAIN ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.LOGIN_DURING_RESTRICTED_TIME ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.ORG_LOCKED ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.PASSWORD_LOCKOUT ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.TRIAL_EXPIRED ||
                exCode == ExceptionCode.UNSUPPORTED_CLIENT) {
                System.out.println("Please be sure that you have a valid username " +
                     "and password.");
            } else {
                // Write the fault code to the console  
                // Write the fault message to the console  
                System.out.println("An unexpected error has occurred." + ex.getMessage());
            return false;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("An unexpected error has occurred: " + ex.getMessage());
            return false;
        // Check if the password has expired  
        if (loginResult.isPasswordExpired()) {
            System.out.println("An error has occurred. Your password has expired.");
            return false;
        /** Once the client application has logged in successfully, it will use 
         *  the results of the login call to reset the endpoint of the service  
         *  to the virtual server instance that is servicing your organization.  
         *  To do this, the client application sets the ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY 
         *  of the binding object using the URL returned from the LoginResult.
        /** The sample client application now has an instance of the SoapBindingStub 
         *  that is pointing to the correct endpoint. Next, the sample client application 
         *  sets a persistent SOAP header (to be included on all subsequent calls that 
         *  are made with the SoapBindingStub) that contains the valid sessionId
         *  for our login credentials. To do this, the sample client application 
         *  creates a new SessionHeader object and set its sessionId property to the 
         *  sessionId property from the LoginResult object.
        // Create a new session header object and add the session id  
        // from the login return object  
        _SessionHeader sh = new _SessionHeader();
        /** Next, the sample client application calls the setHeader method of the 
         *  SoapBindingStub to add the header to all subsequent method calls. This  
         *  header will persist until the SoapBindingStub is destroyed until the header 
         *  is explicitly removed. The "SessionHeader" parameter is the name of the 
         *  header to be added.
        // set the session header for subsequent call authentication  
        binding.setHeader(new SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(),
                          "SessionHeader", sh);
        // return true to indicate that we are logged in, pointed  
        // at the right url and have our security token in place.  
        return true;

     * To determine the objects that are available to the logged-in user, the sample 
     * client application executes a describeGlobal call, which returns all of the 
     * objects that are visible to the logged-in user. This call should not be made  
     * more than once per session, as the data returned from the call likely does not  
     * change frequently. The DescribeGlobalResult is simply echoed to the console.
    private void describeGlobalSample() {
            DescribeGlobalResult describeGlobalResult = null;
            describeGlobalResult = binding.describeGlobal();
            DescribeGlobalSObjectResult[] sobjectResults
              = describeGlobalResult.getSobjects();
            for (int i=0;i<sobjectResults.length;i++) {
        catch (Exception ex)
            System.out.println("/nFailed to return types, error message was: /n" + 

     * The following code segment illustrates the type of metadata information that 
     * can be obtained for each object available to the user. The sample client 
     * application executes a describeSObject call on a given object and then echoes  
     * the returned metadata information to the console. Object metadata information
     * includes permissions, field types and length and available values for picklist 
     * fields and types for referenceTo fields.
    private void describeSample() {
        String objectToDescribe = getUserInput("/nType the name of the object to " +
             "describe (try Account): ");
        try {
            DescribeSObjectResult descSObjectRslt;
            descSObjectRslt = binding.describeSObject(objectToDescribe);
            if (descSObjectRslt != null) {
                // Report object level information  
                Field[] fields = descSObjectRslt.getFields();
                String objectName = descSObjectRslt.getName();
                System.out.println("Metadata for " + objectToDescribe + " object:/n");
                System.out.println("Object name = " + objectName);
                System.out.println("Number of fields = " + fields.length);
                System.out.println("Object can be activated = " + 
                System.out.println("Can create rows of data = " + 
                System.out.println("Object is custom object = " + 
                System.out.println("Can delete rows of data = " + 
                System.out.println("Can query for rows of data = " + 
                System.out.println("Object used in replication = " + 
                System.out.println("Can retrieve object = " + 
                System.out.println("Can search object = " + 
                System.out.println("Can un-delete = " + 
                System.out.println("Can update = " + 
                System.out.println("/nField metadata for " + objectToDescribe + 
                     " object:/n");
                // Report information about each field  
                if (fields != null) {
                    for (Field field : fields) {
                        PicklistEntry[] picklistValues = field.getPicklistValues();
                        String[] referenceTos = field.getReferenceTo();
                        System.out.println("************* New Field ***************");
                        System.out.println("Name = " + field.getName());
                        System.out.println("Label = " + field.getLabel());
                        System.out.println("Length = " + field.getLength());
                        System.out.println("Bytelength = " + field.getByteLength());
                        System.out.println("Digits = " + field.getDigits());
                        System.out.println("Precision = " + field.getPrecision());
                        System.out.println("Scale = " + field.getScale());
                        System.out.println("Field type = " + field.getType());
                        // field properties  
                        System.out.println("Custom field = " + field.isCustom());
                        System.out.println("Name field = " + field.isNameField());
                        System.out.println("Can set field value on Create = " + 
                        System.out.println("Can set field value on Update = " + 
                        System.out.println("Can be used to filter results = " + 
                        System.out.println("Field value can be empty = " + 
                        System.out.println("Field value is defaulted on Create = " + 
                        System.out.println("Field value is calculated = " + 
                        System.out.println("Field value is a restricted picklist = " + 
                        if (picklistValues != null) {
                            System.out.println("Picklist values = ");
                            for (PicklistEntry picklistValue : picklistValues) {
                                if (picklistValue.getLabel() != null)
                                    System.out.print(" item: " + picklistValue.getLabel());
                                    System.out.print(" item: " + picklistValue.getValue());
                                System.out.print(", value = " + picklistValue.getValue());
                                System.out.println(", is default = " + 
                        if (referenceTos != null) {
                            System.out.println("Field references the following objects:");
                            for (String referenceTo : referenceTos) System.out.println(" " 
                                + referenceTo);
                    getUserInput("/nDescribe " + objectToDescribe +
                         " was successful./n/nHit the enter key to continue....");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("/nFailed to get " + objectToDescribe +
                 " description, error message was: /n " + ex.getMessage());
            getUserInput("/nHit return to continue...");

     * The sample client application executes a query by invoking the query call, 
     * passing a simple query string ("select FirstName, LastName from Contact") 
     * and iterating through the returned QueryResult.
    private void querySample() {
        _QueryOptions qo = new _QueryOptions();
        binding.setHeader(new SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(), 
             "QueryOptions", qo);
        try {
            QueryResult qr = binding.query("select FirstName, LastName from Contact");
            if (qr.getSize() > 0) {
                      System.out.println("Logged in user can see "
                          + qr.getRecords().length + " contact records. ");
                      do {
                          // output contact records  
                          for (int i = 0; i < qr.getRecords().length; i++) {
                              Contact con = (Contact) qr.getRecords(i);
                              String fName = con.getFirstName();
                              String lName = con.getLastName();
                              if (fName == null) {
                                  System.out.println("Contact " + (i + 1) + ": "
                                   + lName);
                              } else {
                                      System.out.println("Contact " + (i + 1) + ": "
                                       + fName + " " + lName);

                       if (!qr.isDone()) {
                               qr = binding.queryMore(qr.getQueryLocator());
                       } else {
                   } while (qr.getSize() > 0);
           } else {
                    System.out.println("No records found.");

          getUserInput("Query succesfully executed. /nHit return to continue...");
     } catch (RemoteException ex) {
         System.out.println("/nFailed to execute query succesfully, error message was:" + 
                            "/n" + ex.getMessage());
         getUserInput("/nHit return to continue...");

    private void run() throws ServiceException {
        if (login()) {
            getUserInput("SUCCESSFUL LOGIN! Hit the enter key to continue.");

C# Sample Code

This section walks through a sample C# client application. The purpose of this sample application is to show the required steps for logging in and to demonstrate the invocation and subsequent handling of several API calls.

This sample application performs the following main tasks:

  1. Prompts the user for their username and password.
  2. Calls login() to log in to the single login server and, if the login succeeds:
    • Sets the returned sessionId into the session header, which is required for session authentication on subsequent API calls.
    • Resets the endpoint to the returned serverUrl, which is the target of subsequent API calls.

      All client applications that access the API must complete the tasks in this step before attempting any subsequent API calls.

  3. Calls describeGlobal() to retrieve a list of all available objects for the organization’s data. The describeGlobal method determines the objects that are available to the logged in user. This call should not be made more than once per session, since the data returned from the call is not likely to change frequently. TheDescribeGlobalResult is echoed to the console.
  4. Calls describeSObject() to retrieve metadata (field list and object properties) for a specified object. The describeSObject method illustrates the type of metadata information that can be obtained for each object available to the user. The sample client application executes a describeSObject() call on a given object and then echoes the returned metadata information to the console. Object metadata information includes permissions, field types and lengths, and available values for picklist fields and types for referenceTo fields.
  5. Calls query(), passing a simple query string ("SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Contact"), and iterating through the returned QueryResult.

In the following sample code, API calls and other significant code are identified in a bold font. In addition, note the error handling code that follows each API call.

The following code begins the sample C# client application.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using Walkthrough.sforce;

namespace Walkthrough
    class WalkthroughSample
        private SforceService binding;
        static private WalkthroughSample walkthroughSample;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            walkthroughSample = new WalkthroughSample();

        public void run()
            //Call the login call  
            if (login())
                //Do a describe global  

                //describe an account object  

                //retrieve some data using query  

        private bool login()
            Console.Write("Enter username: ");
            string username = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter password: ");
            string password = Console.ReadLine();

            // Create a service object  
            binding = new SforceService();

            // Timeout after a minute  
            binding.Timeout = 60000;

            // Try logging in  
            LoginResult lr;
                Console.WriteLine("LOGGING IN NOW...");
                lr = binding.login(username, password);
            // ApiFault is a proxy stub generated from the WSDL contract when  
            // the web service was imported  
            catch (SoapException e)
                // Write the fault code to the console  

                // Write the fault message to the console  
                Console.WriteLine("An unexpected error has occurred: " + e.Message);

                // Write the stack trace to the console  

                // Return False to indicate that the login was not successful  
                return false;

            // Check if the password has expired  
            if (lr.passwordExpired)
                Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred. Your password has expired.");
                return false;

            /** Once the client application has logged in successfully, it will use
             * the results of the login call to reset the endpoint of the service
             * to the virtual server instance that is servicing your organization
            binding.Url = lr.serverUrl;

            /** The sample client application now has an instance of the SforceService
             * that is pointing to the correct endpoint. Next, the sample client
             * application sets a persistent SOAP header (to be included on all
             * subsequent calls that are made with SforceService) that contains the
             * valid sessionId for our login credentials. To do this, the sample
             * client application creates a new SessionHeader object and persist it to
             * the SforceService. Add the session ID returned from the login to the
             * session header
            binding.SessionHeaderValue = new SessionHeader();
            binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = lr.sessionId;

            // Return true to indicate that we are logged in, pointed  
            // at the right URL and have our security token in place.  
            return true;

        private void describeGlobal()
            //describeGlobal returns an array of object results that  
            //includes the object names that are available to the logged-in user  
            DescribeGlobalResult dgr = binding.describeGlobal();
            Console.WriteLine("/nDescribe Global Results:/n");

            //Loop through the array echoing the object names to the console  
            for (int i = 0; i < dgr.sobjects.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("/n/nHit enter to continue...");

        private void describeSObject(string objectType)
            //Call the describeSObject passing in the object type name  
            DescribeSObjectResult dsr =

            //The first properites we will echo are on the object itself  
            //First we will output some Descriptive info on the object  
            Console.WriteLine("/n/nObject Name: " +;
            if (dsr.custom) Console.WriteLine("Custom Object");
            if (dsr.label != null) Console.WriteLine("Label: " + dsr.label);

            //now the permissions on the object  
            if (dsr.activateable) Console.WriteLine("Activateable");
            if (dsr.createable) Console.WriteLine("Createable");
            if (dsr.deletable) Console.WriteLine("Deleteable");
            if (dsr.queryable) Console.WriteLine("Queryable");
            if (dsr.replicateable) Console.WriteLine("Replicateable");
            if (dsr.retrieveable) Console.WriteLine("Retrieveable");
            if (dsr.searchable) Console.WriteLine("Searchable");
            if (dsr.undeletable) Console.WriteLine("Undeleteable");
            if (dsr.updateable) Console.WriteLine("Updateable");

            //Now we will retrieve meta-data about each of the fields  
            for (int i = 0; i < dsr.fields.Length; i++)
                //Create field object for readability  
                Field field = dsr.fields[i];

                //Echo some useful information  
                Console.WriteLine("Field name: " +;
                Console.WriteLine("/tField Label: " + field.label);
                //This next property indicates that this   
                //field is searched when using  
                //the name search group in SOSL  
                if (field.nameField)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tThis is a name field.");
                if (field.restrictedPicklist)
                    Console.WriteLine("This is a RESTRICTED picklist field.");
                Console.WriteLine("/tType is: " + field.type.ToString());
                if (field.length > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tLength: " + field.length);
                if (field.scale > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tScale: " + field.scale);
                if (field.precision > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tPrecision: " + field.precision);
                if (field.digits > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tDigits: " + field.digits);
                if (field.custom)
                    Console.WriteLine("/tThis is a custom field.");
                //Output the permission on this field.  
                if (field.nillable) Console.WriteLine("/tCan be nulled.");
                if (field.createable) Console.WriteLine("/tCreateable");
                if (field.filterable) Console.WriteLine("/tFilterable");
                if (field.updateable) Console.WriteLine("/tUpdateable");

                //If this is a picklist field, we will show the values  
                if (field.type.Equals(fieldType.picklist))
                    Console.WriteLine("/tPicklist Values");
                    for (int j = 0; j < field.picklistValues.Length; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("/t/t" + field.picklistValues[j].value);

                //If this is a foreign key field (reference),   
                //we will show the values  
                if (field.type.Equals(fieldType.reference))
                    Console.WriteLine("/tCan reference these objects:");
                    for (int j = 0; j < field.referenceTo.Length; j++)
                        Console.WriteLine("/t/t" + field.referenceTo[j]);


            Console.WriteLine("/n/nHit enter to continue...");
        private void querySample()
            //The results will be placed in qr  
            QueryResult qr = null;

            //We are going to increase our return batch size to 250 items  
            //Setting is a recommendation only, different batch sizes may  
            //be returned depending on data, to keep performance optimized.  
            binding.QueryOptionsValue = new QueryOptions();
            binding.QueryOptionsValue.batchSize = 250;
            binding.QueryOptionsValue.batchSizeSpecified = true;

                qr = binding.query("select FirstName, LastName from Contact");
                bool done = false;
                if (qr.size > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Logged-in user can see "
                          + qr.records.Length + " contact records.");
                    while (!done)
                        for (int i = 0; i < qr.records.Length; i++)
                            Contact con = (Contact)qr.records[i];
                            string fName = con.FirstName;
                            string lName = con.LastName;
                            if (fName == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("Contact " + (i + 1) + ": " + lName);
                                Console.WriteLine("Contact " + (i + 1) + ": " + fName
                                       + " " + lName);
                        if (qr.done)
                            done = true;
                            qr = binding.queryMore(qr.queryLocator);
                    Console.WriteLine("No records found.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("/nFailed to execute query succesfully," +
                    "error message was: /n{0}", ex.Message);
            Console.WriteLine("/n/nHit enter to exit...");
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