
Asterisk sound files


June 10th 2011: High Quality Dutch Prompts (Nederlands)

Default Asterisk PBX voice prompts in Dutch offered by DialXS.
Downloads from this private page:

January 5th 2009: German Text-To-Speech engine

Free web-based Text-to-Speech engine to generate custom voice prompts in German offered by Amooma.

October 31st 2008 : New German Male Voice available for free use!

professional digital recording, already converted to GSM ready for download here: (

April 21th 2008 : Spanish voices available free under Creative Commons License. ( is now online again offering a free Spanish Voice Pack under the Creative Commons License.

December 20th 2006 : New french voices services offers a new Web service to create your own greeting message. With a new technology (TTS and music mixed together), you can have french and english messages. For the moment, there are only 2 languages (FR, UK/US) and 6 voices, but they'll add more voices for 2007. I found this web site very usefull, and I can get new messages in 2 sound format (MP3 and WAV) and only in 3 minutes.

December 2006: American English third-party sound files released

Voice Vector Media ( has released a free full voice-pack containing over 1,500 sound files intended to replace the default sound files distributed with Asterisk. The studio recordings are high-quality and feature a very pleasant and professional female voice speaking American English. These voice-packs are offered in Asterisk Native (sln) format, u-law, a-law, and GSM. Voice Vector Media also offers inexpensive custom recording services to extend and customize this voice-pack. The company's web site lists additional voice-packs in production for a male voice speaking American English and a female voice speaking British English. As of December 19, 2006, the company's website is offering custom recordings at half price.

June 2006: New Zealand voice prompts available has provided anyone a free series of New Zealand english asterisk voice prompts.
A full list of files can be viewed here.
There is also a Sourceforge subversion area, where they are updated as people ask for changes or comments about them.

May 2006: British English voice prompts available

EniCommunications corp is kindly offering the Asterisk community a free series of British English recordings made by Alison Keenan (another Alison!) in various formats including SLIN, WAV, alaw, ulaw, gsm, g723 and g729. The files are of a high quality. You should make a copy of the original sound files beforehand as you may wish to copy back various ones (like the 'beeps') that aren't included with this new set - eg:

cd /var/lib/asterisk
mv sounds sounds.orig
mkdir sounds
mkdir sounds/custom (make this or freepbx complains)
cd sounds
tar xvfz /path/to/downloaded/sounds/file
(repeat tar for all downloaded files)
chown -R asterisk:asterisk ../sounds
(copy from sounds.orig all *beep* files and anything else you find missing)
amportal restart

To avoid having to go hunting for missing files, or to enable you to switch languages in channels you can do this:

Download and decompress all versions apart from the 44k wavs (I found tar did not recognise the file format and I had to use WinRAR)
mkdir /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en_GB
move all files into en_GB, merging the files in each directory
chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en_GB
In sip_custom.conf add the line: language=en_GB

You can find the files here

Notes (based on Asterisk@home 2.8)

At the time of writing (30th May 2006):

The g729 download on the site seems to contain g723 files.

Some essential recordings are missing - for example, a couple for conferences, which can be fixed by issuing the following commands from the sounds directory:

cp conf-getpin.sln enter-conf-pin-number.sln
cp conf-getconfno.sln enter-conf-call-number.sln

"goodbye" is also missing but can be extracted from demo-thanks.wav using Audacity and then processed into an sln file with sox using the command: sox goodbye.wav -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 goodbye.sln

The speaking clock announcement is also missing but can be created by editing a copy of queue-holdtime.wav to make it say "The time is currently" and editing extensions_custom.conf to point to your new sln file created with sox.

One or more sound files for the voicemail service are missing and so voicemail hangs up when you try to listen to your messages.

The site owners have been informed of these issues and sent the missing sound files so things may be fixed by the time you download the tar files.

Jan 2006: Standard prompts now in native format (instead of GSM)

Asterisk Native Sounds are a collection of audio prompts for Asterisk. They will improve quality, reduce CPU usage, reduce latency, and (in some cases) eliminate the need for G729 licenses!
The Asterisk Native Sounds are a collection of alternative sounds prompts for Asterisk. Here's how it works. I had Allison Smith (the voice of Asterisk) re-record all of the sound prompts present in Asterisk 1.2. She provided them to me in the best audio format possible. I then converted them into several native Asterisk sound formats.

cd /var/lib/asterisk/
mv sounds sounds.orig
tar -xvjf /path/to/sounds.tar.bz2

(repeat last step for other formats)
The audio prompts are available from the "Extras" category in the Downloads section of

Recording hints

If you want to record sound files with Asterisk, you may use the record application.
If you record in a studio, use 8kHz 16 bits, not 8 bits. The phone line is 12 to 13 bits compressed down to 8 in a pseudo-logarithmic way. If you start with 8 bit linear data it will sound considerably worse than 8 bit data, unless the volume is very uniform.

A very useful application is Audacity. This is open source (like Asterisk) and is used by professional musicians for recording. You can normalise the volume (make it a standard volume) and it is very good at removing background noise.

An alternative for Windows is WavePad Sound Editor for Windows. It is also free.

If you are lucky enough to have CoolEdit (now called Adobe Audition), you should record your source material using a high (at least 44Khz) sample rate, apply any filters or normalization that you want, then downsample your audio to 8000hz and save in Windows PCM wav (16 bit) format.

When recording find a really quiet place. Background noise is usually the biggest hassle when recording prompts. Other than that, use a reasonable mic; fix it down someplace (don't hand hold it); and get your "voice model" to sit comfortably, so they sound nice and relaxed. Choose a friend or colleague - someone easily accessible for more recordings when you realise you have forgotten some.

Developing IVR Menus: This page contains some hints for developing IVR menus which may be useful.

Tip: Transcoding consumes CPU power, so ideally you have your prompts in a file format that already matches the current channel's codec. Type show file formats at the Asterisk CLI to get an overview of the available formats.

Note: With Asterisk 1.2.x the transcoding behaviour changed: SLINEAR (signed linear) is now the "root" format and thus it is probably an excellent idea to encode your sound files as SLINEAR as well.

Adjusting the volume

After cutting the prompts and saving them (audacity works nice for that), this little script makes sure that all the voice prompts have more-or-less the same (maximum) volume:

for i in *.wav; do
scale=$(sox "$i" /tmp/foo.wav stat -v 2>&1)
if [ $scale != "1.000" ]; then
echo -n "Rescale $i..."
cp "$i" $tmpfile
sox $tmpfile -v $scale "$i"


Creating GSM files with sox

This is how you convert wav files to gsm files used by Asterisk
$ sox inputfile.wav -r 8000 -c 1 outputfile.gsm resample -ql

Converting all files in a directory:
for i in *.wav; do sox $i -r 8000 -c 1 $(basename $i .wav).gsm resample -ql; done

sox has many features, I have found that when converting from
44 Khz wav files adding the option resample -ql gives the best results.

Mixing .wav files into a single .gsm:

exten => s,1,SetVar(MONITORDIR=/var/spool/asterisk/monitor)
exten => s,2,GotoIf($[${CALLFILENAME} = ${FOO}]?6:3)
exten => s,3,System(soxmix ${MONITORDIR}/${CALLFILENAME}-in.wav ${MONITORDIR}/${CALLFILENAME}-out.wav ${MONITORDIR}/${CALLFILENAME}.gsm)
exten => s,4,System(/bin/rm ${MONITORDIR}/${CALLFILENAME}-in.wav ${MONITORDIR}/${CALLFILENAME}-out.wav)
exten => s,5,NoOp

If you'd like to use sox to simply examine a sound file use this little snippet (of course .raw files won't return much info because the don't have any describing headers embedded in the file):

sox -V file.wav -e stat (with latest version of sox : "sox -V file.wav -n")

See also Asterisk cmd monitor

Creating GSM files with gstreamer

gst-launch filesrc location="input.mp3" ! spider ! volume volume=0.6 ! audioconvert ! audioscale ! audio/x-raw-int,channels=1,rate=8000 ! gsmenc ! filesink location="output.gsm"

Joining files

cat 1.gsm 2.gsm 3.gsm > new.gsm

Editing files

On Win32, a utility which can edit .gsm files direct is WavePad
Alternatively view on how to install gsm codec on Win95/98 and then play it with sndrec32 or some such...plays natively on my windows boxes...

Tools for converting GSM files

Switch Sound Format Converter
GX::Transcoder: Freeware tool for sound conversion, including g729 and g723 formats
On-line audio conversion by, including G729 and g723 formats

Playing GSM files on Windows

First of all take a look at WavePad.
Playing GSM files can also be done using freely available Quicktime player.
Moreover you can use this free Winamp plugin
Another useful tool is j2 messenger.
Java applet for playing gsm files in a web browser
Flash-based player, able to playback all asterisk-recorded formats including gsm can be found there

Location of the sound files

Asterisk normally looks for a sound file with an extension used for the codec used. If a language is set for the channel with the SetLanguage() application, Asterisk first looks for countrycode/filename where countrycode is the language code (example:. 'fr' for french). Languages and special tones for that country or region are defined in indications.conf.

Performance improvements

Store the voice prompts in RAM instead of harddisk: Take a look at ramfs (even more on ramfs). All you need then is to create a link (ln -s) in /var/lib/asterisk/sound to then ramdrive you created using ramfs.
A modern operating system (e.g. Linux) caches often used files in RAM, mitigating this optimization. You might need it if you are accessing lots of different files and the disk cache expires. Perform some tests to see if this is a bottleneck before making your setup more complicated.

AGI enhancements


This is an extension module for the Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) that adds commands to allow the transfer of audio files to and from Asterisk via the AGI session. This is useful when using FastAGI from a remote host; sounds recorded by Asterisk may be retrieved by remote FastAGI-providing service, for example, or sound files required by the remote service may be dynamically added to the Asterisk server.
This module adds the following AGI commands:
PUT SOUNDFILE <soundfile> <size>
GET SOUNDFILE <soundfile>

Sound file listing
The following files are included in the Asterisk distribution in the directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
The text of the sound files can be found in sounds.txt or core-sounds-en.txt (or /usr/share/doc/asterisk-sounds-main/sounds.txt.gz).

Here's yet another transcription of sound files to be found:
Master List of sounds, durations, locations, and transcriptions in Asterisk 1.0.7. Also includes an MP3 of each GSM file for easy listening.
Standard sounds in Asterisk 1.0.7
Additional sounds in Asterisk 1.0.7

General sound files

agent-alreadyon: That agent is already logged on. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
agent-incorrect: Login incorrect. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
agent-loggedoff: Agent Logged off.
agent-loginok: Agent logged in.
agent-newlocation: Please enter a new extension, followed by pound.
agent-pass: Please enter your password followed by the pound key.
agent-user: Agent login. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
auth-incorrect: Password incorrect. Please enter your password followed by the pound key.
auth-thankyou: Thank you.
beep: this is a simple beep tone
beeperr: this is an error beep tone
conf-adminmenu: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself, 2 to lock or unlock the conference, 3 to eject the last user, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume, or 8 to exit.
demo-abouttotry: I am about to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange connection to a demonstration server located at Digium. In order for this to work you must already be connected to the Internet. Please wait a moment while I attempt to make the connection.
demo-congrats: Congratulations. You have successfully installed and executed the Asterisk open source PBX. You have also installed a set of sample sounds and configuration files that should help you to get started. Like a normal PBX you will navigate this demonstration by dialing digits. If you are using a console channel driver instead of a real phone you can use the dial, answer, and hang up commands to simulate the actions of a standard telephone.
demo-echodone: The echo test has been completed.
demo-echotest: You are about to enter an echo test. In this mode everything you say will be repeated back to you just as soon as it is received. The purpose of this test is to give you an audible sense of the latency between you and the machine that is running the echo test application. You may end the test by hanging up or by pressing the pound key.
demo-enterkeywords: Please enter one or more keywords separated by * and then press the pound key.
demo-instruct: If you would like to learn more technical information about Asterisk dial 2 now. If you'd like to test out the voice over IP capabilities of Asterisk you can dial 500 to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange or IAX connection to a demonstration server at Digium. In order for this test to work you will need to be connected to the Internet and have at least a 28.8 kilobit modem. To execute an echo test dial 600. This test is most useful when you have connected to this Asterisk server from a remote location. The sample configuration also has a single user with extension 1234 and password 4242. That user is configured to ring the console when their extension is dialed. If you dial 1234 you can try to ring the console. If the console is busy or unavailable you will be given the option to leave voicemail. To check voice mail for the user dial extension 8500 to enter the voicemail system. Finally, you can press the pound key to disconnect from the PBX.
demo-moreinfo: Asterisk is an Open Source full-featured PBX and IVR platform that runs on the linux operating system. For more information, visit
demo-nogo: I am afraid I was unable to create a connection to the Digium demonstration Asterisk server. You may find some helpful debugging information on the Asterisk console.
demo-nomatch: I'm sorry there are no matches for those keywords
demo-thanks: Goodbye. Thank you for trying out the Asterisk Open Source PBX.
dictate/both_help: press * to toggle pause, press # to enter a new dictation filename
dictate/enter_filename: Enter a numeric dictation filename followed by # or just # to exit
dictate/forhelp: press 0 for help
dictate/pause: pause
dictate/paused: paused
dictate/play_help: press 1 to switch to record mode, press 2 to toggle fast playback, press 7 to jump backwards, press 8 to jump forwards
dictate/playback: playback
dictate/playback_mode: playback mode
dictate/record: record
dictate/record_help: press 1 to switch to playback mode, press 8 to truncate the file and start over
dictate/record_mode: record mode
dictate/truncating_audio: truncating audio
dollars: dollars
followme/call-from.wav: incoming call from
followme/no-recording.wav: you have an incoming call
followme/options.wav: press 1 to accept this call, or 2 to reject it
followme/pls-hold-while-try.wav: please hold while I try to locate the person you are calling
followme/sorry.wav: I'm sorry, but I was unable to locate the person you are calling
followme/status.wav: the person you are calling is not at their desk; I will try to locate them for you
hello-world: Hello world.
hours: hours
invalid: I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again.
minutes: minutes
pbx-invalid: I am sorry, that's not a valid extension. Please try again.
pbx-invalidpark: I am sorry, there is no call parked on that extension. Please try again.
pbx-transfer: Transfer.
phonetic/9_p: niner
phonetic/a_p: alpha
phonetic/b_p: bravo
phonetic/c_p: charlie
phonetic/d_p: delta
phonetic/e_p: echo
phonetic/f_p: foxtrot
phonetic/g_p: golf
phonetic/h_p: hotel
phonetic/i_p: india
phonetic/j_p: juliet
phonetic/k_p: kilo
phonetic/l_p: lima
phonetic/m_p: mike
phonetic/n_p: november
phonetic/niner: niner
phonetic/o_p: oscar
phonetic/p_p: papa
phonetic/q_p: quebec
phonetic/r_p: romeo
phonetic/s_p: sierra
phonetic/t_p: tango
phonetic/u_p: uniform
phonetic/v_p: victor
phonetic/w_p: whiskey
phonetic/x_p: xray
phonetic/y_p: yankee
phonetic/z_p: zulu
priv-callee-options: Dial 1 if you wish this caller to reach you directly now, and in the future. Dial 2 if you wish to send this caller to voicemail now and forevermore. Dial 3 to send this caller to the torture menus, now and forevermore. Dial 4 to send this caller to a polite "don't call" menu, now and forevermore. Dial 5 to allow this caller to come straight thru to you in the future, but just this once, send them to voicemail.
priv-callpending: I have a caller waiting, who introduces themselves as:
priv-introsaved: Thank you. Please hold, while I attempt to connect you with your party!
priv-recordintro: At the tone, please say your name.
privacy-incorrect: I'm sorry, that number is not valid.
privacy-prompt: Please enter your phone number, starting with the area code.
privacy-thankyou: Thank you.
privacy-unident: The party you are trying to reach does not accept unidentified calls.
queue-callswaiting: Waiting to speak with a representative
queue-holdtime: The estimated hold time is currently
queue-less-than: less than
queue-minutes: Minutes
queue-periodic-announce: All of our represenatives are currently busy. Please stay on the line and your call will be answered by the next available representative.
queue-reporthold: Hold time
queue-seconds: Seconds
queue-thankyou: Thank you for your patience
queue-thereare: You are currently caller number
queue-youarenext: Your call is now first in line and will be answered by the next available representative.
screen-callee-options: You have these options: Dial 1 if you wish to immediately connect to the incoming call. Dial 2 if you wish to send this caller to voicemail. Dial 3 to send this caller to the torture menus. Dial 4 to send this caller to a polite "don't call" menu.
seconds: seconds
spy-agent: Agent
spy-dahdi: DAHDI
spy-h323: H.323
spy-iax2: IAX (note: does not say "2")
spy-iax: IAX
spy-mgcp: MGCP
spy-sip: SIP
spy-skinny: Skinny
spy-zap: Zap
ss-noservice: The number you have dialed is not in service. Please check the number and try again.
transfer: Please hold while I try that extension.
tt-allbusy: All representatives of the household are currently assisting other telemarketers. Please hold and your call will be answered in the order it was received.
tt-monkeys: sound of monkeys screaming
tt-monkeysintro: They have been carried away by monkeys
tt-somethingwrong: Something is terribly wrong
tt-weasels: Weasels have eaten our phone system
dir-firstlast: ... letters of your party's first or last name.
dir-last: ... letters of your party's last name.
dir-multi1: Press ...
dir-multi2: ... for ...
dir-multi3: ... extension ...
dir-multi9: Press 9 for more entries.
dir-pls-enter: Please enter the first ...
dir-usingkeypad: ... using your touchtone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q, and the 9 key for Z.
dir-welcome: Welcome to the directory
queue-quantity1: Currently, there are more than ...
queue-quantity2: ... callers waiting to speak with a representative.
spy-console: Console
spy-jingle: Jingle
spy-local: Local
spy-misdn: M I S D N
spy-mobile: Bluetooth Mobile
spy-nbs: N B S
spy-unistim: Unistim
spy-usbradio: USB Radio
vm-duration: This message lasts ...
vm-invalid-password: That password does not meet the minimum requirements for this mailbox. Please try again.
vm-invalidpassword: That is not a valid password. Please try again.
vm-marked-nonurgent: Urgent status removed.
vm-marked-urgent: Message marked urgent.
vm-onefor-full: Press one to listen to ...
vm-opts-full: press 2 to access messages saved in other folders. Press 3 to record a message for another mailbox. Press 0 for greetings and password management.
vm-review-nonurgent: Press 4 to remove the urgent status of this message.
vm-review-urgent: Press 4 to mark this message as urgent.
vm-tmpexists: There is a temporary greeting, which overrides your standard greetings.
vm-Urgent: urgent


See the MeetMe command. Updated to Asterisk Note the last 5 files appear to be no longer used, but are included in Asterisk, so are included here for completeness.
conf-adminmenu: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself. 2 to lock or unlock the conference, 3 to eject the last user, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume, or 8 to exit
conf-adminmenu-162: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself. 2 to lock or unlock the conference, 3 to eject the last user, 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 5 to extend the conference, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume, or 8 to exit
conf-banned: You have been banned from this conference
conf-enteringno: You are entering conference number
conference: conference
conference-call: conference call
conference-reservations: conference reservations
conf-errormenu: Invalid choice
conf-extended: The conference has been extended
conf-full: That conference is full
conf-getchannel: Please enter the channel number followed by the pound key
conf-getconfno: Please enter your conference number followed by the pound key
conf-getpin: Please enter the conference PIN number
conf-hasentered: has entered the conference
conf-hasjoin: is now in the conference.
conf-hasleft: has left the conference.
conf-invalid: That is not a valid conference number. Please try again.
conf-invalidpin: That PIN is invalid for this conference
confirm-number-is: Your confirmation number is
conf-kicked: You have been kicked from this conference
conf-leaderhasleft: The leader has left the conference.
conf-locked: This conference is locked
conf-lockednow: The conference is now locked
conf-muted: You are now muted
conf-noempty: No empty conferences currently exist
conf-nonextended: The conference cannot be extended
conf-onlyone: There is currently one other participant in the conference
conf-onlyperson: You are currently the only person in this conference
conf-onlypersonleft: You are now the only person left in this conference
conf-otherinparty: other participants in the conference
conf-peopleinconf: people in this conference
conf-placeintoconf: You will now be placed into the conference
conf-sysop: The Sysop
conf-sysopreq: System operator requested
conf-sysopreqcancelled: System operator request cancelled
conf-thereare: There are
conf-unlockednow: The conference is now unlocked
conf-unmuted: You are now unmuted
conf-usermenu: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself. 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume or 8 to exit.
conf-usermenu-162: Please press 1 to mute or unmute yourself. 4 or 6 to decrease or increase the conference volume, 5 to extend the conference, 7 or 9 to decrease or increase your volume or 8 to exit.
conf-userswilljoin: users will join the conference
conf-userwilljoin: user will join the conference
conf-waitforleader: The conference will begin when the leader arrives
conf-youareinconfnum: You are in conference number
enter-conf-call-number: Please enter the conference call number for the conference you wish to join
enter-conf-pin-number: Please enter the conference PIN number
entering-conf-number: You are entering conference number
no-empty-conferences: No empty conferences currently exist
pls-enter-conf-password: Please enter the conference password

Agent sound files

See Asterisk agents.
agent-alreadyon: That agent is already logged on. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
agent-incorrect: Login incorrect. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.
agent-loggedoff: Agent logged off.
agent-loginok: Agent logged in.
agent-newlocation: Please enter new extension, followed by pound.
agent-pass: Please enter your password followed by the pound key.
agent-user: Agent login. Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.

Demo sound files

These are used in the [demo] context of extensions.conf in the sample files installed with Asterisk.
demo-abouttotry: I am about to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange connection to a demonstration server located at Digium. In order for this to work you must already be connected to the Internet. Please wait a moment while I attempt to make the connection.
demo-congrats: Congratulations. You have successfully installed and executed the Asterisk open source PBX. You have also installed a set of sample sounds and configuration files that should help you to get started. Like a normal PBX, you will navigate this demonstration by dialing digits. If you are using a console channel driver instead of a real phone you can use the dial, answer, and hang up commands to simulate the actions of a standard telephone.
demo-echodone: The echo test has been completed.
demo-echotest: You are about to enter an echo test. In this mode everything you say will be repeated back to you just as soon as it is received. The purpose of this test is to give you an audible sense of the latency between you and the machine that is running the echo test application. You may end the test by hanging up or pressing the pound key.
demo-enterkeywords: Please enter one or more keywords separated by star and then press the pound key.
demo-instruct: If you would like to learn more technical information about Asterisk, dial 2 now. If you'd like to test out the voice-over-IP capabilities of Asterisk, you can dial five-hundred to attempt an Inter-Asterisk Exchange, or IAX connection to a demonstration server at Digium. In order for this test to work, you will need to be connected to the Internet and have at least a twenty-eight-point-eight kilobit modem. To execute an echo test, dial six-hundred. This test is most useful when you have connected to this Asterisk server from a remote location. The sample configuration also has a single user with extension one two three four, and password four two four two. That user is configured to ring the console, when their extension is dialed. If you dial one two three four, you can try to ring the console. If the console is busy, or unavailable, you will be given the option to leave voicemail. To check voice mail for the user dial extension eight five zero zero to enter the voicemail system. Finally, you can press the pound key to disconnect from the PBX.
demo-moreinfo: Asterisk is an open source, full-featured PBX and IVR platform that runs on the Linux operating system. For more information visit w w w dot asterisk dot org.
demo-nogo: I am afraid I was unable to create a connection to the Digium demonstration Asterisk server. You may find some helpful debugging information on the Asterisk console.
demo-nomatch: I'm sorry there are no matches for those keywords.
demo-thanks: Goodbye. Thank you for trying out the Asterisk Open Source PBX.


See the Directory command. List correct as at Asterisk
dir-welcome: Welcome to the directory
dir-firstlast: letters of your parties first or last name
dir-multi1: Press
dir-nomore: There are no more compatible entries in the directory
dir-multi3: extension
dir-usingkeypad: using your touchtone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q and the 9 key for Z
dir-multi2: for
dir-nomatch: No directory entries match your search
dir-intro-fn: Welcome to the directory. Please enter the first three digits of your parties first name using your touchtone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q and the 9 key for Z
dir-last: letters of your parties last name
dir-multi9: Press 9 for more entries
dir-instr: If this is the person you are looking for, press 1 now. Otherwise please press * now.
dir-intro: Welcome to the directory. Please enter the first three letters of your parties last name using your touchtone keypad. Use the 7 key for Q and the 9 key for Z
dir-pls-enter: Please enter the first
dir-first: letters of your parties first name

Voicemail sound files

See the Voicemail command. List correct as at Asterisk
vm-advopts: Press 3 for advanced options.
vm-and: and
vm-calldiffnum: Press 2 to enter a different number
vm-changeto: Change to which folder?
vm-Cust1: Folder. Five.
vm-Cust2: Folder. Six.
vm-Cust3: Folder. Seven.
vm-Cust4: Folder. Eight.
vm-Cust5: Folder. Nine.
vm-delete: Press 7 to delete this message.
vm-deleted: Message deleted.
vm-dialout: Please wait while I connect your call.
vm-duration: This message lasts
vm-enter-num-to-call: Please enter the number you wish to call.
vm-extension: extension
vm-Family: family
vm-first: first
vm-for: for
vm-forward: Press 1 to enter an extension. Press 2 to use the directory.
vm-forward-multiple: Press 1 to send this message or 2 to add another recipient
vm-forwardoptions: Press 1 to prepend the message, or 2 to forward a message without prepending.
vm-Friends: friends
vm-from: from
vm-from-extension: message from extension
vm-from-phonenumber: message from phone number
vm-goodbye: goodbye
vm-helpexit: Press star for help or pound to exit.
vm-INBOX: new
vm-incorrect: Login incorrect.
vm-incorrect-mailbox: Login incorrect. Mailbox:
vm-instructions: To look into your messages press 1 now. You may quit voicemail at any time by pressing the pound key.
vm-intro: Please leave your message after the tone. When done hang up or press the pound key.
vm-invalid-password: That password does not meet the minimum requirements for this mailbox
vm-invalidpassword: That is not a valid password. Please try again.
vm-isonphone: — is on the phone.
vm-isunavail: — is unavailable.
vm-last: last
vm-leavemsg: Press 5 to leave a message
vm-login: Commedian Mail. Mailbox:
vm-mailboxfull: sorry but the user's mail box can't accept more messages
vm-marked-nonurgent: Urgent status removed
vm-marked-urgent: Message marked urgent
vm-message: message
vm-messages: messages
vm-minutes: minutes
vm-mismatch: The passwords you entered and re-entered did not match.
vm-msginstruct: To hear the next message press 6. To repeat this message press 5. To hear the previous message press 4. To delete or undelete this message press zero. To quit voicemail press pound.
vm-msgsaved: Your message has been saved.
vm-newpassword: Please enter your new password followed by the pound key.
vm-newuser: Welcome to commedian mail. First I will guide you through a short setup process
vm-next: Press 6 to play the next message
vm-no: no
vm-nobodyavail: Nobody is available to take your call at the moment.
vm-nobox: You cannot reply to this message because the sender does not have a mailbox.
vm-nomore: No more messages.
vm-nonumber: I'm afraid I don't know who sent this message
vm-num-i-have: The number I have is
vm-Old: old
vm-onefor: Press 1 for
vm-onefor-full: Press 1 to listen to
vm-options: Press 1 to record your unavilable message. Press 2 to record your busy message. Press 3 to record your name. Press 4 to manage your temporary greeting. Press 5 to change your password. Press * to return to the main menu.
vm-opts: Press 2 to change folders. Press 3 for advanced options. Press zero for mailbox options.
vm-opts-full: Press 2 to access messages saved in other folders. Press 3 to record a message for another mailbox. Press zero for greetings and password management.
vm-passchanged: Your passwords have been changed.
vm-password: password
vm-press: press
vm-prev: Press 4 for the previous message.
vm-reachoper: Press 0 to reach an operator.
vm-rec-busy: After the tone say your busy message and then press the pound key.
vm-received: received
vm-rec-name: After the tone say your name and then press the pound key.
vm-record-prepend: At the tone please record an introduction to the forwarded message. When done press the pound sign.
vm-rec-temp: After the tone say your temporary message and then press the pound key.
vm-rec-unv: After the tone say your unavailable message and then press the pound key.
vm-reenterpassword: Please reenter your password followed by the pound key.
vm-repeat: Press 5 to repeat the current message.
vm-review: Press 1 to accept this recording. Press 2 to listen to it. Press 3 to re-record your message.
vm-review-nonurgent: Press 4 to remove the urgent status of this message
vm-review-urgent: Press 4 to mark this message as urgent
vm-saved: saved
vm-savedto: saved to
vm-savefolder: Which folder should I save the message to?
vm-savemessage: or 9 to save this message.
vm-saveoper: Press 1 to accept this recording otherwise continue to hold.
vm-sorry: I'm sorry I did not understand your response.
vm-star-cancel: Press * to cancel
vm-starmain: Press * to return to the main menu
vm-tempgreetactive: Your temporary greeting is currently active
vm-tempgreeting2: Press 1 to record your temporary greeting or press 2 to erase your temporary greeting.
vm-tempgreeting: Press 1 to record your temporary greeting
vm-tempremoved: Your temporary greeting has been removed
vm-then-pound: then press pound
vm-theperson: The person at extension
vm-tmpexists: There is a temporary greeting which overrides your standard greetings
vm-tocallback: Press 2 to call the person who sent this message
vm-tocallnum: Press 1 to call this number
vm-tocancel: or pound to cancel.
vm-tocancelmsg: Press * to cancel this message
vm-toenternumber: Press 1 to enter a number
vm-toforward: Press 8 to forward the message to another user.
vm-tohearenv: Press 3 to hear the message envelope
vm-tomakecall: Press 4 to place an outgoing call
vm-tooshort: Your message is too short
vm-toreply: Press 1 to send a reply
vm-torerecord: Press 3 to re-record your message
vm-undelete: Press 7 to undelete this message.
vm-undeleted: Message undeleted.
vm-unknown-caller: from an unknown caller
vm-Urgent: urgent
vm-whichbox: To leave a message, please enter a mailbox number.
vm-Work: work
vm-youhave: you have


Correct as at Asterisk
a: a
ascii123: left brace
ascii124: pipe
ascii125: right brace
ascii126: tilde
ascii34: quote
ascii36: dollar sign
ascii37: percent
ascii38: ampersand
ascii39: tick
ascii40: open parenthesis
ascii41: close parenthesis
ascii42: star
ascii44: comma
ascii58: colon
ascii59: semi-colon
ascii60: less than
ascii62: greater than
ascii63: question mark
ascii91: left bracket
ascii92: backslash
ascii93: right bracket
ascii94: caret
ascii95: underscore
ascii96: backtick
asterisk: asterisk
at: at
b: b
c: c
d: d
dash: dash
dollar: dollar
dot: dot
e: e
equals: equals
exclaimation-point: exclaimation-point
f: f
g: g
h: h
i: i
j: j
k: k
l: l
m: m
n: n
o: o
p: p
plus: plus
q: q
r: r
s: s
slash: slash
space: space
t: t
u: u
v: v
w: w
x: x
y: y
z: z
zed: zed


These sound files are used by the SayDigits, DateTime and SayNumber commands.
Note: All these recordings have falling intonations, as if the words were said at the end of a sentence. They may sound a little bit odd if used in the middle of a sentence.
In the digits subdirectory:
0: zero
oh: oh (spoken in a way meaning "zero")
1: one
2: two
3: three
4: four
5: five
6: six
7: seven
8: eight
9: nine
10: ten
11: eleven
12: twelve
13: thirteen
14: fourteen
15: fifteen
16: sixteen
17: seventeen
18: eighteen
19: nineteen
20: twenty
30: thirty
40: forty
50: fifty
60: sixty
70: seventy
80: eighty
90: ninety
h-1: first
h-2: second
h-3: third
h-4: fourth
h-5: fifth
h-6: sixth
h-7: seventh
h-8: eighth
h-9: ninth
h-10: tenth
h-11: eleventh
h-12: twelfth
h-13: thirteenth
h-14: fourteenth
h-15: fifteenth
h-16: sixteenth
h-17: seventeenth
h-18: eighteenth
h-19: nineteenth
h-20: twentieth
h-30: thirtieth
at: at
a-m: AM
p-m: PM
hundred: hundred
thousand: thousand
million: million
day-0: sunday
day-1: monday
day-2: tuesday
day-3: wednesday
day-4: thursday
day-5: friday
day-6: saturday
dollars: dollars
mon-0: January
mon-1: February
mon-2: March
mon-3: April
mon-4: May
mon-5: June
mon-6: July
mon-7: August
mon-8: September
mon-9: October
mon-10: November
mon-11: December
oclock: o'clock
today: today
tomorrow: tomorrow
yesterday: yesterday





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


