
这个例子来源于scala圣经级教程《Functional Programming in Scala》,由于本人跟着书中的代码敲了一遍,然后写了点测试代码验证了一下正确性,所以就放在这做个备忘吧。贴出来只是为了方便自己,如果看不懂,但是又感兴趣的就去看原书吧……

package testing

import laziness.Stream
import state._
import parallelism._
import parallelism.Par.Par
import Gen._
import Prop._
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, Executors}

import state.RNG.Simple

import language.postfixOps
import language.implicitConversions

case class Prop(run: (MaxSize,TestCases,RNG) => Result) {
  def &&(p: Prop) = Prop {
    (max,n,rng) => run(max,n,rng) match {
      case Passed | Proved => p.run(max, n, rng)
      case x => x

  def ||(p: Prop) = Prop {
    (max,n,rng) => run(max,n,rng) match {
      // In case of failure, run the other prop.
      case Falsified(msg, _) => p.tag(msg).run(max,n,rng)
      case x => x

  /* This is rather simplistic - in the event of failure, we simply prepend
   * the given message on a newline in front of the existing message.
  def tag(msg: String) = Prop {
    (max,n,rng) => run(max,n,rng) match {
      case Falsified(e, c) => Falsified(msg + "\n" + e, c)
      case x => x

object Prop {
  type SuccessCount = Int
  type TestCases = Int
  type MaxSize = Int
  type FailedCase = String

  sealed trait Result {
    def isFalsified: Boolean
  case object Passed extends Result {
    def isFalsified = false
  case class Falsified(failure: FailedCase,
                       successes: SuccessCount) extends Result {
    def isFalsified = true
  case object Proved extends Result {
    def isFalsified = false

  /* Produce an infinite random stream from a `Gen` and a starting `RNG`. */
  def randomStream[A](g: Gen[A])(rng: RNG): Stream[A] =
    Stream.unfold(rng)(rng => Some(g.sample.run(rng)))

  def forAll[A](as: Gen[A])(f: A => Boolean): Prop = Prop {
    (n,rng) => randomStream(as)(rng).zip(Stream.from(0)).take(n).map {
      case (a, i) => try {
        if (f(a)) Passed else Falsified(a.toString, i)
      } catch { case e: Exception => Falsified(buildMsg(a, e), i) }

  // String interpolation syntax. A string starting with `s"` can refer to
  // a Scala value `v` as `$v` or `${v}` in the string.
  // This will be expanded to `v.toString` by the Scala compiler.
  def buildMsg[A](s: A, e: Exception): String =
    s"test case: $s\n" +
      s"generated an exception: ${e.getMessage}\n" +
      s"stack trace:\n ${e.getStackTrace.mkString("\n")}"

  def apply(f: (TestCases,RNG) => Result): Prop =
    Prop { (_,n,rng) => f(n,rng) }

  def forAll[A](g: SGen[A])(f: A => Boolean): Prop =

  def forAll[A](g: Int => Gen[A])(f: A => Boolean): Prop = Prop {
    (max,n,rng) =>
      val casesPerSize = (n - 1) / max + 1
      val props: Stream[Prop] =
        Stream.from(0).take((n min max) + 1).map(i => forAll(g(i))(f))
      val prop: Prop =
        props.map(p => Prop { (max, n, rng) =>
          p.run(max, casesPerSize, rng)
        }).toList.reduce(_ && _)

  def run(p: Prop,
          maxSize: Int = 100,
          testCases: Int = 100,
          rng: RNG = RNG.Simple(System.currentTimeMillis)): Unit =
    p.run(maxSize, testCases, rng) match {
      case Falsified(msg, n) =>
        println(s"! Falsified after $n passed tests:\n $msg")
      case Passed =>
        println(s"+ OK, passed $testCases tests.")
      case Proved =>
        println(s"+ OK, proved property.")

  val ES: ExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool
  val p1 = Prop.forAll(Gen.unit(Par.unit(1)))(i =>
    Par.map(i)(_ + 1)(ES).get == Par.unit(2)(ES).get)

  def check(p: => Boolean): Prop = Prop { (_, _, _) =>
    if (p) Passed else Falsified("()", 0)

  val p2 = check {
    val p = Par.map(Par.unit(1))(_ + 1)
    val p2 = Par.unit(2)
    p(ES).get == p2(ES).get

  def equal[A](p: Par[A], p2: Par[A]): Par[Boolean] =
    Par.map2(p,p2)(_ == _)

  val p3 = check {
    equal (
      Par.map(Par.unit(1))(_ + 1),
    ) (ES) get

  val S = weighted(
    choose(1,4).map(Executors.newFixedThreadPool) -> .75,
    unit(Executors.newCachedThreadPool) -> .25) // `a -> b` is syntax sugar for `(a,b)`

  def forAllPar[A](g: Gen[A])(f: A => Par[Boolean]): Prop =
    forAll(S.map2(g)((_,_))) { case (s,a) => f(a)(s).get }

  def checkPar(p: Par[Boolean]): Prop =
    forAllPar(Gen.unit(()))(_ => p)

  def forAllPar2[A](g: Gen[A])(f: A => Par[Boolean]): Prop =
    forAll(S ** g) { case (s,a) => f(a)(s).get }

  def forAllPar3[A](g: Gen[A])(f: A => Par[Boolean]): Prop =
    forAll(S ** g) { case s ** a => f(a)(s).get }

  val pint = Gen.choose(0,10) map (Par.unit(_))
  val p4 =
    forAllPar(pint)(n => equal(Par.map(n)(y => y), n))

  val forkProp = Prop.forAllPar(pint2)(i => equal(Par.fork(i), i)) tag "fork"

case class Gen[+A](sample: State[RNG,A]) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Gen[B] =

  def map2[B,C](g: Gen[B])(f: (A,B) => C): Gen[C] =

  def flatMap[B](f: A => Gen[B]): Gen[B] =
    Gen(sample.flatMap(a => f(a).sample))

  /* A method alias for the function we wrote earlier. */
  def listOfN(size: Int): Gen[List[A]] =
    Gen.listOfN(size, this)

  /* A version of `listOfN` that generates the size to use dynamically. */
  def listOfN(size: Gen[Int]): Gen[List[A]] =
    size flatMap (n => this.listOfN(n))

  def listOf: SGen[List[A]] = Gen.listOf(this)
  def listOf1: SGen[List[A]] = Gen.listOf1(this)

  def unsized = SGen(_ => this)

  def **[B](g: Gen[B]): Gen[(A,B)] =
    (this map2 g)((_,_))

object Gen {
  def unit[A](a: => A): Gen[A] =

  val boolean: Gen[Boolean] =

  def choose(start: Int, stopExclusive: Int): Gen[Int] =
    Gen(State(RNG.nonNegativeInt).map(n => start + n % (stopExclusive-start)))

  def listOfN[A](n: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[List[A]] =

  val uniform: Gen[Double] = Gen(State(RNG.double))

  def choose(i: Double, j: Double): Gen[Double] =
    Gen(State(RNG.double).map(d => i + d*(j-i)))

  /* Basic idea is to add 1 to the result of `choose` if it is of the wrong
   * parity, but we require some special handling to deal with the maximum
   * integer in the range.
  def even(start: Int, stopExclusive: Int): Gen[Int] =
    choose(start, if (stopExclusive%2 == 0) stopExclusive - 1 else stopExclusive).
    map (n => if (n%2 != 0) n+1 else n)

  def odd(start: Int, stopExclusive: Int): Gen[Int] =
    choose(start, if (stopExclusive%2 != 0) stopExclusive - 1 else stopExclusive).
    map (n => if (n%2 == 0) n+1 else n)

  def sameParity(from: Int, to: Int): Gen[(Int,Int)] = for {
    i <- choose(from,to)
    j <- if (i%2 == 0) even(from,to) else odd(from,to)
  } yield (i,j)

  def listOfN_1[A](n: Int, g: Gen[A]): Gen[List[A]] =
    List.fill(n)(g).foldRight(unit(List[A]()))((a,b) => a.map2(b)(_ :: _))

  def union[A](g1: Gen[A], g2: Gen[A]): Gen[A] =
    boolean.flatMap(b => if (b) g1 else g2)

  def weighted[A](g1: (Gen[A],Double), g2: (Gen[A],Double)): Gen[A] = {
    /* The probability we should pull from `g1`. */
    val g1Threshold = g1._2.abs / (g1._2.abs + g2._2.abs)

    Gen(State(RNG.double).flatMap(d => if (d < g1Threshold) g1._1.sample else g2._1.sample))

  def listOf[A](g: Gen[A]): SGen[List[A]] =
    SGen(n => g.listOfN(n))

  /* Not the most efficient implementation, but it's simple.
   * This generates ASCII strings.
  def stringN(n: Int): Gen[String] =
    listOfN(n, choose(0,127)).map(_.map(_.toChar).mkString)

  val string: SGen[String] = SGen(stringN)

  implicit def unsized[A](g: Gen[A]): SGen[A] = SGen(_ => g)

  val smallInt = Gen.choose(-10,10)
  val maxProp = forAll(listOf(smallInt)) { l =>
    val max = l.max
    !l.exists(_ > max) // No value greater than `max` should exist in `l`

  def listOf1[A](g: Gen[A]): SGen[List[A]] =
    SGen(n => g.listOfN(n max 1))

  val maxProp1 = forAll(listOf1(smallInt)) { l =>
    val max = l.max
    !l.exists(_ > max) // No value greater than `max` should exist in `l`

  // We specify that every sorted list is either empty, has one element,
  // or has no two consecutive elements `(a,b)` such that `a` is greater than `b`.
  val sortedProp = forAll(listOf(smallInt)) { l =>
    val ls = l.sorted
    l.isEmpty || ls.tail.isEmpty || !ls.zip(ls.tail).exists { case (a,b) => a > b }

  object ** {
    def unapply[A,B](p: (A,B)) = Some(p)

  /* A `Gen[Par[Int]]` generated from a list summation that spawns a new parallel
   * computation for each element of the input list summed to produce the final
   * result. This is not the most compelling example, but it provides at least some
   * variation in structure to use for testing.
   * Note that this has to be a `lazy val` because of the way Scala initializes objects.
   * It depends on the `Prop` companion object being created, which references `pint2`.
  lazy val pint2: Gen[Par[Int]] = choose(-100,100).listOfN(choose(0,20)).map(l =>
    l.foldLeft(Par.unit(0))((p,i) =>
      Par.fork { Par.map2(p, Par.unit(i))(_ + _) }))

  def genStringIntFn(g: Gen[Int]): Gen[String => Int] =
    g map (i => (s => i))

case class SGen[+A](g: Int => Gen[A]) {
  def apply(n: Int): Gen[A] = g(n)

  def map[B](f: A => B): SGen[B] =
    SGen { g(_) map f }

  def flatMap[B](f: A => SGen[B]): SGen[B] = {
    val g2: Int => Gen[B] = n => {
      g(n) flatMap { f(_).g(n) }

  def **[B](s2: SGen[B]): SGen[(A,B)] =
    SGen(n => apply(n) ** s2(n))

object Examples {

  def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {

    val rng = Simple(System.currentTimeMillis())

    val checkRes1 = Prop check { 100 - 100 + 100 == 100}
    println(checkRes1.run(1, 1, rng))

    val checkRes2 = Prop check { 100 - 100 + 100 == 0}
    println(checkRes2.run(1, 1, rng))

    val p2Res = Prop.p2.run(1, 1, rng)

    val unitRes = Gen.unit(5).sample.run(rng)

    val productGen = Gen.unit(3) ** Gen.unit(5)
    val productRes = productGen.sample.run(rng)

    //创建能够生成大小在闭区间[1, 100]的随机数的生成器
    val chooseGen = Gen.choose(1, 101)
    val size = 5
    //创建能够生成长度为5、元素大小在闭区间[1, 100]的链表的生成器
    val chooseGenListOfRes = Gen.listOf(chooseGen).g(size).sample.run(rng)

    // 随机生成0 ~ 100 之间的数字
    val ge1le100Prop = Prop.forAll(chooseGen)((a: Int) =>  a >= 1 && a <= 100)
    // 0 ~ 100之间的数字的平方不可能全部都满足 <= 2500, 所以后续的测试有很大的概率不会通过
    val pow2le2500 = Prop.forAll(chooseGen)((a: Int) =>  math.pow(a, 2) <= 2500)
    val chooseProp = ge1le100Prop && pow2le2500 tag "检测生成的数字大小在[1, 100]之间出现失败案例 =>"
    val choosePropRes = Prop.run(chooseProp)

    val len = 100
    //check whether the String-Generator generates string which of the size is equql to len or not
    // 测试字符串生成器生成的字符串的长度是否与指定参数相等
    Prop.run(Prop.forAll(Gen.stringN(len)){(a: String) => a.length == len}, 10, 3, rng)
    //Prop.run(Prop.forAll(Gen.stringN(len)){(a: String) => a.length !=  len}, 10, 3, rng)

    val li = List(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
    //assert List named li contains odd number only
    Prop.run(Prop.forAll(Gen.unit(li)){ li => li.exists(_ % 2 == 1)})




(List(30, 80, 26, 18, 18),Simple(236643744399618))
! Falsified after 0 passed tests:
 检测生成的数字大小在[1, 100]之间出现失败案例 =>
+ OK, passed 3 tests.
+ OK, passed 100 tests.

879675643@qq.com  lhever

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