Keeping a Branch in Sync



This section is from the "Version Control with Subversion" book, by Ben Collins-Sussman, Brian W. Fitzpatrick and C. Michael Pilato. Also available from Amazon: Version Control with Subversion.
Keeping a Branch in Sync

Continuing with our running example, let's suppose that a week has passed since you started working on your private branch. Your new feature isn't finished yet, but at the same time you know that other people on your team have continued to make important changes in the project's /trunk. It's in your best interest to replicate those changes to your own branch, just to make sure they mesh well with your changes. In fact, this is a best practice: by frequently keeping your branch in sync with the main development line, it helps prevent “surprise” conflicts when it comes time for you to fold your changes back into the trunk.

Subversion is aware of the history of your branch and knows when it divided away from the trunk. To replicate the latest, greatest trunk changes to your branch, first make sure your working copy of the branch is “clean”—that it has no local modifications reported by svn status. Then simply run:
$ pwd

$ svn merge
--- Merging r345 through r356 into '.':
U button.c
U integer.c

Your branch working copy now contains new local modifications, and these edits are duplications of all of the changes that have happened on the trunk since you first created your branch:
$ svn status
M button.c
M integer.c

At this point, the wise thing to do is look at the changes carefully with svn diff, and then build and test your branch. You might need to resolve some conflicts (just as you do with svn update) or possibly make some small edits to get things working properly. (Remember, just because there are no syntactic conflicts doesn't mean there aren't any semantic conflicts!) If you encounter serious problems, you can always abort the local changes by running svn revert and start a long “what's going on?” discussion with your collaborators. If things look good, however, then you can submit your changes into the repository:
$ svn commit -m "Merged latest trunk changes to my-calc-branch."
Sending button.c
Sending integer.c
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 357.

At this point, your private branch is now “in sync” with the trunk, so you can rest easier knowing that as you continue to work in isolation, you're not drifting too far away from what everyone else is doing.

Why Not Use Patches Instead?

A question may be on your mind, especially if you're a Unix user: why bother to use svn merge at all? Why not simply use the operating system's patch command to accomplish the same job? For example:
$ cd my-calc-branch
$ svn diff -r 341:HEAD > patchfile
$ patch -p0 < patchfile
Patching file integer.c using Plan A...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 147.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 164.
Hunk #3 succeeded at 241.
Hunk #4 succeeded at 249.

In this particular example, there really isn't much difference. But svn merge has special abilities that surpass the patch program. The file format used by patch is quite limited; it's able to tweak file contents only. There's no way to represent changes to trees, such as the addition, removal, or renaming of files and directories. Nor can the patch program notice changes to properties. If Sally's change had, say, added a new directory, the output of svn diff wouldn't have mentioned it at all. svn diff outputs only the limited patch format, so there are some ideas it simply can't express.

The svn merge command, however, can express changes in tree structure and properties by directly applying them to your working copy. Even more important, this command records the changes that have been duplicated to your branch, so that Subversion is aware of exactly which changes exist in each location (see the section called “Mergeinfo and Previews”.) This is a critical feature that makes branch management usable; without it, users would have to manually keep notes on which sets of changes have or haven't been merged yet.

Suppose that another week has passed. You've committed more changes to your branch, and your comrades have continued to improve the trunk as well. Once again, you'd like to replicate the latest trunk changes to your branch and bring yourself in sync. Just run the same merge command again!
$ svn merge
--- Merging r357 through r380 into '.':
U integer.c
U Makefile

Subversion knows which trunk changes you've already replicated to your branch, so it carefully replicates only those changes you don't yet have. Once again, you'll have to build, test, and svn commit the local modifications to your branch.

What happens when you finally finish your work, though? Your new feature is done, and you're ready to merge your branch changes back to the trunk (so your team can enjoy the bounty of your labor). The process is simple. First, bring your branch in sync with the trunk again, just as you've been doing all along:
$ svn merge
--- Merging r381 through r385 into '.':
U button.c

$ # build, test, ...

$ svn commit -m "Final merge of trunk changes to my-calc-branch."
Sending button.c
Sending README
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 390.

Now, you use svn merge to replicate your branch changes back into the trunk. You'll need an up-to-date working copy of /trunk. You can do this by either doing an svn checkout, dredging up an old trunk working copy from somewhere on your disk, or by using svn switch (see the section called “Traversing Branches”.) However you get a trunk working copy, remember that it's a best practice to do your merge into a working copy that has no local edits and has been recently updated. If your working copy isn't “clean” in these ways, you can run into some unnecessary conflict-related headaches.

Once you have a clean working copy of the trunk, you're ready merge your branch back into it:
$ pwd

$ svn merge --reintegrate
--- Merging r341 through r390 into '.':
U button.c
U integer.c
U Makefile

$ # build, test, verify, ...

$ svn commit -m "Merge my-calc-branch back into trunk!"
Sending button.c
Sending integer.c
Sending Makefile
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 391.

Congratulations, your branch has now been re-merged back into the main line of development. Notice our use of the --reintegrate option this time around. The option is needed because this sort of “merge back” is a different sort of work than what you've been doing up until now. Previously, we had been asking svn merge to grab the “next set” of changes from one branch and duplicate them to another. This is fairly straightforward, and each time Subversion knows how to pick up where it left off. In our prior examples, you can see that first it merges the ranges 345:356 from trunk to branch; later on, it continues by merging the next contiguously available range, 356:380. When doing the final sync, it merges the range 380:385.

When merging your branch back to the trunk, however, the underlying mathematics is quite different. Your feature branch is now a mish-mosh of both duplicated trunk changes and private branch changes, so there's no simple contiguous range of revisions to copy over. By specifying the --reintegrate option, you're asking Subversion to carefully replicate only those changes unique to your branch. (And in fact it does this by comparing the latest trunk tree with the latest branch tree: the resulting difference is exactly your branch changes!)

Now that your branch is merged to trunk, you'll no longer need your branch. You can destroy your working copy of the branch, and also do some basic housecleaning in the repository:
$ svn delete
Committed revision 392.

But wait! Isn't the history of that branch valuable? What if somebody wants to audit the evolution of your feature someday and look at all of your branch changes? No need to worry. Remember that even though your branch is no longer visible in the /branches directory, its existence is still an immutable part of the repository's history. A simple svn log command on the /branches URL will show the entire history of your branch. Your branch can even be resurrected at some point, should you desire (see the section called “Resurrecting Deleted Items”).

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