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原创 UDF to show the expression of cell formula.

UDF to show the expression of cell formula

2010-12-24 13:49:00 2535

原创 分解质因数


2010-07-06 22:07:00 2654 2

原创 如何计算数据组合在全排序组合中的行值


2010-07-06 21:12:00 3105 2

原创 How to arrange 10 digits so that the product of the some of them is equal to a number represented by the remaining digits

10 digits equations

2010-06-17 21:52:00 1490

原创 Get Integer sided triangles for which the area/perimeter ratio is integral

Problem:       Consider the triangle with sides 6, 8 and 10. It can be seen that the perimeter and the area are both equal to 24. So the area/perimeter ratio is equal to 1.      Consider also the

2010-05-04 23:19:00 1812

原创 ProjectEuler 125

http://projecteuler.net/index.php?section=problems&id=125  Problem 12504 August 2006 The palindromic number 595 is interesting because it can be written as the sum of consecutive squares

2010-04-30 16:07:00 2033

原创 Continued Fraction of Squareroot

Continued Fraction can be find in http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ContinuedFraction.html Function ContinuedFraction(ByVal n As Long)Dim root As Long, p As Long, q As Long, b() As String, temp As Lo

2010-02-25 22:42:00 1402 1

原创 整数三角形题目两则

问题1: 周长不大于n,边长为整数的三角形有多少个?解法:     Function p(ByVal n As Long)周长n的三角形的个数If n Mod 2 Then n = n + 3p = Round(n ^ 2 / 48)End FunctionSub Main()Dim i As Long, cFor i = 1 To 10 ^ 6c = c +

2010-02-23 23:21:00 1708

原创 有感于“等地震”

几百万人大半夜不睡觉在街上游荡,"等地震"。 2010年2月21日(农历正月初八)凌晨,山西太原、晋中、长治、晋城等地市民、村民传播将发生破坏性地震的谣言, 导致各市、各村居民半夜从家里跑到街头、公园躲避灾难。 山西不是汶川,更不是太子港,汶川和太子港的地底下至少是实的,而山西,煤快挖完了,地底下都是空的,一旦地震,...... 一个月前,山西曾有过一次地震谣言,当

2010-02-22 17:43:00 1531

原创 VBA获取新浪博客列表

Sub Blogsina() Const url As String = "http://www.google.cn/search?q=site%3Ablog.sina.com.cn/u/&num=100&start=" Dim n As Long, p As Long, s() As String, u() As String, i As Long With Cre

2010-01-25 16:57:00 2360 2

原创 Number of sets of natural numbers less than n which sum to n.

The integer sequence was in : A111133 Seems easy. Sub Calc() Dim n As Long, count(), i As Long n = 500 ReDim count(n) count(0) = 1 For i = 1 To n For j = n To

2010-01-17 17:07:00 1592

原创 一元多项式的幂

Function PowerPolynomial(ByVal f As String, ByVal n As Long) As String If n = 1 Then power = f: Exit Function Dim a() As Long, b, c(), s() As String, max As Long, i As Long, j As Long, k As

2010-01-17 14:23:00 1281

原创 An UDF to calculate weekday

It seems  feasible . Function myweekday(ByVal y As Long, ByVal m As Long, ByVal d As Long) As Long Dim bias As Long If m > 2 Then bias = m - 2 Else bias = 10 + m

2010-01-09 23:50:00 1261

原创 Four dogs in a square with two distinct distances

How many ways can four dogs be arranged in a square so that the six distances between pairs of them  take on only two different values? Its funning(Pictures were provided by wayne   ):   

2010-01-04 17:57:00 1242 6

原创 Two math problems in http://projecteureka.org sumitted by me.

http://projecteureka.org/problem/question/814  Problem 814 - Tringles whose perimeter are 12345 Count different Tringles whose all 3 side lengths are integers and perimeter are 12345.Solut

2010-01-03 13:57:00 1131

原创 Fundamental Solution to Pell's Equation

From Wikipedia,Pells equationis any Diophantine equation of the formwhere n is a nonsquare integer and x and y are integers.  We can calculate the x,y for certain n with the followi

2010-01-03 13:19:00 1777 1

原创 Select n numbers from 1 to m with all of array 'all' and none of array 'none'

How to select n numbers from 1 to m with all of array all and none of array none? Try the following codes,please. Sub getall(ByVal m As Long, ByVal n As Long, ByRef all, ByRef none) Select

2009-12-15 22:07:00 1558

原创 Solutions to place plus or minus signs to a non-zero digits sequence 123456789 so that result of thus described arithmetic opera

Its very easy to solve the problem,but maybe useful for elementary students. Sub getall() Dim s(300) As String, v(300) As Long, result As Long, temp As Long, x(1 To 17) As String, t, op

2009-12-06 21:43:00 1515

转载 Complete List of Excel Functions


2009-11-28 08:33:00 874 1

原创 VB获取网页下文字的链接地址

题目: 如何获取网页下文字的链接地址 窗口有WebBrowser1,和一个Text1 现在 Private Sub Form_Load() WebBrowser1.Navigate "http://www.baidu.com" End Sub 打开窗体显示百度的首页,要求滑动鼠标到“新闻”时 Text1里显示http://news.baidu.com/ 滑动到“帖吧”时 Text1里显

2009-11-24 21:31:00 3414 3

转载 An inequality about sine function

A problem provided by me and solved by mathe in bbs.emath.ac.cn(See: http://zdu.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!C95152CB25EF2037!136.entry)    In http://bbs.emath.ac.cn/viewthread.php?tid=49&page

2009-11-20 23:54:00 846

原创 Harmonic number sum

Problem1:  Least k such that H(k) >= n, where H(k) is the harmonic number sum_{i=1..k}  1/i.  Sub Harmonic_number_sum()Dim s As Double, i As Long, n As Longn = 1For i = 1 To 300000000s = s

2009-11-20 22:50:00 1396

原创 一道趣味数学题(二)

123456789这九个按顺序排列的数,要求在它们之间插入若干个+,-,*,/ ,使其结果正好等于100如: 1*2*3*4+5+6+7*8+9=100 以下代码在http://blog.csdn.net/northwolves/archive/2004/07/25/51038.aspx基础上修改而成: Sub main() 开始计算getall 100getall 10

2009-11-20 13:23:00 9863 22

转载 三个和尚没水喝

                      Everybodys business is nobodys business.      There are 4 people named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody.There was an important job to be done, and everybody was aske

2009-11-17 22:15:00 1132

原创 VBA从人民银行网站获取5个币种的历史汇率信息

 Sub 汇率()Dim url As String, arr, v() As String, i As Long, n As Long, p As Long, html As Stringurl = "http://www.pbc.gov.cn/huobizhengce/huobizhengcegongju/huilvzhengce/renminbihuilvjiaoyishoupanj

2009-11-05 21:30:00 3972 2

原创 VBA代码控制DTPicker控件的下拉日期表显示

 DTPicker1控件的下拉按钮请问怎么写代码可以使得DTPicker控件的下拉日期表显示出来呢?!Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _(ByVal hWnd As Long, _ByVal wMsg As Long, _ByVal wParam As Long,

2009-11-05 21:25:00 6906

原创 Select a table of certain webpage

 Test the folowing codes,please: Sub Selecttable(ByVal url As String, ByVal n As Long) Dim t, r As Object, i As Long WebBrowser1.Navigate url, False Do While Sheet1.WebBrowser1.read

2009-10-27 19:34:00 1150 4

原创 An example of responseXML.getElementsByTagName

To read nodes of  a certain tagname of an xml file,its easy to access:  Sub Test()Dim http As Object, nod, nod2Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")http.Open "get", "http://www.w3s

2009-10-27 19:24:00 850

原创 Stupid Keyboard

A friend asked me to have a glance at his keybord.When I press some keys to his notepad,something funny appears: When Z button is hit , z`1 appearsWhen X button is hit ,  x2  appearsWhen C b

2009-05-31 17:41:00 1248

原创 Excel 汉字区位互相转换公式

 汉字-->区位: =TEXT(INT(CODE(A1)/256-160)*100+MOD(CODE(A1),256)-160,"0000")  区位-->汉字: =CHAR((INT(A1/100)+160)*256+MOD(A1,100)+160)

2009-05-22 11:18:00 1096

原创 Special Folders

<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:SimSun; panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1; mso-font-alt:SimSun; mso-font-charset:134; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-pitch:variab

2009-05-22 11:09:00 992

原创 Nine Digits Expression

Problem: Insert + ,-,*,/ signs as necessary in the string 123456789 to form an expression that evaluates to a certain number. Answer: Sub test() getall 2009, 1 getall 2009, 2En

2009-02-18 01:31:00 936

原创 Nine-digit Fractions

Problem: Suppose integer A,B(A>B) and Double C were satisified A/B=C and all digits(1-9)  each used just once in the all 3 numbers(A,B,C) respectively.  An example:152463798÷123456789=1.2349

2009-02-17 21:31:00 1566

原创 Ten-digit Fractions

Similar with another article of mine: Nine-digit FractionsProblem: Suppose integer A,B(A>B) and single C were satisified A/B=C and all digits(0-9)  each used just once in the both sides of the

2009-02-11 13:45:00 5406

原创 Nine-digit Fractions(II)

Problem: Suppose integer A,B(A>B) and single C were satisified A/B=C and all digits(1-9)  each used just once in the both sides of the equality respectively. Try to get all solutions. Answer:

2009-02-11 01:16:00 1969

原创 猴子选大王的四种VB解法

题目:一堆猴子编号依次是1,2,3 ...n ,这群猴子(n个)按照1到n的顺序围坐一圈,从第1开始报数,报双数的猴子离开此圈,这样依次下来,直到圈中只剩下最后一只猴子,则该猴子为大王。 解法: 1.集合的方法(O(2N)): Function Monkeyking(ByVal n As Long) As LongDim all As New Collection,

2009-02-10 15:30:00 2364 5

原创 The Recent Ten Years


2009-02-05 16:35:00 789

原创 Draw a cube on Excel Worksheet

A cube is Composed of two squares and two parallelograms: Sub DrawCube() ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeParallelogram, [b2].Left, [b2].Top, 4 * [b2].Width, 4 * [b2].Height).Fill.Transpar

2009-02-03 21:49:00 1426

原创 My Sequences on The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

All the links: http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/?q=northwolves&language=english  A154532 a(n) = largest 10-digit number whose nth power contains each digit (0-9) n times

2009-02-03 21:00:00 983

原创 Multi select elements which sums upto a certain number from an array(II)

Give an array and a certain number,how to select some of the elements to sums upto the number? (Also see http://blog.csdn.net/northwolves/archive/2008/11/25/3372338.aspx)The following codes can brin

2009-02-03 20:49:00 1469



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