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原创 Kubernetes API Test

Start local proxy:kubectl proxy --port=8080 &  URL List:TypeURLAPIhttp://localhost:8080/apiNamespaceshttp://localhost:8080/api/v1/namespacesNodeshttp://localhost:...

2017-10-14 16:03:31 141

原创 PaaS Note

 Spring RootWhat is the difference between Spring Boot and the Spring framework?

2017-02-28 13:36:28 145

原创 火车票起售时间 (北京)

 2017年火车票起售时间 (北京)车站发售时间北京西08:00北京站10:00北京北12:00北京南12:30北京东16:00

2016-12-27 21:33:27 212

原创 Docker Notes

 $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER  Docker学习- 1.12http://blog.csdn.net/idwtwt/article/category/6420522  Open Source at Docker, Part 1: The PeopleOpen Source at Docker, Part 2: The ...

2016-12-21 14:19:02 128

原创 Golang Note

 Golang Install:Go环境配置(2013)https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/GOPATHInstalling Go And Your Workspace 本地建立DOC服务命令: godoc -http=:8080网址: http://localhost:8080/  Install tour on l...

2016-11-27 10:00:18 168

原创 Ubuntu Command Note

 Change TimeZone:root@ubuntu:~# timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghairoot@ubuntu:~# timedatectl Local time: Sun 2016-11-06 14:43:54 CST Universal time: Sun 2016-11-06 06:43:54 UTC RTC time: Sun ...

2016-11-06 14:45:33 104

原创 Linux Notes

 Linux find 用法示例 DNS:/etc/hosts, /etc/resolve.conf, /etc/hostname YAML 学习笔记

2016-10-18 22:33:47 79

原创 vim Note

 在 Vim 中优雅地查找和替换  vim使用(一):基本命令 vim使用(二):常用功能 vim使用(三):.viminfo和.vimrc  vim 环境设定与记录: ~/.vimrc, ~/.viminfo ...

2016-10-07 20:27:16 122

原创 Mac Note

1. 保持截图到粘贴版shift + ctrl + command + 4shift + ctrl + command + 3 (全屏) 如何在Mac OS X上截取屏幕截图

2016-10-07 18:48:49 101

原创 Security / SSL


2016-08-30 17:31:39 132

原创 [转]标点符号的英语名称- Punctuation

http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2007/07/english_punctuation.html . period or full stop 句号 , comma 逗号 : colon 冒号 ; semicolon 分号 ! exclamation mark 惊叹号 ? question mark 问号 - hyphen 连字符 * asterisk 星号...

2016-08-21 11:19:52 146

原创 Linux/RedHat Command

 Search Command GNU                 man wiki                      lsof1. 如何查看文件被那个线程占用2. 如何查看端口被那个线程占用 Add User/Group创建用户,及用户组,例如:创建用户myUser,及用户组myGroupgroupadd myGroupuseradd -g...

2016-07-02 11:05:40 157

原创 Shell Tutorial

   Shell 变量#----------------------------------------------------------------------# http://www.runoob.com/linux/linux-shell-variable.html# Shell 变量#--------------------------------------...

2016-06-25 14:43:27 112

原创 CSS Tutorials


2016-04-17 11:18:33 93

原创 JS Note

 CoreECMAScript             Wiki           MDN  Closure:  其实闭包并不高深莫测  Object:Javascript 面向对象编程  Firebug控制台详解http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2011/03/firebug_console_tutoria...

2015-08-14 23:33:22 112

原创 Dojo Tutorial Content

TutorialsGetting StartedHello Dojo! Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig Modern Dojo Dojo Start ModulesCDN Introduction to AMD Modules Advanced AMD Usage ...

2015-08-07 15:25:34 107

原创 DB2 Notes

DB2 SQL return codesIBM Knowledge Center  [转]  DB2 常用命令小结,对于使用db2的朋友可以参考下。http://www.jb51.net/article/21172.htm1、 打开命令行窗口   #db2cmd 2、 打开控制中心   # db2cmd db2cc 3、 打开命令编辑器  db2cmd db2ce ==...

2015-08-04 14:44:48 117

原创 Resources (CDN)

Baidu CDNhttp://developer.baidu.com/wiki/index.php?title=docs/cplat/libssuch as: http://libs.baidu.com/dojo/1.3.1/dojo.js Sina CDNhttp://lib.sinaapp.com/such as:http://lib.sinaapp.com/js/d...

2015-03-19 16:18:33 95

原创 Java Shift Operator (signedLeftShift, signedRightShift, unsignedRightShift)

Java Shift Operator ( <<  >> >>>)Write a demo to test Shift operators:/** * Test Shift Operators: * signedLeftShift (<<) * signedRightShift (>>) * unsignedRightS...

2015-03-11 11:33:31 263

原创 Spring Tutorial

黄博文系列Spring-Context之一:一个简单的例子Spring-Context之二:使用Spring提供的测试框架进行测试Spring-Context之三:使用XML和Groovy DSL配置BeanSpring-Context之四:Spring容器及bean的定义Spring-Context之五:基于构造器进行依赖注入 Spring-Context之六:基于S...

2014-05-14 18:14:42 123

翻译 Google Advanced Search Operators

Search for an exact word or phrase "search"Use quotes to search for an exact word or set of words on a web page. This is helpful when searching for song lyrics or a line from a book. But only

2014-04-16 18:04:51 1234

转载 Java XML BOM Issue

The common BOMs are :EncodingRepresentation (hexadecimal)Representation (decimal)UTF-8EF BB BF239 187 191UTF-16 (BE)FE FF254 255UTF-16 (LE)FF FE255 254U

2014-04-03 17:20:02 735

转载 Ubuntu 备份还原那些事儿


2014-04-03 14:53:31 1116

转载 The contents of 《Hadoop: The Definitive Guide》(3rd Edition)

Book Store           Table of ContentsChapter 1 Meet Hadoop Data!Data Storage and AnalysisComparison with Other SystemsA Brief History of HadoopApache Hadoop and the Ha

2014-04-02 12:55:44 822

转载 Java Exception Note

1. Oracle TutorialException Advantage2. Examplehttp://www.w3resource.com/java-tutorial/custom-exception.phpJava Exception处理之最佳实践

2014-03-27 18:43:49 631

转载 著名公司构架整理

Facebook 的系统架构http://www.quora.com/Facebook-Engineering/What-is-Facebooks-architecture

2014-02-25 12:35:56 790

原创 File.separator vs File.pathSeparator

See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5971964/file-separator-vs-pathseparator File.separator 是filePath分隔符, 如 \File.pathSeparator 是filePathList分割符, 如 ; 实验代码public static void testFile(){...

2014-02-24 16:51:40 139

原创 InheritableThreadLocal & ThreadLocal

InheritableThreadLocal比ThreadLocal多一个特性,继承性,可以从父线程中得到初始值。 代码示例public class TestThreadLocal { static final String VALUE01 = "VALUE01"; static final String VALUE02 = "VALUE02"; public st...

2014-01-07 12:11:25 76

原创 Java 线程间数据交换的疑惑

请教一个问题, 如果没有锁,Java线程间是如何交换数据的?如果想了解Java对这个问题的描述,我该看那个资料。各个线程有各自的Working memory,如果没有锁,它们会错误的交换数据? 1. Java的内存模型是怎样的呢?根据这篇文章所述(Java 线程/内存模型的缺陷和增强),Java中有一个主内存(Main Memory),Java中每个线程都有各自的内存(Workin...

2014-01-02 10:30:47 85

原创 Programmer Book Source

 代码的未来 ~ 松本行弘 (作者)

2013-12-31 14:21:49 63

原创 Java Concurency Note

 这篇文章是我的多线程笔记,帮助梳理一下脉络。 1. Basic KnowledgeKeywords: synchronized, volatile.Methods: wait(), notify(); run(), start();How to start thread?        new MyThread().start();   or new Th...

2013-12-26 21:34:45 88

原创 《深入理解Java内存模型》 --- 读书笔记

JMM: Java Momory Model (内存模型)(JSR-133)理解JMM有助于我们学习Concurrency。看完了,有点难,了解一下吧,以后慢慢学习吧。  深入理解Java内存模型(一)——基础内容概括:Java线程是有独立的,私有的数据空间,当然来源于main memory。 深入理解Java内存模型(二)——重排序内容概括:CPU中,对...

2013-12-25 17:33:44 101

原创 Hibernate Tutorial

Book: SQL Turning, Database SystemsLock: Optimistic Lock and Pessimistic LockDatabase Normalization Performance:    Extra-lazy"Extra-lazy" collection fetching: individual elements of t...

2013-12-25 16:21:19 74

原创 Top 15 Java Multithreading, Concurrency Interview Questions Answers asked in Inv

http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/07/java-multi-threading-interview.html Thread interview questions JavaMulti-threading and concurrency questions are essential part of any Java interview. If...

2013-12-23 17:28:25 142

原创 Maven Tutorial

Maven Tutorial1. Maven Description2. Install Maven3. Maven configure file (pom.xml)4. Usecase (Dispatcher)PackageTomcat DeployEclipseThird LibraryResource:Officical SiteWikimaven...

2013-12-20 12:12:39 80

原创 Maven 3 Central Repository Configure

Central Repository在Maven3中的默认值{Maven Home}\lib\maven-model-builder-3.0.5.jar --> org/apache/maven/model/pom-4.0.0.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project> <model...

2013-12-20 11:51:52 105

原创 [转] Explain Java Encapsulation & Polymorphism & Inheritance

Encapsulation - Hiding the implementation details of a Class. Once a class is Encapsulated then we Cannot directly access that class members. We can achieve encapsulation like the following, ...

2013-11-01 15:02:47 154

原创 Java Create Instance Method

Java Create Instance Method 1.NormalStudent stu1 = new Student(1, "NameNornal", 1);2. ReflectionStudent stu1 = Class.forName("com.test.vo.Student").newInstance(); See details in code/*...

2013-10-22 19:04:53 139

原创 Java Concurrency Tutorials/Sources

                              Java Concurrency Tutorials/Sources Book Review -- 《Java Concurrency In Practice》http://www.baptiste-wicht.com/2010/08/java-concurrency-in-practice-book-review...

2013-10-10 14:27:27 90

原创 Object Methodes: equals and hashCode

今天看了Object的equals() and hashCode() method, 做下笔记 equals() method 需要遵守的条件:Reflexive(反射性): X.equals(X) == true, 自身equalsSymmetric(对称性): 如果X.equals(Y), 那么Y.equals(X).Transitive(传递性): 如果X.equa...

2013-09-10 17:31:38 88

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (3rd Edition)

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (3rd Edition) Mark Allen Weiss


《Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook》英文

《Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook》教程及代码。 《Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook》这本书不错,每节一个实例。 《Java Concurrency in Practice》这本书理论比较多,有点难懂,适合高级水平吧。 Book review: http://www.mkyong.com/book-review/review-java-7-concurrency-cookbook/


Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

《Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook》这本书不错,每节一个实例。









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