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原创 Web MVC框架

MVC是目前Web应用最常用的模式。通用模式:1. Struts 22. Spring MVC3. django4.ruby on rails

2011-11-16 16:43:24 1288

转载 最近十年有影响力的技术


2011-10-19 08:27:46 533

原创 NoSQL的四种类型

NoSQL越来越流行,应用也越来越广泛。NoSQL数据库也呈现出百花争鸣的局面。但整体上可以分为四种类型。1.键值对存储数据库;典型代表:Tokyo Cabinet/Tyrant、Redis、Voldemort、Berkeley DB、适用领域:内容缓存,适合混合工作

2011-10-18 16:19:37 1950

原创 计算机开机过程详细解析

本文将详细介绍从按下电源按钮到显示操作系统登录界面的过程。由于这个过程比较复杂,会逐步完善。主要包含如下内容:1.总体流程2.BIOS3.MBR4.Boot Loader4.1 DOS loader4.2 lilo4.3 grub4.4 BOO

2011-10-18 11:11:42 381

原创 Java Collections Framework


2011-10-11 11:15:52 235

转载 How+to+Write+a+Masterpiece+of+a+Resume+-+Part+6

Part 6 - ADD POWER TO YOUR RESUME WITH POWERWORDSPOWER WORDSaccelerated accomplished achieved addressed administered advised allocat

2011-10-10 08:38:28 546

转载 How+to+Write+a+Masterpiece+of+a+Resume+-+Part+5

Part 5 - I'M NOT SURE THE JOB I'M LOOKING FOR IS THE RIGHT ONE FOR ME  If you are concerned that the job you are seeking may not be righ

2011-10-10 08:37:43 638

转载 How+to+Write+a+Masterpiece+of+a+Resume+-+Part+4

Part 4 - A FEW GUIDELINES FOR A BETTER PRESENTATIONThe resume is visually enticing, a work of art. Simple clean structure. Very easy to

2011-10-10 08:36:31 10656

转载 How+to+Write+a+Masterpiece+of+a+Resume+-+Part+3

Part 3 - THE EVIDENCE SECTION - HOW TO PRESENT YOUR WORK HISTORY, EDUCATION, ETC.  Most resumes are not much more than a collection of "

2011-10-10 08:35:41 2843

转载 How+to+Write+a+Masterpiece+of+a+Resume+-+Part+2

Part 2 - HOW TO KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF Research shows that only one interview is granted for every 200 resumes received by the average em

2011-10-10 08:35:02 8381

转载 How to Write a Masterpiece of a Resume - Part 1

Part 1: WRITE A RESUME THAT GENERATES RESULTSThisaward-winning(一流的) guide to resume writing will teach you to write a resume equal to on

2011-10-10 08:34:12 1101

转载 President Obama on the Passing of Steve Jobs: He changed the way each of us sees the world

http://www.unsv.com/material/news/2011/10/06/President_Obama_on_the_Passing_of_Steve_Jobs/Michelle and I are saddened tolearn of t

2011-10-10 07:56:18 708

原创 C/C++面试题

1.运行下面的C++代码,打印出的结果是什么?bool Fun1(char* str){    printf("%s\n", str);    return false;} bool Fun2(char* str){    printf("%s

2011-10-09 15:44:56 1290

翻译 云计算定义

Cloud computing is amodel for enabling ubiquitous(无处不在的), convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable comput

2011-10-08 15:14:01 491

原创 Java总结

1. String, StringBuffer与StringBuilderString是java所提供的基本字符串类型,具有不变的特性,所有的修改操作都要在新创建的字符串上进行,因此效率低下。为此java引入了StringBuffer类,用于提高字符串操作的效率,Stri

2011-10-08 14:42:07 1147

原创 C语言学习总结(2)

控制语句1.语句和块C语言允许将多条语句放在{}内,称为程序块,可以看作一条语句。在程序块内可以声明变量,变量的作用域局限在程序块内。2.条件选择语句if (expression){statement;}else

2011-09-22 16:26:51 339

原创 C语言总结(1)

1.标识符标识符由字母数字构成,必须由字母开头;下划线_算作字母,但不要用下划线作为标识符的首字母,因为库中通常用下划线作为标识符首字母,你如果这样用容易引起冲突;标识符是区分大小写的,int A和int a代表不同的变量;关键字不能用作标识符;C语言区分内部

2011-09-21 16:36:01 378

翻译 WORDS AND THEIR STORIES - Dog Talk: Every Dog Has Its Day

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.Americans use many expressions with the word dog.美国人的很多词句中使用了dog这个单词。 Peo

2011-09-20 11:18:45 2447

翻译 SCIENCE IN THE NEWS - Ocean Storms and the Science of Nature's Power

海洋风暴和大自然力量的科学CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: This is SCIENCE IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Christopher Cruise.SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: And I'm

2011-09-14 08:20:14 3048

转载 面试题系列(2)

http://blog.csdn.net/v_july_v/article/details/60572861.把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表(树) 题目:输入一棵二元查找树,将该二元查找树转换成一个排序的双向链表。要求不能创建任何新的结点,只调整指针

2011-09-13 15:10:30 2767

转载 面试题系列(1)


2011-09-13 15:08:04 565

转载 云计算导图

2011-09-13 15:03:19 343

翻译 ECONOMICS REPORT - The United States Postal Service Warns of Default

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report.The United States Postal Service has a history as long as the nation's.美国邮政服务和美国一样历史悠久。

2011-09-13 08:25:28 1092

翻译 Application Fundamentals

Android applications are written in the Java programming language. The Android SDK tools compile the code—along with any data and resource f

2011-09-08 13:03:34 382

转载 What is Android?

What is Android?Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.

2011-09-07 14:20:56 287

转载 William McKnight on Columnar Databases

http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/09/nosqlnow-columnar-databasesColumnar databases offer better data storage capabilities for certain busin

2011-09-07 11:24:04 398

翻译 英语精读001-How to Improve Your Study Habits

(Do you)Want to know how toimprove your grades without having to spend more time studying? Sounds too good to be true? Well, read on...想

2011-09-07 10:30:29 3533

翻译 吵架的英语

1. I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap.我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。2. Hey! wise up!放聪明点好吗?3. Put up or shut up.要么你就去做,不然就给我闭

2011-09-06 10:50:37 425


Now, the Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.(MUSIC)The white swan - with its long, graceful neck - is among the most beauti

2011-09-06 07:46:38 457

转载 The Problem with Cloud-Computing Standardization

http://www.infoq.com/articles/problem-with-cloud-computing-standardizationCloud computing has become an increasingly popular approach in

2011-09-05 15:52:42 462

转载 Ruby on Rails 3.1 Released, Brings Assets Pipeline, Streaming, and Javascript Changes

http://www.infoq.com/news/2011/09/rails-31A few days ago, the Ruby on Rails team released version 3.1 of the most popular web framework

2011-09-05 11:41:57 443

翻译 PEOPLE IN AMERICA - Katharine Hepburn, 1907-2003: An Independent and Intelligent Actress

STEVE EMBER: I'm Steve Ember.BARBARA KLEIN: And I'm Barbara Kleinwith People in America in VOA Special English. Today we tell about Ka

2011-09-05 07:45:04 1588

原创 nfdump软件使用总结

nfdump是一款开源的netflow收集、存储、过滤、统计分析软件。目前支持 netflow v5、v7和v9版本.软件地址:http://nfdump.sourceforge.net/一 . nfdump安装首先下载软件nfdump-1.6.4.tar.gz。

2011-09-02 13:40:07 13098 2

原创 ruby-数据类型-数值型


2011-09-02 11:43:14 841

翻译 TECHNOLOGY REPORT - Astronomers Still Look to Hubble Space Telescope

This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.(VOA特别英语技术报道)The Hubble Space Telescope continues to make valuable discoveries after

2011-09-02 08:23:19 395

翻译 Steve Jobs' Letter of Resignation 史蒂夫·乔布斯辞职信

To the AppleBoard of Directors and the Apple Community:致苹果董事会和苹果团体:I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longe

2011-09-02 07:49:55 490

翻译 程序员技术才能-数据结构篇(一)

1.     What is data structure?A data structure is away of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also theirrelation

2011-09-01 16:09:09 420

原创 Ruby-2.Ruby概览

Ruby是一个通用的面向对象编程语言。在ruby中一切皆对象,这包括你操作的任何东西,以及操作的结果。对象通过调用构造器方法new创建。如obj = Object.new。一. ruby基础def say_goodnight(name) result = "G

2011-09-01 15:00:16 299

原创 Ruby-1.Getting Started

一.安装Ruby目前最新版本Ruby是1.9.2,有各种不同平台的ruby,可以按照具体平台进行下载安装。安装完成后,运行ruby -v 查看ruby版本是否相符。二.运行rubyruby和python等其他动态脚本语言一样,也提供两种执行ruby程序的方

2011-09-01 14:21:27 376

翻译 WORDS AND THEIR STORIES - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing(披着羊皮的狼)

Last week, I explained some English expressions about clothes. Everything I told you was true. I did not talk through my hat(吹牛) or say

2011-09-01 13:25:27 531



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