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原创 POJ 1258 最小生成树


2016-10-27 23:27:10 326

原创 POJ1521

DescriptionAn entropy encoder is a data encoding method that achieves lossless data compression by encoding a message with "wasted" or "extra" information removed. In other words, entropy encoding

2016-10-22 22:40:33 463

原创 POJ3253 求出花费最少的钱

DescriptionFarmer John wants to repair a small length of the fence around the pasture. He measures the fence and finds that he needs N (1 ≤ N ≤ 20,000) planks of wood, each having some integer len

2016-10-20 23:16:01 346

原创 POj1862 求一组数据中经过某个运算后的最小值

DescriptionOur chemical biologists have invented a new very useful form of life called stripies (in fact, they were first called in Russian - polosatiki, but the scientists had to invent an Englis

2016-10-20 21:08:17 333

原创 POj2255 利用先序,中序输出后序序列

DescriptionLittle Valentine liked playing with binary trees very much. Her favorite game was constructing randomly looking binary trees with capital letters in the nodes. This is an example of o

2016-10-18 23:47:06 348

原创 POJ1577 二叉树的创建及先序遍历(给定一些二叉树中的值,大于根的排在右边,小于根的排在左边)

Description Figure 1Figure 1 shows a graphical representation of a binary tree of letters. People familiar with binary trees can skip over the definitions of a binary tree of letters, leaves

2016-10-18 19:26:20 1119

原创 时钟类

#includeusing namespace std;class colck{public:void  settime(int newh = 0,int  newm = 0,int news=0);void  showtime();private:int hour, minute, second;};void  colck::settime(int new

2016-10-16 20:10:00 288

原创 POJ 2499 Binary Tree

DescriptionBackground Binary trees are a common data structure in computer science. In this problem we will look at an infinite binary tree where the nodes contain a pair of integers. The tree i

2016-10-15 16:30:10 391

原创 Given any integer 0 <= n <= 10000 not divisible by 2 or 5, some multiple of n is a number which in d

Given any integer 0 <= n <= 10000 not divisible by 2 or 5, some multiple of n is a number which in decimal notation is a sequence of 1's. How many digits are in the smallest such a multiple of n?

2016-10-13 00:43:51 2036 1

原创 输入一个8位二进制数,转换成十进制数输出

#includeusing namespace std;int  power(int x, int y){int val=1;while (y--){val *= x;}return  val;}int main(){int value = 0;for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--){char ch;cin >>

2016-10-10 23:44:02 7155

翻译 POJ1028 利用栈求解的问题

DescriptionStandard web browsers contain features to move backward and forward among the pages recently visited. One way to implement these features is to use two stacks to keep track of the pages

2016-10-10 22:40:51 464

原创 编写一个求x的n次方的函数

直接求解#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){int x,n;cin >> x>>n;int s=1;for (int i = 1; i {s = s*x;}cout system("pause");return 0;}-----------------------------------

2016-10-10 19:59:18 18088 2

原创 打印九九乘法表

#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){int i, j;int s;for (i = 1; i {for (j = 1; j { s = i*j;cout }cout }system("pause");return 0;}

2016-10-10 17:37:23 415

原创 定义一个变量,赋予1~100的值,让用户猜值,比较大小,直到猜对位置

#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){int i;int n;cin >> n;while (n){i = rand()%100;if(i == n){cout break;} else if(n>i){cout }else{cout }cin >> n;}

2016-10-10 17:11:02 1372

原创 声明时间的结构体,输入时间,然后完整的显示出来

#includeusing namespace  std;typedef struct{int  year;int  month;int day;int  hours;int min;int  second;}Data;int main(){Data d;cin >> d.year>>d.month>>d.day>>d.hours>>d.mi

2016-10-10 16:53:29 1547

原创 读入一系列整数,统计出正整数个数及负整数个数,读入0就结束

#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){int a=0;int i=0,j=0;cin>>a;while(a!=0){ if(a>0){i++;}else if(a{j++;}cin>>a;} coutsystem("pause");return 0;}

2016-10-09 22:25:29 7869

原创 求100~200之间不能被3整除的数

#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){for(int i=100;i{if(i%3!=0){cout}}system("pause");return 0;}

2016-10-09 22:16:41 2391

原创 输入一个整数,求出它的所有因子

#includeusing namespace  std;int main(){int n;cin >> n;while (n>=0){for (int i = 1; i {if (n%i == 0){cout }}coutcin >> n;}system("pause");return 0;}

2016-10-09 21:57:04 12816

原创 输入一个整数,将各位数字反转后输出

#include&lt;iostream&gt;using namespace std;int main(){int n;cin &gt;&gt; n;int s;if(n==0){return 0 ;}while (n){s = n % 10;cout &lt;&lt; s ;n /= 10;}system("pause");return  0;}

2016-10-08 23:52:36 6148 3

原创 求自然数1~10的值

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int n=10;int s = 0;//cin >> n;while (n>0){s += n;n--;}cout system("pause");return  0;}

2016-10-08 23:47:24 679

原创 输入一个0~6的整数,换成星期输出

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int n;cin >> n;switch (n){case 0:   cout case 1:  cout case 2:  cout case 3:  cout case 4:   cout case 5:  cout case 6:  cout defau

2016-10-08 23:43:24 5728

原创 比较两数的大小

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int a, b;cin >> a >> b;while (a&&b){if (a > b){cout b"}else if (a {cout }else if (a =b){cout }cin >> a >> b;}system(

2016-10-08 23:32:57 373

原创 判断某年是否为闰年

#includeusing namespace std;int main(){int year;cin >> year;while (year>0){if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0)){cout }else{cout }cin >> year;

2016-10-08 23:28:33 349

翻译 逆序数


2016-10-08 22:49:23 333

转载 快速排序Sort调用

sort函数的用法做ACM题的时候,排序是一种经常要用到的操作。如果每次都自己写个冒泡之类的O(n^2)排序,不但程序容易超时,而且浪费宝贵的比赛时间,还很有可能写错。STL里面有个sort函数,可以直接对数组排序,复杂度为n*log2(n)。使用这个函数,需要包含头文件。    这个函数可以传两个参数或三个参数。第一个参数是要排序的区间首地址,第二个参数是区间尾地址的下一地址。也就是说,

2016-10-08 22:45:52 962

翻译 从2000年一月一日算,给一个天数,算出它是多少年月日 星期几

/#include  #include  using namespace std; bool isLeapYear(int year)                            //判断是否为闰年 {return (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0); } int main()

2016-10-06 10:45:24 4920 1

翻译 并查集的例题

/*题意为: 已知学校有n个学生 ,想知道有多少个宗教,但是不能一个一个问学生   ,已知两个一起的是一个宗教的,现可以问m对学生,请求出最多有多少个宗教    输入数据  10   4          2   3   4   5   4   8    5   8    答案为7                由题知采用并查集求解 (可看做二叉树 )     */#includeusin

2016-10-06 10:34:22 445

转载 并查集的题目

/*题意:有很多组学生,在同一个组的学生经常会接触,也会有新的同学的加入。但是SARS是很容易传染的,只要在该组有一位同学感染SARS,那么该组的所有同学都被认为得了SARS。已知编号为0的同学是得了SARS的,现在的任务是计算出有多少位学生感染SARS了。思路:使用并查集*/#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // 让编译环境忽略对sc

2016-10-04 21:09:53 593

多图片上传 php(私我 不要积分 这里没看到发表免费的)

zyupload php的多图片上传demo 是多图片上传的插件



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