关于自增id十分适合做pk的思考 (簇级索引)

深入浅出sql + 石展的mysql的36条军规教导我们:

  • 主键用于独一无二地识别出每条记录
  • 主键不可以为NULL -- 插入新纪录时必须指定主键值
  • 主键必须简洁
  • 主键值不可以被修改 -- 如果可以改变主键值,那你就会冒着意外输入已使用值的风险,必须保持唯一


并且pk这里使用的是簇级索引 ---- 都说,索引的顺序就是表的存储顺序,那么修改簇级索引,会影响到这条索引在整条索引的order,那么进而需要调整这条索引对应的记录在硬盘上的物理位置,这样会引起不必要的io操作(caoz 语录把索引减缓成一个一维表,只是可以使用二分法来进行索引)

我的测试结果是单纯更新pk所需要的时间,和其他列并没有什么不同,并且更新完之后,select * from t1 不加任何order by,的确是按照pk来排序

和explain 当中确实都说index,并不影响什么。但是注意啊,这时候pk是在内存当中,还没有写回到硬盘上,当有大量的数据写回磁盘的时候,是会造成不必要的io的。

innodb存储引擎是索引组织的,按照主键顺序进行存放的,虽然mvcc在内部是先insert再delete,但是如果更改到两个列之间还是需要移动数据,有空继续研究《MySQL 技术内幕 innodb 存储引擎》






附上 http://rbq10829.iteye.com/blog/260909

一、聚簇索引(clustered indexes)的使用



2、在聚簇索引下,数据在物理上按顺序排在数据页上,重复值也排在一起,因而在那些包含范围检查(between、<、<=、& gt;、>=)或使用group by或order by的查询时,一旦找到具有范围中第一个键值的行,具有后续索引值的行保证物理上毗连在一起而不必进一步搜索,避免了大范围扫描,可以大大提高查询速度。






2、按范围存取的列,如pri_order > 100 and pri_order < 200。

3、在group by或order by中使用的列。



二、非聚簇索引(nonclustered indexes)的使用








2、某列常用于join,order by,group by。


三、覆盖索引(covering indexes)的使用























 当在一个包含数据的表上创建索引的时候,SQLServer会创建分布数据页来存放有关索引的两种统计信息:分布表和密度表。优化器利用这个页来判断该索引对某个特定查询是否有用。但这个统计信息并不动态地重新计算。这意味着,当表的数据改变之后,统计信息有可能是过时的,从而影响优化器追求最有工作的目标。因此,在下面情况下应该运行update statistics命令:


(2)、对用truncate table删除数据的表上增加数据行。








Some people don’t probably know, but there is a difference between how indexes work in MyISAM and how they work in InnoDB, particularly when talking from the point of view of performance enhancement. Now since, InnoDB is starting to be widely used, it is important we understand how indexing works in InnoDB. Hence, the reason for this post!

The first and foremost thing to know is that InnoDB uses clustered index to store data in the table. Now what does clustered index mean?

Clustered Index

A clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table. When thinking of a clustered index think of a telephone directory, where data is physically arranged by the last name. Because the clustered index decides the physical storage order of the data in the table, a table can only have a single clustered index. But, a clustered index can comprise of multiple columns (a composite index), in the same way as a telephone directory is organized both by the first name and the last name.

Clustered Index with respect to InnoDB

InnoDB stores indexes as B+tree data structures, and same is the case with the clustered index. But the difference is that in the case of clustered index InnoDB actually stores the index and the rows together in the same structure. When a table has a clustered index, its rows are actually stored in the index’s leaf pages. Thus InnoDB tables can also be called index-organized tables.

Now lets consider how InnoDB decides which index to use as the clustered index!

How InnoDB selects a clustered index?

With InnoDB, typically PRIMARY KEY is synonymous with clustered index, but what if a PRIMARY KEY does not exist or there is not even a single index defined on the table. Then following is how InnoDB decides what to use as the clustered index:

  • If there is a PRIMARY KEY defined on the table, InnoDB uses it as the clustered index.
  • If there is no PRIMARY KEY defined on the table, InnoDB uses the first UNIQUE index where all the key columns are NOT NULL as the clustered index.
  • If there is no PRIMARY KEY or no suitable UNIQUE index present, InnoDB internally generates a hidden PRIMARY KEY and then uses this hidden key as the clustered index. This hidden PRIMARY KEY is a 6-byte field that increases monotonically as new rows are inserted.

Hence, my advice is that always define a PRIMARY KEY for each table that you create. If there is no logical key that can be created, add a new auto-increment column, and use it as the PRIMARY KEY.

Did you know that Secondary Index is related to the Primary Key?

In InnoDB, every SECONDARY INDEX contains the PRIMARY KEY column(s) together with the column(s) of the secondary index, automatically. That is because of the way InnoDB stores data, remember what I just told you when talking about how data is stored, a leaf node doesn’t store any pointer to the row’s physical location, but in fact stores the row’s data. So in other words the PRIMARY KEY is actually the pointer to the row data.

This makes us conclude on another interesting conclusion..

A secondary index requires two lookups! First a lookup for the secondary index itself, then a lookup for the primary key.

Advantages of clustering

Clustering provided by InnoDB has very significant performance benefits, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Because the data is physically stored according to the PRIMARY KEY, data lookups by PRIMARY KEY is very fast. For example, the fastest way to find a particular employee using the unique employee_id column is to create a PRIMARY KEY on the employee_id column.
  • With clustering, search for ranges can be extremely efficient. Suppose an application frequently searches records between a range of dates, a clustered index can quickly locate the row containing the beginning date, and then retrieve all adjacent rows in the table until the last date is reached. Thus improving the performance of range queries.
  • Another positive impact of clustering is on the performance of sorting data. Suppose there is a column that is used frequently to sort the data retrieved from a table, it can be advantageous to cluster the table on that column to save the cost of a sort each time the column is queried.
  • Also because clustered index holds both the index and the data together in one B-Tree, so retrieving rows from a clustered index is normally faster than a comparable lookup in a nonclustered index.
  • Secondary indexes can act as covering indexes, when the data that is requested include the primary key columns, because of the fact that secondary indexes automatically include primary key columns.

These benefits that I have mentioned can boost performance drastically, if you design your tables and queries accordingly. But clustered indexes have disadvantages as well.

Disadvantages of clustering

Following are some of the disadvantages of clustering:

  • If a large clustered index is defined, any secondary indexes that are defined on the same table will be significantly larger because the secondary indexes contain the clustering key.
  • Because of the way how the data is stored, secondary indexes require two lookups.
  • Clustered index can be expensive for columns that undergo frequent changes because it forces InnoDB to move each updated row to a new location.(主键的update 会导致row的物理移动,有时间去看一下到底是怎么移动的,这就要命了,innodb的数据文件默认是放在一个大文件里面的,)
  • Insertions can be slow, if the data is not inserted in PRIMARY KEY order, hence we can conclude that insert speeds depend heavily on insertion order. Inserting rows in primary key order is the fastest way to load data into an InnoDB table. (pk的插入速度,取决于改pk的数值具体排在整个index当中的顺序,如果是那种自增的,总是在最后,相当于是append,所以速度就上去了,这也是为什么石展要推荐自增id作为主键的原因,可能确实也是,大部分的应用当中很少有那种完全按照主键顺序来select的结果集)
Update (thanks to sunny):

Following is another thing that one should know regarding secondary indexes:

The records in InnoDB secondary are never updated in place. Therefore, what that means is that an UPDATE of a secondary index column means deleting the old record and inserting a new one. (非簇级索引的更新时先insert再等待合适时机再物理的delete)

Although, I did point out some disadvantages, but the fact is that these disadvantages can not be weighted down by the tremendous amount of benefits that comes with clustering in InnoDB. If you study and understand the aspects that I have mentioned in this article and apply them accordingly, you are going to see great performance enhancements. After all, clustering is another important step in bringing MySQL closer to MSSQL and Oracle.

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    • Ovais,

      I agree that a clustered index has big advantages for queries, and should be used. That is why the MySQL storage engine TokuDB (created by Tokutek where I work), allows users to define multiple clustering keys (http://tokutek.com/2009/05/int..., so that multiple indexes can produce faster query results. The disadvantages, slower insertion speed and disk usage, are mitigated by TokuDB's 10x-80x faster indexed insertions(http://tokutek.com/downloads/m... and compression.

      Also, you mention that with clustered indexes, secondary indexes require two lookups. Storage engines that do not cluster the primary key require an index lookup and a fetch. With MyISAM, for example, a secondary index requires a lookup in the .MYI file, followed by a fetch in the .MYD file. The fetch still incurs a disk seek, which is expensive.

    • Hmm with respect to TokuDB, multiple clustered indexes does sound interesting,. but wouldn't that be requiring more space then,. because say there are 3 clustered indexes,. then the table data would have to be stored 3 times., which certainly would mean 3x storage space required,. secondly., how are inserts handled,. having multiple clustered indexes would require major work during insertions and updates.,.

      And regarding the secondary indexes requiring two lookups., its just something that I have mentioned so that people would know., secondary index having the primary column as well can be an advantage as well as a disadvantage,.

      And regarding the comparison with MyISAM,. lookups by keys are more or less always going to be faster in case of InnoDB,.

    • Ovais,
      The downsides you mention exist, but TokuDB's performance drastically reduces them. Yes, there is more storage space required, but TokuDB has great compression on data. We have seen results ranging from 5x to 15x compression over InnoDB. As for insertions, I would not categorize it as "major work", but as "more work". The insertions into the clustering indexes are of larger size over insertions into secondary indexes, but TokuDB has really fast indexed insertions, from 10x-80x faster than InnoDB.

      TokuDB's performance characteristics make multiple clustering indexes an excellent tool for achieving great query performance in MySQL.

    • How do you think TokuDB's compression compares with the compression offered by the Barracuda file format in InnoDB??

      Well could you explain, how the clustered index updates and insertions are not major work., besides that, with InnoDB the inserts have to be in primary key (Clustered key) order, otherwise there is an effect on performance,. does that hold for TokuDB as well,.

    • Ovais,

      Regarding compression, I am not know how the Barracuda file format compares with standard InnoDB and with TokuDB, so I cannot answer the question. I only know the 5x-15x improvement over standard InnoDB.

      The reason that updates and insertions are not major work is that TokuDB uses fractal trees (http://tokutek.com/2010/04/how... in place of B-trees. Insertions and updates into fractal trees are one to two orders of magnitude faster, because they do not incur the disk seeks that B-tree insertions do (http://tokutek.com/2010/05/dis....

      With TokuDB, each clustered key maintains a copy of the data in the order of the defined clustering key, so the query performance with clustering keys is really fast, for all of the reasons you mention in your post.


    MySQL 5.5: InnoDB Change Buffering

    To speed up bulk loading of data, InnoDB implements an insert buffer, a special index in the InnoDB system tablespace that buffers modifications to secondary indexes when the leaf pages are not in the buffer pool. Batched merges from the insert buffer to the index pages result in less random access patterns than when updating the pages directly. This speeds up the operation on hard disks.

    In MySQL 5.5, the insert buffer has been extended to a change buffer, which covers all modifications of secondary index leaf pages. This will improve the performance of bulk deletes and updates, transaction rollback and the purging of deleted records (reducing the “purge lag”).

    To assess the benefits of the extended buffering, you may want to run benchmarks with the settingsinnodb_change_buffering=all,innodb_change_buffering=inserts, andinnodb_change_buffering=none. Users of solid-state storage, where random reads are about as fast as sequential reads, might benefit from disabling the buffering altogether.

    Read on to learn how the change buffering works.

    Operations on Secondary Indexes

    InnoDB can perform three kinds of modifications on secondary index records. If the affected index page is not in the buffer pool, the modifications can be buffered in the change buffer. When an index lookup or scan needs a page that is not in the buffer pool, the page will be read from the tablespace and any buffered changes will be merged to it.

    The following operations can modify secondary index pages:

    Inserting a record; supported in all versions of InnoDB
    Marking a record for deletion
    Removing a deleted record that is no longer accessible by active transactions

    Before MySQL 5.5, UPDATEDELETE and purge operations were performed directly on the index pages, resulting in random-access I/O. In MySQL 5.5, all of these operations can be buffered.

    Implications of InnoDB Multiversioning

    In InnoDB, there are two types of indexes: the clustered index B-tree, where the records are stored in thePRIMARY KEY order, and secondary index B-trees, which identify rows by primary key. InnoDB multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) treats these indexes differently.

    Records in the clustered index can be updated in place, and their hidden system columnsDB_TRX_IDDB_ROLL_PTR point to undo log entries from which earlier versions can be reconstructed. InnoDB secondary index records do not contain any system columns, and their data is never updated in place. AnUPDATE of an indexed column requires the operations Delete-mark(old),Insert(new) and eventually Purge(old) in the secondary index. AnUPDATE of a PRIMARY KEY results in Delete-mark,Insert and eventually Purge in all indexes.

    When a secondary index record has been marked for deletion or when the page has been updated by a newer transaction, InnoDB will look up the clustered index record. In the clustered index, it suffices to check theDB_TRX_ID and only retrieve the correct version from the undo log when the record was modified after the reading transaction started.

    To Buffer or not to Buffer

    When a page is in the buffer pool, it will always be updated directly. When a page is loaded to the buffer pool, any buffered changes will be merged to it, so that users never see unmerged changes.

    Because change buffering works on individual leaf pages, we cannot buffer changes that would result into page splits or merges, but must perform such changes on the B-tree pages directly.

    The insert buffer bitmap keeps track on the available space on pages and prevents overflows when buffering inserts. Delete-marking records can always be buffered, because the flag will be updated in place. Purging a delete-marked record could result in an empty page, something that we do not allow. We determine the non-emptiness of a page from previously buffered operations on the same page. If there are no previously buffered operations, the purge will have to load the index page to the buffer pool.

    InnoDB refuses to buffer an operation when the on-disk change buffer tree would grow bigger than ⅓ of the in-memory buffer pool (innodb_buffer_pool_size). This might be a good rule-of-thumb, but some setups could benefit from the ability of setting the change buffer size independently of the buffer pool size.


    The InnoDB change buffer is a persistent data structure and a complex mechanism that comes into play when the workload does not fit in the buffer pool. Because it trades random I/O with a larger amount of sequential I/O, it speeds up operation on hard disks, where random access is much slower than sequential access.

    On solid-state storage, there is not much difference between sequential and random access times. Change buffering may still be useful if writes to solid-state storage are expensive, either in terms of speed or the consumption of limited program/erase cycles. Change buffering could reduce the write load on user tablespaces and cause more writes to the system tablespace (which contains the insert buffer) and the redo log. These should be placed on a hard disk.

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