
两个类(Tiffcp和Copier),代码来自 https://github.com/BitMiracle/libtiff.net/tree/master/TiffCP


其中string数组,存的是包含绝对路径的文件名列表,最后一行是 tif 的文件名,之上是要合成的jpg图片名。 如: ["c:\1.jpg", "c:\2.jpg", "c:\1.tif"]

    public class Tiffcp
        static string[] m_stuff =
            "usage: tiffcp [options] input... output",
            "where options are:",
            " -a		append to output instead of overwriting",
            " -o offset	set initial directory offset",
            " -p contig	pack samples contiguously (e.g. RGBRGB...)",
            " -p separate	store samples separately (e.g. RRR...GGG...BBB...)",
            " -s		write output in strips",
            " -t		write output in tiles",
            " -i		ignore read errors",
            " -b file[,#]	bias (dark) monochrome image to be subtracted from all others",
            " -,=%		use % rather than , to separate image #'s (per Note below)",
            " -r #		make each strip have no more than # rows",
            " -w #		set output tile width (pixels)",
            " -l #		set output tile length (pixels)",
            " -f lsb2msb	force lsb-to-msb FillOrder for output",
            " -f msb2lsb	force msb-to-lsb FillOrder for output",
            " -c lzw[:opts]	compress output with Lempel-Ziv & Welch encoding",
            " -c zip[:opts]	compress output with deflate encoding",
            " -c jpeg[:opts]	compress output with JPEG encoding",
            " -c packbits	compress output with packbits encoding",
            " -c g3[:opts]	compress output with CCITT Group 3 encoding",
            " -c g4		compress output with CCITT Group 4 encoding",
            " -c none	use no compression algorithm on output",
            "Group 3 options:",
            " 1d		use default CCITT Group 3 1D-encoding",
            " 2d		use optional CCITT Group 3 2D-encoding",
            " fill		byte-align EOL codes",
            "For example, -c g3:2d:fill to get G3-2D-encoded data with byte-aligned EOLs",
            "JPEG options:",
            " #		set compression quality level (0-100, default 75)",
            " r		output color image as RGB rather than YCbCr",
            "For example, -c jpeg:r:50 to get JPEG-encoded RGB data with 50% comp. quality",
            "LZW and deflate options:",
            " #		set predictor value",
            "For example, -c lzw:2 to get LZW-encoded data with horizontal differencing",
            "Note that input filenames may be of the form filename,x,y,z",
            "where x, y, and z specify image numbers in the filename to copy.",
            "example:  tiffcp -c none -b esp.tif,1 esp.tif,0 test.tif",
            "  subtract 2nd image in esp.tif from 1st yielding uncompressed result test.tif",

        public static void Main2(string[] args)
            Copier c = new Copier();

            StringBuilder mode = new StringBuilder();

            char imageNumberSeparator = ','; // (default) comma separator character
            FillOrder defaultFillOrder = 0;
            int defaultTileLength = -1;
            int initialDirectoryOffset = 0;
            PlanarConfig defaultPlanarConfig = PlanarConfig.UNKNOWN;
            int defaultRowsPerStrip = 0;
            int defaultTileWidth = -1;

            int argn = 0;
            for (; argn < args.Length; argn++)
                string option = args[argn];
                if (option[0] == '-')
                    option = option.Substring(1);

                string optionArg = null;
                if (argn < (args.Length - 1))
                    optionArg = args[argn + 1];

                switch (option[0])
                    case ',':
                        if (option[1] != '=')

                        imageNumberSeparator = option[2];
                    case 'b':
                        // this file is bias image subtracted from others
                        if (c.m_bias != null)
                            Console.Error.Write("Only 1 bias image may be specified\n");

                        string biasName = args[argn + 1];
                        c.m_bias = Tiff.Open(biasName, "r");
                        if (c.m_bias == null)
                            Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to open '{0}' as input.", biasName);

                        if (c.m_bias.IsTiled())
                            Console.Error.Write("Bias image must be organized in strips\n");

                        FieldValue[] result = c.m_bias.GetField(TiffTag.SAMPLESPERPIXEL);
                        short samples = result[0].ToShort();
                        if (samples != 1)
                            Console.Error.Write("Bias image must be monochrome\n");

                    case 'a':
                        // append to output
                        mode[0] = 'a';
                    case 'c':
                        // compression scheme
                        if (!c.ProcessCompressOptions(optionArg))

                    case 'f':
                        // fill order
                        if (optionArg == "lsb2msb")
                            defaultFillOrder = FillOrder.LSB2MSB;
                        else if (optionArg == "msb2lsb")
                            defaultFillOrder = FillOrder.MSB2LSB;

                    case 'i':
                        // ignore errors
                        c.m_ignore = true;
                    case 'l':
                        // tile length
                        c.m_outtiled = 1;
                        defaultTileLength = int.Parse(optionArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    case 'o':
                        // initial directory offset
                        initialDirectoryOffset = int.Parse(optionArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    case 'p':
                        // planar configuration
                        if (optionArg == "separate")
                            defaultPlanarConfig = PlanarConfig.SEPARATE;
                        else if (optionArg == "contig")
                            defaultPlanarConfig = PlanarConfig.CONTIG;

                    case 'r':
                        // rows/strip
                        defaultRowsPerStrip = int.Parse(optionArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    case 's':
                        // generate stripped output
                        c.m_outtiled = 0;
                    case 't':
                        // generate tiled output
                        c.m_outtiled = 1;
                    case 'w':
                        // tile width
                        c.m_outtiled = 1;
                        defaultTileWidth = int.Parse(optionArg, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    case 'B':
                    case 'L':
                    case 'M':
                    case 'C':
                    case 'x':
                        c.m_pageInSeq = 1;
                    case '?':

            if (args.Length - argn < 2)
                // there must be at least one input and one output image names after options

            using (Tiff outImage = Tiff.Open(args[args.Length - 1], mode.ToString()))
                if (outImage == null)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to open '{0}' as output.", args[args.Length - 1]);

                if ((args.Length - argn) == 2)
                    c.m_pageNum = -1;

                for (; argn < args.Length - 1; argn++)
                    string[] fileAndPageNums = args[argn].Split(new char[] { imageNumberSeparator });

                    using (Tiff inImage = Tiff.Open(fileAndPageNums[0], "r"))
                        if (inImage == null)

                        if (initialDirectoryOffset != 0 && !inImage.SetSubDirectory(initialDirectoryOffset))
                            Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, setting subdirectory at 0x{0:x}", initialDirectoryOffset);

                        int initialPage = 0;
                        int pageNumPos = 1;

                        if (pageNumPos < fileAndPageNums.Length && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAndPageNums[pageNumPos]))
                            initialPage = int.Parse(fileAndPageNums[pageNumPos]);

                        int totalPages = inImage.NumberOfDirectories();
                        for (int i = initialPage; i < totalPages;)
                            c.m_config = defaultPlanarConfig;
                            c.m_compression = c.m_defcompression;
                            c.m_predictor = c.m_defpredictor;
                            c.m_fillorder = defaultFillOrder;
                            c.m_rowsperstrip = defaultRowsPerStrip;
                            c.m_tilewidth = defaultTileWidth;
                            c.m_tilelength = defaultTileLength;
                            c.m_g3opts = c.m_defg3opts;

                            if (!inImage.SetDirectory((short)i))
                                Console.Error.Write("{0}{1}{2} not found!\n",
                                    inImage.FileName(), imageNumberSeparator, i);

                            if (!c.Copy(inImage, outImage) || !outImage.WriteDirectory())

                            // if we have at least one page specifier and current specifier is not empty.
                            // specifier is empty when trailing separator used like this: "file,num,"
                            if (pageNumPos < fileAndPageNums.Length && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAndPageNums[pageNumPos]))
                                // move to next page specifier

                                if (pageNumPos < fileAndPageNums.Length)
                                    // new page specifier position is valid

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileAndPageNums[pageNumPos]))
                                        // new page specifier is not empty. use specified page number
                                        i = int.Parse(fileAndPageNums[pageNumPos]);
                                        // new page specifier is empty. just move to the next page
                                    // new page specifier position is invalid. done all pages.
                                // we have no page specifiers or current page specifier is empty
                                // just move to the next page

        static void usage()
            using (TextWriter stderr = Console.Error)
                stderr.Write("{0}\n\n", Tiff.GetVersion());
                for (int i = 0; m_stuff[i] != null; i++)
                    stderr.Write("{0}\n", m_stuff[i]);

 public class Copier
        struct tagToCopy
            public tagToCopy(TiffTag _tag, short _count, TiffType _type)
                tag = _tag;
                count = _count;
                type = _type;

            public TiffTag tag;
            public short count;
            public TiffType type;

        static tagToCopy[] g_tags =
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.SUBFILETYPE, 1, TiffType.LONG),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.THRESHHOLDING, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.DOCUMENTNAME, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.IMAGEDESCRIPTION, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.MAKE, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.MODEL, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.MINSAMPLEVALUE, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.MAXSAMPLEVALUE, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.XRESOLUTION, 1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.YRESOLUTION, 1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.PAGENAME, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.XPOSITION, 1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.YPOSITION, 1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.RESOLUTIONUNIT, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.SOFTWARE, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.DATETIME, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.ARTIST, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.HOSTCOMPUTER, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.WHITEPOINT, -1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES, -1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.HALFTONEHINTS, 2, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.INKSET, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.DOTRANGE, 2, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.TARGETPRINTER, 1, TiffType.ASCII),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.SAMPLEFORMAT, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS, -1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.YCBCRSUBSAMPLING, 2, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.YCBCRPOSITIONING, 1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.REFERENCEBLACKWHITE, -1, TiffType.RATIONAL),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.EXTRASAMPLES, -1, TiffType.SHORT),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.SMINSAMPLEVALUE, 1, TiffType.DOUBLE),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.SMAXSAMPLEVALUE, 1, TiffType.DOUBLE),
            new tagToCopy(TiffTag.STONITS, 1, TiffType.DOUBLE),

        delegate bool readFunc(Tiff inImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp);
        delegate bool writeFunc(Tiff outImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp);

        public int m_outtiled = -1;
        public int m_tilewidth;
        public int m_tilelength;
        public PlanarConfig m_config;
        public Compression m_compression;
        public short m_predictor;
        public FillOrder m_fillorder;
        public int m_rowsperstrip;
        public Group3Opt m_g3opts;
        public bool m_ignore = false; /* if true, ignore read errors */
        public Group3Opt m_defg3opts = Group3Opt.UNKNOWN;
        public Compression m_defcompression = (Compression)(-1);
        public short m_defpredictor = -1;
        public Tiff m_bias = null;
        public int m_pageNum = 0;
        public int m_pageInSeq = 0;

        Orientation m_orientation;
        int m_quality = 75; /* JPEG quality */
        JpegColorMode m_jpegcolormode = JpegColorMode.RGB;

        public bool ProcessCompressOptions(string opt)
            if (opt == "none")
                m_defcompression = Compression.NONE;
            else if (opt == "packbits")
                m_defcompression = Compression.PACKBITS;
            else if (opt.StartsWith("jpeg"))
                m_defcompression = Compression.JPEG;

                string[] options = opt.Split(new char[] { ':' });
                for (int i = 1; i < options.Length; i++)
                    if (char.IsDigit(options[i][0]))
                        m_quality = int.Parse(options[i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    else if (options[i] == "r")
                        m_jpegcolormode = JpegColorMode.RAW;
                        return false;
            else if (opt.StartsWith("g3"))
                if (!processG3Options(opt))
                    return false;

                m_defcompression = Compression.CCITTFAX3;
            else if (opt == "g4")
                m_defcompression = Compression.CCITTFAX4;
            else if (opt.StartsWith("lzw"))
                int n = opt.IndexOf(':');
                if (n != -1 && n < (opt.Length - 1))
                    m_defpredictor = short.Parse(opt.Substring(n + 1));

                m_defcompression = Compression.LZW;
            else if (opt.StartsWith("zip"))
                int n = opt.IndexOf(':');
                if (n != -1 && n < (opt.Length - 1))
                    m_defpredictor = short.Parse(opt.Substring(n + 1));

                m_defcompression = Compression.ADOBE_DEFLATE;
                return false;

            return true;

        bool processG3Options(string cp)
            string[] options = cp.Split(new char[] { ':' });
            if (options.Length > 1)
                if (m_defg3opts == Group3Opt.UNKNOWN)
                    m_defg3opts = 0;

                for (int i = 1; i < options.Length; i++)
                    if (options[i].StartsWith("1d"))
                        m_defg3opts &= ~Group3Opt.ENCODING2D;
                    else if (options[i].StartsWith("2d"))
                        m_defg3opts |= Group3Opt.ENCODING2D;
                    else if (options[i].StartsWith("fill"))
                        m_defg3opts |= Group3Opt.FILLBITS;
                        return false;

            return true;

        public bool Copy(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage)
            int width = 0;
            FieldValue[] result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH);
            if (result != null)
                width = result[0].ToInt();
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH, width);

            int length = 0;
            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH);
            if (result != null)
                length = result[0].ToInt();
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH, length);

            short bitspersample = 1;
            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE);
            if (result != null)
                bitspersample = result[0].ToShort();
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE, bitspersample);

            short samplesperpixel = 1;
            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.SAMPLESPERPIXEL);
            if (result != null)
                samplesperpixel = result[0].ToShort();
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.SAMPLESPERPIXEL, samplesperpixel);

            if (m_compression != (Compression)(-1))
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.COMPRESSION, m_compression);
                result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.COMPRESSION);
                if (result != null)
                    m_compression = (Compression)result[0].ToInt();
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.COMPRESSION, m_compression);

            result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.COMPRESSION);
            Compression input_compression = (Compression)result[0].ToInt();

            result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.PHOTOMETRIC);
            Photometric input_photometric = (Photometric)result[0].ToShort();

            if (input_compression == Compression.JPEG)
                /* Force conversion to RGB */
                inImage.SetField(TiffTag.JPEGCOLORMODE, JpegColorMode.RGB);
            else if (input_photometric == Photometric.YCBCR)
                /* Otherwise, can't handle subsampled input */
                result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.YCBCRSUBSAMPLING);
                short subsamplinghor = result[0].ToShort();
                short subsamplingver = result[1].ToShort();

                if (subsamplinghor != 1 || subsamplingver != 1)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("tiffcp: {0}: Can't copy/convert subsampled image.", inImage.FileName());
                    return false;

            if (m_compression == Compression.JPEG)
                if (input_photometric == Photometric.RGB && m_jpegcolormode == JpegColorMode.RGB)
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PHOTOMETRIC, Photometric.YCBCR);
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PHOTOMETRIC, input_photometric);
            else if (m_compression == Compression.SGILOG || m_compression == Compression.SGILOG24)
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PHOTOMETRIC, samplesperpixel == 1 ? Photometric.LOGL : Photometric.LOGLUV);
                if (input_compression != Compression.JPEG)
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.PHOTOMETRIC, 1, TiffType.SHORT);

            if (m_fillorder != 0)
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.FILLORDER, m_fillorder);
                copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.FILLORDER, 1, TiffType.SHORT);

             * Will copy `Orientation' tag from input image
            result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.ORIENTATION);
            m_orientation = (Orientation)result[0].ToByte();
            switch (m_orientation)
                case Orientation.BOTRIGHT:
                case Orientation.RIGHTBOT:
                    Tiff.Warning(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "using bottom-left orientation");
                    m_orientation = Orientation.BOTLEFT;

                case Orientation.LEFTBOT:
                case Orientation.BOTLEFT:

                case Orientation.TOPRIGHT:
                case Orientation.RIGHTTOP:
                    Tiff.Warning(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "using top-left orientation");
                    m_orientation = Orientation.TOPLEFT;

                case Orientation.LEFTTOP:
                case Orientation.TOPLEFT:

            outImage.SetField(TiffTag.ORIENTATION, m_orientation);

             * Choose tiles/strip for the output image according to
             * the command line arguments (-tiles, -strips) and the
             * structure of the input image.
            if (m_outtiled == -1)
                if (inImage.IsTiled())
                    m_outtiled = 1;
                    m_outtiled = 0;

            if (m_outtiled != 0)
                 * Setup output file's tile width&height.  If either
                 * is not specified, use either the value from the
                 * input image or, if nothing is defined, use the
                 * library default.
                if (m_tilewidth == -1)
                    result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
                    if (result != null)
                        m_tilewidth = result[0].ToInt();

                if (m_tilelength == -1)
                    result = inImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
                    if (result != null)
                        m_tilelength = result[0].ToInt();

                outImage.DefaultTileSize(ref m_tilewidth, ref m_tilelength);
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH, m_tilewidth);
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH, m_tilelength);
                 * RowsPerStrip is left unspecified: use either the
                 * value from the input image or, if nothing is defined,
                 * use the library default.
                if (m_rowsperstrip == 0)
                    result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.ROWSPERSTRIP);
                    if (result == null)
                        m_rowsperstrip = outImage.DefaultStripSize(m_rowsperstrip);
                        m_rowsperstrip = result[0].ToInt();

                    if (m_rowsperstrip > length && m_rowsperstrip != -1)
                        m_rowsperstrip = length;
                else if (m_rowsperstrip == -1)
                    m_rowsperstrip = length;

                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.ROWSPERSTRIP, m_rowsperstrip);

            if (m_config != PlanarConfig.UNKNOWN)
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG, m_config);
                result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG);
                if (result != null)
                    m_config = (PlanarConfig)result[0].ToShort();
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG, m_config);

            if (samplesperpixel <= 4)
                copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.TRANSFERFUNCTION, 4, TiffType.SHORT);

            copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.COLORMAP, 4, TiffType.SHORT);

            /* SMinSampleValue & SMaxSampleValue */
            switch (m_compression)
                case Compression.JPEG:
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.JPEGQUALITY, m_quality);
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.JPEGCOLORMODE, m_jpegcolormode);
                case Compression.LZW:
                case Compression.ADOBE_DEFLATE:
                case Compression.DEFLATE:
                    if (m_predictor != -1)
                        outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PREDICTOR, m_predictor);
                        result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.PREDICTOR);
                        if (result != null)
                            m_predictor = result[0].ToShort();
                            outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PREDICTOR, m_predictor);
                case Compression.CCITTFAX3:
                case Compression.CCITTFAX4:
                    if (m_compression == Compression.CCITTFAX3)
                        if (m_g3opts != Group3Opt.UNKNOWN)
                            outImage.SetField(TiffTag.GROUP3OPTIONS, m_g3opts);
                            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.GROUP3OPTIONS);
                            if (result != null)
                                m_g3opts = (Group3Opt)result[0].ToShort();
                                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.GROUP3OPTIONS, m_g3opts);
                        copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.GROUP4OPTIONS, 1, TiffType.LONG);

                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.BADFAXLINES, 1, TiffType.LONG);
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.CLEANFAXDATA, 1, TiffType.LONG);
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES, 1, TiffType.LONG);
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.FAXRECVPARAMS, 1, TiffType.LONG);
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.FAXRECVTIME, 1, TiffType.LONG);
                    copyTag(inImage, outImage, TiffTag.FAXSUBADDRESS, 1, TiffType.ASCII);

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.ICCPROFILE);
            if (result != null)
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.ICCPROFILE, result[0], result[1]);

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.NUMBEROFINKS);
            if (result != null)
                short ninks = result[0].ToShort();
                outImage.SetField(TiffTag.NUMBEROFINKS, ninks);

                result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.INKNAMES);
                if (result != null)
                    string inknames = result[0].ToString();
                    string[] parts = inknames.Split(new char[] { '\0' });

                    int inknameslen = 0;
                    foreach (string part in parts)
                        inknameslen += part.Length + 1;

                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.INKNAMES, inknameslen, inknames);

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.PAGENUMBER);
            if (m_pageInSeq == 1)
                if (m_pageNum < 0)
                    /* only one input file */
                    if (result != null)
                        outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PAGENUMBER, result[0], result[1]);
                    outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PAGENUMBER, m_pageNum++, 0);
                if (result != null)
                    if (m_pageNum < 0)
                        /* only one input file */
                        outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PAGENUMBER, result[0], result[1]);
                        outImage.SetField(TiffTag.PAGENUMBER, m_pageNum++, 0);

            int NTAGS = g_tags.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < NTAGS; i++)
                tagToCopy p = g_tags[i];
                copyTag(inImage, outImage, p.tag, p.count, p.type);

            return pickFuncAndCopy(inImage, outImage, bitspersample, samplesperpixel, length, width);

         * Select the appropriate copy function to use.
        bool pickFuncAndCopy(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, short bitspersample, short samplesperpixel, int length, int width)
            using (TextWriter stderr = Console.Error)
                FieldValue[] result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.PLANARCONFIG);
                PlanarConfig shortv = (PlanarConfig)result[0].ToShort();

                if (shortv != m_config && bitspersample != 8 && samplesperpixel > 1)
                    stderr.Write("{0}: Cannot handle different planar configuration w/ bits/sample != 8\n", inImage.FileName());
                    return false;

                result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH);
                int w = result[0].ToInt();

                result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH);
                int l = result[0].ToInt();

                bool bychunk;
                if (!(outImage.IsTiled() || inImage.IsTiled()))
                    result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.ROWSPERSTRIP);
                    if (result != null)
                        int irps = result[0].ToInt();

                        /* if biased, force decoded copying to allow image subtraction */
                        bychunk = (m_bias == null) && (m_rowsperstrip == irps);
                        bychunk = false;
                    /* either inImage or outImage is tiled */
                    if (m_bias != null)
                        stderr.Write("{0}: Cannot handle tiled configuration w/bias image\n", inImage.FileName());
                        return false;

                    if (outImage.IsTiled())
                        int tw;
                        result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
                        if (result == null)
                            tw = w;
                            tw = result[0].ToInt();

                        int tl;
                        result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
                        if (result == null)
                            tl = l;
                            tl = result[0].ToInt();

                        bychunk = (tw == m_tilewidth && tl == m_tilelength);
                        /* outImage's not, so inImage must be tiled */
                        result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
                        int tw = result[0].ToInt();

                        result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
                        int tl = result[0].ToInt();

                        bychunk = (tw == w && tl == m_rowsperstrip);

                if (inImage.IsTiled())
                    if (outImage.IsTiled())
                        /* Tiles -> Tiles */
                        if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpContigTiles2ContigTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpContigTiles2SeparateTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpSeparateTiles2ContigTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpSeparateTiles2SeparateTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        /* Tiles -> Strips */
                        if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpContigTiles2ContigStrips(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpContigTiles2SeparateStrips(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpSeparateTiles2ContigStrips(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpSeparateTiles2SeparateStrips(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                    if (outImage.IsTiled())
                        /* Strips -> Tiles */
                        if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpContigStrips2ContigTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpContigStrips2SeparateTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpSeparateStrips2ContigTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpSeparateStrips2SeparateTiles(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        /* Strips -> Strips */
                        if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && !bychunk)
                            if (m_bias != null)
                                return cpBiasedContig2Contig(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);

                            return cpContig2ContigByRow(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && bychunk)
                            return cpDecodedStrips(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.CONTIG && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpContig2SeparateByRow(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.CONTIG)
                            return cpSeparate2ContigByRow(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);
                        else if (shortv == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE && m_config == PlanarConfig.SEPARATE)
                            return cpSeparate2SeparateByRow(inImage, outImage, length, width, samplesperpixel);

                stderr.Write("tiffcp: {0}: Don't know how to copy/convert image.\n", inImage.FileName());

            return false;

         * Contig -> contig by scanline for rows/strip change.
        bool cpContig2ContigByRow(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] buf = new byte[inImage.ScanlineSize()];
            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                if (!inImage.ReadScanline(buf, row, 0) && !m_ignore)
                    Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                    return false;

                if (!outImage.WriteScanline(buf, row, 0))
                    Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write scanline {0}", row);
                    return false;

            return true;

         * Contig -> contig by scanline while subtracting a bias image.
        bool cpBiasedContig2Contig(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            if (spp == 1)
                int biasSize = m_bias.ScanlineSize();
                int bufSize = inImage.ScanlineSize();

                FieldValue[] result = m_bias.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGEWIDTH);
                int biasWidth = result[0].ToInt();

                result = m_bias.GetField(TiffTag.IMAGELENGTH);
                int biasLength = result[0].ToInt();

                if (biasSize == bufSize && imagelength == biasLength && imagewidth == biasWidth)
                    result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE);
                    short sampleBits = result[0].ToShort();

                    if (sampleBits == 8 || sampleBits == 16 || sampleBits == 32)
                        byte[] buf = new byte[bufSize];
                        byte[] biasBuf = new byte[bufSize];

                        for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                            if (!inImage.ReadScanline(buf, row, 0) && !m_ignore)
                                Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                                return false;

                            if (!m_bias.ReadScanline(biasBuf, row, 0) && !m_ignore)
                                Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read biased scanline {0}", row);
                                return false;

                            switch (sampleBits)
                                case 8:
                                    subtract8(buf, biasBuf, imagewidth);
                                case 16:
                                    subtract16(buf, biasBuf, imagewidth);
                                case 32:
                                    subtract32(buf, biasBuf, imagewidth);

                            if (!outImage.WriteScanline(buf, row, 0))
                                Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write scanline {0}", row);
                                return false;

                        m_bias.SetDirectory(m_bias.CurrentDirectory()); /* rewind */
                        return true;
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "No support for biasing {0} bit pixels\n", sampleBits);
                        return false;

                Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Bias image {0},{1}\nis not the same size as {2},{3}\n",
                    m_bias.FileName(), m_bias.CurrentDirectory(), inImage.FileName(), inImage.CurrentDirectory());
                return false;
                Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Can't bias {0},{1} as it has >1 Sample/Pixel\n",
                    inImage.FileName(), inImage.CurrentDirectory());
                return false;

         * Strip -> strip for change in encoding.
        bool cpDecodedStrips(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            int stripsize = inImage.StripSize();
            byte[] buf = new byte[stripsize];
            int ns = inImage.NumberOfStrips();
            int row = 0;
            for (int s = 0; s < ns; s++)
                int cc = (row + m_rowsperstrip > imagelength) ? inImage.VStripSize(imagelength - row) : stripsize;
                if (inImage.ReadEncodedStrip(s, buf, 0, cc) < 0 && !m_ignore)
                    Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read strip {0}", s);
                    return false;

                if (outImage.WriteEncodedStrip(s, buf, cc) < 0)
                    Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write strip {0}", s);
                    return false;

                row += m_rowsperstrip;

            return true;

         * Separate -> separate by row for rows/strip change.
        bool cpSeparate2SeparateByRow(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] buf = new byte[inImage.ScanlineSize()];

            for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                    if (!inImage.ReadScanline(buf, row, s) && !m_ignore)
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

                    if (!outImage.WriteScanline(buf, row, s))
                        Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

            return true;

         * Contig -> separate by row.
        bool cpContig2SeparateByRow(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] inbuf = new byte[inImage.ScanlineSize()];
            byte[] outbuf = new byte[outImage.ScanlineSize()];

            /* unpack channels */
            for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                    if (!inImage.ReadScanline(inbuf, row, 0) && !m_ignore)
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

                    int inp = s;
                    int outp = 0;

                    for (int n = imagewidth; n-- > 0;)
                        outbuf[outp] = inbuf[inp];
                        inp += spp;

                    if (!outImage.WriteScanline(outbuf, row, s))
                        Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

            return true;

         * Separate -> contig by row.
        bool cpSeparate2ContigByRow(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] inbuf = new byte[inImage.ScanlineSize()];
            byte[] outbuf = new byte[outImage.ScanlineSize()];

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                /* merge channels */
                for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                    if (!inImage.ReadScanline(inbuf, row, s) && !m_ignore)
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

                    int inp = 0;
                    int outp = s;

                    for (int n = imagewidth; n-- > 0;)
                        outbuf[outp] = inbuf[inp];
                        outp += spp;

                if (!outImage.WriteScanline(outbuf, row, 0))
                    Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write scanline {0}", row);
                    return false;

            return true;

        static void cpStripToTile(byte[] outImage, int outOffset, byte[] inImage, int inOffset, int rows, int cols, int outskew, int inskew)
            int outPos = outOffset;
            int inPos = inOffset;

            while (rows-- > 0)
                int j = cols;
                while (j-- > 0)
                    outImage[outPos] = inImage[inPos];

                outPos += outskew;
                inPos += inskew;

        static void cpContigBufToSeparateBuf(byte[] outImage, byte[] inImage, int inOffset, int rows, int cols, int outskew, int inskew, short spp, int bytes_per_sample)
            int outPos = 0;
            int inPos = inOffset;

            while (rows-- > 0)
                int j = cols;
                while (j-- > 0)
                    int n = bytes_per_sample;
                    while (n-- != 0)
                        outImage[outPos] = inImage[inPos];

                    inPos += (spp - 1) * bytes_per_sample;

                outPos += outskew;
                inPos += inskew;

        static void cpSeparateBufToContigBuf(byte[] outImage, int outOffset, byte[] inImage, int rows, int cols, int outskew, int inskew, short spp, int bytes_per_sample)
            int inPos = 0;
            int outPos = outOffset;

            while (rows-- > 0)
                int j = cols;
                while (j-- > 0)
                    int n = bytes_per_sample;
                    while (n-- != 0)
                        outImage[outPos] = inImage[inPos];

                    outPos += (spp - 1) * bytes_per_sample;

                outPos += outskew;
                inPos += inskew;

        static bool cpImage(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, readFunc fin, writeFunc fout, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            bool status = false;

            int scanlinesize = inImage.RasterScanlineSize();
            int bytes = scanlinesize * imagelength;

             * XXX: Check for integer overflow.
            if (scanlinesize != 0 && imagelength != 0 && (bytes / imagelength == scanlinesize))
                byte[] buf = new byte[bytes];
                if (fin(inImage, buf, imagelength, imagewidth, spp))
                    status = fout(outImage, buf, imagelength, imagewidth, spp);
                Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, no space for image buffer");

            return status;

         * Contig strips -> contig tiles.
        bool cpContigStrips2ContigTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigStripsIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Contig strips -> separate tiles.
        bool cpContigStrips2SeparateTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigStripsIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate strips -> contig tiles.
        bool cpSeparateStrips2ContigTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateStripsIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate strips -> separate tiles.
        bool cpSeparateStrips2SeparateTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateStripsIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Contig strips -> contig tiles.
        bool cpContigTiles2ContigTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Contig tiles -> separate tiles.
        bool cpContigTiles2SeparateTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate tiles -> contig tiles.
        bool cpSeparateTiles2ContigTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate tiles -> separate tiles (tile dimension change).
        bool cpSeparateTiles2SeparateTiles(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateTiles),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Contig tiles -> contig tiles (tile dimension change).
        bool cpContigTiles2ContigStrips(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigStrips),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Contig tiles -> separate strips.
        bool cpContigTiles2SeparateStrips(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readContigTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateStrips),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate tiles -> contig strips.
        bool cpSeparateTiles2ContigStrips(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToContigStrips),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

         * Separate tiles -> separate strips.
        bool cpSeparateTiles2SeparateStrips(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            return cpImage(
                inImage, outImage,
                new readFunc(readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer),
                new writeFunc(writeBufferToSeparateStrips),
                imagelength, imagewidth, spp);

        bool readContigStripsIntoBuffer(Tiff inImage, byte[] buffer, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            int scanlinesize = inImage.ScanlineSize();
            int offset = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                if (!inImage.ReadScanline(buffer, offset, row, 0) && !m_ignore)
                    Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                    return false;

                offset += scanlinesize;

            return true;

        bool readSeparateStripsIntoBuffer(Tiff inImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            int scanlinesize = inImage.ScanlineSize();
            if (scanlinesize == 0)
                return false;

            byte[] scanline = new byte[scanlinesize];
            int bufp = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row++)
                /* merge channels */
                for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                    if (!inImage.ReadScanline(scanline, row, s) && !m_ignore)
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read scanline {0}", row);
                        return false;

                    int n = scanlinesize;
                    int bp = s;
                    int sbuf = 0;
                    while (n-- > 0)
                        buf[bufp + bp] = scanline[sbuf];
                        bp += spp;

                bufp += scanlinesize * spp;

            return true;

        bool readContigTilesIntoBuffer(Tiff inImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] tilebuf = new byte[inImage.TileSize()];

            FieldValue[] result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
            int tw = result[0].ToInt();

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
            int tl = result[0].ToInt();

            int imagew = inImage.ScanlineSize();
            int tilew = inImage.TileRowSize();
            int iskew = imagew - tilew;

            int bufp = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += tl)
                int nrow = (row + tl > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : tl;
                int colb = 0;

                for (int col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw)
                    if (inImage.ReadTile(tilebuf, 0, col, row, 0, 0) < 0 && !m_ignore)
                        Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read tile at {0} {1}", col, row);
                        return false;

                    if (colb + tilew > imagew)
                        int width = imagew - colb;
                        int oskew = tilew - width;
                        cpStripToTile(buf, bufp + colb, tilebuf, 0, nrow, width, oskew + iskew, oskew);
                        cpStripToTile(buf, bufp + colb, tilebuf, 0, nrow, tilew, iskew, 0);

                    colb += tilew;

                bufp += imagew * nrow;

            return true;

        bool readSeparateTilesIntoBuffer(Tiff inImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] tilebuf = new byte[inImage.TileSize()];

            FieldValue[] result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
            int tw = result[0].ToInt();

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
            int tl = result[0].ToInt();

            result = inImage.GetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE);
            short bps = result[0].ToShort();

            Debug.Assert(bps % 8 == 0);

            short bytes_per_sample = (short)(bps / 8);

            int imagew = inImage.RasterScanlineSize();
            int tilew = inImage.TileRowSize();
            int iskew = imagew - tilew * spp;

            int bufp = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += tl)
                int nrow = (row + tl > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : tl;
                int colb = 0;

                for (int col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw)
                    for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                        if (inImage.ReadTile(tilebuf, 0, col, row, 0, s) < 0 && !m_ignore)
                            Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(), "Error, can't read tile at {0} {1}, sample {2}", col, row, s);
                            return false;

                         * Tile is clipped horizontally.  Calculate
                         * visible portion and skewing factors.
                        if (colb + tilew * spp > imagew)
                            int width = imagew - colb;
                            int oskew = tilew * spp - width;
                            cpSeparateBufToContigBuf(buf, bufp + colb + s * bytes_per_sample, tilebuf, nrow, width / (spp * bytes_per_sample), oskew + iskew, oskew / spp, spp, bytes_per_sample);
                            cpSeparateBufToContigBuf(buf, bufp + colb + s * bytes_per_sample, tilebuf, nrow, tw, iskew, 0, spp, bytes_per_sample);

                    colb += tilew * spp;

                bufp += imagew * nrow;

            return true;

        static bool writeBufferToContigStrips(Tiff outImage, byte[] buffer, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            FieldValue[] result = outImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.ROWSPERSTRIP);
            int rowsperstrip = result[0].ToInt();

            int strip = 0;
            int offset = 0;
            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += rowsperstrip)
                int nrows = (row + rowsperstrip > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : rowsperstrip;
                int stripsize = outImage.VStripSize(nrows);

                if (outImage.WriteEncodedStrip(strip++, buffer, offset, stripsize) < 0)
                    Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write strip {0}", strip - 1);
                    return false;

                offset += stripsize;

            return true;

        static bool writeBufferToSeparateStrips(Tiff outImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] obuf = new byte[outImage.StripSize()];

            FieldValue[] result = outImage.GetFieldDefaulted(TiffTag.ROWSPERSTRIP);
            int rowsperstrip = result[0].ToInt();

            int rowsize = imagewidth * spp;
            int strip = 0;

            for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += rowsperstrip)
                    int nrows = (row + rowsperstrip > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : rowsperstrip;
                    int stripsize = outImage.VStripSize(nrows);

                    cpContigBufToSeparateBuf(obuf, buf, row * rowsize + s, nrows, imagewidth, 0, 0, spp, 1);
                    if (outImage.WriteEncodedStrip(strip++, obuf, stripsize) < 0)
                        Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write strip {0}", strip - 1);
                        return false;

            return true;

        bool writeBufferToContigTiles(Tiff outImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] obuf = new byte[outImage.TileSize()];

            FieldValue[] result = outImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
            int tl = result[0].ToInt();

            result = outImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
            int tw = result[0].ToInt();

            int imagew = outImage.ScanlineSize();
            int tilew = outImage.TileRowSize();
            int iskew = imagew - tilew;

            int bufp = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += m_tilelength)
                int nrow = (row + tl > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : tl;
                int colb = 0;

                for (int col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw)
                     * Tile is clipped horizontally.  Calculate
                     * visible portion and skewing factors.
                    if (colb + tilew > imagew)
                        int width = imagew - colb;
                        int oskew = tilew - width;
                        cpStripToTile(obuf, 0, buf, bufp + colb, nrow, width, oskew, oskew + iskew);
                        cpStripToTile(obuf, 0, buf, bufp + colb, nrow, tilew, 0, iskew);

                    if (outImage.WriteTile(obuf, col, row, 0, 0) < 0)
                        Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write tile at {0} {1}", col, row);
                        return false;

                    colb += tilew;

                bufp += nrow * imagew;

            return true;

        bool writeBufferToSeparateTiles(Tiff outImage, byte[] buf, int imagelength, int imagewidth, short spp)
            byte[] obuf = new byte[outImage.TileSize()];

            FieldValue[] result = outImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILELENGTH);
            int tl = result[0].ToInt();

            result = outImage.GetField(TiffTag.TILEWIDTH);
            int tw = result[0].ToInt();

            result = outImage.GetField(TiffTag.BITSPERSAMPLE);
            short bps = result[0].ToShort();

            Debug.Assert(bps % 8 == 0);

            short bytes_per_sample = (short)(bps / 8);

            int imagew = outImage.ScanlineSize();
            int tilew = outImage.TileRowSize();
            int iimagew = outImage.RasterScanlineSize();
            int iskew = iimagew - tilew * spp;

            int bufp = 0;

            for (int row = 0; row < imagelength; row += tl)
                int nrow = (row + tl > imagelength) ? imagelength - row : tl;
                int colb = 0;

                for (int col = 0; col < imagewidth; col += tw)
                    for (short s = 0; s < spp; s++)
                         * Tile is clipped horizontally.  Calculate
                         * visible portion and skewing factors.
                        if (colb + tilew > imagew)
                            int width = imagew - colb;
                            int oskew = tilew - width;

                            cpContigBufToSeparateBuf(obuf, buf, bufp + (colb * spp) + s, nrow, width / bytes_per_sample, oskew, (oskew * spp) + iskew, spp, bytes_per_sample);
                            cpContigBufToSeparateBuf(obuf, buf, bufp + (colb * spp) + s, nrow, m_tilewidth, 0, iskew, spp, bytes_per_sample);

                        if (outImage.WriteTile(obuf, col, row, 0, s) < 0)
                            Tiff.Error(outImage, outImage.FileName(), "Error, can't write tile at {0} {1} sample {2}", col, row, s);
                            return false;

                    colb += tilew;

                bufp += nrow * iimagew;

            return true;

        private static void copyTag(Tiff inImage, Tiff outImage, TiffTag tag, short count, TiffType type)
            FieldValue[] result = null;
            switch (type)
                case TiffType.SHORT:
                    result = inImage.GetField(tag);
                    if (result != null)
                        switch (count)
                            case 1:
                                outImage.SetField(tag, result[0]);
                            case 2:
                                outImage.SetField(tag, result[0], result[1]);
                            case 4:
                                outImage.SetField(tag, result[0], result[1], result[2]);
                            case -1:
                                outImage.SetField(tag, result[0], result[1]);
                case TiffType.LONG:
                    result = inImage.GetField(tag);
                    if (result != null)
                        outImage.SetField(tag, result[0]);
                case TiffType.RATIONAL:
                    result = inImage.GetField(tag);
                    if (result != null)
                        outImage.SetField(tag, result[0]);
                case TiffType.ASCII:
                    result = inImage.GetField(tag);
                    if (result != null)
                        outImage.SetField(tag, result[0]);
                case TiffType.DOUBLE:
                    result = inImage.GetField(tag);
                    if (result != null)
                        outImage.SetField(tag, result[0]);
                    Tiff.Error(inImage, inImage.FileName(),
                        "Data type {0} is not supported, tag {1} skipped.", tag, type);

        static void subtract8(byte[] image, byte[] bias, int pixels)
            int imagePos = 0;
            int biasPos = 0;
            while (pixels-- != 0)
                image[imagePos] = image[imagePos] > bias[biasPos] ? (byte)(image[imagePos] - bias[biasPos]) : (byte)0;

        static void subtract16(byte[] i, byte[] b, int pixels)
            short[] image = Tiff.ByteArrayToShorts(i, 0, pixels * sizeof(short));
            short[] bias = Tiff.ByteArrayToShorts(b, 0, pixels * sizeof(short));
            int imagePos = 0;
            int biasPos = 0;

            while (pixels-- != 0)
                image[imagePos] = image[imagePos] > bias[biasPos] ? (short)(image[imagePos] - bias[biasPos]) : (short)0;

            Tiff.ShortsToByteArray(image, 0, pixels, i, 0);

        static void subtract32(byte[] i, byte[] b, int pixels)
            int[] image = Tiff.ByteArrayToInts(i, 0, pixels * sizeof(int));
            int[] bias = Tiff.ByteArrayToInts(b, 0, pixels * sizeof(int));
            int imagePos = 0;
            int biasPos = 0;

            while (pixels-- != 0)
                image[imagePos] = image[imagePos] > bias[biasPos] ? image[imagePos] - bias[biasPos] : 0;

            Tiff.IntsToByteArray(image, 0, pixels, i, 0);





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