NIST SP800系列标准

NIST SP800系列标准

        SP800是美国NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)发布的一系列关于信息安全的指南(SP是Special Publications的缩写)。文档很多,也很细,值得大家学习。
       在NIST的标准系列文件中,虽然NIST SP并不作为正式法定标准,但在实际工作中,已经成为美国和国际安全界得到广泛认可的事实标准和权威指南。NIST SP800系列(成为了指导美国信息安全管理建设的主要标准和参考资料。
       目前,NIST SP 800系列已经出版了近90本同信息安全相关的正式文件,形成了从计划、风险管理、安全意识培训和教育以及安全控制措施的一整套信息安全管理体系。例如
·NIST SP800-53和SP800-60描述了信息系统与安全目标及风险级别对应指南,
·NIST SP800-26和SP800-30分别描述了自评估指南和风险管理指南。
·NIST SP800-51描述通用缺陷和暴露(CVE)缺陷命名方案的使用。
·NIST SP800-30分别描述了自评估指南和风险管理指南。
·NIST SP800-34信息技术系统应急计划指南。
·NIST SP800-34安全内容自动化协议(SCAP)指南,用来组织、表达和测量安全相关信息的标准化方法以及参考数据,如经过编译的软件缺陷和安全配置问题的标识符。
       NIST SP800下载地址:
FIPS 201 originally required that all PIV credentials and associated keys be stored in a PIV Card. While the use of the PIV Card for electronic authentication works well with traditional desktop and laptop computers, it is not optimized for mobile devices. In response to the growing use of mobile devices within the Federal government, FIPS 201 was revised to permit the issuance of an additional credential, a Derived PIV Credential, for which the corresponding private key is stored in a cryptographic module with an alternative form factor to the PIV Card. Derived PIV Credentials leverage the current investment in the PIV infrastructure for electronic authentication and build upon the solid foundation of well-vetted and trusted identity of the PIV cardholder – achieving substantial cost savings by leveraging the identity-proofing results that were already performed to issue PIV cards. This document provides the technical guidelines for the implementation of Derived PIV Credentials. The use of a Derived PIV Credential is one possible way to PIV-enable a mobile device. In other cases it may be practical to use the PIV Card itself with the mobile device, using either the PIV Card’s contact or contactless interface, rather than issuing a Derived PIV Credential. Mobile devices are generally too small to integrate smart card readers into the device itself, requiring alternative approaches for communicating between the PIV Card and the mobile device. Some of these approaches are possible by today’s set of available products. Other, newer technologies are addressed by new guidelines in the existing set of PIV Special Publications. The current solution for PIV enablement directly uses PIV Cards with mobile devices through smart card readers. This has the advantage of avoiding the additional time and expense required to issue and manage Derived PIV Credentials. The approach requires smart card readers that are separate from, but attached to, the mobile device itself. These readers interface with the mobile device over a wired interface (e.g., USB) or wireless interface. The use of PIV Cards with mobile devices is functionally similar to their use with laptop and desktop computers. It does not involve new or different requirements to communicate with the PIV Card. Instead, the existing contact interface specifications of the PIV Card, as outlined in SP 800-73, form the basis for these types of readers to communicate with the PIV Card. Newer technology on mobile devices can directly communicate with and use PIV Cards over a contactless interface using Near Field Communication (NFC). Similarly to the mobile devices and attached reader scenario, the use of NFC technology with PIV cards also avoids the additional time and expense required to issue and manage Derived PIV Credentials. NFC uses radio frequency to establish communication between NFC-enabled devices. An NFC-enabled mobile device can interact with a PIV Card over its contactless interface at a very close range, allowing the mobile device to use the keys on the PIV Card without a physical connection. The user would need to hold or place the card next to the mobile device. Earlier PIV specifications did not allow the use of certain keys over the contactless interface, as existing technologies and standards did not support a secure channel between the smart card and the mobile device over NFC. SP 800-73-4 will include a new capability to enable access to all non-card-
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