An abstract representation of file and directory pathnames.#文件#和#目录路径#名的抽象表示形式。
1.File(String pathname);Creates a new File instance by converting the given pathname
string into an abstract pathname.
new File()时,通过将给定路径名字符串转换成抽象路径名来创建一个新 File 实例。
2.File(String parent,String child);
Creates a new File instance from a parent pathname string
and a child pathname string.
根据 parent 路径名字符串和 child 路径名字符串创建一个新 File 实例。
1.public boolean canRead();2.public boolean canWrite();
3.public boolean exists();
4.public boolean isDirectory();
5.public boolean isFile();
6.public boolean isHidden();
7.public long lastModified();
8.public long length();
9.public String getName();
10.pubic String getPath();
11.public boolean createNewFile()
throws IOException
12.public boolean delete();
13.public boolean mkdir();
14.public boolean mkdirs();
15.public File[] listFiles();
常用方法:查API java.lang.Math