

Public classFile

Extend Object


An abstractrepresentation of file and directory pathnames.


Userinterfaces and operating systems use system-dependent pathnamestrings to name files and directories. This classpresents an abstract, system-independent view of hierarchical pathnames.An abstract pathnamehas two components:


Hastwo components:

An optional system-dependent prefix string,such as a disk-drive specifier, "/" for the UNIX root directory,or "\\\\" for a Microsoft Windows UNC pathname.


Asequence of zero or more String names.


Thefirst name in an abstract pathname may be a directory name or, in the case ofMicrosoft Windows UNC pathnames, a hostname. Each subsequent name in anabstract pathname denotes a directory; the last name may denote either adirectory or a file. The empty abstract pathname has no prefix and an emptyname sequence.

抽象路径名中的第一个名称可以是一个目录名,如果在Microsoft WindowsUNC路径名的情况下,则为主机名。在抽象路径名的每个后续的名字代表一个目录;最后可能表明一个目录或文件名称。空的抽象路径名没有前缀和一个空序列名称。

Theconversion of a pathname string to or from an abstract pathname is inherentlysystem-dependent. When an abstract pathname is converted into a pathnamestring, each name is separated from the next by a single copy of thedefault separator character. The default name-separator character is definedby the system property file.separator, and is made available in the public static fields separator and separatorChar of this class. When a pathname string isconverted into an abstract pathname, the names within it may be separated bythe default name-separator character or by any other name-separator characterthat is supported by the underlying system.


Apathname, whether abstract or in string form, may be either absolute or relative. An absolute pathnameis complete in that no other information is required in order to locate thefile that it denotes. A relative pathname, in contrast, must be interpreted interms of information taken from some other pathname. By default the classes inthe packagealways resolve relative pathnames against the current user directory. Thisdirectory is named by the system property user.dir, and is typically the directory in which the Javavirtual machine was invoked.


The parent of an abstractpathname may be obtained by invoking the getParent() method of this class and consists of thepathname's prefix and each name in the pathname's name sequence except for thelast. Each directory's absolute pathname is an ancestor of any File object with an absolute abstract pathnamewhich begins with the directory's absolute pathname. For example, the directorydenoted by the abstract pathname"/usr" is an ancestor of the directory denoted by the pathname "/usr/local/bin".

抽象路径名的父级可以通过调用该类的 getParent()方法获得,该父级包含了路径名的前缀以及除了路径名最后名称序列以外的名称序列的每一个名字。每个目录的绝对路径名是与目录的绝对路径开头的绝对抽象路径名的任何文件对象的祖先。例如,目录所表示的抽象路径名"/usr/"所指的目录路径名的祖先是"/usr/local/bin"。

The prefix conceptis used to handle root directories on UNIX platforms, and drive specifiers,root directories and UNC pathnames on Microsoft Windows platforms, as follows:


  • For UNIX platforms, the prefix of an absolute pathname is always "/". Relative pathnames have no prefix. The abstract pathname denoting the root directory has the prefix "/" and an empty name sequence.
  • 对于UNIX平台,总是绝对路径名的前缀是"/"。相对路径名,没有前缀。 抽象指根目录路径名拥有前缀"/"和一个空序列名称。
  • For Microsoft Windows platforms, the prefix of a pathname that contains a drive specifier consists of the drive letter followed by "" and possibly followed by "\\" if the pathname is absolute. The prefix of a UNC pathname is "\\\\"; the hostname and the share name are the first two names in the name sequence. A relative pathname that does not specify a drive has no prefix.
  • 微软Windows平台上,路径名的前缀包含后跟":"驱动器字母的驱动器说明符并且可能带"\\",如果是绝对路径名。UNC路径名的前缀是"\\\";主机名和共享名称是序列名称中的前两名。相对路径名,它不指定没有前缀的驱动器。

Instancesof this class may or may not denote an actual file-system object such as a fileor a directory. If it does denote such an object then that object resides ina partition.A partition is an operating system-specific portion of storage for a filesystem. A single storage device (e.g. a physical disk-drive, flash memory,CD-ROM) may contain multiple partitions. The object, if any, will reside on thepartition named by someancestor of the absolute form of this pathname.


A filesystem may implement restrictions to certain operations on the actualfile-system object, such as reading, writing, and executing. These restrictionsare collectively known as access permissions. The file system may have multiple sets of accesspermissions on a single object. For example, one set may apply to theobject's owner,and another may apply to all other users. The access permissions on an objectmay cause some methods in this class to fail.


Instancesof the File class areimmutable; that is, once created, the abstract pathname represented by aFile object will never change.


Interoperabilitywith java.nio.file package (包的互操作性)The java.nio.file package defines interfaces andclasses for the Java virtual machine to access files, file attributes, and filesystems. This API may be used to overcome many of the limitations of the The toPath method may be used to obtain a Path that uses the abstract path represented bya Fileobjecttolocate a file. The resulting Path may be used withthe Files class to provide more efficient andextensive access to additional file operations, file attributes, and I/Oexceptions to help diagnose errors when an operation on a file fails.

java.nio.file包为Java虚拟机访问文件定义了接口和类,文件属性和文件系统。这个API可以被用来克服的许多局限性。该 toPath( ) 方法可用于获取一个使用文件对象所表示的抽象路径的路径来查找文件。可以使用生成的路径与文件类,以提供更有效和广泛的访问其他文件操作,文件属性和 I/O exceptions以帮助诊断文件上的操作失败时出现错误。

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