译:Sublime Text 2 项目设置

Remy Bach 发表于 2012.09.18
原文标题: Sublime Text 2 Project Bliss
原文网址: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-and-tips/sublime-text-2-project-bliss/

One of the many things that led me to decide that Sublime Text was going to be my text editor of choice was the way you could customize what’s shown in the file list on the left. I had no idea that this level of customization was available. Here’s a short tutorial that I hope will help you as much as it did me.

Step 1 – Adding a Folder
第一步 – 添加一个文件夹

Note: If you already have a project set up, skip to Step 3.
注: 如果你已经有一个项目了,请直接跳至第三步

Upon opening up Sublime Text, add a folder to the project by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+p on Mac) to bring up the über handy Command Palette, typing “Add”, and then hitting Enter.
打开Sublime Text,按下 Ctrl+Shift+P(Cmd+Shift+P on Mac)打开命令面板,输入”Add”后回车。


Step 2 – Save the Project
第二步 – 保存项目

Now that you’ve added a folder to the project, bring up the command palette again, and type “Save” (or Project: Save As) to save your project. We’re going to be editing this file in the next step.
至此,你已经添加到项目中一个文件夹,再次打开命令面板,输入”Save”(或 Project: Save As)来保存你的项目。在下一步我们将修改这个配置文件。


Don’t forget to give your project file the .sublime-project extension. Likely, this will be provided for you.


Step 3 – Get to Know the Project File
第三步 – 了解项目配置文件

From the menu, select Project -> Edit Project to edit the project file you saved in Step 2. Or, of course, access this from the command palette.
在菜单中,选择Project -> Edit Project来修改第二步中生成的项目配置文件。当然你也可能通过命令面板来打开它。

You should now see something similar to the following in your editor window:

        "path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress"

Fairly self explanatory, right? You’ll notice that, as with all Sublime Text goodies, this file is formatted as JSON. Don’t stress too much, if you don’t know much about JSON. You should be able to figure it out as you go along.
根据字面意思,很容易理解, 是吧?你也会注意到,和其他Sublime Text的配置文件一样,这个文件是JSON格式的。如果你不太熟悉JSON也不用紧张,当你使用时肯定能理解它。

3.1 – Displaying a Particular Folder
3.1 – 显示指定的文件夹

Let’s now update it so that it points to our theme folder/directory:

        "path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven"

Now, keep an eye on the sidebar on the left and hit Ctrl+S (Cmd+S on a Mac) to save the file. The sidebar will be updated instantly with the new folder.
现在,看一眼左侧的边栏,并按下 Ctrl+S(Cmd+S on Mac)保存文件。左侧边栏马上更新为新的文件夹。

The next thing worth pointing out (if you haven’t already noticed) is that the folders object is made up of an array literal (notated by the square brackets). If you’ve figured out that this means that we can specify more than one folder for our project, then you’d be absolutely correct. Let’s go ahead and give it a go.

3.2 – Adding Multiple Folders
3.2 – 添加多个文件夹

Fear not plugin developers, we care about you too, so let’s add our plugins directory as well as the theme folder:

"path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven"
"path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins"

Save the file again, and you should see the following:

Step 4 – What Else Can We Do?
第4步 – 还能做些什么?

I’m glad you asked! For starters, within each object in the folders array, there are a few different options available to us:
非常高兴你能这样问! 对于新手,在每个项目的文件数组配置中,可以设置不同的内容:

1. path (string): As we’ve seen, lets you specify the folder/directory to show in the sidebar
path (string): 正如我们所见,指定左侧文件所在的目录路径

2. name (string): Specify a name for the item in the sidebar
name (string): 为左侧边栏这一项指定一个名字

3. file_exclude_patterns (array): Specify files to exclude
file_exclude_patterns (array): 指定排除的文件

4. folder_exclude_patterns (array): Specify folders to exclude
folder_exclude_patterns (array): 指定排除的目录

The path is already familiar to us, and the name is self explanatory, so let’s dig in to the last two.
我们已经很熟悉目录路径(path)了, 而且名字(name)也是显而易见的,所以让我们重点看一下后两点。

4.1 – Excluding Files
4.1 – 排除文件

Admit it: there are some files that you will simply never edit, and these files are probably cluttering your project view. Instead, why don’t we hide them, and then, on the very odd occasion that you actually do need to edit them, open them manually.
相信: 有些文件你从不修改它,但这些文件很可能影响你项目的显示。因此,为什么不隐藏这些文件呢。 即使在极少时候,

This bit comes down to preference, but here are the files that I typically exclude: ‘._’, .bak, .ico, .sample, .swf, .tar, .tgz, files beginning with ‘wp-’ (let’s not go editing the WordPress core files), and finally, .zip files. To do this, our file_exclude_patterns array should look as follows:
这个应该算是偏好设置,下面是我通常排除的文件: ‘._’, .bak, .ico, .sample, .swf, .tar, .tgz, 以’wp-’开头的文件(我们最好不要个性WordPress的核心文件),最后还有 .zip文件。实现这些,我们的file_exclude_pattern


4.2 – Excluding Folders
4.2 – 排队文件夹

If you don’t want to specify each file individually, you can instead choose to exclude folders. This is the list that I generally use:

"folder_exclude_patterns": [

Note: You need to specify the file_exclude_patterns and the folder_exclude_patterns for each folder (see the final example below).
注:你需要为每个目录配置 file_exclude_patterns和folder_exclude_patterns(请看下面最后一段示例代码)。

Step 5 – But Wait… There’s More!
第5步 – 等等… 还有更多!

Other than the folders option, you can also specify two others:
1. settings: Any of the usual list of settings that you would like to apply on a project specific basis can go in here (for example: tab_size).
settings: 任何通用设置,你可以添加到项目设置上来(如: tab_size)。

2. build_systems: This allows you to add project-specific build system (which is beyond the scope of this tutorial).
build_systems: 你可以添加项目指定的编译系统(这个超出了本文范畴)

Our Final Project File

Here is an example of what your final .sublime-project file might look like (shortened slightly to be more succinct):

{ // theme
"path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven",
"name": "Twenty Eleven Theme",
"folder_exclude_patterns": [
{ // plugins folder
"path": "/C/wamp/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins",
"name": "Plugins Folder",
"._*", // you need to specify this *again*
"folder_exclude_patterns": [
// add any other plugins you wish to exclude
"tab_size": 4

To Conclude

Note: If you’re itching to further harness your Sublime Text 2, stay tuned for “Perfect Workflow in Sublime Text 2″ – a free-to-all course from Tuts+ Premium, coming late September.
注:如果你希望进一步了解你的Sublime Text 2, 敬请关注9月下旬推出的”使用Sublime Text 2的完美工作流” -
一个Tuts+ Premium的免费课程

Sublime Text 2 is an amazing tool in your web development arsenal, and it’s features and possibilities reach way beyond this tutorial. For more on what it can do, be sure to dig around in the documentation… you’re guaranteed to find some real gems hiding away in there.
Sublime Text 2在你的Web开发工具库中是一个非常了不起的工具,它的特性和能做的远远超出本文内容。它还能做些
什么,一定要围绕它的文档细细研究… 你肯定可以找到一些隐藏其中真正的宝石。


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