Code Standards, Sprint Tasks, and Plans

Code Standards, Sprint Tasks, and Plans

Which course does this assignment belong to2301-MUSE Community
Assignment RequirementTeamwork——Alpha Sprint
Team nameOutOfTheOrdinary
The goal of this assignmentDevelop code specifications, sprint tasks and plans.
Other referencesNone

1.Code Standard

I.Naming convention

  • Variable naming: Use meaningful and descriptive names. Avoid using single letters or abbreviations as variable names.

  • Function and method naming: Use verbs and nouns to clearly describe the function of a function or method. For example, getUserInfo().

  • Class naming: Use Camel Case to name a class, starting with a capital letter. For example, UserInfoManager.

  • File naming: Use meaningful names and use appropriate file extensions. For example,

II. Indent and format

  • Use a uniform indent style, commonly using tabs or Spaces for indentation. It is usually recommended to indent with four Spaces.

  • Maintain a consistent alignment style in your code, such as for multiple line arguments or dictionary declarations.

  • Use appropriate Spaces and line breaks to improve the readability of your code.

III.Annotation specification

  • Add comments to key sections that explain the intent, implementation details, and considerations of the code.

  • For complex algorithms or logic, provide detailed comments to help other developers understand the code.

  • For public interfaces or functions, provide documented comments describing the parameters, return values, and usage.

IV.Version control

  • Use a version control system, such as Git, to manage the code and establish appropriate branching policies, such as master, development, and feature branches.

  • When you commit code, add meaningful commit information that describes the purpose and content of the code change.

  • Code Merge (Merge) or Rebase (Rebase) on a regular basis to ensure cleanliness and consistency of the code base.

V.Test specification

  • Develop unit test specifications to test core functions, boundary conditions, and exceptions.

  • Create integration tests to ensure proper collaboration between individual components or modules.

  • Design system tests to verify the behavior and performance of the entire system in a real-world environment.

VI.Safety specifications

  • For sensitive data, encryption algorithms are used for storage and transmission to protect data security.

  • Protect against SQL injection attacks and use parameterized queries or ORM tools to build secure database queries.

  • Prevent XSS attacks by escaping or filtering user input appropriately.

VII.Performance specification

  • Avoid unnecessary loops or recursions and try to use efficient algorithms and data structures.

  • Use a cache to store frequently used data to reduce double calculations or queries.

  • Compress and merge static resources (such as images, script files, etc.) to improve loading speed.

2.Sprint Tasks

2.1 About the front-end plan

  • The team should complete the prototype of the app interface, and make at least 1/2 of the interface given by the ui into front-end code.

  • In the process of completing the interface prototype, improve the shortcomings of the ui.

  • Improve interface documents so that back-end personnel can clearly understand interface tasks and enhance the connection between back-end and back-end technical personnel.

2.2 About the back-end plan

  • Complete the back-end architecture.

  • Complete the existing interfaces in the interface document, and ensure the stability of the interfaces while deploying them to the server.

  • The face recognition algorithm is coarsely trained and embedded in the back-end interface. At the same time, the docking and stability test with the front end are completed.

  • Prepare to learn high concurrency related high-pressure environment handling methods to solve extreme testing, and find a way to solve the face recognition algorithm can not capture biometric confusion problems.

3.Specific division of plan

3.1 About the front-end plan


Learn compose to complete the basic understanding of compose.


Complete the first home screen and start my compose journey.


Complete three or four screens.


Update some interfaces required by the interface to the back-end.


Interconnect with the back-end to use the interface.

3.2 About the back-end plan


Construct the data table model and implement the login and registration interface. Collect face data sets.


The image receiving interface is realized, and the face detection is trained.


To realize the interface related to team management, face recognition training began.


Implement message transmission and release interface, face recognition algorithm interface and data statistics interface.


Publish to the server, coordinate with the front-end.

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