

*                                                uC/OS-II
*                                          The Real-Time Kernel
*                            (c) Copyright 1992-2003, Jean J. Labrosse, Weston, FL
*                                           All Rights Reserved
* File : uCOS_II.H
* By   : Jean J. Labrosse

#ifndef  OS_uCOS_II_H
#define  OS_uCOS_II_H

#include  <os_cpu.h>
#include  <os_cfg.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

*                                             MISCELLANEOUS

#define  OS_VERSION              270u                   /* Version of uC/OS-II (Vx.yy mult. by 100)    */

#ifdef   OS_GLOBALS
#define  OS_EXT
#define  OS_EXT  extern

#ifndef  FALSE
#define  FALSE                     0

#ifndef  TRUE
#define  TRUE                      1

#define  OS_ASCII_NUL        (char)0

#define  OS_PRIO_SELF           0xFF                    /* Indicate SELF priority                      */

#define  OS_N_SYS_TASKS            2                    /* Number of system tasks                      */
#define  OS_N_SYS_TASKS            1

#define  OS_STAT_PRIO       (OS_LOWEST_PRIO - 1)        /* Statistic task priority                     */
#define  OS_IDLE_PRIO       (OS_LOWEST_PRIO)            /* IDLE      task priority                     */

#define  OS_EVENT_TBL_SIZE ((OS_LOWEST_PRIO) / 8 + 1)   /* Size of event table                         */
#define  OS_RDY_TBL_SIZE   ((OS_LOWEST_PRIO) / 8 + 1)   /* Size of ready table                         */

#define  OS_TASK_IDLE_ID       65535u                   /* I.D. numbers for Idle and Stat tasks        */
#define  OS_TASK_STAT_ID       65534u

#define  OS_EVENT_EN       (((OS_Q_EN > 0) && (OS_MAX_QS > 0)) || (OS_MBOX_EN > 0) || (OS_SEM_EN > 0) || (OS_MUTEX_EN > 0))

*                              TASK STATUS (Bit definition for OSTCBStat)
#define  OS_STAT_RDY            0x00        /* Ready to run                                            */
#define  OS_STAT_SEM            0x01        /* Pending on semaphore                                    */
#define  OS_STAT_MBOX           0x02        /* Pending on mailbox                                      */
#define  OS_STAT_Q              0x04        /* Pending on queue                                        */
#define  OS_STAT_SUSPEND        0x08        /* Task is suspended                                       */
#define  OS_STAT_MUTEX          0x10        /* Pending on mutual exclusion semaphore                   */
#define  OS_STAT_FLAG           0x20        /* Pending on event flag group                             */

*                                        OS_EVENT types
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_UNUSED      0
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_MBOX        1
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_Q           2
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_SEM         3
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_MUTEX       4
#define  OS_EVENT_TYPE_FLAG        5

*                                         EVENT FLAGS
#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ALL      0        /* Wait for ALL    the bits specified to be CLR (i.e. 0)   */
#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_AND      0

#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_ANY      1        /* Wait for ANY of the bits specified to be CLR (i.e. 0)   */
#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_CLR_OR       1

#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ALL      2        /* Wait for ALL    the bits specified to be SET (i.e. 1)   */
#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_AND      2

#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_ANY      3        /* Wait for ANY of the bits specified to be SET (i.e. 1)   */
#define  OS_FLAG_WAIT_SET_OR       3

#define  OS_FLAG_CONSUME        0x80        /* Consume the flags if condition(s) satisfied             */

#define  OS_FLAG_CLR               0
#define  OS_FLAG_SET               1

*                                   Values for OSTickStepState
* Note(s): This feature is used by uC/OS-View.

#define  OS_TICK_STEP_DIS          0        /* Stepping is disabled, tick runs as mormal               */
#define  OS_TICK_STEP_WAIT         1        /* Waiting for uC/OS-View to set OSTickStepState to _ONCE  */
#define  OS_TICK_STEP_ONCE         2        /* Process tick once and wait for next cmd from uC/OS-View */

*       Possible values for 'opt' argument of OSSemDel(), OSMboxDel(), OSQDel() and OSMutexDel()
#define  OS_DEL_NO_PEND            0
#define  OS_DEL_ALWAYS             1

*                                     OS???PostOpt() OPTIONS
* These #defines are used to establish the options for OSMboxPostOpt() and OSQPostOpt().
#define  OS_POST_OPT_NONE       0x00        /* Post to highest priority task waiting                   */
#define  OS_POST_OPT_BROADCAST  0x01        /* Broadcast message to ALL tasks waiting                  */ 
#define  OS_POST_OPT_FRONT      0x02        /* Post to highest priority task waiting                   */

*                                 TASK OPTIONS (see OSTaskCreateExt())
#define  OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK  0x0001        /* Enable stack checking for the task                      */
#define  OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR  0x0002        /* Clear the stack when the task is create                 */
#define  OS_TASK_OPT_SAVE_FP  0x0004        /* Save the contents of any floating-point registers       */

*                                             ERROR CODES
#define OS_NO_ERR                     0

#define OS_ERR_EVENT_TYPE             1u
#define OS_ERR_PEND_ISR               2u
#define OS_ERR_POST_NULL_PTR          3u
#define OS_ERR_PEVENT_NULL            4u
#define OS_ERR_POST_ISR               5u
#define OS_ERR_QUERY_ISR              6u
#define OS_ERR_INVALID_OPT            7u
#define OS_ERR_TASK_WAITING           8u

#define OS_TIMEOUT                   10u
#define OS_TASK_NOT_EXIST            11u
#define OS_ERR_FLAG_NAME_TOO_LONG    13u
#define OS_ERR_TASK_NAME_TOO_LONG    14u
#define OS_ERR_PNAME_NULL            15u

#define OS_MBOX_FULL                 20u

#define OS_Q_FULL                    30u
#define OS_Q_EMPTY                   31u

#define OS_PRIO_EXIST                40u
#define OS_PRIO_ERR                  41u
#define OS_PRIO_INVALID              42u

#define OS_SEM_OVF                   50u

#define OS_TASK_DEL_ERR              60u
#define OS_TASK_DEL_IDLE             61u
#define OS_TASK_DEL_REQ              62u
#define OS_TASK_DEL_ISR              63u

#define OS_NO_MORE_TCB               70u

#define OS_TIME_NOT_DLY              80u
#define OS_TIME_INVALID_MINUTES      81u
#define OS_TIME_INVALID_SECONDS      82u
#define OS_TIME_INVALID_MILLI        83u
#define OS_TIME_ZERO_DLY             84u

#define OS_TASK_SUSPEND_PRIO         90u
#define OS_TASK_SUSPEND_IDLE         91u

#define OS_TASK_RESUME_PRIO         100u
#define OS_TASK_NOT_SUSPENDED       101u

#define OS_MEM_INVALID_PART         110u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_BLKS         111u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_SIZE         112u
#define OS_MEM_NO_FREE_BLKS         113u
#define OS_MEM_FULL                 114u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_PBLK         115u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_PMEM         116u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_PDATA        117u
#define OS_MEM_INVALID_ADDR         118u
#define OS_MEM_NAME_TOO_LONG        119u

#define OS_ERR_NOT_MUTEX_OWNER      120u

#define OS_TASK_OPT_ERR             130u

#define OS_ERR_DEL_ISR              140u
#define OS_ERR_CREATE_ISR           141u

#define OS_FLAG_INVALID_PGRP        150u
#define OS_FLAG_ERR_WAIT_TYPE       151u
#define OS_FLAG_ERR_NOT_RDY         152u
#define OS_FLAG_INVALID_OPT         153u
#define OS_FLAG_GRP_DEPLETED        154u

*                                          EVENT CONTROL BLOCK

#if (OS_EVENT_EN > 0) && (OS_MAX_EVENTS > 0)
typedef struct os_event {
    INT8U    OSEventType;                    /* Type of event control block (see OS_EVENT_TYPE_???)     */
    INT8U    OSEventGrp;                     /* Group corresponding to tasks waiting for event to occur */
    INT16U   OSEventCnt;                     /* Semaphore Count (not used if other EVENT type)          */
    void    *OSEventPtr;    

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