Creating and designing HR Forms-00

By Ribhu Ahuja, TCS

This tutorial explains about creating HRFORMS in HR module of SAP using t code HRFORMS. A complete HR form is an executable report with its own selection screen in the SAP System. HRFORMS use the data available from Metanets.

Concept of Metanet, Metastar, Metadimension, Infonet, Infostar and Infodimension.

The MetaNet is a view SAP HR data which can be printed in a form – adobe interactive or smartform. It covers all the data in SAP HR module which can be printed.

A MetaNet contains MetaStars, which are the individual data sources e.g. employee metastar would contain details about the employee, his address, name etc.

The MetaStar is a view of data that can be read from a specific source of data e.g. from a particular infotype or from a particular HR table – for payroll or time.

The metastar, in turn contain metadimensions and metafigures. The MetaDimension is a complete description of a business object and it contains the relevant business object data – metafields which are either key fields or attributes. A MetaDimension can be used in several MetaStars.

MetaFields are the fields values or information that exist in a MetaDimension. Each MetaField is part of the key that specifies the MetaDimension in full, or an attribute, a further characteristic of the MetaDimension.

Similarly, Infonets, Infostars, Infodimensions and Infofields are the objects which are available in the HRFORM for displaying HR data and are similar to Metanets, metastars, metadimensions and metafields.  We can find more details about Metanets using the T code HRFORMS_METADATA.


The first screen of HRFORMS contains all the forms available. In order to create a new form, let us click on the create button. 


It asks for form name, country grouping and form class. Give the details as shown and for form class, choose PAYSLIP. We can also go for other types of forms. The difference lies in the various types of metastars that would be available to us while creating the forms. For instance, NONE type forms would show all metastars from which we can fetch data except time metastars. TIME type forms would contain only time metastars and none or limited data about other types. So as we chose PAYSLIP type, we see the following screen:

Click on the green tick mark and it takes us to the following screen


Let us take a look at the HR Form tab: 





It shows the form class which is PAYSLIP Remuneration in our case, and it shows METANET as SAP Standard Metanet. SAP provides a default metanet which contains HR data in various metastars and metadimensions. In Layout, we can choose SAP Smartform or Form Builder. In our case we would choose form builder and make the forms with Adobe interactive forms.  




The Form builder is the Adobe Interactive form interface and here we would not do much of coding but design the form and values would be automatically populated by the self generated driver program. Had we chosen the smartform option, there is little coding required to be done in smartform’s global definition à initialization part, apart from the self generated driver program.  The Adobe based forms have a prerequisite is that we must have Adobe Live Server installed on our machine and we have required authorizations for the same. 


Currently, the ABAP dictionary structure, SAP form and print program are all inactive.

Creating Adobe based HR form: 

On the main screen of HR Forms creation, in the HR forms tab, choose Form Builder in the layout structure and from Metanet dropdown, choose SAP default metanet which is the default metanet available for us. We can create our own metanets and even inherit them from standard SAP default metanet by using the t code HRFORMS_METADATA. 

From form class, it is ‘Remuneration Statement’ already chosen. It is for PAYROLL type HR FORM which we chose while we began the HR form creation.


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### 回答1: 《Designing Data-Intensive Applications》这本书是一本关于设计和构建大型数据应用程序的指南。它重点关注数据存储、处理和传输方面的现代技术。这本书由三部分组成:第一部分围绕着数据存储系统展开,包括传统的关系型数据库和现代的NoSQL数据库等;第二部分则聚焦于数据处理,涵盖流处理、批处理和交互式查询等领域;第三部分则探讨了如何构建可靠、可扩展且具有良好性能的分布式系统。无论是新手还是老手,都可以从本书中获得一些有价值的见解。这本书概述了不同技术在数据处理方面的优缺点,并介绍了一些构建大型、高效数据应用程序的最佳实践。另外,由于该书旨在让读者获得对现代架构和技术的深刻理解,因此它也介绍了一些分布式系统的核心理论,例如CAP定理和BASE原则等。这本书的读者包括数据科学家、软件工程师、数据工程师和系统管理员。总之,如果你正在构建一个数据密集型应用程序,想要了解最新的技术和最佳实践,那么《Designing Data-Intensive Applications》绝对值得一读。 ### 回答2: 《设计数据密集型应用程序》(Designing Data-Intensive Applications)是一本由 Martin Kleppmann 所著的计算机科学类图书,这本书讨论了当今主要的数据系统和应用程序所面临的问题和挑战,并提供了一些解决方案。这本书内容涵盖了分布式系统、数据存储和查询、数据一致性与容错性、流处理、数据流水线、实时分析等领域,不仅提供了丰富的理论知识,还有很多实践案例和相关技术细节。 对于软件工程师、架构师、数据工程师等人来说,这本书是一本非常重要的访问。如果你正在开发一个数据密集型的应用或系统,这本书提供了很多有用的指导和建议。例如,这本书会告诉你如何选择和使用不同的数据存储技术,如何设计高效的数据处理流水线,如何保证系统的可扩展性和容错性等等。 《设计数据密集型应用程序》还使用了很多实用的案例和场景,比如 Twitter 的分布式消息队列 Kafka,Google 的基于 Paxos 算法的分布式一致性协议 Chubby,Facebook 的实时数据处理系统 Apache Samza 等等。通过这些案例,读者可以更好地了解如何应用书中的理论知识到实际工作中。 总之,《设计数据密集型应用程序》是一本值得阅读的计算机科学类图书,无论你是软件工程师、数据工程师、系统架构师等,都有望从中获得很多启发。 ### 回答3: Designing Data-Intensive Applications是一本讲述大数据应用程序设计的书籍。这本书主要涵盖了数据密集型应用程序设计的方方面面,包括数据存储和查询、数据处理和流处理、分布式系统和高可用性、性能和可扩展性等。它通过介绍各种不同的数据管理工具和技术,帮助读者了解如何在大数据领域中设计出高效和可靠的应用程序。 在设计数据密集型应用程序时,需要考虑很多因素。从数据存储和查询的角度来看,我们需要考虑使用哪种数据库或数据存储方案,并且了解其适用的场景和可扩展性。同时还需要思考如何使用数据查询工具来优化查询性能。 在数据处理和流处理方面,我们需要选择正确的数据处理框架和工具,以处理大数据集合。我们也需要了解如何设计分布式系统,并且使其具有高可用性和容错性。性能和可扩展性也是设计数据密集型应用程序时的至关重要因素,因此我们需要考虑如何优化系统吞吐量和处理能力,并在需要时进行水平扩展。 总之,Designing Data-Intensive Applications是一本非常有价值的书籍,可以帮助读者了解如何在大数据领域中进行应用程序设计。它提供了丰富的知识和有实际应用的案例,让读者在实践中掌握数据密集型应用程序设计的关键技能。


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