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以前用 MOVE-CORRESPONDING 的时候都是用相同结构的源赋值给目标,今天遇到了两个源结构的字段不同,但是目标结构的字段同时包含这些不同字段的例子。比如:源结构 s1 的字段有:key1 key2 value1 value2 valuem valuen源结构 s2 的字段有:key1 key2 value3 value4 valuem valuen目标结构 t1 的字段

2009-12-30 19:49:00 10183 1


DESCRIBE 语句一共有三类用法,先简述一下 DESCRIBE FIELD的用法:Field Properties 1. DESCRIBE FIELD ... Properties of an Internal Table 2. DESCRIBE TABLE ... Distance Between Two Fields 3. DESCRIBE DISTANCE ...Field Pr

2009-12-30 19:42:00 3722 1

原创 Web Dynpro Component Architecture

2009-12-13 11:11:00 1208

转载 ABAP Tables

DBCON Description of database connections (including password) DD02V Date dictionary tables DD03L Date dictionary tables and fields DD07T Texts for Domain Fixed Values T100 Table of message ( mesage c

2009-11-25 20:12:00 3222


 ABAP_DOCU_DOWNLOAD – 以HTML格式下载ABAP文档。ARFC_GET_TID – 以十六进制形式返回终端的IP地址。BAL_* -容纳了SAP的应用程序日志所有的函数模块。BP_EVENT_RAISE –在 ABAP/4 程序中触发一个事件。BP_JOBLOG_READ –获得job log的执行结果。CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT –

2009-11-25 20:10:00 2926

原创 实现分组小计

 REPORT  ZALV_SAMPLE_03.*---type poolsTYPE-POOLS: slis.*---internal tablesDATA: BEGIN OF it_flight OCCURS 0,       carrid  LIKE sflight-carrid,       connid   LIKE sflight-connid,       fldate   LIKE 

2009-11-24 14:55:00 1159

转载 ABAP中LR和LO前缀的区别

 LR defines a reference which points to the data while LO defines onepointing to an object.An object reference is either a class or an interface reference, which are fundamental concepts in OO langu

2009-11-24 11:29:00 1208

转载 Creating and designing HR Forms-01

Data flow from metanet to the form:  When SAP creates the HR form, it makes an Infonet with our form’s name (zform_ribz2 in this case). The metanet contain metastars which in turn contain metadimens

2009-11-20 20:50:00 1317

转载 Creating and designing HR Forms-00

By Ribhu Ahuja, TCSThis tutorial explains about creating HRFORMS in HR module of SAP using t code HRFORMS. A complete HR form is an executable report with its own selection screen in the SAP System.

2009-11-19 17:50:00 1688


unit Unit1;interfaceuses  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, OleCtrls, SAPFunctionsOCX_TLB,  SAPLogonCtrl_TLB;type  TForm1 =

2009-11-17 22:58:00 2043

转载 Creating Organization Management infotype

By Venkateswara Rao Appikonda, Intelligroup Inc1. Check the non-existence of the info type: Check for the existence of any info type with the given number in the tables T582A and T777D.   2. Go to

2009-11-16 21:14:00 1082

转载 Linking SAP User-id to Personnel no

By Sunitha S The linking between Personnel No and the SAP Userid is available in the infotype 0105. This information can be maintained as shown below:  Go to transaction PA30.  Enter the infot

2009-11-16 21:09:00 1062

转载 ALV report listing all the infotypes that are customized in a SAP system with the structure name

By Swarna S, Tata Consultancy Services *&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report ZINFOTYPE **& Author :

2009-11-16 20:59:00 954

转载 Difference between logical database PNP and PNPCE

 By Chandeep Singh, Fujitsu India PurposeThe PNPCE logical database supports the evaluation of HR master data. It includes the functions of the PNP logical database and offers additional evaluatio

2009-11-15 20:01:00 1887

转载 What is Logical Database ?

Logical database in SAPThe LDB is special type of ABAP program that combines the contents of certain related(检索) database tables and retrieve some related data and make it available to application pro

2009-11-15 14:16:00 2105

转载 Difference between ABAP and HR ABAP

ABAP vs HR ABAP  The following concepts are defined in ABAP HR which is different with other modules. n      Use of Infotypesn      The use of Logical Databasen      Use of Macros and Pr

2009-11-14 11:50:00 1167

转载 Master Data

1) What is the difference between ABAP and HR ABAP2) What is logical data base3) What are logical data bases used in hr module4) What is the difference between PNP and PNPCE5) Explain GET PERNR concep

2009-11-13 19:58:00 1697

转载 Useful Transaction codes in SAP HR module

Master DataPA10   Personnel File                PA20   Display HR Master Data        PA30   Maintain HR Master Data       PA40   Personnel Events              PA41   Change Hiring Data            PA

2009-11-13 19:55:00 1227

转载 More information on sap hr-abap infotypes

More information on SAP hr abap infotypes:                 Infotype data is period-based (time-dependent), in other words, it is only valid for specific periods. For this reason, each record has a s

2009-11-13 19:53:00 1874


我们在定义Tables的时候,一般会加上TYPE-POOLS SLIS. slis应该是个Package.声明了它后就可以用它包括的函数、类、消息等。SLIS_FIELDCAT_ALV 是控制ALV的列的信息,比如列宽、颜色、是否可修改等。SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV 是控制整体的ALV的显示状态的,比如隔行显示不同的颜色,自动优化全部列的宽度,全部列可修改等等。下面一个控制

2009-11-13 19:23:00 17661

转载 ABAP学习

1、在SE38环境下的程序名输入栏输入DEMO*后按F4,你可以查到SAP所有的DEMO示例程序,好好看看,你会学到很多ABAP功能的实现方法。2、运行“ABAPDOCU”T-cdoe,你可以看到ABAP DOCUMENT及示例程序。3、想提高ALV的编程水平吗?在SE38环境下的程序名输入栏输入BCALV*后按F4,你可以查到很多ALV示例程序,慢慢看吧。

2009-11-13 16:06:00 1447 1

转载 应该研究的sap的Library

 SDB_ADBC   ABAP Database Call Interface (Dynamic SQL) SDB_DBI       General Database Interface  STUA              Application Monitor SMOS            Monitoring Operating SystemSPFL        

2009-11-13 15:55:00 828

转载 常见的abap面试题目

1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?  2. What are field symbols and field groups.? Have you used "component idx of structure" clause with field groups?  3. What should be the appro

2009-11-13 15:54:00 918

原创 一些有用的SAP技术TCODE

 Background ProcessingRZ01  Job Scheduling Monitor  SM36  Schedule Background Job  SM36WIZ  Job definition wizard  SM37  Overview of job selection  SM37B  Simple version of job selection  SM37BAK  Old

2009-11-13 15:52:00 1433

原创 SAP的一些HR函数

HOLIDAY_CHECK_AND_GET_INFO Useful for determining whether or not a date is a holiday. Give the function a date, and a holiday calendar, and you can determine if the date is a holiday by checking the p

2009-11-13 15:49:00 4567

原创 如何编程实现删除一个sap的在线用户

REPORT ZKICK.** Data ****************************************************************DATA: OPCODE TYPE X VALUE 2.DATA: BEGIN OF usr_tabl OCCURS 10.        INCLUDE STRUCTURE uinfo.DATA: END OF usr_ta

2009-11-13 15:45:00 1265

转载 一个现金流量表的代码

* program SOURCE HEADER  : 现金流量表* Program Name:* Description:* Date/Author:* Table Update:* Special Logic:* Include:*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*  MODIFICAT

2009-11-13 15:44:00 2836

转载 ABAP--关于OO ABAP的学习资料连接列表

check the below links lot of info and examples r therehttp://www.sapgenie.com/abap/OO/index.htmhttp://www.geocities.com/victorav15/sapr3/abap_ood.htmlhttp://www.brabandt.de/html/abap_oo.htmlCheck th

2009-11-13 15:00:00 768

转载 ABAP--批量建立员工照片关联程序参考代码


2009-11-13 14:57:00 886

转载 HR--一个员工的所有主数据(PA*)克隆到一个新员工的程序代码

这个程序将一个员工的所有主数据(PA*)克隆到一个新员工,具体代码*&---------------------------------------------------------------------**& Report  ZPPA_CLONE_PERNR*&*&--------------------------------------------------------------

2009-11-13 14:56:00 955

转载 abap--关于sap地址,传真,邮箱的地址读取

在sap的应用中,很多地方需要用到地址和联系方式,sap对于地址采用了集中维护,最近对这进行了学习,收集到的一些资料供大家参考,也请大家多多指点。一、相关packageSZAD二、相关表(可以参见ADDR_SAVE_INTERN函数的操作)1 ADR2 : 电话号码 (业务地址服务)(ADDRNUMBER(10),PERSNUMBER(10))2.ADR3:传真号 (业务地址服务)(ADDRN

2009-11-13 14:54:00 1562

转载 ABAP - 3D Graphs with SAP

在ABAP设计中,程序员经常需要用图形显示报表的统计结果,我们可以使用函数:GRAPH_MATRIX_3D来达到图形显示。GRAPH_MATRIX_3D函数参数很多,但只有三个参数必须需要输入:Table DATAThe first field of table DATA must be a C field of any length. The number values must then be

2009-11-13 14:50:00 531

转载 ABAP--ABAP语言对象编程的一些样例代码连接收集

1)ABAP语言对象编程Why Use ABAP Objects Why Use ABAP Objects Exercise Eight Reasons Why Every ABAP Developer Should Give ABAP Objects a Second Look An Insiders Guide to Writing Robust, Understandabl

2009-11-13 14:46:00 724

转载 ABAP--如何在打印报表上打印水印

On the other day, I was reading through SCN and this question came up. There wasn’t any suitable answer, which can get the watermark in SAPScript. So, I decided to give a try. I have tried couple of t

2009-11-13 14:45:00 1241

转载 ABAP--如何生成SAP系统ABAP标准课程涉及到的数据表无数据的问题


2009-11-13 14:37:00 715

转载 在选择屏幕的标准应用工具条上增加自定义按钮(-)

sap的选择屏幕的标准工具栏上系统预先定义了5个按钮,他们对应的功能码是FC01-FC05,默认是不激活的。用户可以使用SELECTION-SCREEN FUNCTION KEY i.来激活这5个按钮(这里的i必须是1-5),这五个按钮的文本放在SSCRFields的对应的Functxt_0i中。当用户按下按钮时,系统将触发AT SELECTION-SCREEN 事件,并将功能码放到sscrfie

2009-11-13 14:31:00 3484

原创 信息类型

 0000 人事事件 0001 组织分配 0002 个人数据 0006  地址 0021 家庭成员 0022 教育 0023 工作经历 0533 人事档案管理 9022 最高学位  0185 人员标志 0534 政党信息 0016 合同信息 0019 任务监控 9016 服务协议信息 9023 职业技能鉴定 9024 专业技术职务 0

2009-11-11 15:48:00 983

原创 HR相关表

PERNR:HR 主数据报告的标准选择T7CN59 政治面貌T517T 教育机构类型指定T519T 结业证书T528T 职位文本HRP1000 信息类型 1000 数据库T547S 合同类别文本  PCL1:人力资源 簇 1 PCL2:人力资源 簇 2PC260:工资发放结果的簇目录T512T:工资项文本T7CN0P:人事范围/人事子范围 (中国)T7CN32:税收范围T7CN3B:税收范

2009-11-10 19:35:00 1932

转载 Add n number of working days to date

  Add n number of working days to date   The following ABAP code adds n number of WORKING days to a particular date, any days which are not workings days (i.e. Saturday) will b

2009-11-10 16:33:00 2198

转载 SAP HR screen key date ,period初始值设置

 如果设置时间为当天,当月或当年,可以在 initialization  中对   pnptimed 进行赋值,如 pnptimed = D,这表示Today被选中。 其他值还有:M 表示Current month, Y 表示Current year,P 表示Up to today, F  表示From today。

2009-11-10 16:28:00 1329



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