

    从初中开始接住电脑就看到的是windows95,到了大学才看到用同学在玩Linux,当时就的那东西真的很新奇。后来自己也在自己的电脑上装了个Red Hat 9.0可是没有一星期酒吧它给格了,应为用很多在window习惯用的软件在Linux上找不到(后来才知道是自己他孤陋寡闻了)。这就是应为我刚开始接住的就是windows,用它已经习惯了。所以如果要打算开始学新一个新的东西,那就要想办法用新的东西来代替原来已经习惯的东西---在新的东西里面找到就的东西并且习惯它,这样就可以反客为主了。所以我就要找到这样的对照表:

1) 网络软件.
Web 浏览器Internet Explorer, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [Prop], Firefox,maxthon1) Netscape / Mozilla.
2) Galeon.
3) Konqueror.
4) Opera.
5) Firefox.
6) Nautilus.
7) Epiphany.
8) Links.
9) Dillo.
10) Encompass.
命令行下的Web浏览器1) Lynx
2) Xemacs + w3.
1) Links.
2) ELinks.
3) Lynx.
4) w3m.
5) Xemacs + w3.
Email 客户端Outlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla, Thunderbird, The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Sylpheed / Claws Mail, Opera,foxmail1) Evolution.
2) Netscape / Mozilla/Thunderbird messenger.
3) Sylpheed / Claws Mail.
4) Kmail.
5) Gnus.
6) Balsa.
7) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
8) Arrow.
9) Gnumail.
10) Althea.
11) Liamail.
12) Aethera.
13) Opera.
Email 客户端像OutlookOutlook1) Evolution.
2) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
3) Aethera.
4) Sylpheed.
5) Claws Mail
Email 客户端像The BatThe Bat1) Sylpheed.
2) Claws Mail
3) Kmail.
4) Gnus.
5) Balsa.
命令行下的Email客户端Mutt [de], Pine, Pegasus, Emacs1) Pine. [NF]
2) Mutt.
3) Gnus.
4) Elm.
5) Emacs.
新闻阅读器1) Agent [Prop]
2) Free Agent
3) Xnews
4) Outlook
5) Netscape / Mozilla
6) Opera [Prop]
7) Sylpheed / Claws Mail
8) Dialog
9) Gravity
10) BNR2
1) Knode.
2) Pan.
3) NewsReader.
4) Netscape / Mozilla Thunderbird.
5) Opera [Prop]
6) Sylpheed / Claws Mail.
7) Pine. [NF]
8) Mutt.
9) Gnus.
10) tin.
11) slrn.
12) Xemacs.
13) BNR2.
通讯录Outlook1) Rubrica
文件下载Flashget, Go!zilla, Reget, Getright, DAP, Wget, WackGet, Mass Downloader,迅雷1) Downloader for X.
2) Caitoo (former Kget).
3) Prozilla.
4) Wget (console, standard).
5) GUI for Wget: Kmago, Gnome Transfer Manager, QTget, Xget, ...
6) Aria.
7) Axel.
8) Download Accelerator Plus.
9) GetLeft.
10) Lftp.
整站下载Teleport Pro, Httrack, Wget, ...

1) Httrack.
2) WWW Offline Explorer.
3) Wget (console, standard). GUI: Kmago, QTget, Xget, ...
4) Downloader for X.
5) Pavuk.
6) XSiteCopy.
7) GetLeft.
8) Curl (console).
9) Khttrack.

FTP客户端Bullet Proof FTP, CuteFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, FileZilla, FlashFXP,LeapFTP1) Gftp.
2) Konqueror.
3) KBear.
4) IglooFTP. [Prop]
5) Nftp.
6) Wxftp.
7) AxyFTP.
8) mc. (cd ftp://...)
9) tkFTP.
10) Yafc.
11) Dpsftp. (dead project)
命令行下的ftp客户端FTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp1) Ncftp.
2) Lftp.
3) Avfs. (From any program: /#ftp:...)
IRC客户端Mirc, Klient, VIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat,Mirc IRC

1) Xchat.
2) KVirc.
3) Irssi.
4) BitchX.
5) Ksirc.
6) Epic.
7) Sirc.

本地网络聊天工具1) QuickChat 5)飞鸽传书
2) Akeni
3) PonyChat
4) iChat
1) talk (console), ktalk.
2) Akeni.
3) Echat.
4) write, wall (chat between users of one machine)
本地送信与Windows机器WinPopUpsmbclient (console). GUI:
1) LinPopUp 2.
2) Kpopup.
3) Kopete.
Instant Messaging clientsICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ...
Trillian ICQ (freeware, can replace all common IM clients), Miranda, Pidgin,QQ,TM,

1) Licq (ICQ).
2) Centericq
3) Alicq (ICQ).
4) Micq (ICQ).
5) GnomeICU (ICQ).
6) Pidgin.
7) Ayttm.
8) Kopete.
9) Everybuddy.
10) Simple Instant Messenger.
11) Imici Messenger.
12) Ickle (ICQ).
13) aMSN (MSN).
14) Kmerlin (MSN).
15) Kicq (ICQ).
16) YSM. (ICQ, console).
17) kxicq.
18) Yahoo Messenger for Unix.
19) Kmess (MSN).
20) AIM.
21) MSNre.



Jabber IM clientsJAJC, Tkabber (+activestate tcl), Psi, Exodus, WinJab, myJabber, RhymBox, Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Pidgin., Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition1) Tkabber.
2) Gabber.
3) Psi.
4) Pidgin..
5) Centericq (console).
6) Ayttm.
7) Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition.
检测站点和邮箱,显示头条新闻,或全部文WatzNew1) Web Secretary.
2) Knewsticker & korn.
3) Mozilla (???).
4) watch -n seconds lynx -dump

1) GnomeMeeting (Ekiga Now).
2) vat/vic/wb.
3) rat/wbd/nte.
4) NeVoT.
5) IVS.

语音通信 Speak Freely

1) Speak Freely for Unix.
2) TeamSpeak.

Firewall (packet filtering)BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, WinRoute Pro, Norton Internet Security, Sygate Personal Firewall PRO, Kerio Personal Firewall, ...iptables or more outdated ipchains (console, standard). Front ends:
1) Kmyfirewall.
2) Easy Firewall Generator.
3) Firewall Builder.
4) Shorewall.
5) Guarddog.
6) FireStarter.
7) Smoothwall. [Prop]
8) IPCop.
9) Zorp.
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)1) BlackICE
2) Agnitum Outpost Firewall
3) Tripwire [prop]
4) Kerio Personal Firewall
1) Snort.
2) Portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry.
3) Tripwire [GPL].
4) Tripwall.
5) AIDE.
6) ViperDB.
7) Integrit.
8) Cerberus Intrusion Detection System.
Port scanning detection???1) Pkdump.
Making the system more securely???1) Bastille.
2) Linux Security Auditing Tool.
Visual routeVisualRoute [Prop] 1) Xtraceroute.
2) VisualRoute. [Prop]
3) Mtr.
4) Geotrace.
Content (ad / popup) filteringProxomitron, ATGuard, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, Privoxy, MS ISA server, Guidescope, ...1) DansGuardian.
2) Squid.
3) Squidguard.
4) Privoxy.
5) JunkBuster.
6) Zorp.
7) Fork.
8) Redirector.
Traffic control / shapingWinRoute Pro, ...1) IP Relay.
2) CBQ (from iproute2 package).
3) tc (from iproute2 package).
Traffic accounting

Netstat, Tmeter, ...

1) Tcp4me.
2) Getstatd.
3) Ipacct.
4) Ipac-ng.
5) Ipaudit.
6) Lanbilling.
7) SARG (full Squid traffic).
8) Talinux.
9) NetUP UserTrafManager.
10) MRTG.
11) NetTop.
Peer-to-peer clients / servers, file sharing (p2p)Morpheus (Gnutella), WinMX, Napster, KaZaA (Fasttrack), eDonkey [Prop], eMule, TheCircle, Bittorrent, SoulSeek, Direct Connect1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Connect, BitTorrent)
2) LimeWire. (Gnutella)
3) Lopster. (OpenNAP)
4) Gnapster. (OpenNAP)
5) eDonkey. (eDonkey) [Prop]
6) cDonkey. (eDonkey)
7) Gift client / server / fasttrack plugin (Fasttrack)
8) ed2k_gui.
9) Gtk-Gnutella. (Gnutella)
10) Qtella. (Gnutella)
11) Mutella. (Gnutella, console)
12) TheCircle.
13) Freenet. (fully anonymous p2p)
14) GNUnet.
15) Lmule. (eDonkey)
16) Xmule. (eDonkey)
17) Bittorrent.
18) PySoulSeek (Soulseek).
19) Loophole. (WinMX) [Prop]
20) Direct Connect.
21) QuickDC. (Direct Connect).
22) OverNet.
23) Apollon.
24) GrapeWine. (fully anonymous p2p)
25) Snark. (Bittorrent)
26) Sancho (mldonkey frontend)
27) ktorrent
28) azureus
"Hotline" p2p protocol clients / servers???Clients:
1) Gtkhx.
2) Fidelio.
3) GHX. [Prop]
1) Synapse.
2) HSX.
Program for working with sound modem with many functions - from answerback and AON to fax deviceVenta Fax, PrimaFax1) Gfax. (???)
2) PrimaFax. [Prop, 99$]
3) mgetty + voice + sendfax.
4) vgetty.
Work with faxesWinFax1) HylaFax.
2) Fax2Send. [Prop]
3) Efax.
4) VSI-FAX. [Prop]
DialupVdialer, etc1) Kppp.
2) X-isp.
3) wvdial. (Front ends: X-wvdial, kvdial, gtkdial).
4) Gppp.
5) Kinternet.
6) Rp3.
7) pppconfig + pon + poff.
8) Modem Lights.
9) Netcount. (console)
FTN editorGolded1) Golded.
2) Golded+.
3) Msged.
4) Qded.
FTN tosserFastEcho, hpt1) hpt.
2) CrashEcho.
3) Qecho.
4) CrashMail II.
5) Fidogate - gate to news.
6) ifmail - gate to news.
FTN mailerSF-Mail, T-Mail1) ifcico.
2) qico.
3) Bforce.
4) Binkd.
Remote management1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing
2) Remote Administrator (Radmin) [Prop]
3) Remote Assistance [Prop]
4) Symantec pcAnywhere [Prop]
5) Windows Terminal Server [Prop]
6) Rdesktop [Prop]
7) Radmin [Prop]
8) PC-Duo [Prop]
9) Huey PC Remote Control (only for NT) [Prop]
10) Timbuktu Pro [Prop]
11) LapLink [Prop]
12) GoToMyPC [Prop]
13) Bo2k and other trojans

1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing.
2) ssh.
3) Remote management is built-in in XFree86.
4) Remote management is built-in in KDE 3.1. ("desktop sharing").
5) Rdesktop Client.
6) rsh / rlogin.
7) telnet.
8) Gtelnet.
9) x0rfbserver.
10) KDE Universal Remote Desktop.

Transmission of the files on modemHyperTerminal, Terminate, etc1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit.
2) Msterm.
3) Xtel.
4) uucp.
5) lrzsz + cu from uucp.
Work with sshPutty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh1) Kssh.
2) ssh / openssh.
3) GTelnet. (Telnet, SSH, Rlogin)
Network monitoring toolDumeter, Netmedic1) Gkrellm.
2) Big Brother.
3) Etherape.
4) Nagios.
5) Tkined.
6) MRTG.
7) Rrdtool.
8) PIKT.
9) Autostatus.
10) bcnu.
11) mon.
12) Sysmon.
13) Spong.
14) SNIPS.
15) iptraf (console).
16) Ksysguard.
17) OpenNMS.
18) tcpdump.
Network maintance toolHP OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli1) HP OpenView agents. [Prop]
2) Big Brother.
3) Cheops.
4) Tkined.
5) OpenNMS.
Protocols analysing, sniffing

Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MS Network Monitor, Iris, Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, Snort, ...

1) Ethereal.
2) Tcpdump.
3) Etherape.
4) Ntop.
5) ipxdump. (+ipxparse for parsing)
6) Snort.
Security scannerShadowScan, ISS, Retina, Internet Scanner1) Nessus.
2) Nmap.
RoutingMS RRAS1) iproute2 + iptables.
2) GateD. [Prop]
3) GNU Zebra.
Utilites and libraries for Ethernet/IP testinglcrzolcrzo
IP-telephony (VoIP)Buddyphone [Prop], Cisco SoftPhone, Skype1) GNU Bayonne.
2) Openh323.
3) OpenPhone.
4) tkPhone.
5) NauPhone.
6) Twinkle
7) Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting)
8) Gizmo [NF?] (win+mac version also)
9) Kphone
11) Linphone
12) Skype [NF]
Sharing data/filesWindows shares1) NFS.
2) Samba.
3) Samba-TNG.
4) FTP.
???Windows Domain, Active Directory1) Samba.
2) Ldap.
3) yp.
Viewing Windows-networkNetwork neighborhood1) Samba.
2) KDE Lan Browser, lisa
3) LinNeighborhood.
4) xSMBrowser.
5) Komba2.
6) Konqueror.
ADSL1) RASPPPOE1) rp-pppoe.
2) Pptp client.
Distributed computing

All projects.
1) United Devices.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.

All projects.
1) Distributed.net.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.
5) D2ol.
* Some versions for Linux run only in console mode.
IPSEC protocol-FreeSWAN.
VRML viewer and editor


1) White Dune.
Work with Ebay???1) Bidwatcher.
2) Work with files.
File manager in FAR and NC styleFAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, Volcov Commander, etc1) Midnight Commander.
2) X Northern Captain.
3) Deco (Demos Commander).
4) Portos Commander.
5) Konqueror in MC style.
6) Gentoo.
7) VFU.
8) Ytree.
File manager in Windows Commander styleTotal Commander (former Windows Commander)1) Krusader.
2) Kcommander.
3) FileRunner (TCL/TK).
4) Linux Commander.
5) LinCommander.
6) Rox, Rox-Filer.
7) Emelfm.
8) Midnight Commander.
9) Worker.
File manager in Windows styleWindows Explorer / Internet Explorer1) Konqueror.
2) Gnome-Commander.
3) Nautilus.
4) Endeavour Mark II.
5) XWC.
Visual Shell???1) vshnu: the New Visual Shell.
Quick viewing of local HTML documents1) Internet Explorer
2) Microsoft Document Explorer
1) Dillo. (Russian language patches - here).
2) Konqueror.
3) Nautilus.
4) Lynx / Links.
Viewing all operations with filesFilemonFilemon.
Work with UDFRoxio (former Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CDLinux-UDF.
Work with multi session CD + recovering information from faulty multi session disksIsoBusterCDFS.
Work with compressed files1) WinZip
2) WinRar
3) 7-Zip
4) WinACE
5) UltimateZip

1) Ark (kdeutils).
2) Gnozip.
3) KArchiveur.
4) Gnochive.
5) FileRoller.
6) Unace.
7) LinZip.
8) TkZip.

Console archiversarj, rar, zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, lha...1) tar, gzip, bzip2.
2) Unarc.
3) Lha. (on Japanese)
4) Infozip.
5) Arj.
6) Avfs. (The support of any archive from any program - file.zip#/...).
7) Zoo.
8) RAR.
9) CAB Extract
10) 7-zip .
Program for files and directories comparison1) Beyond Compare.
2) Araxis Merge.
3) WinMerge
4) Minimalist GNU For Windows (diff.exe)
5) Unison
6) kdiff3

1) Mgdiff.
2) diff, patch.
3) Xemacs.
4) Xdelta. (make patches for binary files)
5) Meld.
6) Xxdiff.
7) Unison
8) kdiff3
9) kompare .

Batch file renamingPlugins to TotalCommander, ...1) GPRename. (Perl-based)
2) Plugins for MC (???)
3) Desktop / System software.
Text editorNotepad, WordPad, TextPad, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kedit (KDE).
2) Gedit (Gnome).
3) Gnotepad.
4) Kate (KDE).
5) KWrite (KDE).
6) Nedit.
7) Vim.
8) Xemacs.
9) Xcoral.
10) Nvi.
11) Ozeditor.

Console text editor1) Vim
2) Emacs
3) Editor from FAR, editor from DN, ...

1) Vim.
2) Emacs.
3) Nano. (It's a free implementation of pico)
4) joe.
5) Fte.
6) Jed.
7) CoolEdit.

Multi-purpose text and source code editorSciTE, UltraEdit, MultiEdit, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) CodeCommander.
4) SciTE.
5) Quanta Plus.
6) Vim.
7) Xemacs.
8) Mcedit (comes with mc).
9) Jed.
10) Setedit. (Turbo Vision looking style)
11) HT editor.

Text editor with cyrillic encodings supportBred, Rpad32, Aditor, Vim, Xemacs

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) Fte (console).
4) Patched version of Midnight Commander.
5) Vim.
6) Xemacs.

Viewing PostScript

1) RoPS
2) GhostView

1) GhostView.
2) Kghostview.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
Viewing PDF1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
1) Adobe Reader. [Prop]
2) Xpdf.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
5) GhostView.
6) Kghostview.
7) Kpdf
Creating PDF1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
3) Ghostscript
4) Openoffice.org
1) Any Linux WYSIWYG program -> print to file -> ps2pdf. (Here's an article about this).
2) Adobe Acrobat Distiller. [Prop]
3) PStill. [Shareware]
4) PDFLatex.
5) Xfig.
6) Ghostscript.
7) Tex2Pdf.
8) Reportlab.
9) GV.
10) GGV.
11) GhostView.
12) Kghostview.
13) Panda PDF Generator.
14) Openoffice.org.
CryptoPGP, GnuPG + Windows Privacy Tools1) GnuPG (console) + GPA, KGpg, and other frontends.
2) PGP. [Prop]
Disc volume encryptionEFS (standard), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light1) Loop-aes.
2) CFS.
3) TCFS.
4) BestCrypt.
5) CryptFS.
Task schedulermstask, nnCroncron, at (standard, console). GUI: Kcron.
Outlook schedulerOutlook scheduler1) KOrganizer.
Virtual CDVirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools, ...1) Virtual CD Kernel Modul.
2) "cp /dev/cdrom mycd.iso" + "mount -o loop mycd.iso /mnt/cdrom/".
Text recognition (OCR)Recognita, FineReader1) ClaraOcr.
2) Gocr.
3) Kooka.
4) OCRopus.
Translators (cyrillic)Promt, SocratKsocrat (???)
Eng-rus dictionaries (cyrillic)1) ABBYY Lingvo
2) Socrat
3) JaLingvo
4) phpMyLingvo
1) Mueller.
2) Ksocrat.
3) JaLingvo.
4) phpMyLingvo.
5) dict+Kdict.
6) DictX.
7) Groan.
8) Mova.
9) Slowo.
10) Stardict.
Work with scannerPrograms on CD with scanner, VueScan1) Xsane.
2) Kooka.
3) Xvscan. [Prop]
4) VueScan. [Prop]
AntivirusAVG AntiVirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-Prot, Kaspersky, ...1) Dr. Web. [Prop]
2) Trend ServerProtect. [Prop]
3) RAV Antivirus. [Prop] (Bought by Microsoft?)
4) OpenAntivirus + AMaViS / VirusHammer.
5) F-Prot. [Prop]
6) Sophie / Trophie.
7) Clam Antivirus.
8) Kaspersky. [Prop]
9) YAVR.
System configurationControl Panel, Msconfig, RegEdit, WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, ...

1) setup (Red Hat).
2) chkconfig (Red Hat).
3) redhat-config-<feature>. (Red Hat 8.0).
4) xf86config, xf86cfg.
5) Linuxconf.
6) Drakeconf.
7) Webmin.
8) yast and yast2 (SuSE).
9) sysinstall (FreeBSD).
10) /dev/hands :).

Boot managersSystem Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, ...1) Grub.
2) Lilo.
3) ASPLoader.
4) Acronis OS Selector [Prop].
5) Ranish Partition Manager.
6) osbs.
7) Symon.
8) Smart Boot Manager.
9) Xosl.
10) GAG.
Hard disk partitions manager1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [Prop]
2) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]
3) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop]
4) Partition Commander [Prop]

1) PartGUI. (GUI for partimage and parted)
2) GNU Parted. (GUI - QTParted).
3) Partition Image.
4) fips.
5) Diskdrake (Mandrake).
6) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop].
7) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]. (review)

LVM + soft-RAID + parted + ... -


Backup softwarentbackup (standard), Legato Networker [Prop] 1) Legato Networker. [Prop]
2) Lonetar. [Prop]
3) Disk Archive.
4) Bacula.
5) Taper.
6) dump / restore. (console, standard)
7) Amanda (console).
8) Mondo Rescue. (backups that boot and auto restore themselves to disk)
Making images of disk partitions1) DriveImage
2) Ghostpe
1) PartitionImage (GUI - PartGUI).
2) dd (console, standard).
3) Mondo Rescue.
Machine mirroring over network1) ImageCast
2) Norton Ghost

1) UDP Cast.
2) Techteam's UDP Cast Disks.
3) Ghost for Unix (g4u).

Task managerTaskMan (standard), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT.1) top (console, standard).
2) Gtop, Ktop.
3) Ksysguard.
4) "ps aux|more", "kill <pid>"
Automatic switch between English and Russian when you typePunto Switcher, Keyboard Ninja, SnoopXNeur
Mouse gesturesSensiva1) Kgesture.
2) wayV.
3) Optimoz.
TV program???Home Portal.
Text to speechMS text to speech1) KDE Voice Plugins.
2) Festival.
3) Emacspeak.
4) VoiceText.
Speech recognitionViaVoice, DragonNaturally SpeakingYes, there are no usable speech recognition packages. But:
1) Sphinx.
2) ViaVoice. (almost dead...)
Stream text processing1) Minimalist GNU For Windows (sed.exe)
2) perl
1) sed, awk.
2) perl.
PIM / DB / hierarchical notebook with tree viewTreePad [Prop], Leo, CueCards1) TreePad Lite. [Prop]
2) Yank.
3) TreeLine.
4) Gjots.
5) Leo.
6) Hnb - hierarchical notebook.
7) TuxCards.
Program for quick switching between resolutions and frequenciesIntegrated with system, comes on CD with video card

1) Multires.
2) Ctrl+Alt+"-", Ctrl+Alt+"+".
3) Fbset. (when using framebuffer)

Search and replace text in files1) Integrated with system
2) Indexing service
3) HTMLChanger
4) Any file manager
1) find (console, standard).
2) slocate (console, standard).
1) Gsearchtool.
2) Kfind.
3) Any file manager
Local search engine with SGBD for indexing

1) Indexing service (???)
2) mnoGoSearch. [prop for Windows]

1) mnoGoSearch.
2) ASPSeek.

System monitoringSystem monitor (built-in)1) top (console, standard).
2) Gkrellm.
3) Ksysguard.
4) Survivor.
5) "Hot-babe". (If you can be shocked by nudity, don't use it :).
6) htop
Program for logs viewingEvent Viewer (built-in)

1) Xlogmaster.
2) Analog.
3) Fwlogview. (firewall)

Data Recovery ToolsR-Studio (supports Linux partitions)1) e2undel.
2) myrescue.
3) TestDisk.
4) unrm.
5) Channel 16.
Text files encoder with automatic detection of character set ???

1) Enca.
2) Jconv.
3) Xcode. (cyrillic)
4) Asrecod. (cyrillic)

Alarm clockMindIt!1) KAlarm.
Work with PalmPalm Desktop1) Kpilot.
2) Jpilot.
Allows to carry on Palm .html filesiSilo1) iSilo.
2) Plucker.
Low-level optimization
(chipset, pci-bus)

1) Powertweak-Linux.

BibleOn-Line Bible, The SWORD1) BibleTime (KDE)
2) Gnomesword (Gnome)
Convenient mouse scrollingMouse Imp


Automatic change of desktop background???1) Background Buddy.
Convenient switching of the keyboard language???

1) GSwitchIt.

Windows registry editorRegEditKregedit :).
4.1) Multimedia (audio / CD).
Useful links:-Linux MIDI & Sound Applications - many links and resources.
Sound Software - lots of it.
Music / mp3 / ogg players

1) Winamp
2) Zinf
3) SnackAmp
4) Soritong
5) Apollo
6) K-jofol 2000
7) Sonique
8) C-4
9) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation 5
10) Blaze Media Pro
11) NEX 3
12) Real Jukebox
13) Windows Media Player

1) XMMS (X multimedia system).
2) Noatun.
3) Zinf. (former Freeamp)
4) Winamp.
5) Xamp.
6) GQmpeg.
7) SnackAmp.
8) Mplayer. (Frontend: Kplayer).
9) Xine. (Frontends: Sinek, Totem)
10) Amarok
Console music / mp3 / ogg playersmpg123, dosamp, Mplayer

1) Cplayer.
2) mpg123.
3) ogg123.
4) mpg321.
5) Orpheus.
6) Mp3blaster.
7) Madplay.
8) Console utils for xmms.
9) Mplayer.

Programs for CD/DVD burning with GUINero, Roxio Easy CD Creator, ...1) K3b.
2) XCDRoast.
3) KOnCd.
4) Eclipt Roaster.
5) Gnome Toaster.
6) CD Bake Oven.
7) KreateCD.
8) SimpleCDR-X.
9) GCombust.
10) WebCDWriter. (CD burn server, usable from any remote browser with Java support)
11) CDR Toaster.
12) Arson.
13) CD-Me (Creation of audio-CD).
14) Nero [Prop]
CD playerCD player, Winamp, Windows Media Player, ...1) KsCD.
2) Gtcd (Gnome) + tcd (console).
3) Orpheus. (console)
4) Sadp.
5) WorkMan.
6) Xmcd.
7) Grip.
8) XPlayCD.
9) ccd / cccd. (console)
10) cdp. (console)
11) BeboCD.
Slowing the rotation of CDSlowcd, Cdslow1) mount -o speed=<speed>
2) hdparm -E <speed>
3) eject -x <speed>
4) cdspeed.
CD ripping / grabbing1) Cdex
2) MusicMatch
3) Streambox Ripper
4) Audiocatalyst
5) WinDac
6) Audiograbber
7) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation
8) CD-Copy
9) Blaze Media Pro
10) Real Jukebox
11) Windows Media Player
12) Nero
13) VirtualDrive
14) VirtualCD
15) Audacity
1) Grip.
2) Audacity.
3) RipperX.
4) tkcOggRipper.
5) A Better CD Encoder.
6) cdda2wav.
7) Gnome Toaster.
8) Cdparanoia.
9) Cd2mp3.
10) Dagrab.
11) SimpleCDR-X.
12) RatRip.
13) AutoRip.
14) Sound Juicer.
Tracker music playerWinamp, Windows Media Player, ...1) xmms + MikMod-plugin. Comes with xmms.
2) xmms + xmp-plugin. Using xmp.
3) MikMod. (console)
4) xmp. Can play tracker music with Midi devices.
5) TiMidity++. Only mod files.
Midi playerWinamp, Windows Media Player, ...1) xmms + midi-plugin. (Using TiMidity)
2) xmms + awemidi-plugin. (Using drvmidi)
3) xmms + playmidi-plugin. (Using playmidi)
4) TiMidity++. Supports gus pathes and sf2 banks, backend to another software.
4) timidity-eawpatches. Gus-patches for TiMidity++.
5) Kmid.
6) drvmidi / awemidi.
7) pmidi (console, for ALSA).
8) playmidi.
9) atmidi.
Midi + karaoke playerVanBasco1) Kmid.
2) Gkaraoke.
3) TiMidity++.
Mp3 encoders

1) Lame
2) Cdex
3) MusicMatch
4) Streambox Ripper
5) Audiocatalyst
6) Blaze Media Pro
7) Media Box Audio / Video Workstation
8) AudioSlimmer
9) Real Jukebox

1) Lame.
2) Bladeenc.
3) NotLame.
4) L3enc. [Prop]
5) gogo.
OGG encodersoggencoggenc.
Work with Real protocol1) RealPlayer. [Prop]
2) Mplayer + libraries.
1) RealPlayer. [Prop]
2) Mplayer + libraries.
3) ReMedial.
RadioVC Radio, FMRadio, Digband Radio1) xradio.
2) cRadio.
3) Xmradio.
4) RDJ.
5) RadioActive.
6) XMMS-FMRadio.
7) Gqradio.
8) Qtradio.
9) streamtuner
Audio editorsSoundForge, Cooledit, Audacity, ...1) Glame.
2) Rezound.
3) Sweep.
4) WaveForge.
5) Sox.
6) Audacity.
7) GNUSound.
8) Ecasound.
9) SoundStudio.
10) mhWaveEdit.
Multitrack audio processorCubase1) Ecasound.
2) Ardour.
Sound trackerFasttracker, ImpulseTracker1) Soundtracker.
2) Insotracker.
3) CheeseTracker.
Sound mixersndvol321) Opmixer.
2) aumix.
3) mix2000.
4) KMix.
5) Alsamixer.
6) GMix.
7) wmix (for WindowMaker)
8) Mixer_app (for WindowMaker)
9) Many applets for AfterStep / WindowMaker / FluxBox.
Software for music notationFinale, Sibelius, SmartScore1) LilyPond.
2) Noteedit.
3) MuX2d.
Midi-sequencerCakewalk1) RoseGarden.
2) Brahms.
3) Anthem.
4) Melys.
5) MuSE.
6) MidiMountain. (KDE)
More infrormation: Midi-Howto.
Music creationCakewalk, FruityLoops1) RoseGarden.
2) Ardour.
SynthesizerVirtual waves, Csound

1) Csound.
2) FluidSynth.
3) Arts Builder (???).

ID3-Tag EditorsMp3tag

1) EasyTAG.
2) Cantus.
3) id3tool (console).
4) id3ed (console).
5) id3edit (console).

Guitar/Instrument Tuning software1) In-Tune Multi-Instrument Tuner
2) Digital Guitar Tuner


Record streaming audio into .MP3 filesTwins Stream Ripper

Stream Ripper.

4.2) Multimedia (graphics).
Graphic files viewer1) ACDSee
2) IrfanView
3) Xnview
4) CompuPic [Prop]
5) Windows Fax and Image viewer
5) Any web browser

1) Xnview.
2) GQview.
3) Qiv.
4) CompuPic [Prop]
5) Kuickshow.
6) Kview.
7) GTKSee.
8) xv. [Prop]
9) pornview.
10) imgv.
11) Gwenview.
12) Gliv.
13) Showimg.
14) Fbi.
15) Gthumb.
16) PixiePlus.
17) Electric Eyes (Gnome).
18) Eye of Gnome.
19) GImageView.
20) Hugues Image Viewer.
21) Any web browser.

Viewing the graphic files in consoleQPEG1) zgv.
2) aalib.
Simple graphic editorPaint1) Kpaint.
2) Tuxpaint.
3) Xpaint.
4) Gpaint.
5) Killustrator.
6) Graphtool.
Powerful graphic editor in PhotoShop style1) Adobe Photoshop [Prop]
2) Gimp
3) Paint Shop Pro [Prop]
4) Pixel32 [Prop]
5) Corel PhotoPaint [Prop]
6) Macromedia Fireworks

1) Gimp.
2) ImageMagick.
3) Pixel32. [Prop]
4) CinePaint.
5) RubyMagick.
6) Corel PhotoPaint 9. [Prop]

Programs for work with vector graphicsAdobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, AutoSketch, OpenOffice Draw

1) Inkscape
2) sK1
3) Sodipodi.
4) xfig.
5) Sketch.
6) Karbon14 and Kontour.
7) OpenOffice Draw.
8) Dia.
9) Tgif.
10) Gestalter.
11) ImPress.
12) Tkpaint.
13) Tgif.
14) Corel Draw 9. [Prop]

SVG editorWebDraw [Prop]

1) Inkscape
2) sK1
3) Sodipodi.
4) Dia.
5) Sketch.

SVG viewer1) Squiggle
2) X-Smiles
3) SVG support in Mozilla

1) Squiggle.
2) X-Smiles.
3) SVG support in Mozilla.
4) SVG support in Konqueror.

Program for text decorationWordart, OpenOffice DrawOpenOffice Draw.
Program for ASCII-drawingANSI DRAW, Mazaika1) CanvASCII.
2) Jave.
3) ANSI Draw.
Converting the graphic files in pseudographics???aalib.
Flash playingFlash Player1) SWF Macromedia Flash Player.
2) Flash Player. [Prop]
3) Plugin for Netscape/Mozilla (download here or here).
Flash creationMacromedia Flash

1) DrawSWF.
2) Ming. (Creating flash swf output from programming languages)

3D-graphics3D Studio MAX, Maya [Prop], Povray, ...1) Blender.
2) Maya. [Prop]
3) KPovModeler.
4) K3Studio.
5) Moonlight.
7) Povray.
8) MegaPov.
9) K3D.
10) Wings 3D.
11) Softimage XSI. [Prop]
12) Kludge3d.
The instrument for making the photographic quality scene based of ArchiCAD 3D-modelsArtLantis Render???
Icon editorMicroangelo1) Gnome-iconedit.
2) Kiconedit.
Small program for making screenshotsIntegrated with system (PrintScreen), Snag it, ...1) Ksnapshot.
2) Xwpick.
3) Xwd, xgrabsc.
4) Motv (xawtv)
5) Streamer (video)
6) Integrated with window manager (various hotkeys)
Drawing structure diagrams of the databaseAccess

1) Dia.
2) Toolkit for Conceptual Modelling.

Create printed calendars, greeting cards, etc., with clip art collectionBroderbund Print Shop???
Download pictures from digital cameraPolaroid Drivers

1) Camera Tool (gtkam)
2) Gphoto2.

4.3) Multimedia (video and other)
Video / mpeg4 players

1) BSplayer
2) Zoomplayer
3) Windows Media Player
4) VideoLAN
5) Winamp3
6) Mplayer
7) RealPlayer
8) Xing
9) Simplayer

1) Mplayer. (Frontend: Kplayer).
(LiveCD distribution of Mplayer - MoviX).
2) Xine. (Frontends: Sinek, Totem)
3) VideoLAN.
4) Aviplay.
5) Winamp3.
6) Noatun.
7) KDE Media Player.
8) XMovie.
9) Kaboodle.
10) MpegTV.
11) Avifile.
12) Xmps.
13) Ogg Tarkin. (???)
14) Theora. (???)

Console video / mpeg4 playersQuickView

1) Mplayer.
2) QuickView.

DVD playersPowerDVD, WinDVD, MicroDVD, Windows Media Player, VideoLAN1) Ogle.
2) Mplayer.
3) Xine.
4) Aviplay.
5) VideoLAN.
6) OMS.
DVD rippers / encodersGordian Knot, Mencoder (from Mplayer)

1) Drip.
2) Transcode.
3) Mencoder. (from Mplayer)
4) Ffmpeg.
5) DVD::Rip.

Simple video creation and editingWindows Movie Maker1) iMira Editing. [Prop]
2) MainActor. [Prop]
3) Broadcast 2000.
4) Avidemux.
Professional video production enviromentAdobe Premiere, Media Studio Pro1) iMira Editing.
2) Cinelerra.
3) MainActor.
4) Broadcast 2000.
5) Lives.
6) CinePaint.
7) Heroine Virtual.
Cutting videoVirtual Dub1) Avidemux.
2) Kino.
Converting videoVirtual Dub, Mencoder (from Mplayer)

1) Transcode.
2) Mencoder. (from Mplayer)
3) Ffmpeg.

Work with TV-tuner / watch TVAVerTV, PowerVCR 3.0, CinePlayer DVR, Mplayer, ...1) Tvtime.
2) Kwintv.
3) Xawtv.
4) Zapping.
5) GnomeTV.
6) Mplayer.
7) Xawdecode.
Work with TV-tuner in console-1) Mplayer.
2) fbtv.
3) aatv.
Work with QuickTime formatQuickTime Player1) QuickTime.
2) Mplayer + Sorenson codec.
3) OpenQuicktime.
4) Xanim.
Creation of 2D and 3D effectsAdobe After Effects

1) Shake. [Proprietary, $129.95]
2) Plugins for Gimp.

AnimationAnimation Shop, ...

1) CinePaint.
2) Plugins for Gimp.

Landscape / terrain generationBryceTerraform.
World constructionWorld Construction Set, Animatek
World Builder
Framework for developing video applications???

1) Gstreamer.
2) Live.

5) Office/business.
Office suiteMS Office, StarOffice / OpenOffice, 602Software,Redoffice,永中office

1) OpenOffice.
2) StarOffice. [Prop]
3) Koffice.
4) HancomOffice. [Prop]
5) Gnome Office.
6) Applixware Office. [Prop]
7) Siag Office.
8) TeX, LaTeX,,永中office

Office suiteWordPerfect Office 2000WordPerfect Office 2000 for Linux. (No longer available at Corel website. It was Windows version, running under Wine :).
Word processorWord, StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer, 602Text, Abiword,永中office,Redoffice1) Abiword.
2) TextMaker [Prop]
3) WordPerfect.
4) Ted.
5) StarOffice / OpenOffice Writer.
6) Kword.
7) LyX.
8) Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment).
SpreadsheetsExcel, StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc, 602Tab,Redoffice,永中office

1) Gnumeric.
2) Abacus.
3) StarOffice / OpenOffice Calc.
4) Kspread.


Graphing / charting dataExcel, MicroCall Origin,Redoffice,永中office

1) Kivio.
2) Dia.
3) KChart.
4) xfig.
5) Gnuplot.
6) GtkGraph.
7) GNU Plotutils.
8) Ploticus.

Creating presentationsMS PowerPoint, StarOffice Presentation, OpenOffice Impress,Redoffice,永中office

1) StarOffice Presentation.
2) OpenOffice Impress.
3) Kpresenter.
4) MagicPoint.
5) Kuickshow & gimp :).

6)永中office,Redoffice,ThinkFree Office

Local databaseMS Access, InterBase6, OpenOffice + MySQL.

1) KNoda.
2) Gnome DB Manager.
3) OpenOffice + MySQL.
4) InterBase7. [Prop]
5) InterBase6.
6) Berkley DB.
7) Rekall. [Prop]
8) StarOffice Adabase.

Receiving the quotings, news, building graphs and analysing of the financial market.Omega Research Trade Station 20001) The Market Analysis System (MAS)
Software for e-commerce and web business1) Weblogic [Prop]
2) IBM WebSphere Application Server [Prop]
3) iPlanet
4) osCommerce
5) JOnAS
1) Weblogic. [Prop]
2) JBoss.
3) IBM WebSphere Application Server. [Prop]
4) osCommerce.
5) JOnAS.
Personal finances manager1) MS Money
2) Quicken
3) Moneydance [Prop]

1) GNUcash.
2) GnoFin.
3) Kmymoney.
4) Grisbi.
5) Moneydance. [Prop]

Project managementMS Project, Project Expert 7

1) Mr Project.
2) Outreach.

Financial accounting package (global)
???1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop]
2) Quickbooks.
Financial accounting package (russian)
"1C: Accounting"1) Hansa Business Solutions. [Prop]
2) IceB.
3) "Finances without problems".
4) Ananas.
5) E/AS.
6) 1L: Project.
Financial accounting package (India & Asia)???Kalculate. [Prop]
Automation of the enterprise (russian)"1C: Enterprise"1) Keeper. [Prop]
2) Oblik. [Prop]
3) IceB.
4) Compiere.
ERP/CRM (english)???1) Compiere.
2) Dolibarr.
3) Tutos.
ERP/CRM (russian)"BOSS-Corporation"1) NauRP.
2) Compiere.
3) Dolibarr.
Corporate docflow system (russian).1) "Boss-Referent"
2) Documentum
3) "Delo"
4) Lanit:LanDoc
1) NauDoc.
2) Documentum.
3) "Boss-Referent" (without the client part)
6) Games.
Where to getAnywhere you want :).The Linux Game Tome (happypenguin.org) | LinuxGames.com | Kde Games | Linux Game Publishing
The Linux Game List-http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php
Games for Windows, that can be run under WineX-This is a search form, and this is a full list of games (very big).
-Tetris1) LTris.
2) XWelltris.
3) Emacs + "Meta-X tetris".
4) Ksirtet.
-Standard Windows games

1) Kdegames.
2) Gnome-games.

-Mines1) KMines.
2) Perlmines.
3) Dmines.
-Civilization: Call to PowerCivilization: Call to Power.
-Sid Meyer Alpha CentauriSid Meyer Alpha Centauri.
-Sim City 3000Sim City 3000.
-Warcraft 2, Starcraft (?)FreeCraft.
-(Win)Digger1) Digger.
2) XDigger.
-Arkanoid, Zball, ...Lbreakout2.
Quake 1, 2, 31) Quake 1, 2, 3.
2) QuakeForge.
3) DarkPlaces.
1) Quake 1, 2, 3.
2) QuakeForge.
3) DarkPlaces.
-CounterStrikeCounterStrike under WineX.
-Urban TerrorUrban Terror.
DOOM1) jDoom / Doomsday.
2) Zdoom.
3) DOOM Legacy.
4) LxDOOM.
5) PrBoom.
6) EDGE.
7) Vavoom.
8) Original Doom.
1) jDoom / Doomsday.
2) Zdoom.
3) DOOM Legacy.
4) LxDOOM.
5) PrBoom.
6) EDGE.
7) Vavoom.
8) Original Linux Doom (X11/svgalib).
Heretic1) DOOM Legacy.
2) jHeretic / Doomsday.
3) Vavoom.
4) Original Heretic.
1) DOOM Legacy.
2) Vavoom.
3) Heretic, GL Heretic.
Hexen1) jHexen / Doomsday.
2) Vavoom.
3) Original Hexen.
1) Hexen/SDL.
2) Vavoom.
-Heretic 2
Heretic 2.
-Return to Castle WolfensteinReturn to Castle Wolfenstein. [Prop]
-Never Winter NightsNever Winter Nights.
-Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003Unreal Tournament / Unreal Tournament 2003.
-Soldier Of FortuneSoldier Of Fortune.
-Tribes 2Tribes 2.
-Blood 1Qblood.

1) GtkBalls.
2) gLines.

-MS Flight SimulatorFlightGear.
RacingNeed For Speed1) Tux Racer :).
2) KartlingRace.
ChessChessMaster, ...1) Glchess.
2) Xboard.
3) Eboard.
7) Programming and development.
IDE1) Microsoft VisualStudio .net
2) Emacs, XEmacs
3) Vim + ctags + scripts from vim.sf.net
4) Boa Constructor
5) PythonCard

1) CodeForge.
2) Kdevelop + Qt3 Designer.
3) Eclipse.
4) Glade + Motor or + Xwpe or + any text editor.
5) Emacs, XEmacs.
6) Vim + ctags + scripts from vim.sf.net.
7) Boa Constructor.
8) PythonCard.

Visual C++ IDEBorland C++ Builder, MS Visual C
1) Anjuta + Glade + Devhelp.
2) KDE Studio Gold. [Prop]
3) Dev-C++.
4) Kylix. [Prop] (Kylix Personal Edition is free).
5) vtkBuilder.
6) foxBuilder.
7) wxDesigner.
8) Arriba. [Prop]
9) Code Crusader. [Prop]
10) CodeWarrior. [Prop]
11) Gbuilder.
12) Source Navigator.
13) TimeStorm. [Prop]
14) Understand for C++. [Prop]
15) SlickEdit. [Prop]
16) Vide.
C++ IDEBorland Turbo C++ 3.0 for DOS, , Minimalist GNU For Windows (mingw32-gcc.exe)

1) GCC (+ Motor or + Xwpe).
2) LinEdit.
3) Rhide.
4) Wxstudio.
5) Eclipse.

Object Pascal IDEDelphi1) Kylix. [Prop] (Kylix Personal Edition is free).
2) Lazarus + FPC.
PascalPascal, BP1) Freepascal.
2) GNU Pascal (gpc).
3) RShell (in style of Borland Pascal 7.0)
BasicBasic1) Hbasic.
2) X-basic.
3) Yabasic.
4) SmallBASIC.
PrologVisualProlog, Mercury, SICStus Prolog [Prop]1) GNU Prolog.
2) Mercury.
3) SWI-Prolog.
4) SICStus Prolog. [Prop]
5) CIAO Prolog.
AssemblerTASM, MASM, NASM1) NASM. (Intel syntax)
2) FLAT Assembler.
3) gas. (AT&T syntax, part of binutils).
Disassembler, Reverse engineeringSoftIceThe source code is open :)
1) ldasm.

1) WinDbg
2) Minimalist GNU For Windows (gdb.exe)

gdb. Frontends:
1) ddd.
2) xxgdb, mxgdb.
3) CGDB.
4) Vim scripts.
5) [X]Emacs C-mode.
6) KMD.
7) NANA. (Library)
WYSIWYG html editor1) Macromedia Dreamweaver
2) MS Frontpage
3) Netscape / Mozilla Composer
4) Openoffice HTML editor
1) Netscape / Mozilla Composer.
2) Openoffice HTML editor.
3) Amaya.
4) GINF (Ginf is not Frontpage)
5) IBM WebSphere Homepage Builder. [Prop]
Powerful editor for site creating, contains set of samples and can be complemented with every sort and kind of plug-insDreamweaver Ultradev???
HTML / DHTML editorHomeSite, Coffeecup1) Quanta Plus.
2) Bluefish.
3) WebMaker.
4) Screem.
5) Toppage.
6) WebDesigner.
7) ScriptEditor.
8) August.
9) Coffeecup / Linux.
10) FCKeditor.
HTML / DHTML editorArachnofiliaArachnofilia. [Prop]
XML EditorXML Spy [Prop]1) XMLMind XML Editor.
2) Vim.
3) Emacs.
Perl/Python/Tcl IDE???

1) Komodo. [Prop]
2) Perl Dev Kit.

Java IDEJBuilder, IDEALink: Java Tools for Linux.
1) Jbuilder.
2) NetBeans.
3) Eclipse.
4) Sun ONE Studio. [formerly Forte]
5) Vide.
J2EE based application server???1) JBoss.
IDE for Oracle Database developmentT.O.A.D., SQL Navigator, PL/SQL DeveloperTora.
CASE-facility for UMLArgoUML, Together ControlCenter [Prop]1) Umbrello UML Modeller.
2) Dia+Dia2Code.
3) PoceidonCE (community edition).
4) ArgoUML.
5) Together ControlCenter [Prop]
Top-level CASE systemRational Rose.Rational Rose. [Prop]
HEX-editorHiew1) Biew.
2) KHexEdit.
3) hexedit (console).
4) GHex.
Clipper compiler and preprocessorCA-Clipper, The Harbour Project1) Clip.
2) The Harbour Project.
3) xHarbour.
Platform in dot-net styleM$ .Net1) Mono.
2) DotGNU/Portable.NET
Work with CVS WinCVS, TortoiseCVS, cvs for Windows, BitKeeper [Prop]1) cvs (console).
2) Cervisia (KDE).
3) Lincvs. (Front-end for CVS)
4) BitKeeper. [Prop]
5) SubVersion. (enhanced CVS-like platform + WebDAV -> SCM)
IDE for Interbase/Firebird developmentIBExpert1) IBAccess
2) IBAdmin [prop]
3) IBWebAdmin (apache / php)
Visual BasicVisual Basic

1) Phoenix.
2) KBasic.
3) HBasic.
4) Mono.

Graphical libraries1) WinAPI, MFC, VCL (C, C++)
2) Tk (Tcl, C)
3) Tkinter (over Tk for Python, Perl, etc)
4) wxWindows (C++) (over winapi)
5) wxPython (Python) (over wxWindows)
6) GTK+ (link #2) (C, C++)
7) Qt (C++)
8) FLTK (C++)
9) AWT, Swing (Java)
10) Xaw - part of X-server (C)

If toolkit is oriented on C, usually it's possible to use it from the other languages. There is object bindings for some of them to use them with C++ and other OO-languages. Toolkits, oriented on C++ from the beginning, are impossible to use from C, and quite often - from the other languages.

1) X11/Xext (C) - low level libraries, used by others.
2) Xt - X Toolkit (C) - reference X11 toolkit
3) Xaw - MIT Athena (C) - reference X11 toolkit
4) Xaw3d - MIT Athena 3D (C) - Athena with 3D-view
5) LessTif - opensource analog of Motif 1 (C)
6) OpenMotif (C)
7) Tk (Tcl, C)
8) Tkinter (over Tk for Python, Perl, etc)
9) wxWindows (C++) (over GTK+ - wxGtk or Motif - wxMotif)
10) wxPython (Python) (over wxWindows)
11) Qt (C++)
12) GTK+ (C, C++)
13) PyQt (over Qt for Python)
14) PyGTK (over GTK+ for Python)
15) Gtk::Perl (over GTK+ for Perl)
16) Qt for Perl (over Qt for Perl)
17) GtkAda (over GTK+ for Ada95)
18) FLTK (C++)
19) XView (C)
20) FOX (C++)
21) AWT, Swing (Java)
22) WinAPI and MFC through wine (C)

Source code documentation system???1) Doxygen.
2) CWEB.
Memory leak tracing1) Numega Bounds Checker
2) Rational Purify
1) MallocDebug.
2) Valgrind.
3) Kcachegrind.
4) ElectricFence.
5) dmalloc.
6) ccmalloc.
7) LeakTracer.
8) memprof.
9) BoundsChecker. [prop]
10) mprof.
11) Insure. [prop]
12) dbx. (for Sparc)
13) YAMD.
14) Njamd.
15) Mpatrol.
Application development profiling (tests code performance)???1) gProf.
2) JUnit. (Java)
Software projecting1) Rational Rose
2) Enterprise Architec
3) Visio
Game programming1) DirectX
2) libSDL
3) ClanLib
1) libSDL
2) ClanLib
Everything needed for work with XML Schemas, DTD, XSL/XSLT, SOAP, WSDL (edit, debug, check, etc)
1) Altova XMLSpy Suite
Source code -> HTML-document with highlighted syntax???1) Webcpp.
Bug Tracking System
1) Bugzilla.
Object Request Broker (ORB)1) ORBIT1) ORBIT.
1) Autoconf, Automake & Libtool.
Source code indexer and cross-referencer???1) GNU GLOBAL.
2) LXR.
Dynamic tracer of system calls
1) Syscalltrack.
XML C parser1) libxml (???)1) Libxml2.
Visual FoxPro
8) Server software.
Web-server1) Apache
2) IIS
3) Roxen
4) wn
5) cern-httpd
6) dhttpd
7) caudium
8) aolserver
9) Boa
1) Apache.
2) Xitami.
3) Thttp.
4) TUX (Red Hat Content Accelerator).
5) PublicFile.
6) Boa.
7) Caudium.
8) Roxen.
9) Zeus. [Prop]
10) Thy.
FTP-serverInternet Information Server, ServU, War FTP, BulletProof FTP server, FileZilla server, ...1) pure-ftpd.
2) vsftpd.
3) wu-ftpd.
4) proftpd.
5) gl-ftpd.
6) ftp.
7) PublicFile.
8) Teepeedee.
Language for Web-developmentPHPPHP.
Language for Web-developmentPerlPerl.
Language for Web-developmentASPASP module for Apache.
Database engineMS SQL, MySQL1) Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise. [Prop]
2) PostgreSQL. The most advanced open source database.
3) MySQL. The most popular open source database.
4) mSQL.
5) SAP DB.
Database engineIBM DB2IBM DB2. [Prop]
Database engineOracle1) Oracle. [Prop]
2) PostgreSQL.
3) Linter. (cyrillic)
Database engineInformix [Prop]Informix. [Prop]
Database engineBorland Interbase, FireBirdFireBird.
Email serverMDaemon, Hamster

1) Sendmail.
2) Qmail.
3) Postfix.
4) Exim.

Email / PIM / Groupware serverMicrosoft Exchange1) CommuniGate Pro. [Prop]
2) Bynari's Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
3) Samsung Contact. [Prop]
4) Teamware Office. [Prop]
5) Novell Netmail. [Prop]
6) Amphora. (Zope / Qmail).
7) Tutos. (Apache / PHP / Mysql / Sendmail).
8) Kroupware. The project from the KDE PIM developers, which is being financed by the government of Germany.
9) SuSe Linux Openexchange Server. [Prop]
10) PHPGroupware.
11) SCOoffice Mail Server. [Prop] (SCO - m.d. :).
12) LinuXchangE.
13) OpenOffice.org Groupware Project. (New!)
14) Tiki CMS/Groupware. (Apache / PHP / Mysql).
Mail filter / spam killercygwin+Exim port1) SpamAssassin.
2) Procmail.
3) Mailfilter.
4) 褃rus-imap.
5) Exim.
6) POPFile.
Mail downloaderMDaemonFetchmail.
???Lotus DominoLotus Domino. [Prop]
Server / router on one diskette.ImpossibleAs much as you want :).
1) muLinux.
2) Dachstein (firewall / dhcp).
3) Serverdisk (http / ftp).
4) Fli4l.
Proxy serverMS Proxy Server, WinGate1) Squid.
2) Paco.
3) Privoxy.
4) Wwwoffle.
5) OOPS.
Server for supporting Java Servlets and JSP, can work with ApacheTomcatTomcat.
Advanced server statistics 1) AWStats1) AWStats. (All web-, ftp-, proxy-, mail-, wap- and streaming-servers).
2) ANALOG. (Web-server).
Cluster of servers???1) LVS - The Linux Virtual Server.
Cluster filesystems1) GFS
1) GFS.
2) OpenGFS.
3) Lustre. (not SAN compatible?)
4) Matrix Server. [Prop]
5) CXFS.
6) GPFS.
7) Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS).
8) Coda.
9) Intermezzo.
10) Convolo cluster.
11) ADIC.
Web Mail???1) IMP.
2) CAMAS. (for Caudium web-server).
9) Scientific and special programs.
Useful links:-Scientific Applications on Linux - many links to both OSS and proprietary applications.
Math system in MathCad styleMathcadGap.
Math system in Matlab styleMatlab1) Matlab. [FTP]
2) Octave. (+ Gnuplot)
3) Scilab.
4) R.
5) Yorick.
6) rlab.
7) Yacas.
8) Euler.
Math system in Mathematica styleMathematica1) Mathematica. [Prop]
2) Maxima.
3) MuPad.
4) NumExp.
5) Mathomatic.
Math system in Maple styleMaple1) Maple. [Prop]
2) Maxima.
3) MuPad.
Equation / math editorMathtype, MS Equation Editor, OpenOffice Math1) OpenOffice Math.
2) MathMLed.
3) Kformula (Koffice).
4) LyX.
5) Texmacs.
Programs for three-dimensional modelingSolidWorks, ...ProEngineer Linux. [Prop]
Programs for three-dimensional modelingCATIACATIA. It was designed under Unix, and from version 4 (2000) it was ported under Windows (not too successfully).
Programs for three-dimensional modelingSolidEdgeSolidEdge (part of more powerful package Unigraphics).
CAD/CAM/CAEAutoCAD, Microstation, ArchiCAD1) Varkon.
2) Linuxcad. [Prop, ~100$]
3) Varicad. [Prop]
4) Cycas. [Prop]
5) Tomcad.
6) Thancad.
7) Fandango (alpha-version).
8) Lignumcad.
9) Giram.
10) Jcad.
11) QSCad.
12) FreeEngineer.
13) Ocadis.
14) PythonCAD.
15) OpenCascade.
CAD/CAM/CAE, simplifiedAutoCAD LiteQcad.
Desktop Publishing SystemsAdobe PageMaker, QuarkXPressAdobe Framemaker. [Proprietary, cancelled]
Small desktop publishing systemsMS Publisher1) Scribus - Desktop Publishing for Linux.
2) KWord.
Diagram and chart designerMicrosoft Visio1) Kivio (Koffice).
2) Dia.
3) KChart.
4) xfig.
5) Tgif + dotty.
6) Tulip.
7) Poseidon for UML. [Prop & free versions]
8) JGraph + JGraphPad. (Java)
Geographic image processing softwareErdas Imagine, ER Mapper, ENVIENVI.
GIS (Geographical information system)ArcViewAll projects: FreeGIS Project.
1) Grass.
2) Quantum GIS.
3) PostGIS.
4) FreeGIS.
5) MapQuest.
6) MapBlast.
Interactive Geographic Data Viewer1) Thuban.1) Thuban.
Vectorization of bitmapsMapEdit, Easy Trace1) Autotrace.
Software CNC, controlling machine toolsOpenCNC [Prop]


Advanced text processing system in TeX styleMikTex, emTeX (DOS)1) TeX.
2) TeTeX / LaTeX
4) Kile.
Convenient, functional and user-friendly TeX-files / dvi-files editor.WinEdt1) Kile (KDE Integrated LaTeX Environment).
2) Ktexmaker2.
3) Tk LaTeX Editor.
Statistical Computing Language and EnvironmentS-PLUSR.
Statistical analysisSPSS, Statistica, SalStat

Many links - here.
1) PSPP.
2) OpenStat2.
3) "Probability and Statistics Utilities for Linux users"
4) SalStat.

Econometrics Software Eviews, Gretl

1) Gretl.

Emulation of the circuit1) Electronic Workbench
2) Altera MaxPlus+
1) Geda.
2) Oregano.
3) Xcircuit.
4) Gnome Assisted Electronics.
Program to draw chemical structuresChemdraw, IsisdrawXdrawchem.
Downloader and player for Olympus dictophoneOlympus DSS Player???
Market analysisMetaStock???
Electronics scheme design1) PCAD
2) OrCad
3) Visio
1) Eagle.
2) Geda.
The oscilloscope emulationWinoscilloXoscope.
Measurement of the temperature and voltages on motherboardMBMonitor, PCAlert, Speedfan

1) KSensors.
2) KHealthCare (KDE).
3) Gkrellm + plugins + blackbox addons.

S.M.A.R.T-attributes and temperature of the hard diskCome on CD with mainboard, Active SMART1) smartctl.
2) Hddtemp-0.3.
3) IDEload-0.2.
4) Smartsuite-2.1.
5) Smartmontools.
6) Ide-smart.
7) Smartsuite.
Memory testingSiSoft SANDRAMemtest86.
Program for watching temperatures, fanspeeds, etcSiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA1) Ksensors.
2) Lm_sensors.
3) xsensors.
4) wmsensormon and other applets for AfterStep / WindowMaker / FluxBox.
HDD testing / benchmarkingSiSoft SANDRA, SiSoft SAMANTHA, IOzone

1) hdparm.
2) Bonnie++.
3) IOzone.
4) Dbench.
5) Bonnie.
6) IO Bench.
7) Nhfsstone.
8) SPEC SFS. [Prop]

Video testing / benchmarkingFinal Reality
1) X11perf.
2) Viewperf.
Realtime ControlSHA Sybera Hardware AccessDIAPM RTAI - Realtime Application Interface.
Simulator of nets???
1) NS.
Neural network simulation
1) Xnbc.
2) Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS).
"Sensor for LCD"???1) Sensors-lcd.
Electrocardiogrammas viewer???
1) ecg2png.
A software technology, that turns x86 computer into a full-function PLC-like process controllerSoftPLC1) MatPLC.
Catalog of the software for translators


Linux for translators.
Translation memory

1) Trados Translators Workbench
2) Deja Vu
3) Star Transit
5) OmegaT

1) OmegaT.
Catalog of educational software


1) SchoolForge.
2) Seul / EDU.
Designing and viewing DTDs

NearFar Designer [Prop]

Finity Element Analysis



1) FELT (Finity Element Analysis)
10) Emulators.
Virtual machine emulator1) VMWare [Prop]
2) Connectix Virtual PC [Prop]
1) VMWare. [Prop]
2) Win4Lin. [Prop, $89].
3) Bochs.
4) Plex86.
5) User Mode Linux.
7) VirtualBox
Linux emulator

1) CygWin.
2) MKS Toolkit.
3) Bash for Windows.
3) Minimalist GNU For Windows.

1) User Mode Linux.
X Window System (XFree) emulatorXFree under CygWin.-
Windows emulator-1) Wine. (GUI: gwine, tkwine)
2) Transgaming WineX. (GUI: tqgui) [NF]
3) Crossover Office.
DOS emulator-1) DOSBox.
2) Dosemu.
Sony PlayStation emulatorePSXe, ...

1) ePSXe.
2) Pcsx.

ZX Spectrum emulatorX128, Speccyal, SpecX, SpecEmu, UnrealSpeccy, ...
1) Xzx.
2) Glukalka.
3) Fuse.
4) ZXSP-X.
5) FBZX.
6) SpectEmu.
Arcade machines emulator???1) MAME.
2) Xmame / Xmess.
3) Advancemame.
advancemenu. ckmame. flynn. gmame. gnomame. grok. grustibus. gxmame. it. it's quit. fancy. kmamerun. kmamu. qmamecat. startxmame. setcleaner. tkmame.
ST emulator1) Steem.
1) StonX.
2) Steem.
C64 emulator???1) Vice.
2) Frodo.
Amiga emulator???
1) UAE.
2) WinUAE.
Mac 68k emulator???1) Basilisk II.
Game boy emulator1) Visual Boy Advance
1) Visual Boy Advance.
2) VGBA. (GUI: vgb-gui)
Atari 2600 Video Computer System emulator

1) Stella

1) Stella.
2) Saint.
NES / SNES emulator1) Zsnes.
2) Snes9x.
1) Zsnes.
2) Snes9x.
3) FWNes.
4) GTuxNes.
M680x0 Arcade emulator1) Rainemu.1) Rainemu.
Multi / other emulators???
1) M.E.S.S.
2) Zinc.
11) Other / Humour :)
Space simulator1) Openuniverse.
2) Celestia.
3) Zetadeck.
1) Openuniverse.
2) Celestia.
3) Kstars.
4) Zetadeck.
TV driver-RivaTV.
System, running from CD/DVD without installing (Live CD)1) Windows PE.
2) PE Builder.
1) Knoppix.
2) Cool Linux.
3) Blin.
4) DemoLinux.
5) DyneBolic.
6) Gentoo (live CD).
7) Lonix.
8) Virtual Linux.
9) Bootable Business Card (LNX-BBC).
10) ByzantineOS.
11) FreeLoader Linux.
12) MoviX.
13) Freeduc CD.
14) SuSE live-eval CD.
15) Freedom Linux.
16) Eagle Linux.
17) Kurumin (Brazilian Portuguese only)
18) Ubuntu Live
19) ALT Linux Live
Boot rescue/tools diskette Windows system diskette1) Linux system diskette.
2) Tomsrtbt.
3) BanShee Linux.
4) RIP.
Creation of LiveCD for system recovery???1) Make CD-ROM Recovery.
File systemsFAT16, FAT32, NTFS, ...Ext2, Ext3, ReiserFS, XFS, ...
Local file systems mountext2fs (driver), explore2fs (program) - ext2/3 under WindowsLinux-NTFS. (driver for NTFS partitions mounting)
Installing software and uninstallingInstallShield, WISE, GhostInstaller, Microsoft Installer - the analog of rpm

1) Rpm.
2) Urpmi.
3) GnoRpm.
4) Nautilus RPM.
5) Apt-get & frontends (synaptic, aptitude, ...).
6) Apt-rpm. (for RedHat, SuSE, ALT Linux, etc)
7) yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified)
8) yum enhanced by ASPLinux.
9) Gentoo Portage

Installing software from source and uninstallingMinimalist GNU For Windows
1) make install, make uninstall
2) CheckInstall.
3) Sinstall.
4) Emerge (Gentoo).
5) Apt-get & frontends (synaptic, aptitude, ...).
System updateWindows Update1) Ximian Red Carpet.
2) Red Hat Network.
3) MandrakeOnline.
4) SuSE YaST Online Update.
5) Caldera Volution Online.
6) Apt.
7) Gentoo ebuilds (portage).
8) Debian GNU/Linux package search.
9) Yum.
CertificationMCSD, MCT, MCSE1) Red Hat Certification.
2) Sair Linux and GNU Certification.
3) Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC).
4) Linux+.
5) Prometric.
6) VUE.
Icons on desktopExplorer1) Desktop File Manager.
2) Idesk.
Work with screensaversDesktop properties1) xset.
2) xlockmore.
3) xscreensaver.
4) kscreensaver.
Place for keeping "removed" filesTrash1) Trash Can.
2) Libtrash.
Checking the hard diskScandiskfsck -check or reiserfsck -check.
Not needed with journaled file systems (reiserfs, ext3, jfs, xfs).
DefragmentationdefragNot needed.
GUI of the systemWindows ExplorerKde, Gnome, IceWM, Windowmaker, Blackbox, Fluxbox, ...
Windows XP GUIWindows XPXPde.
Multiple workspaces-Yes!!! :).
Fast users / desktop switchingWindows XP feature for non- networked computers1) Ctrl+Alt+F1, login as new user at command-line interface, start GUI by entering command startx - - :1. Switch between screens using Ctrl+Alt+F7 or F8 depending on user.
2) Command "gdmflexiserver -n".
3) Built-in in KDE 3.1.
Flavors of the system9x, NT, XPRedHat, Mandrake, Knoppix, Debian, SuSE, ALT, ASP, Gentoo, Slackware, Linux From Scratch, ...
TacticsFUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt)Open Source!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win".
Source code of the kernel freely availableNoOf course :)
Command line and scripting1) command.com :).
2) cmd.exe
3) Windows Scripting Host
4) 4DOS / 4NT
5) Minimalist GNU For Windows
6) Unix tools for Windows (AT&T)
7) KiXtart
8) ScriptLogic [Prop]
1) Bash.
2) Csh.
3) Zsh.
4) Ash.
5) Tcsh.
Free of charge operating systemMicrosoft Windows. (Imagine yourself that in Russia there are 95% of users having a pirate copy of Windows :).Linux - the Free operating system!!
-Wincih, klez, etcNo analogs
Backdoors and hidden keys Decide it yourself :).-
Easter eggs, undocumented possibilitiesLogo with Windows developers, Doom in Excel 95, 3D-racing in Excel 2000, etc, etc...-
The magazinesWindows Magazine

1) Linux Journal.
2) Linux Gazette.
3) Linux magazine.
4) Australian Linux.
5) Linux Format



-Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)1) Kernel panic.
2) Screensaver "bsod" :).
Whom it is necessary to curse for bugs and defects of the systemM$, Bill Gates personally1) Developers of the distribution.
2) All the Linux people and Linus Torvalds personally :).
3) Yourself and your own /dev/hands :)).
-M$.comGNU.org, FSF.org
-Bill Gates, "Road ahead"Linus Torvalds, "Just for fun" :).
-Bill Gates, "Business @ the speed of thought"Richard M. Stallman, "The right to read".
The book: "Free Software, Free Society: Selected Essays of Richard M. Stallman"





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