
Description of the program, executed taskWindowsLinux
1) Networking.
Web browserInternet Explorer, Netscape / Mozilla, Opera [Prop], Firebird, ...1) Netscape / Mozilla.
2) Galeon.
3) Konqueror.
4) Opera. [Prop]
5) Firebird.
6) Nautilus.
7) Epiphany.
8) Links. (with "-g" key).
9) Dillo. (Russian language patches - here).
10) Encompass.
Console web browser1) Links
2) Lynx
3) Xemacs + w3.
1) Links.
2) ELinks.
3) Lynx.
4) w3m.
5) Xemacs + w3.
Email clientOutlook Express, Netscape / Mozilla , The Bat, Eudora, Becky, Datula, Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws, Opera1) Evolution.
2) Netscape / Mozilla messenger.
3) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws.
4) Kmail.
5) Gnus.
6) Balsa.
7) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
8) Arrow.
9) Gnumail.
10) Althea.
11) Liamail.
12) Aethera.
13) MailWarrior.
14) Opera.
Email client / PIM in MS Outlook styleOutlook1) Evolution.
2) Bynari Insight GroupWare Suite. [Prop]
3) Aethera.
4) Sylpheed.
5) Sylpheed-claws.
Email client in The Bat styleThe Bat1) Sylpheed.
2) Sylpheed-claws.
3) Kmail.
4) Gnus.
5) Balsa.
Console email clientMutt [de], Pine, Pegasus, Emacs1) Pine. [NF]
2) Mutt.
3) Gnus.
4) Elm.
5) Emacs.
News reader1) Agent [Prop]
2) Free Agent
3) Xnews
4) Outlook
5) Netscape / Mozilla
6) Opera [Prop]
7) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws
8) Dialog
9) Gravity
10) BNR2
1) Knode.
2) Pan.
3) NewsReader.
4) Netscape / Mozilla.
5) Opera [Prop]
6) Sylpheed / Sylpheed-claws.
7) Pine. [NF]
8) Mutt.
9) Gnus.
10) tin.
11) slrn.
12) Xemacs.
13) BNR2.
Address bookOutlook1) Rubrica
Files downloadingFlashget, Go!zilla, Reget, Getright, DAP, Wget, WackGet, Mass Downloader, ...1) Downloader for X.
2) Caitoo (former Kget).
3) Prozilla.
4) Wget (console, standard).
5) GUI for Wget: Kmago, Gnome Transfer Manager, QTget, Xget, ...
6) Aria.
7) Axel.
8) Download Accelerator Plus.
9) GetLeft.
10) Lftp.
Sites downloadingTeleport Pro, Httrack, Wget, ...

1) Httrack.
2) WWW Offline Explorer.
3) Wget (console, standard). GUI: Kmago, QTget, Xget, ...
4) Downloader for X.
5) Pavuk.
6) XSiteCopy.
7) GetLeft.
8) Curl (console).
9) Khttrack.

FTP-clientsBullet Proof FTP, CuteFTP, WSFTP, SmartFTP, FileZilla, ...1) Gftp.
2) Konqueror.
3) KBear.
4) IglooFTP. [Prop]
5) Nftp.
6) Wxftp.
7) AxyFTP.
8) mc. (cd ftp://...)
9) tkFTP.
10) Yafc.
11) Dpsftp. (dead project)
Console FTP-clientsFTP in Far, ftp.exe, Ncftp1) Ncftp.
2) Lftp.
3) Avfs. (From any program: /#ftp:...)
IRC-clientsMirc, Klient, VIRC, Xircon, Pirch, XChat

1) Xchat.
2) KVirc.
3) Irssi.
4) BitchX.
5) Ksirc.
6) Epic.
7) Sirc.

Local network chat clients without server1) QuickChat
2) Akeni
3) PonyChat
4) iChat
1) talk (console), ktalk.
2) Akeni.
3) Echat.
4) write, wall (chat between users of one machine)
Local messaging with Windows machinesWinPopUpsmbclient (console). GUI:
1) LinPopUp 2.
2) Kpopup.
3) Kopete.
Instant Messaging clientsICQ Lite, ICQ Corp, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, ...
Trillian ICQ (freeware, can replace all common IM clients), Miranda, Gaim
1) Licq (ICQ).
2) Centericq (Nearly all IM protocols, console).
3) Alicq (ICQ).
4) Micq (ICQ).
5) GnomeICU (ICQ).
6) Gaim. (Nearly all IM protocols)
7) Ayttm. (Nearly all IM protocols)
8) Kopete.
9) Everybuddy.
10) Simple Instant Messenger.
11) Imici Messenger.
12) Ickle (ICQ).
13) aMSN (MSN).
14) Kmerlin (MSN).
15) Kicq (ICQ).
16) YSM. (ICQ, console).
17) kxicq.
18) Yahoo Messenger for Unix.
19) Kmess (MSN).
20) AIM.
21) MSNre. (console)
Jabber IM clientsJAJC, Tkabber (+activestate tcl), Psi, Exodus, WinJab, myJabber, RhymBox, Rival, Skabber, TipicIM, Vista, Yabber, Miranda, Gaim, Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition1) Tkabber.
2) Gabber.
3) Psi.
4) Gaim.
5) Centericq (console).
6) Ayttm.
7) Akeni Messenger Jabber Edition.
Monitoring sites and mailboxes, displaying news headlines or full articlesWatzNew1) Web Secretary.
2) Knewsticker & korn.
3) Mozilla (???).
4) watch -n seconds lynx -dump
Video/audio conferenceNetMeeting

1) GnomeMeeting.
2) vat/vic/wb.
3) rat/wbd/nte.
4) NeVoT.
5) IVS.

Voice communicationSpeak Freely

1) Speak Freely for Unix.
2) TeamSpeak.

Firewall (packet filtering)BlackICE, ATGuard, ZoneAlarm, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, WinRoute Pro, Norton Internet Security, Sygate Personal Firewall PRO, Kerio Personal Firewall, ...iptables or more outdated ipchains (console, standard). Front ends:
1) Kmyfirewall.
2) Easy Firewall Generator.
3) Firewall Builder.
4) Shorewall.
5) Guarddog.
6) FireStarter.
7) Smoothwall. [Prop]
8) IPCop.
9) Zorp.
IDS (Intrusion Detection System)1) BlackICE
2) Agnitum Outpost Firewall
3) Tripwire [prop]
4) Kerio Personal Firewall
1) Snort.
2) Portsentry / Hostsentry / Logsentry.
3) Tripwire [GPL].
4) Tripwall.
5) AIDE.
6) ViperDB.
7) Integrit.
8) Cerberus Intrusion Detection System.
Port scanning detection???1) Pkdump.
Making the system more securely???1) Bastille.
2) Linux Security Auditing Tool.
Visual routeVisualRoute [Prop] 1) Xtraceroute.
2) VisualRoute. [Prop]
3) Mtr.
4) Geotrace.
Content (ad / popup) filteringProxomitron, ATGuard, Agnitum Outpost Firewall, Privoxy, MS ISA server, Guidescope, ...1) DansGuardian.
2) Squid.
3) Squidguard.
4) Privoxy.
5) JunkBuster.
6) Zorp.
7) Fork.
8) Redirector.
Traffic control / shapingWinRoute Pro, ...1) IP Relay.
2) CBQ (from iproute2 package).
3) tc (from iproute2 package).
Traffic accounting

Netstat, Tmeter, ...

1) Tcp4me.
2) Getstatd.
3) Ipacct.
4) Ipac-ng.
5) Ipaudit.
6) Lanbilling.
7) SARG (full Squid traffic).
8) Talinux.
9) NetUP UserTrafManager.
10) MRTG.
11) NetTop.
Peer-to-peer clients / servers, file sharing (p2p)Morpheus (Gnutella), WinMX, Napster, KaZaA (Fasttrack), eDonkey [Prop], eMule, TheCircle, Bittorrent, SoulSeek, Direct Connect1) Mldonkey. (eDonkey, Soulseek, Fasttrack, Gnutella, Open Napster, Direct Connect, BitTorrent)
2) LimeWire. (Gnutella)
3) Lopster. (OpenNAP)
4) Gnapster. (OpenNAP)
5) eDonkey. (eDonkey) [Prop]
6) cDonkey. (eDonkey)
7) Gift client / server / fasttrack plugin (Fasttrack)
8) ed2k_gui.
9) Gtk-Gnutella. (Gnutella)
10) Qtella. (Gnutella)
11) Mutella. (Gnutella, console)
12) TheCircle.
13) Freenet. (fully anonymous p2p)
14) GNUnet.
15) Lmule. (eDonkey)
16) Xmule. (eDonkey)
17) Bittorrent.
18) PySoulSeek (Soulseek).
19) Loophole. (WinMX) [Prop]
20) Direct Connect.
21) QuickDC. (Direct Connect).
22) OverNet.
23) Apollon.
24) GrapeWine. (fully anonymous p2p)
25) Snark. (Bittorrent)
"Hotline" p2p protocol clients / servers???Clients:
1) Gtkhx.
2) Fidelio.
3) GHX. [Prop]
1) Synapse.
2) HSX.
Program for working with sound modem with many functions - from answerback and AON to fax deviceVenta Fax, PrimaFax1) Gfax. (???)
2) PrimaFax. [Prop, 99$]
3) mgetty + voice + sendfax.
4) vgetty.
Work with faxesWinFax1) HylaFax.
2) Fax2Send. [Prop]
3) Efax.
4) VSI-FAX. [Prop]
DialupVdialer, etc1) Kppp.
2) X-isp.
3) wvdial. (Front ends: X-wvdial, kvdial, gtkdial).
4) Gppp.
5) Kinternet.
6) Rp3.
7) pppconfig + pon + poff.
8) Modem Lights.
9) Netcount. (console)
FTN editorGolded1) Golded.
2) Golded+.
3) Msged.
4) Qded.
FTN tosserFastEcho, hpt1) hpt.
2) CrashEcho.
3) Qecho.
4) CrashMail II.
5) Fidogate - gate to news.
6) ifmail - gate to news.
FTN mailerSF-Mail, T-Mail1) ifcico.
2) qico.
3) Bforce.
4) Binkd.
Remote management1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing
2) Remote Administrator (Radmin) [Prop]
3) Remote Assistance [Prop]
4) Symantec pcAnywhere [Prop]
5) Windows Terminal Server [Prop]
6) Rdesktop [Prop]
7) Radmin [Prop]
8) PC-Duo [Prop]
9) Huey PC Remote Control (only for NT) [Prop]
10) Timbuktu Pro [Prop]
11) LapLink [Prop]
12) GoToMyPC [Prop]
13) Bo2k and other trojans

1) VNC, Virtual Network Computing.
2) ssh.
3) Remote management is built-in in XFree86.
4) Remote management is built-in in KDE 3.1. ("desktop sharing").
5) Rdesktop Client.
6) rsh / rlogin.
7) telnet.
8) Gtelnet.
9) x0rfbserver.
10) KDE Universal Remote Desktop.

Transmission of the files on modemHyperTerminal, Terminate, etc1) Minicom + lrzcz + Kermit.
2) Msterm.
3) Xtel.
4) uucp.
5) lrzsz + cu from uucp.
Work with sshPutty, Irlex, cygwin + ssh1) Kssh.
2) ssh / openssh.
3) GTelnet. (Telnet, SSH, Rlogin)
Network monitoring toolDumeter, Netmedic1) Gkrellm.
2) Big Brother.
3) Etherape.
4) Nagios.
5) Tkined.
6) MRTG.
7) Rrdtool.
8) PIKT.
9) Autostatus.
10) bcnu.
11) mon.
12) Sysmon.
13) Spong.
14) SNIPS.
15) iptraf (console).
16) Ksysguard.
17) OpenNMS.
18) tcpdump.
Network maintance toolHP OpenView, MS SMS, Tivoli1) HP OpenView agents. [Prop]
2) Big Brother.
3) Cheops.
4) Tkined.
5) OpenNMS.
Protocols analysing, sniffing

Sniffer Pro, EtherPeek (TokenPeek, AiroPeek), Windump, Ethereal, MS Network Monitor, Iris, Lan Explorer, NetSniffer, Snort, ...

1) Ethereal.
2) Tcpdump.
3) Etherape.
4) Ntop.
5) ipxdump. (+ipxparse for parsing)
6) Snort.
Security scannerShadowScan, ISS, Retina, Internet Scanner1) Nessus.
2) Nmap.
RoutingMS RRAS1) iproute2 + iptables.
2) GateD. [Prop]
3) GNU Zebra.
Utilites and libraries for Ethernet/IP testinglcrzolcrzo
IP-telephonyBuddyphone [Prop], Cisco SoftPhone1) GNU Bayonne.
2) Openh323.
3) OpenPhone.
4) tkPhone.
5) NauPhone.
Sharing data/filesWindows shares1) NFS.
2) Samba.
3) Samba-TNG.
4) FTP.
???Windows Domain, Active Directory1) Samba.
2) Ldap.
3) yp.
Viewing Windows-networkNetwork neighborhood1) Samba.
2) KDE Lan Browser, lisa
3) LinNeighborhood.
4) xSMBrowser.
5) Komba2.
6) Konqueror.
ADSL1) RASPPPOE1) rp-pppoe.
2) Pptp client.
Distributed computing

All projects.
1) United Devices.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.

All projects.
1) Distributed.net.
2) Seti @ Home.
3) Folding @ Home.
4) Genome @ Home.
5) D2ol.
* Some versions for Linux run only in console mode.
IPSEC protocol-FreeSWAN.
VRML viewer and editor


1) White Dune.
Work with Ebay???1) Bidwatcher.
2) Work with files.
File manager in FAR and NC styleFAR, Norton Commander, Disco Commander, Volcov Commander, etc1) Midnight Commander.
2) X Northern Captain.
3) Deco (Demos Commander).
4) Portos Commander.
5) Konqueror in MC style.
6) Gentoo.
7) VFU.
8) Ytree.
File manager in Windows Commander styleTotal Commander (former Windows Commander)1) Krusader.
2) Kcommander.
3) FileRunner (TCL/TK).
4) Linux Commander.
5) LinCommander.
6) Rox, Rox-Filer.
7) Emelfm.
8) Midnight Commander.
9) Worker.
File manager in Windows styleWindows Explorer / Internet Explorer1) Konqueror.
2) Gnome-Commander.
3) Nautilus.
4) Endeavour Mark II.
5) XWC.
Visual Shell???1) vshnu: the New Visual Shell.
Quick viewing of local HTML documents1) Internet Explorer
2) Microsoft Document Explorer
1) Dillo. (Russian language patches - here).
2) Konqueror.
3) Nautilus.
4) Lynx / Links.
Viewing all operations with filesFilemonFilemon.
Work with UDFRoxio (former Adaptec) UDF Reader, Roxio Direct CDLinux-UDF.
Work with multi session CD + recovering information from faulty multi session disksIsoBusterCDFS.
Work with compressed files1) WinZip
2) WinRar
3) 7-Zip
4) WinACE
5) UltimateZip

1) Ark (kdeutils).
2) Gnozip.
3) KArchiveur.
4) Gnochive.
5) FileRoller.
6) Unace.
7) LinZip.
8) TkZip.

Console archiversarj, rar, zip, tar, gzip, bzip2, lha...1) tar, gzip, bzip2.
2) Unarc.
3) Lha. (on Japanese)
4) Infozip.
5) Arj.
6) Avfs. (The support of any archive from any program - file.zip#/...).
7) Zoo.
8) RAR.
9) CAB Extract.
Program for files and directories comparison1) Beyond Compare.
2) Araxis Merge.
3) WinMerge
4) Minimalist GNU For Windows (diff.exe)
5) Unison

1) Mgdiff.
2) diff, patch.
3) Xemacs.
4) Xdelta. (make patches for binary files)
5) Meld.
6) Xxdiff.
7) Unison.

Batch file renamingPlugins to TotalCommander, ...1) GPRename. (Perl-based)
2) Plugins for MC (???)
3) Desktop / System software.
Text editorNotepad, WordPad, TextPad, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kedit (KDE).
2) Gedit (Gnome).
3) Gnotepad.
4) Kate (KDE).
5) KWrite (KDE).
6) Nedit.
7) Vim.
8) Xemacs.
9) Xcoral.
10) Nvi.
11) Ozeditor.

Console text editor1) Vim
2) Emacs
3) Editor from FAR, editor from DN, ...

1) Vim.
2) Emacs.
3) Nano. (It's a free implementation of pico)
4) joe.
5) Fte.
6) Jed.
7) CoolEdit.

Multi-purpose text and source code editorSciTE, UltraEdit, MultiEdit, Vim, Xemacs, ...

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) CodeCommander.
4) SciTE.
5) Quanta Plus.
6) Vim.
7) Xemacs.
8) Mcedit (comes with mc).
9) Jed.
10) Setedit. (Turbo Vision looking style)
11) HT editor.

Text editor with cyrillic encodings supportBred, Rpad32, Aditor, Vim, Xemacs

1) Kate (KDE).
2) Nedit.
3) Fte (console).
4) Patched version of Midnight Commander.
5) Vim.
6) Xemacs.

Viewing PostScript

1) RoPS
2) GhostView

1) GhostView.
2) Kghostview.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
Viewing PDF1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
1) Acrobat Reader. [Prop]
2) Xpdf.
3) GV.
4) GGV.
5) GhostView.
6) Kghostview.
Creating PDF1) Adobe Acrobat Distiller
2) GhostView
3) Ghostscript
1) Any Linux WYSIWYG program -> print to file -> ps2pdf. (Here's an article about this).
2) Adobe Acrobat Distiller. [Prop]
3) PStill. [Shareware]
4) PDFLatex.
5) Xfig.
6) Ghostscript.
7) Tex2Pdf.
8) Reportlab.
9) GV.
10) GGV.
11) GhostView.
12) Kghostview.
13) Panda PDF Generator.
CryptoPGP, GnuPG + Windows Privacy Tools1) GnuPG (console) + GPA, KGpg, and other frontends.
2) PGP. [Prop]
Disc volume encryptionEFS (standard), PGP-Disk, BestCrypt, Private Disk Light1) Loop-aes.
2) CFS.
3) TCFS.
4) BestCrypt.
5) CryptFS.
Task schedulermstask, nnCroncron, at (standard, console). GUI: Kcron.
Outlook schedulerOutlook scheduler1) KOrganizer.
Virtual CDVirtualDrive, VirtualCD, Daemon Tools, ...1) Virtual CD Kernel Modul.
2) "cp /dev/cdrom mycd.iso" + "mount -o loop mycd.iso /mnt/cdrom/".
Text recognition (OCR)Recognita, FineReader1) ClaraOcr.
2) Gocr.
3) Kooka.
Translators (cyrillic)Promt, SocratKsocrat (???)
Eng-rus dictionaries (cyrillic)1) ABBYY Lingvo
2) Socrat
3) JaLingvo
4) phpMyLingvo
1) Mueller.
2) Ksocrat.
3) JaLingvo.
4) phpMyLingvo.
5) dict+Kdict.
6) DictX.
7) Groan.
8) Mova.
9) Slowo.
10) Stardict.
Work with scannerPrograms on CD with scanner, VueScan1) Xsane.
2) Kooka.
3) Xvscan. [Prop]
4) VueScan. [Prop]
AntivirusAVG AntiVirus, NAV, Dr. Web, TrendMicro, F-Prot, Kaspersky, ...1) Dr. Web. [Prop]
2) Trend ServerProtect. [Prop]
3) RAV Antivirus. [Prop] (Bought by Microsoft?)
4) OpenAntivirus + AMaViS / VirusHammer.
5) F-Prot. [Prop]
6) Sophie / Trophie.
7) Clam Antivirus.
8) Kaspersky. [Prop]
9) YAVR.
System configurationControl Panel, Msconfig, RegEdit, WinBoost, TweakXP, Customizer XP, X-Setup, PowerToys, Config NT, ...

1) setup (Red Hat).
2) chkconfig (Red Hat).
3) redhat-config-<feature>. (Red Hat 8.0).
4) xf86config, xf86cfg.
5) Linuxconf.
6) Drakeconf.
7) Webmin.
8) yast and yast2 (SuSE).
9) sysinstall (FreeBSD).
10) /dev/hands :).

Boot managersSystem Commander, PowerQuest Boot Magic, GAG, ...1) Grub.
2) Lilo.
3) ASPLoader.
4) Acronis OS Selector [Prop].
5) Ranish Partition Manager.
6) osbs.
7) Symon.
8) Smart Boot Manager.
9) Xosl.
10) GAG.
Hard disk partitions manager1) PowerQuest Partition Magic [Prop]
2) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]
3) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop]
4) Partition Commander [Prop]

1) PartGUI. (GUI for partimage and parted)
2) GNU Parted. (GUI - QTParted).
3) Partition Image.
4) fips.
5) Diskdrake (Mandrake).
6) Paragon Partition Manager [Prop].
7) Acronis PartitionExpert [Prop]. (review)

LVM + soft-RAID + parted + ... -


Backup softwarentbackup (standard), Legato Networker [Prop] 1) Legato Networker. [Prop]
2) Lonetar. [Prop]
3) Disk Archive.
4) Bacula.
5) Taper.
6) dump / restore. (console, standard)
7) Amanda (console).
8) Mondo Rescue. (backups that boot and auto restore themselves to disk)
Making images of disk partitions1) DriveImage
2) Ghostpe
1) PartitionImage (GUI - PartGUI).
2) dd (console, standard).
3) Mondo Rescue.
Machine mirroring over network1) ImageCast
2) Norton Ghost

1) UDP Cast.
2) Techteam's UDP Cast Disks.
3) Ghost for Unix (g4u).

Task managerTaskMan (standard), TaskInfo, ProcessExplorer NT.1) top (console, standard).
2) Gtop, Ktop.
3) Ksysguard.
4) "ps aux|more", "kill <pid>"
Automatic switch between English and Russian when you typePunto Switcher, Keyboard Ninja, SnoopNo analogs :(.
Mouse gesturesSensiva1) Kgesture.
2) wayV.
3) Optimoz.
TV program???Home Portal.
Text to speechMS text to speech1) KDE Voice Plugins.
2) Festival.
3) Emacspeak.
4) VoiceText.
Speech recognitionViaVoice, DragonNaturally SpeakingYes, there are no usable speech recognition packages. But:
1) Sphinx.
2) ViaVoice. (almost dead...)
Stream text processing1) Minimalist GNU For Windows (sed.exe)
2) perl
1) sed, awk.
2) perl.
PIM / DB / hierarchical notebook with tree viewTreePad [Prop], Leo, CueCards1) TreePad Lite. [Prop]
2) Yank.
3) TreeLine.
4) Gjots.
5) Leo.
6) Hnb - hierarchical notebook.
7) TuxCards.
Program for quick switching between resolutions and frequenciesIntegrated with system, comes on CD with video card

1) Multires.
2) Ctrl+Alt+"-", Ctrl+Alt+"+".
3) Fbset. (when using framebuffer)

Search and replace text in files1) Integrated with system
2) Indexing service
3) HTMLChanger
4) Any file manager
1) find (console, standard).
2) slocate (console, standard).
1) Gsearchtool.
2) Kfind.
3) Any file manager
Local search engine with SGBD for indexing

1) Indexing service (???)
2) mnoGoSearch. [prop for Windows]

1) mnoGoSearch.
2) ASPSeek.

System monitoringSystem monitor (built-in)1) top (console, standard).
2) Gkrellm.
3) Ksysguard.
4) Survivor.
5) "Hot-babe". (If you can be shocked by nudity, don't use it :).
Program for logs viewingEvent Viewer (built-in)

1) Xlogmaster.
2) Analog.
3) Fwlogview. (firewall)

Data Recovery ToolsR-Studio (supports Linux partitions)1) e2undel.
2) myrescue.
3) TestDisk.
4) unrm.
5) Channel 16.
Text files encoder with automatic detection of character set ???

1) Enca.
2) Jconv.
3) Xcode. (cyrillic)
4) Asrecod. (cyrillic)

Alarm clockMindIt!1) KAlarm.
Work with PalmPalm Desktop1) Kpilot.
2) Jpilot.
Allows to carry on Palm .html filesiSilo1) iSilo.
2) Plucker.
Low-level optimization
(chipset, pci-bus)

1) Powertweak-Linux.

BibleOn-Line Bible, The SWORD1) BibleTime (KDE)
2) Gnomesword (Gnome)
Convenient mouse scrollingMouse Imp


Automatic change of desktop background???1) Background Buddy.
Convenient sw




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