

import * as Fs from "fs";
import * as Path from "path";

const filePath = './Design/HexagonMap.bin';
let binData = Fs.readFileSync(Path.join(__dirname, filePath));
const objData = await decode(binData );


     ], (err, dataList) => {//按名称载入数值设计
public async decodeData(dataList: cc.BufferAsset[] | cc.JsonAsset[]): Promise<void> {
        let data = dataList[0];
        let designData;
        if (data instanceof cc.BufferAsset) {//压缩数据定义
            designData = await decode(Buffer.from(data['_buffer']));
        } else if (data instanceof cc.JsonAsset) {//Json数据定义
            designData = data.json;//直接引用Json对象

        data = dataList[1];
        if (data instanceof cc.BufferAsset) {//压缩数据定义
            HexagonMapDefine.HexagonMapList = await decode(Buffer.from(data['_buffer']));
        } else if (data instanceof cc.JsonAsset) {//Json数据定义
            HexagonMapDefine.HexagonMapList = data.json;//直接引用Json对象
        GlobalInit.loaded = true;//装载完

 解析文件;需要npm i msgpackr

import { Unpackr } from "msgpackr";

const LZMA = (function () {

    "use strict";

        /** ds */
        action_decompress = 2,
        /** de */
        action_progress = 3,
        wait = typeof setImmediate == "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout,
        __4294967296 = 4294967296,
        N1_longLit = [4294967295, -__4294967296],

        P0_longLit = [0, 0],
        P1_longLit = [1, 0];

    function update_progress(percent, cbn) {
            action: action_progress,
            cbn: cbn,
            result: percent
        }, "*");

    function initDim(len) {
        ///NOTE: This is MUCH faster than "new Array(len)" in newer versions of v8 (starting with Node.js 0.11.15, which uses v8 3.28.73).
        var a = [];
        a[len - 1] = undefined;
        return a;

    function add(a, b) {
        return create(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]);

    function compare(a, b) {
        var nega, negb;
        if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]) {
            return 0;
        nega = a[1] < 0;
        negb = b[1] < 0;
        if (nega && !negb) {
            return -1;
        if (!nega && negb) {
            return 1;
        if (sub(a, b)[1] < 0) {
            return -1;
        return 1;

    function create(valueLow, valueHigh) {
        var diffHigh, diffLow;
        valueHigh %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
        valueLow %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
        diffHigh = valueHigh % __4294967296;
        diffLow = Math.floor(valueLow / __4294967296) * __4294967296;
        valueHigh = valueHigh - diffHigh + diffLow;
        valueLow = valueLow - diffLow + diffHigh;
        while (valueLow < 0) {
            valueLow += __4294967296;
            valueHigh -= __4294967296;
        while (valueLow > 4294967295) {
            valueLow -= __4294967296;
            valueHigh += __4294967296;
        valueHigh = valueHigh % 1.8446744073709552E19;
        while (valueHigh > 9223372032559808512) {
            valueHigh -= 1.8446744073709552E19;
        while (valueHigh < -9223372036854775808) {
            valueHigh += 1.8446744073709552E19;
        return [valueLow, valueHigh];

    function fromInt(value) {
        if (value >= 0) {
            return [value, 0];
        } else {
            return [value + __4294967296, -__4294967296];

    function lowBits_0(a) {
        if (a[0] >= 2147483648) {
            return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0] - __4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648);
        } else {
            return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0], 2147483647), -2147483648);

    function sub(a, b) {
        return create(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]);

    function $ByteArrayInputStream(this$static, buf) {
        this$static.buf = buf;
        this$static.pos = 0;
        this$static.count = buf.length;
        return this$static;

    /** ds */
    function $read(this$static) {
        if (this$static.pos >= this$static.count)
            return -1;
        return this$static.buf[this$static.pos++] & 255;
    /** de */

    function $ByteArrayOutputStream(this$static) {
        this$static.buf = initDim(32);
        this$static.count = 0;
        return this$static;

    function $toByteArray(this$static) {
        var data = this$static.buf;
        data.length = this$static.count;
        return data;

    function $write_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
        arraycopy(buf, off, this$static.buf, this$static.count, len);
        this$static.count += len;

    function arraycopy(src, srcOfs, dest, destOfs, len) {
        for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            dest[destOfs + i] = src[srcOfs + i];

    /** ds */
    function $init_0(this$static, input, output) {
        var decoder,
            hex_length = "",
            properties = [],

        for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            r = $read(input);
            if (r == -1)
                throw new Error("truncated input");
            properties[i] = r << 24 >> 24;

        decoder = $Decoder({});
        if (!$SetDecoderProperties(decoder, properties)) {
            throw new Error("corrupted input");
        for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
            r = $read(input);
            if (r == -1)
                throw new Error("truncated input");
            r = r.toString(16);
            if (r.length == 1) r = "0" + r;
            hex_length = r + "" + hex_length;

        /// Was the length set in the header (if it was compressed from a stream, the length is all f"s).
        if (/^0+$|^f+$/i.test(hex_length)) {
            /// The length is unknown, so set to -1.
            this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
        } else {
            ///NOTE: If there is a problem with the decoder because of the length, you can always set the length to -1 (N1_longLit) which means unknown.
            tmp_length = parseInt(hex_length, 16);
            /// If the length is too long to handle, just set it to unknown.
            if (tmp_length > 4294967295) {
                this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
            } else {
                this$static.length_0 = fromInt(tmp_length);

        this$static.chunker = $CodeInChunks(decoder, input, output, this$static.length_0);

    function $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor(this$static, data) {
        this$static.output = $ByteArrayOutputStream({});
        $init_0(this$static, $ByteArrayInputStream({}, data), this$static.output);
        return this$static;
    /** de */

    /** ds */
    function $CopyBlock(this$static, distance, len) {
        var pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
        if (pos < 0) {
            pos += this$static._windowSize;
        for (; len != 0; --len) {
            if (pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
                pos = 0;
            this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = this$static._buffer[pos++];
            if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {

    function $Create_5(this$static, windowSize) {
        if (this$static._buffer == null || this$static._windowSize != windowSize) {
            this$static._buffer = initDim(windowSize);
        this$static._windowSize = windowSize;
        this$static._pos = 0;
        this$static._streamPos = 0;

    function $Flush_0(this$static) {
        var size = this$static._pos - this$static._streamPos;
        if (!size) {
        $write_0(this$static._stream, this$static._buffer, this$static._streamPos, size);
        if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
            this$static._pos = 0;
        this$static._streamPos = this$static._pos;

    function $GetByte(this$static, distance) {
        var pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
        if (pos < 0) {
            pos += this$static._windowSize;
        return this$static._buffer[pos];

    function $PutByte(this$static, b) {
        this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = b;
        if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {

    function $ReleaseStream(this$static) {
        this$static._stream = null;
    /** de */

    function GetLenToPosState(len) {
        len -= 2;
        if (len < 4) {
            return len;
        return 3;

    function StateUpdateChar(index) {
        if (index < 4) {
            return 0;
        if (index < 10) {
            return index - 3;
        return index - 6;

    /** ds */
    function $Chunker(this$static, decoder) {
        this$static.decoder = decoder;
        this$static.encoder = null;
        this$static.alive = 1;
        return this$static;
    /** de */

    function $processChunk(this$static) {
        if (!this$static.alive) {
            throw new Error("bad state");

        if (this$static.encoder) {
            throw new Error("No encoding");

        } else {
            /// co:throw new Error("No decoding");
            /** ds */
            /** de */
        return this$static.alive;

    /** ds */
    function $processDecoderChunk(this$static) {
        var result = $CodeOneChunk(this$static.decoder);
        if (result == -1) {
            throw new Error("corrupted input");
        this$static.inBytesProcessed = N1_longLit;
        this$static.outBytesProcessed = this$static.decoder.nowPos64;
        if (result || compare(this$static.decoder.outSize, P0_longLit) >= 0 && compare(this$static.decoder.nowPos64, this$static.decoder.outSize) >= 0) {
            this$static.decoder.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = null;
            this$static.alive = 0;
    /** de */

    /** ds */
    function $CodeInChunks(this$static, inStream, outStream, outSize) {
        this$static.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = inStream;
        this$static.m_OutWindow._stream = outStream;
        this$static.state = 0;
        this$static.rep0 = 0;
        this$static.rep1 = 0;
        this$static.rep2 = 0;
        this$static.rep3 = 0;
        this$static.outSize = outSize;
        this$static.nowPos64 = P0_longLit;
        this$static.prevByte = 0;
        return $Chunker({}, this$static);

    function $CodeOneChunk(this$static) {
        var decoder2, distance, len, numDirectBits, posSlot, posState;
        posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static.m_PosStateMask;
        if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState)) {
            decoder2 = $GetDecoder(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static.prevByte);
            if (this$static.state < 7) {
                this$static.prevByte = $DecodeNormal(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
            } else {
                this$static.prevByte = $DecodeWithMatchByte(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0));
            $PutByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.prevByte);
            this$static.state = StateUpdateChar(this$static.state);
            this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, P1_longLit);
        } else {
            if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepDecoders, this$static.state)) {
                len = 0;
                if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders, this$static.state)) {
                    if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState)) {
                        this$static.state = this$static.state < 7 ? 9 : 11;
                        len = 1;
                } else {
                    if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders, this$static.state)) {
                        distance = this$static.rep1;
                    } else {
                        if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders, this$static.state)) {
                            distance = this$static.rep2;
                        } else {
                            distance = this$static.rep3;
                            this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
                        this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
                    this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
                    this$static.rep0 = distance;
                if (!len) {
                    len = $Decode(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState) + 2;
                    this$static.state = this$static.state < 7 ? 8 : 11;
            } else {
                this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
                this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
                this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
                len = 2 + $Decode(this$static.m_LenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState);
                this$static.state = this$static.state < 7 ? 7 : 10;
                posSlot = $Decode_0(this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
                if (posSlot >= 4) {
                    numDirectBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
                    this$static.rep0 = (2 | posSlot & 1) << numDirectBits;
                    if (posSlot < 14) {
                        this$static.rep0 += ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosDecoders, this$static.rep0 - posSlot - 1, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits);
                    } else {
                        this$static.rep0 += $DecodeDirectBits(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits - 4) << 4;
                        this$static.rep0 += $ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
                        if (this$static.rep0 < 0) {
                            if (this$static.rep0 == -1) {
                                return 1;
                            return -1;
                } else
                    this$static.rep0 = posSlot;
            if (compare(fromInt(this$static.rep0), this$static.nowPos64) >= 0 || this$static.rep0 >= this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck) {
                return -1;
            $CopyBlock(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0, len);
            this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, fromInt(len));
            this$static.prevByte = $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, 0);
        return 0;

    function $Decoder(this$static) {
        this$static.m_OutWindow = {};
        this$static.m_RangeDecoder = {};
        this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders = initDim(192);
        this$static.m_IsRepDecoders = initDim(12);
        this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders = initDim(12);
        this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders = initDim(12);
        this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders = initDim(12);
        this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders = initDim(192);
        this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder = initDim(4);
        this$static.m_PosDecoders = initDim(114);
        this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 4);
        this$static.m_LenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder({});
        this$static.m_RepLenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder({});
        this$static.m_LiteralDecoder = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[i] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 6);
        return this$static;

    function $Init_1(this$static) {
        this$static.m_OutWindow._streamPos = 0;
        this$static.m_OutWindow._pos = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {

    function $SetDecoderProperties(this$static, properties) {
        var dictionarySize, i, lc, lp, pb, remainder, val;
        if (properties.length < 5)
            return 0;
        val = properties[0] & 255;
        lc = val % 9;
        remainder = ~~(val / 9);
        lp = remainder % 5;
        pb = ~~(remainder / 5);
        dictionarySize = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
            dictionarySize += (properties[1 + i] & 255) << i * 8;
        ///NOTE: If the input is bad, it might call for an insanely large dictionary size, which would crash the script.
        if (dictionarySize > 99999999 || !$SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb)) {
            return 0;
        return $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize);

    function $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize) {
        if (dictionarySize < 0) {
            return 0;
        if (this$static.m_DictionarySize != dictionarySize) {
            this$static.m_DictionarySize = dictionarySize;
            this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck = Math.max(this$static.m_DictionarySize, 1);
            $Create_5(this$static.m_OutWindow, Math.max(this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck, 4096));
        return 1;

    function $SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb) {
        if (lc > 8 || lp > 4 || pb > 4) {
            return 0;
        $Create_0(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lp, lc);
        var numPosStates = 1 << pb;
        $Create(this$static.m_LenDecoder, numPosStates);
        $Create(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, numPosStates);
        this$static.m_PosStateMask = numPosStates - 1;
        return 1;

    function $Create(this$static, numPosStates) {
        for (; this$static.m_NumPosStates < numPosStates; ++this$static.m_NumPosStates) {
            this$static.m_LowCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 3);
            this$static.m_MidCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 3);

    function $Decode(this$static, rangeDecoder, posState) {
        if (!$DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 0)) {
            return $Decode_0(this$static.m_LowCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
        var symbol = 8;
        if (!$DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 1)) {
            symbol += $Decode_0(this$static.m_MidCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
        } else {
            symbol += 8 + $Decode_0(this$static.m_HighCoder, rangeDecoder);
        return symbol;

    function $Decoder$LenDecoder(this$static) {
        this$static.m_Choice = initDim(2);
        this$static.m_LowCoder = initDim(16);
        this$static.m_MidCoder = initDim(16);
        this$static.m_HighCoder = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 8);
        this$static.m_NumPosStates = 0;
        return this$static;

    function $Init(this$static) {
        for (var posState = 0; posState < this$static.m_NumPosStates; ++posState) {

    function $Create_0(this$static, numPosBits, numPrevBits) {
        var i, numStates;
        if (this$static.m_Coders != null && this$static.m_NumPrevBits == numPrevBits && this$static.m_NumPosBits == numPosBits)
        this$static.m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
        this$static.m_PosMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
        this$static.m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
        numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
        this$static.m_Coders = initDim(numStates);
        for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i)
            this$static.m_Coders[i] = $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2({});

    function $GetDecoder(this$static, pos, prevByte) {
        return this$static.m_Coders[((pos & this$static.m_PosMask) << this$static.m_NumPrevBits) + ((prevByte & 255) >>> 8 - this$static.m_NumPrevBits)];

    function $Init_0(this$static) {
        var i, numStates;
        numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
        for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {

    function $DecodeNormal(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
        var symbol = 1;
        do {
            symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
        } while (symbol < 256);
        return symbol << 24 >> 24;

    function $DecodeWithMatchByte(this$static, rangeDecoder, matchByte) {
        var bit, matchBit, symbol = 1;
        do {
            matchBit = matchByte >> 7 & 1;
            matchByte <<= 1;
            bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, (1 + matchBit << 8) + symbol);
            symbol = symbol << 1 | bit;
            if (matchBit != bit) {
                while (symbol < 256) {
                    symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
        } while (symbol < 256);
        return symbol << 24 >> 24;

    function $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2(this$static) {
        this$static.m_Decoders = initDim(768);
        return this$static;

    /** de */

    /** ds */
    function $BitTreeDecoder(this$static, numBitLevels) {
        this$static.NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
        this$static.Models = initDim(1 << numBitLevels);
        return this$static;

    function $Decode_0(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
        var bitIndex, m = 1;
        for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0; --bitIndex) {
            m = (m << 1) + $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
        return m - (1 << this$static.NumBitLevels);

    function $ReverseDecode(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
        var bit, bitIndex, m = 1, symbol = 0;
        for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < this$static.NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
            bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
            m <<= 1;
            m += bit;
            symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
        return symbol;

    function ReverseDecode(Models, startIndex, rangeDecoder, NumBitLevels) {
        var bit, bitIndex, m = 1, symbol = 0;
        for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
            bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, Models, startIndex + m);
            m <<= 1;
            m += bit;
            symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
        return symbol;
    /** de */

    /** ds */
    function $DecodeBit(this$static, probs, index) {
        var newBound, prob = probs[index];
        newBound = (this$static.Range >>> 11) * prob;
        if ((this$static.Code ^ -2147483648) < (newBound ^ -2147483648)) {
            this$static.Range = newBound;
            probs[index] = prob + (2048 - prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
            if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
                this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
                this$static.Range <<= 8;
            return 0;
        } else {
            this$static.Range -= newBound;
            this$static.Code -= newBound;
            probs[index] = prob - (prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
            if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
                this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
                this$static.Range <<= 8;
            return 1;

    function $DecodeDirectBits(this$static, numTotalBits) {
        var i, t, result = 0;
        for (i = numTotalBits; i != 0; --i) {
            this$static.Range >>>= 1;
            t = this$static.Code - this$static.Range >>> 31;
            this$static.Code -= this$static.Range & t - 1;
            result = result << 1 | 1 - t;
            if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
                this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
                this$static.Range <<= 8;
        return result;

    function $Init_8(this$static) {
        this$static.Code = 0;
        this$static.Range = -1;
        for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
    /** de */

    function InitBitModels(probs) {
        for (var i = probs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            probs[i] = 1024;

    /** ds */
    function decode(utf) {
        var i = 0, j = 0, x, y, z, l = utf.length, buf = [], charCodes = [];
        for (; i < l; ++i, ++j) {
            x = utf[i] & 255;
            if (!(x & 128)) {
                if (!x) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                charCodes[j] = x;
            } else if ((x & 224) == 192) {
                if (i + 1 >= l) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                y = utf[++i] & 255;
                if ((y & 192) != 128) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                charCodes[j] = ((x & 31) << 6) | (y & 63);
            } else if ((x & 240) == 224) {
                if (i + 2 >= l) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                y = utf[++i] & 255;
                if ((y & 192) != 128) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                z = utf[++i] & 255;
                if ((z & 192) != 128) {
                    /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                    return utf;
                charCodes[j] = ((x & 15) << 12) | ((y & 63) << 6) | (z & 63);
            } else {
                /// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
                return utf;
            if (j == 16383) {
                buf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, charCodes));
                j = -1;
        if (j > 0) {
            charCodes.length = j;
            buf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, charCodes));
        return buf.join("");
    /** de */

    function toDouble(a) {
        return a[1] + a[0];

    /** ds */
    function decompress(byte_arr, on_finish, on_progress) {
        var this$static = {},
            cbn, /// A callback number should be supplied instead of on_finish() if we are using Web Workers.
            sync = typeof on_finish == "undefined" && typeof on_progress == "undefined";

        if (typeof on_finish != "function") {
            cbn = on_finish;
            on_finish = on_progress = 0;

        on_progress = on_progress || function (percent) {
            if (typeof cbn == "undefined")

            return update_progress(has_progress ? percent : -1, cbn);

        on_finish = on_finish || function (res, err) {
            if (typeof cbn == "undefined")

            return postMessage({
                action: action_decompress,
                cbn: cbn,
                result: res,
                error: err
            }, "*");

        if (sync) {
            (<any>this$static).d = $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor({}, byte_arr);
            while ($processChunk((<any>this$static).d.chunker));
            return decode($toByteArray((<any>this$static).d.output));

        try {
            (<any>this$static).d = $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor({}, byte_arr);

            len = toDouble((<any>this$static).d.length_0);

            ///NOTE: If the data was created via a stream, it will not have a length value, and therefore we can't calculate the progress.
            has_progress = len > -1;

        } catch (err) {
            return on_finish(null, err);

        function do_action() {
            try {
                var res, i = 0, start = (new Date()).getTime();
                while ($processChunk((<any>this$static).d.chunker)) {
                    if (++i % 1000 == 0 && (new Date()).getTime() - start > 200) {
                        if (has_progress) {
                            percent = toDouble((<any>this$static).d.chunker.decoder.nowPos64) / len;
                            /// If about 200 miliseconds have passed, update the progress.

                        ///NOTE: This allows other code to run, like the browser to update.
                        wait(do_action, 0);
                        return 0;


                res = decode($toByteArray((<any>this$static).d.output));

                /// delay so we don’t catch errors from the on_finish handler
                wait(on_finish.bind(null, res), 0);
            } catch (err) {
                on_finish(null, err);

        ///NOTE: We need to wait to make sure it is always async.
        wait(do_action, 0);
    /** de */

    /// If we're in a Web Worker, create the onmessage() communication channel.
    ///NOTE: This seems to be the most reliable way to detect this.
    if (typeof onmessage != "undefined" && (typeof window == "undefined" || typeof window.document == "undefined")) {
        (function () {
            /* jshint -W020 */
            /// Create the global onmessage function.
            onmessage = function (e) {
                if (e && {

                    /// co:if ( == action_compress) {
                    /// co:    LZMA.compress(,,;
                    /// co:}
                    if ( == action_decompress) {
                        LZMA.decompress(,, null);

    return {
        decompress: decompress

export function decode<T>(buf: Buffer): Promise<T> {
    return new Promise((resolve: (value: T) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void): void => {
        const unpackr = new Unpackr({
            useTimestamp32: true,
            (result, error) => {
                if (error) {
            }, null

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


