clickhouse 如何使用SQL 管理用户和角色

clickhouse 数据库默认的用户是default ,clickhouse 数据库的用户管理有两种方式:

1、直接修改配置文件(user.xml) 在用户配置文件里面配置需要创建的用户。

2、使用SQL直接创建用户并授权(比较灵活,无需重启服务)与mysql 管理用户类似,但是需要修改一下默认的user配置文件。默认的配置default 用户没有创建用户的权限。需要给default 用户添加access_management>1</access_management>选项


clickhouse-client --user default --port 9000 

create user  dba@‘%’  identified with plaintext_password by 'dba@123' on cluster cluster_name;

grant  on cluster cluster_name   all on *.*  to  'dba'@'%'  with grant option;


0、clickhouse 使用默认配置启动后,登录clickhouse 服务,尝试创建用户时报如下错误:

op-data-base :) create user clickhouse_admin@'%' identified with plaintext_password by 'clickhouse_password';

CREATE USER clickhouse_admin IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'clickhouse_password'

Query id: c3f78024-7d87-476d-b66e-b202aefa7bac

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.

Received exception from server (version 22.6.2):
Code: 497. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: default: Not enough privileges. To execute this query it's necessary to have grant CREATE USER ON *.*. (ACCESS_DENIED)


1、开启default 用户的超级管理员权限添加 access_management>1</access_management>


2、重启clickhouse 服务

clickhouse  restart

[root@op-data-base clickhouse-server]# clickhouse restart
/var/run/clickhouse-server/ file exists and contains pid = 26366.
The process with pid = 26366 is running.
Sent terminate signal to process with pid 26366.
Waiting for server to stop
/var/run/clickhouse-server/ file exists and contains pid = 26366.
The process with pid = 26366 is running.
Waiting for server to stop
/var/run/clickhouse-server/ file exists and contains pid = 26366.
The process with pid = 26366 is running.
Waiting for server to stop
Now there is no clickhouse-server process.
Server stopped
 chown -R clickhouse: '/var/run/clickhouse-server/'
Will run clickhouse su 'clickhouse' /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config-file /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --pid-file /var/run/clickhouse-server/ --daemon
Waiting for server to start
Waiting for server to start
Server started


op-data-base :) create user clickhouse_admin identified with plaintext_password by 'clickhouse_admin';

CREATE USER clickhouse_admin IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'clickhouse_admin'

Query id: eb4f758d-c3f8-4362-90ee-29785203351e


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.


grant all on *.*  to  clickhouse_admin with grant option;

5、使用clickhouse_admin 用户创建一个列管理用户;

 clickhouse-client  --user clickhouse_admin --password clickhouse_admin

create user column_user identified  with plaintext_password by 'column_user'; 

CREATE USER column_user IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'column_user'

Query id: a62d60e1-c492-4404-acbf-7dff27d54c56


0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.


create user row_user identified with plaintext_password by 'row_user';


op-data-base :) select * from db1.t1;


Query id: 01ec08a4-abff-42a6-ad30-c555125b0531

│  1 │ A       │ abc     │
│  2 │ A       │ def     │
│  3 │ B       │ abc     │
│  4 │ B       │ def     │


1、创建一个角色 只允许查看表t1的Colum1列;

create role column1_users;

3. Creating roles

With this set of examples, roles for different privileges such as columns and rows will be created, privileges will be granted to the roles and users will be assigned to each role. Roles are used to define groups of users for certain privileges instead of managing each user seperately.

  1. Create a role to restrict users of this role to only see column1 in database db1 and table1:

    CREATE ROLE column1_users;

  2. Set privileges to allow view on column1

    GRANT SELECT(id, column1) ON db1.table1 TO column1_users;

  3. Add the column_user user to the column1_users role

    GRANT column1_users TO column_user;

  4. Create a role to restrict users of this role to only see selected rows, in this case only rows containing A in column1

    CREATE ROLE A_rows_users;

  5. Add the row_user to the A_rows_users role

    GRANT A_rows_users TO row_user;

  6. Create a policy to allow view on only where column1 has the values of A

    CREATE ROW POLICY A_row_filter ON db1.table1 FOR SELECT USING column1 = 'A' TO A_rows_users;

  7. Set privileges to the database and table

    GRANT SELECT(id, column1, column2) ON db1.table1 TO A_rows_users;

  8. grant explicit permissions for other roles to still have access to all rows

    CREATE ROW POLICY allow_other_users_filter ON db1.table1 FOR SELECT USING 1 TO clickhouse_admin, column1_users;


    When attaching a policy to a table, the system will apply that policy and only those users and roles defined will be able to do operations on the table, all others will be denied any operations. In order to not have the restrictive row policy applied to other users, another policy must be defined to allow other users and roles to have regular or other types of access.

4. Testing role privileges with column restricted user

  1. Log into the clickhouse client using the clickhouse_admin user

    clickhouse-client --user clickhouse_admin --password password

  2. Verify access to database, table and all rows with the admin user.

    SELECT *
    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: f5e906ea-10c6-45b0-b649-36334902d31d
    │  1 │ A       │ abc     │
    │  2 │ A       │ def     │
    │  3 │ B       │ abc     │
    │  4 │ B       │ def     │

  3. Log into the ClickHouse client using the column_user user

    clickhouse-client --user column_user --password password

  4. Test SELECT using all columns

    SELECT *
    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: 5576f4eb-7450-435c-a2d6-d6b49b7c4a23
    0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.006 sec.
    Received exception from server (version 22.3.2):
    Code: 497. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: column_user: Not enough privileges. To execute this query it's necessary to have grant SELECT(id, column1, column2) ON db1.table1. (ACCESS_DENIED)


    Access is denied since all columns were specified and the user only has access to id and column1

  5. Verify SELECT query with only columns specified and allowed:

    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: cef9a083-d5ce-42ff-9678-f08dc60d4bb9
    │  1 │ A       │
    │  2 │ A       │
    │  3 │ B       │
    │  4 │ B       │

5. Testing role privileges with row restricted user

  1. Log into the ClickHouse client using row_user

    clickhouse-client --user row_user --password password

  2. View rows available

    SELECT *
    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: a79a113c-1eca-4c3f-be6e-d034f9a220fb
    │  1 │ A       │ abc     │
    │  2 │ A       │ def     │

4. Modifying Users and Roles

Users can be assigned multiple roles for a combination of privileges needed. When using multiple roles, the system will combine the roles to determine privileges, the net effect will be that the role permissions will be cumulative.

For example, if one role1 allows for only select on column1 and role2 allows for select on column1 and column2 then the user will have access to both columns.

  1. Using the admin account, create new user to restrict by both row and column with default roles

    CREATE USER row_and_column_user IDENTIFIED WITH plaintext_password BY 'password' DEFAULT ROLE A_rows_users;

  2. Remove prior privileges for A_rows_users role

    REVOKE SELECT(id, column1, column2) ON db1.table1 FROM A_rows_users;

  3. Allow A_row_users role to only select from column1

    GRANT SELECT(id, column1) ON db1.table1 TO A_rows_users;

  4. Log into the ClickHouse client using row_and_column_user

    clickhouse-client --user row_and_column_user --password password;

  5. Test with all columns:

    SELECT *
    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: 8cdf0ff5-e711-4cbe-bd28-3c02e52e8bc4

0 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec.

Received exception from server (version 22.3.2):
Code: 497. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: row_and_column_user: Not enough privileges. To execute this query it's necessary to have grant SELECT(id, column1, column2) ON db1.table1. (ACCESS_DENIED)

  1. Test with limited allowed columns:

    FROM db1.table1

    Query id: 5e30b490-507a-49e9-9778-8159799a6ed0
    │  1 │ A       │
    │  2 │ A       │

  2. Examples on how to delete privileges, policies, unassign users from roles, delete users and roles:

    • Remove privilege from a role
    REVOKE SELECT(column1, id) ON db1.table1 FROM A_rows_users;

    • Delete a policy
    DROP ROW POLICY A_row_filter ON db1.table1;

    • Unassign a user from a role
    REVOKE A_rows_users FROM row_user;

    • Delete a role
    DROP ROLE A_rows_users;

    • Delete a user
    DROP USER row_user;

5. Troubleshooting

  1. There are occasions when privileges intersect or combine to produce unexpected results, the following commands can be used to narrow the issue using an admin account

    • Listing the grants and roles for a user
    SHOW GRANTS FOR row_and_column_user

    Query id: 6a73a3fe-2659-4aca-95c5-d012c138097b
    ┌─GRANTS FOR row_and_column_user───────────────────────────┐
    │ GRANT A_rows_users, column1_users TO row_and_column_user │

    • List roles in ClickHouse

    Query id: 1e21440a-18d9-4e75-8f0e-66ec9b36470a
    │ A_rows_users    │
    │ column1_users   │

    • Display the policies

    Query id: f2c636e9-f955-4d79-8e80-af40ea227ebc
    │ A_row_filter ON db1.table1             │
    │ allow_other_users_filter ON db1.table1 │

    • View how a policy was defined and current privileges
    SHOW CREATE ROW POLICY A_row_filter ON db1.table1

    Query id: 0d3b5846-95c7-4e62-9cdd-91d82b14b80b
    ┌─CREATE ROW POLICY A_row_filter ON db1.table1────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
    │ CREATE ROW POLICY A_row_filter ON db1.table1 FOR SELECT USING column1 = 'A' TO A_rows_users │


This article demostrated the basics of creating SQL users and roles and provided steps to set and modify privileges for users and roles. For more detailed information on each please refer to our user guides and reference documenation.






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