oracle sql语句练习


     s#    number,   --学生编号
     sname varchar2(32), --学生姓名
     sage  number, --学生年龄
     ssex  varchar2(8) --学生性别
     c#    number,  --课程编号
     cname varchar2(32), --课程姓名
     t#    number--老师编号
     s#    number, --学生编号
     c#    number, --课程编号
     score number--成绩
     t#    number, --老师编号
     tname varchar2(16) --老师姓名

insert into Student select 1,'刘一',18,'男'  from dual union all
 select 2,'钱二',19,'女'  from dual union all
 select 3,'张三',17,'男'  from dual union all
 select 4,'李四',18,'女'  from dual union all
 select 5,'王五',17,'男'  from dual union all
 select 6,'赵六',19,'女' from dual 
 insert into Teacher select 1,'叶平'  from dual union all
 select 2,'贺高'  from dual union all
 select 3,'杨艳'  from dual union all
 select 4,'周磊'from dual 
 insert into Course select 1,'语文',1  from dual union all
 select 2,'数学',2  from dual union all
 select 3,'英语',3  from dual union all
 select 4,'物理',4 from dual 
 insert into SC 
 select 1,1,56  from dual union all 
 select 1,2,78  from dual union all 
 select 1,3,67  from dual union all 
 select 1,4,58  from dual union all 
 select 2,1,79  from dual union all 
 select 2,2,81  from dual union all 
 select 2,3,92  from dual union all 
 select 2,4,68  from dual union all 
 select 3,1,91  from dual union all 
 select 3,2,47  from dual union all 
 select 3,3,88  from dual union all 
 select 3,4,56  from dual union all 
 select 4,2,88  from dual union all 
 select 4,3,90  from dual union all 
 select 4,4,93  from dual union all 
 select 5,1,46  from dual union all 
 select 5,3,78  from dual union all 
 select 5,4,53  from dual union all 
 select 6,1,35  from dual union all 
 select 6,2,68  from dual union all 
 select 6,4,71 from dual 


   select * from sc where c#=(select c# from course where cname='语文')
   select * from sc where c#=(select c# from course where cname='数学') 

   select * from sc s,sc s1 where s.s#=s1.s# and s.c#=(select c# from course where cname='语文') and s1.c#=(
     select c# from course where cname='数学'
   ) and s.score>s1.score 

   select s#,avg(score) from sc group by s# having avg(score)>60
 select s.s#,s.sname,count(*),sum(score) from sc sc inner join student s on sc.s#=s.s# group by s.s#,s.sname
 select s#,(select sname from student where s#=sc.s#),count(*),sum(score) from sc sc group by s# 
   select count(*) from teacher where tname like '%叶%'
    select * from sc s,sc s1 where s.s#=s1.s# and s.c#=(select c# from course where cname='语文') and s1.c#=(
     select c# from course where cname='数学'
 select * from sc s,sc s1 where s.s#=s1.s# and s.c#=1 and s1.c#=2 and s.score>s1.score
   select c#,max(score),min(score) from sc group by c#
   select avg(score) from sc sc inner join course c on sc.c#=c.c#  group by c.c#,c.t#  order by avg(score) desc 
      --课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60] 
      select c#,(
         select cname from course where c#=s1.c#
         select count(score) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score between 85 and 100
      ) as "[100-85]"
         select count(score) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score between 70 and 84
      as "[85-70]"
         select count(score) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score between 60 and 69
      as "[70-60]"
         select count(score) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score<60
      as "[ <60]" 
       from sc s1 group by c#;

    select s#  from sc group by s# having count(*)=1
    select * from student where s# not in(
     select s# from sc where c# =any(
          select c# from course where t#=(select t# from teacher where tname='叶平')   

     select distinct s# from sc where c# =any(
          select c# from course where t#=(select t# from teacher where tname='叶平')   
     select s#,count(*) from sc s1 group by s# having count(*)=(select count(*) from sc where score<60 and s#=s1.s#  group by s#)
     select s#,count(*) from sc s1 group by s# having count(*)<>(select count(*) from course)
   select  distinct s.s#,s.sname from sc inner join student s on sc.s#=s.s# where c# in(select c# from sc where s#=1)

     select sc.s#,sname from sc inner join student s on sc.s#=s.s# group by sc.s#,sname having count(*)=(select count(*) from sc where s#=6)

      SELECT st.s,sname  FROM student st WHERE st.s IN(SELECT s FROM sc WHERE c IN(SELECT c FROM sc WHERE s=1) GROUP BY s HAVING COUNT(*)=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sc WHERE s=1))

    select c#,avg(score),
    ((select count(*) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score>60 )
    /(select count(*) from sc where c#=s1.c# ))*100||'%'
     from sc s1 group by c# 
     order by avg(score) asc,
     ((select count(*) from sc where c#=s1.c# and score>60 )
    /(select count(*) from sc where c#=s1.c# ))*100||'%' desc


      (select s# from sc where score=(select max(score) from sc group by c# having c#=s.c# ) and sc.c#=s.c#)
       ,(select s# from sc where score=(select max(score) from sc where score not in(
       select max(score) from sc group by c# having c#=s.c#
       ) group by c# having c#=s.c# ) and sc.c#=s.c#)
        from course s

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