Being end users , everyone might feel that this is very easy to use. But there are multiple complex interactions happening with different technologies to make documents which are not present in file systems to viewable using explorer.

The main protocols that are capable of directly manipulating file data stored in SharePoint are

- WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning)

WebDAV is a simple extension to the HTTP protocol based on a public specification. It provides an extended vocabulary that defines how basic file functions, such as copy, move, delete, and create folder, are performed across HTTP.

- FPRPC (FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Procedure Call)

FPRPC provides WebDAV capabilities using extensions to the HTTP vocabulary, but it also has the ability to embed more complex Remote Procedure Call (RPC) communications in the data portion of the packet.



Microsoft WebDAV implementation is based on a public standard for authoring and versioning via HTTPFPRCP is a Microsoft technology that is primarily used for its value-added FrontPage capabilities
Cannot work with SSL sitesCan work with SSL sites
Can map the site as a drive (mapped drive)Cannot map the site as a drive (mapped drive)
Works only with site which are running under port 80Works with any sites

Now, lets check how a document library looks when connected with WebDAV and FPRPC

Using WebDAV:-

This is how the document library looks like when opened using WebDAV protocol and in the next picture , we can see the address as\\servername when opening the document library with windows explorer (doc library->actions->open with windows explorer)



Using FPRPC:-

This is how the document library looks like when opened using FPRPC and in the next picture , we can see the address ashttp://servername when opening the document library with windows explorer (doc library->actions->open with windows explorer)



To force explorer view to use WebDAV follow the below settings

1. Make sure you  have enabled and started the “web client” service on the client machine  (services.msc->web client)

2. Host sites only on port 80 ; If multiple sites need to be on port 80 , make use of host header with appropriate DNS settings

3. Host sites without SSL

To force explorer view to use FPRPC follow the any of the below settings

1. Stop and disable the “web client” service on the client machine  (services.msc->web client)

2. Host sites on any TCP port other than 80

3. Host sites with SSL

Important points to be remembered when troubleshooting explorer view issues

1. The Ports 137,138,139 and 445 should be opened between the client and the SharePoint server. We can verify it using telnet<space><the SharePoint server name/IP><space> 137 and it should connect properly. the same can be done for ports 138,139 and 445

2. If we trying to access an intranet site using FQDN, its good that we add the site to the Trusted Sites zone on client computers as a dot (.) in the URL will make IE consider that its Internet and accepts the security configuration for internet zone.

3. Follow the KB article if the error is similar

4. Apply if this is applicable

5. If you restart the web client service on the client operating system , its always better to restart the O/S as there are some known issues reported. (operating system prior to longhorn)

6. Apply this if suitable

7. Avoid using Basic authentication . Basic authentication will work fine with WebDAV but has reported issues with FPRPC. If used , force web browser to use WebDAV

8.The account BUILTIN\NetworkService  must have read and write access to “Temporary Internet Files folder” to successfully complete a drag-and-drop operation.

9. Proxies configured in LAN also can cause issues in getting access to the explorer view

10. Errors with lengthy URLS , follow this



前面的文章SharePoint Explorer View中介绍过, 在你的SharePoint应用中, 如果使用Explorer View, 有可能会使用到Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning协议, 简称WebDAV协议, 另一种可能就是FrontPage Server Extension Remote Procedure Call 协议, 简称FPRPC协议.


WebDAV协议在过认证的时候不会携带你在登录SharePoint时使用的身份信息的, 那它会带什么样的认证信息呢?


1. 当前登录本机的用户的credential信息.

2. 在Windows Managed password存储的针对某一server的, 某个用户存储过的credential信息.




比如说, 使用用户账户domain\user1登录计算机, 使用domain\user2登录SharePoint, 那么在使用WebDAV协议的时候, 带上的身份信息是谁的呢? 答: domain\user1.


比如说, 使用domain\user1登录计算机, 使用domain\user2登录SharePoint, 从前domain\user3在这台机器上针对SharePoint服务器的名字存储了自己的密码, 并且domain\user1对SharePoint无访问权限, 那么使用WebDAV的时候, 带上的是谁的身份信息呢? 答: domain\user3.