LiveBindings 绑定界面元素和存储数据的对象

Delphi 的 LiveBindings 的例子,绑定数据库控件 TDataSet 的比较多。对于 TDataSet 来说,用 LiveBindings 框架,只是可以让更多的非 TDBEdit ... 这样的数据敏感控件,可以用来显示数据。

对于 FireMonkey 来说,已经没有了数据敏感控件,要绑定数据库,只能使用 LiveBindings 框架了。


把界面和数据分开,有很多模式。其中一个是所谓的 MVVM 模式。什么是 MVVM 模式,在 DELPHI 里面怎么用它,请参考:

什么是 MVVM?


1. MVVM 是所谓的 Model -- ViewModel -- View。这里的 Model 是指数据模块;ViewModel 是指包含数据显示逻辑的代码模块;View 才是真正的显示界面。这样分开的好处是,降低了代码的耦合程度。显示逻辑和显示界面分开,显示界面纯显示。数据及数据逻辑和显示逻辑分开。对于真正的大型代码,这样分开是有明显的好处的。

2. 研究了上述文章的代码,我发现它的实现虽然看起来挺复杂,归纳起来,和我们通常做 Delphi 的数据库软件类似:把数据也就是 TDataSet 放在一个 DataModule 里面,而显示界面是另外一个或多个单元。每个显示界面的界面元素 TDBEdit, TDBLabel 等等通过 TDataSource 和 DataModule 里面的 TDataSet 连接,实现双向通讯的功能。所谓双向通讯就是,

2.1. 界面上用户修改了 TDBEdit 的值,会自动反馈到 TDataSet 里面去,也会同时反应到其它界面上的其它 TDBGrid 等等绑定到对应字段的界面元素。

2.2. 如果用代码直接修改了 TDataSet 里面的数据,界面上的元素的显示会自动跟随变化。

符合 MVVM 模式的对象做 LiveBinding 到界面

那么,如果数据源不是 TDataSet 而是普通对象,该怎么做?

假设有一个 TUser 类,用它来存放一些数据,比如 ID, Age, FullName 等等,都是它的属性(public 就可以,无需 publish)。

1. 创建一个 DataModule,在这个 DataModule 里面,定义一个 FUser: TUser;这个 DataModule 就是 MVVM 里面的 Model,

2. 在这个 DataModule 里面,拖一个 AdapterBindSource1 进去,再拖一个 DataGeneratorAdapter1 进去。

3. 右键点 DataGeneratorAdapter1 下拉菜单选 Fields Editor, 给 DataGeneratorAdapter1 创建几个字段,对应 TUser 的属性。字段名要和属性名相同。同时设置前述的 AdapterBindSource1 的 Adapter 属性为这个 DataGeneratorAdapter1。这个 DataGeneratorAdapter1 纯粹是用于设计期可视化建立绑定连接用。运行期它会被替换掉。替换的代码请看:

procedure TDataModule2.AdapterBindSource1CreateAdapter(Sender: TObject;
  var ABindSourceAdapter: TBindSourceAdapter);
  if not Assigned(FUser) then
    FUser := TUser.Create(Self);
    FUser.Numb := 666;
    FUser.UserID := 'pcplayer';
    FUser.FullName := 'abcdefg';

  ABindSourceAdapter := TObjectBindSourceAdapter<TNLUserInfo>.Create(AdapterBindSource1,
                                                               FUser, True);

  ABindSourceAdapter.AutoPost := False;

上述代码的框架,是 AdapterBindSource1 的事件 OnCreateAdapter 双击产生。


4. 界面:在 Form 上面拖放几个 Label1, Edit1 用来显示数据。右键点击 Form 下拉菜单选则 BindVisually,IDE 底部出来绑定的界面,问题来了,按照网上例子,AdapterBindSource1 就在这个 Form 里面,因此在可视化绑定的界面里,可以看到这个作为绑定数据源的 AdapterBindSource1,然后从 AdapterBindSource1 里面挑选字段拉线到 Label 或者 Edit 就可以了。但现在这个 AdapterBindSource1 不在 Form 本地,而是在另外一个模块里面,这里就看不见。无法拉线的方式来建立绑定。

4.1. 首先,这个 Form 的单元里面,需要 Uses 上述 DataModule 的单元名称。但 User 以后,可视化绑定的界面里面,依然不会出现 DataModule 里面的 AdapterBindSource1,无法做拉线绑定操作。

4.2. 拖一个 BindingsList 控件到 Form 上,双击它,弹出绑定连接对话框。如果做了可视化的拉线绑定,这里面会出来绑定对象。现在里面是空的。鼠标右键点这个绑定对话框,下拉菜单选择 New Binding,出现一个绑定类型对话框,在里面选择 LinkControlToField,产生一个连接,这时候 IDE 左边的属性面板,会有这个连接的属性,设置属性里面的:Control 设置为 Edit1;DataSource 下拉,就可以看到 DataModule2.AdapterBindSource1,选择它;然后选择 FieldName 下拉,可以看到字段名字,选择一个字段。绑定建立。如果绑定的界面元素是 Label,则在新建连接时,选择 LinkPropertyToField,其它操作类似。

4.3. 多个界面元素可以同时绑定到同一个 AdapterBindSource1 的相同字段;多个不同的 Form 上的界面元素也可以同时绑定到 AdapterBindSource1 的相同字段。当在一个界面里面用户修改 Edit1 的值的时候,其它界面里对应该字段的界面元素的显示会自动跟随变化。

5. 问题:用代码修改了 FUser 的属性值,界面元素没有自动跟随变化。如果是 TDataSet,修改了里面的值,界面元素的显示是会自动跟随变化的。这里,如果用代码修改了 FUser 的属性值,必须调用一次 AdapterBindSource1.Refresh; 才能让界面元素的显示自动跟随变化。因为 AdapterBindSource1 就在 DataModule 里面,因此,作为 MVVM 里面的 ViewModel 的 DataModule2 本身无需知道界面,无需和 Form 有耦合代码。而作为数据源的 TUser 也无需知道 DataModule2.

6. 在 Edit1 里面修改了一个字段值,其它 Form 里面绑定到对应字段的 Label 的显示也会自动跟随同步,但这时候,FUser 的值是否也被同步修改了?这时候取决于代码的写法。注意上述代码里面的  ABindSourceAdapter.AutoPost := False;

6.1. 如果是 ABindSourceAdapter.AutoPost := True;则用户在界面上的手动修改操作会自动反映到 FUser。

6.2. 如果是 ABindSourceAdapter.AutoPost := False; 则不会。这里看起来就是仅仅是 AdapterBindSource1 作为一个类似 ClientDataSet 的东西它内部的数据变化了,但并没有提交到数据对象 FUser,这时候如果用代码执行一次 AdapterBindSource1.Post; 则可以发现 FUser 的对应的属性值跟着改变了。


1. 这个 AdapterBindSource1 有点类似 TClientDataSet,连接到它的各个界面上的界面元素,修改了一个,另外一个会自动跟随变化;

2. AdapterBindSource1 对应的数据对象 FUser 类似数据库。如果 AdapterBindSource1 没有 Post 则修改的数据只是在 AdapterBindSource1 里面,不会更新到 FUser。

3. 因此,从 MVVM 的角度来看,正确的做法应该是把 AdapterBindSource1 和数据对象放在一个模块。或者说,数据对象一个模块(Model),AdapterBindSource1 在一个模块(ViewModel),而界面则属于 View 这个模块。这样就避免了数据对象和界面的耦合。数据对象的代码可以单独写,和界面完全无关。ViewModel 的代码也和界面无关,而且可以多个界面绑定到一个 ViewModel 上面。




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********************************************************************** Author: TMS Software Copyright ?1996-2014 E-mail: Web: ********************************************************************** TMS Pack for FireMonkey TMS Pack for FireMonkey contains components for use in user interfaces designed with the Embarcadero FireMonkey framework. The components have been designed from the ground up based on the core concepts of the FireMonkey framework: made up of styles, fully cross-platform, scalable and compatible with FireMonkey抯 effects, rotation, livebindings. Release ----------------- Highly styleable cross-platform FireMonkey controls Support for Windows 32 bit, 64 bit, Mac OS X, iOS and Android Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in various parts of the components Built-in support for LiveBindings in TTMSFMXTableView and TTMSFMXTileList, allows to bind any item element to data Includes various demos and an extensive PDF developers guide Includes various helper controls (badge, button and html enabled text controls) that can be used separately as well Includes several Sample applications for the TTMSFMXGrid component History : --------- v1.0 : first release v1.0.0.1 Fixed : Issue with setting the focus on the form (Can be activated / deactivated with ShowActivated property) in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with BitmapContainer assignment V1.1.0.0 New : Introducing TTMSFMXSpeedButton New : Introducing TTMSFMXHotSpotImage with separate editor Improved : TMSIOS Define Fixed : Issue with initial state when State is ssOn in TTMSFMXSlider Fixed : Issue with Opacity in HTML Drawing in TTMSFMXHTMLText v1.1.0.1 Fixed : Issue with parent in TTMSFMXPopup v1.1.0.2 Fixed : Issue with lfm file missing in package v1.1.0.3 New : Support for update 4 hotfix 1 Fixed : Issue with order of freeing objects in TTMSFMXTableView v1.1.0.4 Fixed : Issue with state changing with mouse out of bounds in TTMSFMXSlider Fixed : Issue with resizing detail view in TTMSFMXTableView v1.5.0.0 New : Components TTMSFMXGrid, TTMSFMXNavBar, TTMSFMXEdit and TTMSFMXEditBtn, TTMSFMXProgressBar New : Helper components: TTMSFMXGridPrintPreview, TTMSFMXFindDialog, TTMSFMXReplaceDialog, TTMSFMXExcelIO, TTMSFMXRTFIO. Improved : Performance for handling hover & click of hotspots in TTMSFMXHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with mouse capturing in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with alignment and resizing of detail view container when item has no detail view assigned in TTMSFMXTableview v1.6.0.0 New : XE3 Support New : OnSearchOpen / OnSearchClose called when swiping done or showing the filter with the ShowFilter property in TMSFMXTableView New : OnCanColumnDrag, OnCanRowDrag events added in TTMSFMXGrid New : OnColumnDragged, OnRowDragged events added in TTMSFMXGrid New : LiveBindings support in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Options.Mouse.ColumnDragging = false / Options.Mouse.RowDragging = false in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with OnCanInsertRow/OnCanDeleteRow triggering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with selection on top when dragging in touch mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Access violation when touching outside the grid in touch mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Enabling touch mode in none selection mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with OnClick / OnDblClick in instrumentation components Fixed : Issue with scrolling and selecting value in iOS in TTMSFMXSpinner Fixed : Issue with escape key not cancelling edit mode in TTMSFMXGrid v1.6.0.1 Fixed : Issue with double databinding registration in XE2 ios package v1.7.0.0 : New : added components TTMSFMXCalendar and TTMSFMXCalendarPicker New : Fixed cell single and range selection in TTMSFMXGrid New : Autosizing columns / rows on double-click in TTMSFMXGrid New : Column persistence in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : Data reset when toggling active in TTMSFMXScope Fixed : Issue with checkbox and radiobutton not rendering correctly on iOS project in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with accessing and adding progressbar cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Repaint bug in XE3 in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : ShowGroupGount implement in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : GroupCountFormat implemented in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with memoryleak in TTMSFMXLedBar Fixed : Access violation when clicking edit button in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick not triggered in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with popupmenu on background interfering with scrolling interaction in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with selection persistence of items when scrolling in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Access violation Loading footer at designtime in TTMSFMXPanel v1.7.5.0 New: Capability to export multiple grids to a single RTF file in TTMSFMXGridRtfIO New : Options.Filtering.MultiColumn added to perform automatic multicolumn filtering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Delphi XE3 compatibility in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with ApplyPlacement for plTop/plTopCenter in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with sorting & filtering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with InsertRow on non-initialized grid in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with XE3 Mac filtering in TTMSFMXGrid v1.7.5.1 Fixed : Issue with anchor detection when scrolling in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with ccCount column calc in TTMSFMXGrid v1.7.5.2 New : Exposed functions CancelEdit / StopEdit in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with text initialization in constructor in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with default values for ArrowHeight and ArrowWidth in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with focusing calendar in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with lookuplist in TTMSFMXEdit in XE3 Fixed : Issue with absoluteopacity in TTMSFMXLED v1.8.0.0 New : PDF Export component for Windows (QuickPDF), Mac and iOS v1.8.0.1 Fixed : Issue with absolute opacity in TTMSFMXBitmap Fixed : Issue with editing cell functionality while selecting all cells in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.0.2 Fixed : Issue with peristing column states Fixed : Issue with printing DPI on different real and virtual printers v1.8.0.3 Fixed : Issue with dblclick in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with dropdown window visible after editing in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with wordwrapping and strikeout font style in html engine v1.8.0.4 : Fixed : Issue with debug message in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.0.5 Fixed : Issue with dblclick focusing issue in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : comment popup in cell configurable in TTMSFMXGridCell v1.8.0.6 Improved : PDF Export engine v1.8.0.7 Package build options change v1.8.0.8 Fixed : Issue with text repainting at runtime in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Issue with text fill color initialization in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Repaint bug in XE3 in drag/drop tiles in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : Issue with memoryleak when reparenting items in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with hidden radio button checked property in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.1.0 Fixed : Issue with clipboard on empty grid in TTMSFMXGrid New : Event OnTopLeftChanged event v1.8.1.1 Improved : block refreshing columns when destroying the component in TTMSFMXSpinner Fixed : Small issue in HTML Rendering engine for anchor rendering in TTMSFMXHTMLEngine Fixed : Issue with hidecolumn in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.1.2 Issue with C++Builder OSX library paths not updated when installing v1.8.1.3 Issue compilation in FPC with TMSPlatforms constant v1.8.1.4 Improved : Added Event OnCellEditCancel in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : OnTileAnchorClick event exposed in TTMSFMXTileList Improved : Escape key handling in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker to cancel date selection Fixed : Issue with TMSFMXEdit signed float Fixed : Issue with dblclick in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with dropdown access violation in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFMXPopup v2.0.0.0 New : Syntax highlighting and editing component TTMSFMXMemo New : Persisted Columns collection in TTMSFMXGrid New : KeyBoard and Mouse Wheel handling support in TTMSFMXSpinner Improved : Escape to cancel date selection and return to previous selected date in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed: Issue with autosizing and client-aligned captions v2.0.1.0 New : Pointer direction property in TTMSFMXBarButton Fixed : Issue with repainting header and footer text in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Selection changed notification to observer in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with list read access in TTMSFMXNavBar Fixed : incorrect Gutter behavior when gutter is visible false or width = 0 in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with XE2 FMI package memo registration v2.0.1.1 Fixed : Issue with height of tabs in TTMSFMXNavBar v2.0.2.0 New : OnButtonClick event in TTMSFMXEditBtn Fixed : Issue with fixed cell property persistence in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Excel font color import in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with border width in new columns persistence collection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with bitmap assignment in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with clearing cells in TTMSFMXGrid v2.0.2.1 Fixed : Issue with anchors & readonly cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with handling Columns[x].ReadOnly Improved : Published events for Find and Replaced dialog in TTMSFMXMemo v2.1.0.0 New : XE4 support Fixed : Issue with memory leak in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with triggering OnCursorChange in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with UpdateMemo call when client-aligning Fixed : Issue with index out of bounds in empty grid connected to dataset v2.1.0.1 Improved : NextPage and PreviousPage methods in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue compiling demo's in trial version Fixed : Issue with LoadFromFile column widths in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.0.2 Improved : GetTextHeight function in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Issue with iOS cell objects not being freed in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Scrolling when scrollbars are not visible in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with readonly cells when using columns in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue accessing correct cell colors in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with displaying DetailView in TTMSFMXTableView v2.1.0.3 Improved : Added Fixed Disjunct Row and Column Selection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with LiveBindings editing and row selection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Replacement for TScrollBox issues at designtime / runtime. Fixed : Issue with Form Key handling in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with designtime initialization of caption in TTMSFMXPanel Fixed : Issue with autocompletion popup in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with font persistence in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with ShowImage in TTMSFMXBarButton Fixed : Issue on iOS with categories in TTMSFMXTableView v2.1.0.4 Fixed : Issue with grid editing / inserting in LiveBindings in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.0.5 Fixed : Memory leak with panel list in TTMSFMXNavBar Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFMXMemo v2.1.1.0 New : VisibleRowCount and VisibleColumnCount functionality in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with disjunct selection and sorting in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.1.2 New : LiveBinding support for Notes in TTMSFMXTileList v2.1.1.3 New : Published Anchors property Fixed : Issue inserting and deleting records in LiveBindings in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.1.4 Fixed : Issue with RadioButtons in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Text position and width in TTMSFMXRotarySwitch v2.1.1.5 Fixed : Issue with rtf exporting on iOS in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with ColumnStatesToString and column swapping in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with lookup list on Mac in TTMSFMXEdit v2.1.1.6 Fixed : Issue with assign procedure collection item in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with TTMSFMXPopup component on the form already exists v2.1.1.7 Improved: Assign() handling in TTMSFMXTableView Improved : conditionally use XOpenURL or XOpenFile for cell anchors in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Padding vs Margins in TTMSFMXPageSlider Fixed : Issue with comment resizing in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with TableView resizing in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : issue with column alignment settings for cell states different from normal in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed: Do not set TopMost = true in GetStyleObject, interferes with use on a popup in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with initialization years in popup picker in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker Fixed : issue with setting Collaps = true at design time in TTMSFMXPanel Fixed : Issue with pressing ESC when date is empty in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker v2.2.0.0 New : XE5 support New : Android support New : Width and Height properties on lookup list in TTMSFMXEdit New : Redesign of TTMSFMXPopup to support iOS / Android Fixed : Issue with lookup autosize calculation in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Hints in TTMSFMXHTMLText and TTMSFMXBitmap Fixed : Issue with OnColumnSorted event not triggered in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.0.1 Fixed : Issue with deleting rows in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with date parsing in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : CSV parsing on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.1.0 New : OnMonthChanged and OnYearChanged events in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with money editing in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.1.1 Fixed : Issue with disposing objects on iOS in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with items return with incorrect CategoryID in TTMSFMXTableView v2.2.1.2 Fixed : Issue with column moving & column sizes in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with save to file & linebreaks on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with column, row dragging out of the grid boundaries in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with resizing in TTMSFMXTableView v2.2.1.3 Fixed : Issue with scrollbox and applystyle empty text initialization in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with string conversion on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with column, row dragging out of the grid boundaries in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Livebindings in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker v2.2.1.4 Fixed : Issue with badge in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : Issue with row sorting and objects in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.0 Improved : Disjunct deselection of column, rows and cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with horizontal scrolling and text trimming in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with displaylist on XE5 in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with assignment of item an OnItemClick in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Floating point division by zero in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with OnCellEditDone event and focus changes v2.2.2.1 Fixed: Issue with Keyboard handling for ComboBox editor type in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.2 Fixed : Issue with saving hotspot images in TTMSFMXHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with memo find & replace dialog up and down search in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with naming for led elements in TTMSFMX7SegLed Fixed : Issue with mouse enter/leave in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with column hiding and memory leak in sorting data in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.3 Fixed : Issue with column/row hiding combinations in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Escape key in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.4 Fixed : Issues with column/row handling in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with calculation setpoints, needles and sections with minimumvalue > 0 in TTMSFMXLinearGauge v2.2.2.5 Improved: Signed numeric not being handled in GetInt/SetInt in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed: Issue with unhiding row combinations in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.6 Improved : OnFormatCellDataExpression in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with selection initialization in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with cell creation in xls export v2.2.2.7 Fixed : Issue with using semi opaque hover, selected, down color in TTMSHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with row insertion in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.8 Fixed : Issue with grouping / ungrouping and row / column insertion changes v2.2.2.9 Improved : Clearing grid offset in TTMSFMXScope Fixed : Issue with initializing grid with default no. columns in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with adding data without animation in TTMSFMXScope v2.3.0.0 New : XE6 Support v2.3.0.1 Fixed : XE6 Style compatibility issues Usage: ------ Use of TMS software components in applications requires a license. A license can be obtained by registration. A single developer license registration is available as well as a site license. With the purchase of one single developer license, one developer in the company is entitled to: - use of registered version that contains full source code and no limitations - free updates for a full version cycle - free email priority support & access to support newsgroups - discounts to purchases of other products With a site license, multiple developers in the company are entitled to: - use of registered version that contains full source code and no limitations - add additional developers at any time who make use of the components - free updates for a full version cycle - free email priority support & access to support newsgroups - discounts to purchases of other products Online order information can be found at: Note: ----- The components are also part of the TMS Component Pack bundle, see Help, hints, tips, bug reports: ------------------------------- Send any questions/remarks/suggestions to : Before contacting support about a possible issue with the component you encounter, make sure that you are using the latest version of the component. If a problem persists with the latest version, provide information about which Delphi or C++Builder version you are using as well as the operating system and if possible, steps to reproduce the problem you encounter. That will guarantee the fastest turnaround times for your support case.




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