
2014-07-20 10:07:11


      The day before Chirdren's Day, One of my friend who was in other department of my company send an infomation in the Ride Association Group to find a partner to ride around the Taihu Lake with him, I had been thinking to ride around Taihu Lake, so agreed with him without thinking.


      Taihu Lake is one of the five famous  freshwater lakes in China, which is in the west of Suzhou City, south of Wuxi City, east of Yixing City and north of Huzhou City, it acrosses the Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, the senery is very attractive.




       There are a lot of fascinative places along Taihu, such as Dongshan island, Xishan island, Yuantouzhu island, Taihu Country wetland park, Sanguo castle, Shuiwu castle and so on, most traffic around Taihu is good, the road is with good quality and fit for riding.




      I like this travel very much, one is for the experience, and the other is for the fascinave senery of Taihu.




      我们总共只放两天假,六一节和端午节,当时答应那个朋友的时候,我搜了下地图,百度测距了一下,环一圈大概两百七八十公里,对于我这种跑过马拉松的体力应该没有问题,但是实际环完太湖,我们骑了535公里(248+287),因为我们是贴边骑的,像东山岛、西山岛、马山镇这些延伸到湖中的岛,我们都环边绕了一圈,所以距离多了很多,从2014.06.01 06:15 骑到2014.06.03 04:55,加上睡觉的时间,差不多两天零5个小时。


     We have two days holiday in all, which is Chirdren's Day and Dragon Boat Festival, when I agreed my friend to go riding with him, I measured the distance of Taihu with a measuring tool of Baidu Map

, and it showed about 270~280km,I was confident of myself for I had successfully completed the Full Marathon, but we actually ride for about 535km(248+287), because we ride mostly right along the lake, such as the Dongshan island, Xishan island and Mashan town which extended to the lake, we all ride along the edge of them and it added the riding distance, it cost us about two days and five hours to complete the riding, which started from 2014.06.01 06:15 to 2014.06.03 04:55 including the sleeping time. The day before we set off, we prepared some required things, such as helmet, repair tools, raincoat, chokelate and clothes, we set off from the gate of Jingying Apartment in the second morning, we go straight along the west direction until we arrived the edge of Taihu, then we started riding  clockwise around the lake, the weather was bord in the first day, we ride more than 4 to 5 hours in raining , we reached the Zhoutie Town,Yixing City at  about 23:45, and we found a hotel for sleep. We set off from Zhoutie town, Yixing City at about 7:30 in second day and ride util we went back to Jingying Apartment about at 5:00 in the third day, at about 10 km to home, the inner tube of my bike was stabed by something, it was lucky that we had prepared the pump, we successfully return home by pumping gas for the bike serveral times.






       The senery along the lake is excellent, when we right got to the edge of the lake, we found a lot of flowers besides the road, it made us happy alrough it was raining. We enjoy the buldings with Jiangnan style, the clean and vast water and the sweet loquat, we were so happy that we took a lot of pictures, we did not come acorss other good senery after we left the Dongshan island in the first day.    

       The second day, we mainly visited the Yuantouzhu lsland, Sanguo castle, Shuihu castle, Taihu wetland country park and Xishan island, we only played for a short time at the gate of these places for we did not have enought time, after we paid a whole sight of the places and took some pictures at the gate, we hurry off to go on riding, except for riding into Xishan island and ride around it, we did not have a good enjoy the senery of most places, if we had enought time, we may went into the Yuantouzhu island to enjoy the fascinative senery, but I did not feel a pity for I had visited it last year, haha.










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