Superstar transfer pdf

Superstar book makes both love and hate. Recently, I have been pondering over into Superstar book thing. Read a lot of on-line methods, have also tried a number of ways, with some experience, write it down and shared with them, and hope to be helpful to everyone. It should be explained that this is only some of my experience, skills-oriented, not professional. lKO ~ mU
Why convert it? _yX%% "A 6x
of course, turn! The reason is obvious. First, the Superstar's book super good! Second, the Superstar's super-poor services. They are very kind-hearted, engaging in too many restrictions. Do not buy cards allow retrieval; bought a card, there are still many books not allow download; reluctantly downloaded for the machine can not read, and they also engage in limited print! (Most recently they are also restrictions on the virtual print, the idea is very strange, the world is the first one!) In addition, SSReader is garbage, turning a few pages after the CPU usage always 100%, download the task a little more than one would die, more The main problem is it can only be used in the windows environment, in other circumstances, such as linux, simply can not be! (SSReader substitutes BooX Viewer, although you can use under linux, but there is little support for Superstar format!) In short, Superstar There are many good things, but he himself was garbage, so we have to essence, abandoned his dross, it is necessary to switch! ! f1% sjl??
into what format it? 0o * EdOc
Our principle is to generate the file into a higher cost. In which "sex" refers to the generated text should be clear book file, and reading to be convenient, without so many restrictions; "price" mainly refers to the conversion quickly. Turn a book a year, to crazy? ! djvu format is more popular in recent online image format,Replica Watches, it uses a special high-compression technology makes the image without distortion (this technology will be the background layer image is divided into "the texture of paper and pictures" and prospects for layer "Text and lines" ;, using high-resolution to restore the text, using a lower resolution to compress the background image, so that the whole image as much as possible while ensuring the quality of the decrease of volume). Therefore, we convert djvu format is preferred. Unfortunately, in general, pdg into djvu time relatively long. pdf format from Needless to say, and it is Adobe's introduction of the image format. Although it is not unified arena, but at least in this respect is also the boss! (Heard that Microsoft's Vista about to launch a new format for metro to replace the pdf, do not know how kind, and hope that this Bill will do a better uncle.), But pdf files will be bigger in size, I personally feel a clear degree is not as djvu, but because of its fast conversion speed and has the backing of Adobe's given us, so pdf is also our good choice. In addition, because mdi format conversion speed is super fast in the windows under the Microsoft Office comes with a powerful tool for viewing, so it was transformed into this. Others, such as jpeg, bmp image, because they are either not clear or large size, that is no longer inconvenient to read, so few people would choose these. Is there a better book format? I do not know, and sincerely look forward to you the teachings of shrimp. $ # MA # i
how into it? rG? $ wmH
transformation method is very large, but in my opinion, the first step in the transformation of books Superstar is still mainly a virtual print or drawings (in particular, a virtual printing technology, which is a simple and practical method of transformation, pdf下载, it is worthwhile to highlight it). In combination with other methods and then converted to djvu or pdf. Others, if no special request to use OCR text recognition technology, is undoubtedly a very crazy idea! (Why? By using the know.) In addition, BooX Viewer can open a number of 00H, 02H or something, the current popular 66H no way, so we generally do not convert it. Some Gao Ren has also been designed online a number of other conversion software, that are good Ah! I applaud! ! However, the realistic talking about these tools into effect is not how good, and runs very stable. (*= ajz
Ⅰ. Grab 8w y; s0
Capture tool I used SnagIt. SnagIt combination of keys into effect, or a good wizard, but the speed of transformation is too slow. Kingsnow of this forum have been introduced. First, the window scaling SSReader adjusted to 50% (this could make the captured image clearer. Of course, can be adjusted to "the entire high/Select the "rolling/The "filter" to re-set: For single-color books in the "color depth" select "Monochrome" or "gray" in order to reduce the size of the file is generated; in the "Image Resolution" and set a relatively large resolution , such as 300 or higher in order to improve image clarity. In the "input/Many sites offer key wizard download, for example Open the button wizard, click the "Add" button, edit an appropriate script (for this I do not line A, so I compiled the script is very easy to use, do not say a). Or select "Record" button, record mouse movements, this is very simple, more appropriate, like me, like the province of Shier comrades! At this time there might be SnagIt and SSReader hotkey conflict, as long as SnagIt "Tools/Then start drawings, save images, for the following conversion work to do to prepare. This conversion method to generate the image is relatively clear, but the conversion speed is very slow, the conversion a book at least 10 seconds. For a few books to choose this method, but for a little a lot of books in this way is very uneconomical. For example I have more than 10 G of the book, so I did not in the formal conversion when using this method. In addition, this method also is suitable will only be allowed to read books online drawings. d> $ @ # ompZ
Ⅱ. virtual print teh1 ^ + b> (
virtual print a lot of tools, such as Adobe Acrobat virtual printer comes with Adobe Pdf, Microsoft Office comes with the printer Document Image Writer, djvu virtual printer LizardTech Virtual Printer, DocConvert, pdfFactory, FinePrint and so on. In addition, the great drawings tool SnagIt, the new version of Tencent QQ has a virtual printing features. Although the virtual printer convert documents not being professional enough,Jimmy Choo Shoes, but it is simple enough and very practical. For the average user is totally good enough for us! G & Q "bO-K |
about the virtual print, need one more point. SSReader the 3.9 version of the print to the limit, that limit the maximum monthly amount can be printed. However, 3.9 also adds some very useful features, such as the excess part of the estimated printed without printing capabilities, that is in print before you enter the number of pages to print larger than the actual number of pages, printed on the actual number of pages . For example there is a Superstar a total of 60 books, with SSReader 3.9 open, starting from the first page printed in the "Print Page/be printed. 3.8 version of SSReader do not have this functionality, if you enter the number of pages to be printed is greater than the actual number of pages, it will repeat the print the last page. Therefore, the use of 3.8 needed to accurately print the number out of the total number of pages, very troublesome. However, there is no print limit of 3.8. Therefore, we must take both the strengths and avoid their weaknesses. There are also some cracking web 3.9 method of printing restrictions, such as rewriting ssreader.ul file or set it to read-only attribute, etc., but these methods are not ideal crack. Later, reading online an article inspired by ( It is a perfect combination of the advantages of both 3.8 and 3.9, while avoiding their shortcomings. Approach is to first install 3.8, and then install all the files in the directory cut out, and then install 3.9 and conclude that the 3.9 directory to delete files directly, then go to export the file and then cut back to 3.8, so that will be able to print out of the actual number of pages, and also eliminated restrictions on printing. The ability to achieve this result because, I guess because we do not completely uninstall 3.9, so it is in the registry or the System Folder in the left traces. In any case, this is a very practical approach. Q> hXa ^ 3
introduce several virtual print methods: $ fH% h "8-s
① LizardTech Virtual Printer FFdkR (3) # *
Djvu Tool Enterprise Edition Download, decompression yards enteval, License 305 -- 050-1364-138-860. (A total of 194M, which includes LizardTech Virtual Printer, Document Express Enterprise, as well as djvu reading tool) which can directly convert djvu format books Superstar. Its default settings appropriate for the majority of cases can ensure high resolution and small size. If you want to print out a document more clearly the resolution that can be adjusted bigger, such as set 600. Books in this way is very convenient transformation, and the conversion quality of the documents can also be generated. However, this method of conversion speed is slower, that is, lower cost, not suitable for large-volume conversion. I tried to use LizardTech Virtual Printer transformed into a number of Superstar books, results are as follows: z / v5.SKn
My Computer Information: CPU Celeron 1.70GHz, memory, 256M DDR, operating system, windows 2000 SP4. (Conversion speed and the computer configuration used by closely related):) B (& Gzy
tool to set the size of the title page conversion time into a time N. "& NdR
default setting of Psychiatry (Second Edition) 66.8M 938 56'32 "3.62": x = wbj
default setting micro psychoanalysis 13.9M 397 13'12 " 1.995 "?%% i (| 9
default settings of the brain decade - from scientific research seeking answers to 2.42M 60 2'53 "2.68" ws... 相关的主题文章:
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使用 PdfRenderer 类可以在 Android 应用中实现 PDF 文件的预览。这个类是从 Android 5.0 (API 级别 21) 开始引入的。 以下是一个简单的示例,演示如何使用 PdfRenderer 在 ImageView 中显示 PDF 页面: 1. 首先,在你的布局文件中添加一个 ImageView 组件: ```xml <ImageView android:id="@+id/imageView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> ``` 2. 在代码中加载和显示 PDF 文件: ```java import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.widget.ImageView; import; import; import; public class PdfPreviewActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private ImageView imageView; private PdfRenderer pdfRenderer; private PdfRenderer.Page currentPage; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_pdf_preview); imageView = findViewById(; try { openPdfRenderer(); showPage(0); // 显示第一页 } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void openPdfRenderer() throws IOException { File file = new File("path_to_your_pdf_file"); ParcelFileDescriptor fileDescriptor =, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); pdfRenderer = new PdfRenderer(fileDescriptor); } private void showPage(int index) { if (currentPage != null) { currentPage.close(); } currentPage = pdfRenderer.openPage(index); Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(currentPage.getWidth(), currentPage.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); currentPage.render(bitmap, null, null, PdfRenderer.Page.RENDER_MODE_FOR_DISPLAY); imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); if (currentPage != null) { currentPage.close(); } if (pdfRenderer != null) { pdfRenderer.close(); } } } ``` 请确保将 "path_to_your_pdf_file" 替换为你的 PDF 文件的实际路径。这个示例代码会加载 PDF 文件的第一页,并将其渲染到 ImageView 中显示。你可以根据需要实现翻页等功能。 请注意,PdfRenderer 需要在 Android 5.0 及以上的设备上运行,因此在使用之前请确保目标设备的最低 API 级别符合要求。


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