

  1. 当前逻辑磁盘盘符
  2. 物理磁盘型号
  3. 物理磁盘总容量
  4. 物理磁盘接口类型
  5. ...
::# Name   : driveinfo
::# Purpose: Obtain disk information.
::# File   : driveinfo.cmd
::# Authors: perry <ppsoft268@gmail.com>
::# Date   : June 14, 2011
::# Version: 1.0.0
::# Usage  : driveinfo.cmd /T:[IDE/ATA/USB/SATA] [/P:path] [/H] [/?]
::#            /T: type         specify the bus type of drive, (e.g IDE/ATA/USB/SATA)
::#            /P: path         specify the path of drive, (e.g F:\)
::#            /H  help         show help information.
::#            /?  help         same as /H.
::# Version History and Revision List:
::#          Date        Version   Auther      Description
::#          ----------------------------------------------------------------------
::#          2011/06/14  V1.0.0    perry       initial version.

  @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  @title drive
  @echo off

::# clear arguments.
  for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%i in ('set $p2_ 2^>nul') do (
    set %%i=)

  set $r1_1=1
  set $p1_1=
  set $p1_2=
  set $p1_3=%*
  set $p1_4=
  set $p2_1=/T:
  set $p2_2=/P:
  set $p2_3=/H
  set $p2_4=/?

  set $t1_1=wmic.exe

::# command parsing.
::#  switch options: /P: /T: /H /?
::#    /T: type         specify the bus type of drive, (e.g IDE/ATA/USB/SATA)
::#    /P: path         specify the path of drive, (e.g F:\)
::#    /H  help         show help information.
::#    /?  help         same as /H.
::# the switch flag only can be [/].

  for /l %%i in (0, 1, 512) do (
::# moving $p1_4 to $p1_3 at offset %%i.
    set $p1_4=!$p1_3:~%%i!
::# if find the end of the string, exit!
    if "!$p1_4!" == "" goto :SA1-2
::# determine the first character is equal "/".
    if "!$p1_4:~0,1!" == "/" (
::# list out all the variables by the name beginning with $p2_.
      for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%j in ('set $p2_ 2^>nul') do (
::# find all the defined keywords. the name prefix of these variables must be [$p2_].
        set $p1_1=!%%~j!
::# assumption is based on two characters to compare.
        set $p1_2=!$p1_4:~0,2!
::# whether have one or more match parameters?
        if /i "!$p1_2!" == "!$p1_1!" (
          set %%~j=+)
::# assumption is based on three characters to compare.
        set $p1_2=!$p1_4:~0,3!
::# whether have one or more match parameters?
        if /i "!$p1_2!" == "!$p1_1!" (
::# call the function [argstr] to obtain the correct parameters.
          call :f2-1 "%%~j", "!$p1_4:~3!"))))

::# display help information.
  if not "%$p2_3%" == "/H" (
    call :f6-1
      goto :SA1-3)

::# display help information.
  if not "%$p2_4%" == "/?" (
    call :f6-1
      goto :SA1-3)

::# confirm each executable files whether correct, we need to ensure that they work normally
::# in this script. if the check is fails, this script will report an error.
  for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('set $t1_ 2^>nul') do (
    if not exist "%%~$PATH:i" (
      echo.%%~i is missing.
        goto :SA1-3))

::# if ignore the $p2_2 param, we'll set it to path of this script.
  if "%$p2_2%" == "/P:" (
    set $p2_2=%~0) else (
    if "%$p2_2%" == "%$p2_2::=%" (
      set $p2_2=!$p2_2!:))

::# the $p2_2 must exist.
  if not exist "%$p2_2%" (
    echo.ERROR: path not found.
    goto :SA1-3)

::# the $p2_1 must be valid.
  if "%$p2_1%" == "/T:" (
    echo.ERROR: Invalid parameters.
    goto :SA1-3)

::# default is root path for this script.
  set $d1-0=%~d0
  set $d1-1=N/A
  set $d1-2=N/A
  set $d1-3=N/A
  set $d1-4=0
  set $d1-5=GB

::# if $p2_2 is not a script path,
::# we need to get the drive letter for $p2_2.
  for /f "delims=/" %%i in ("%$p2_2%") do (
    set $d1-0=%%~di) 2>&1 1>nul

::# Obtain the disk index for the drive.
  for /f "delims=/" %%i in ('%$t1_1% Path CIM_LogicalDiskBasedOnPartition Get Antecedent^, Dependent') do (
    set /p=%%~i<nul | findstr /I "Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID=.%$d1-0%." && (
      call :f4-1 "$d1-1", "Disk #", "%%~i")) 2>&1 1>nul

::# if can't get the disk index, exit script.
  call :f1-1 "%$d1-1%" || (
    echo.ERROR: disk not found.
    goto :SA1-3)

::# Obtain model/size/bus for disk drive. use the WMIC tool.
  for /f "tokens=1,* delims==" %%i in ('%$t1_1% DiskDrive Where "Index=%$d1-1%" Get Model^, Size^, InterfaceType /Value') do (
    if /i "%%~i" == "Model" (
      set $d1-2=%%~j)
    if /i "%%~i" == "InterfaceType" (
      set $d1-3=%%~j)
    if /i "%%~i" == "Size" (
      call :f3-1 "$d1-4", "$d1-5", "%%~j" || (
        set $d1-4=%%~j
        set $d1-4=!$d1-4: =!
        set $d1-4=!$d1-4:~0,-7!
        set /a $d1-4/=0x3e8
        set $d1-5=GB)))

::# show disk information.
  echo.Disk Information:
  echo.  Letter:    %$d1-0%
  echo.  Index:     %$d1-1%
  echo.  Model:     %$d1-2%
  echo.  Size:      %$d1-4%%$d1-5%
  echo.  Interface: %$d1-3%

::# compare to the interface type of the disk.
::# if not same, the return value is non-zero.
  if /i "%$p2_1%" == "%$d1-3%" set $r1_1=0

::# script exit.
::# Return an error code to the calling process.
  exit /b %$r1_1%
  goto :eof

::# --function description--
::#   Test whether an string can be evaluated as a number.
::# Input Parameters:
::#   P1: a string for argument analysis.
::#   Note: each parameters must be included in double quotes("").
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f1-1 "input"
::# --function begin--
  set $r2_1=1
  set $c2_1=%~1
  set $c2_2=0123456789
::# if the parameter of input is invalid.
::# Now, we'll returned a error code.
  if not defined $c2_1 goto :f1-2
  if "%$c2_1%" == "" goto :f1-2
::# check the number is in range 0 to 9.
  call set $c2_2=%%$c2_2:%$c2_1%=%%
  if not "%$c2_2%" == "0123456789" set $r2_1=0


::# release the local variables.
  set $c2_2=
  set $c2_1=
::# function is exit normal, the returned code is zero.
::# Otherwise, the returned code is 1.
  set $r2_1=&exit /b %$r2_1%
::# --function end--

::# --function description--
::#   trim a string leading and trailing spaces or double quotes("").
::# Input Parameters:
::#   P1: a string that specifies the name of output variable.
::#   P2: a string for argument analysis.
::#   Note: each parameters must be included in double quotes("").
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f2-1 "output", "input"
::# --function begin--
  set $r3_1=1
  set $c3_1=%*
  set $c3_2= 
  set $c3_3=0
  set $q3_1=no
  set $t3_1=yes
::# we need to remove the command line first parameter.
  call set $c3_1=%%$c3_1:%1,=%%
::# if the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if not defined $c3_1 goto :f2-5
  call set $c3_2=%%$c3_1:~%$c3_3%,1%%
::# if find a space character, We will ignore it until find a non-space character.
  set /a $c3_3+=0x01
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "  " (
    goto :f2-2)
::# if find a double quote, We think it is an start symbol of the argument.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == """" (
    set /a $c3_3+=0x01
    set $q3_1=yes)
::# if find a slash, We think it is an invalid argument.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "//" (
    if "%$q3_1%" == "no" (
      goto :f2-5))
  set /a $c3_3-=0x01
::# if the effective length of the argument is 0.
::# we'll stop the string analysis.
  call set $c3_2=%%$c3_1:~%$c3_3%,1%%
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "" (
    goto :f2-5)
::# truncate the string from the start symbol, and then start
::# from first characters to search the end symbol in this string
  call set $c3_1=%%$c3_1:~%$c3_3%%%
  set $c3_3=0
  call set $c3_2=%%$c3_1:~%$c3_3%,1%%
  set /a $c3_3+=0x01
::# here is to avoid unterminated string causes an endless loop.
::# exit loop if detected a invalid character in the string.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "" (
    goto :f2-4)
::# if find a space character, and the leading of the string is not a double quote.
::# we think this is the end of a parameter.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "  " (
    if "%$q3_1%" == "no" (
      goto :f2-4))
::# if find a slash, and the leading of the string is not a double quote.
::# we think that this slash is the leading of the next switch.
::# so stop the string analysis.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == "//" (
    if "%$q3_1%" == "no" (
      goto :f2-4))

::# if find a double quote, and the leading of the string aslo is a double quote.
::# now we can think this is a qualified string.
  if "%$c3_2%%$c3_2%" == """" (
    if "%$q3_1%" == "yes" (
      goto :f2-4))
  goto :f2-3

  if %$c3_3% EQU 1 goto :f2-5

  set /a $c3_3-=0x01
  call set %~1=%%$c3_1:~0,%$c3_3%%%

  set $r3_1=0

::# release the local variables.
  set $c3_3=
  set $t3_1=
  set $q3_1=
  set $c3_1=
  set $c3_2=

::# function is exit normal, the returned code is zero.
::# Otherwise, the returned code is 1.
  set $r3_1=&exit /b %$r3_1%

::# --function end--

::# --function description--
::#   parse string for disk size information.
::#   the WMIC output format string (e.g 250056737280 = 250GB
::#                          1998743040 = 2GB)
::#   We want to get the integer number for the disk size.
::# Input Parameters:
::#   P1: the name of output variable for [size].
::#   P2: the name of output variable for [unit].
::#   P3: input string.
::#   Note: each parameters must be included in double quotes("").
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f3-1 "output size", "output units", "input"
::# --function begin--
  set $r4_1=1
  set $c4_1=
  set $c4_2=%~3
  set $c4_3=GB
  set $n4_1=0
  set $n4_2=0
  set $s4_1=0
  set $s4_2= 
  set $s4_3=0
::# If the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if not defined $c4_2 goto :f3-5
::# If the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if "%$c4_2%" == "" goto :f3-5
::# We need to remove the double quotes in the string.
  call set $c4_2=%%$c4_2:"=%%

::# We need to remove the space characters in the string.
  if defined $c4_2 call set $c4_2=%%$c4_2: =%%


::# get the first char.
  call set $c4_1=%%$c4_2:~%$n4_2%,1%%

::# here is to avoid unterminated string causes an endless loop.
::# exit loop if detected a invalid character in the string.
  if not defined $c4_1 goto :f3-3
  if "%$c4_1%" == "" goto :f3-3

::# check the number is in range 0 to 9.
::# if find out a non-numeric character,
::# we will ignore it until find a numeric character.
  set /a $n4_2+=0x01
  call :f1-1 "%$c4_1%" || (
    goto :f3-2)

  set $s4_2=%$s4_2%%$c4_1%
  goto :f3-2


::# We need to remove the first space characters.
  call set $s4_2=%%$s4_2: =%%

::# If the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if "%$s4_2%" == " " goto :f3-5

  set $c4_2=%$s4_2%


::# calculating the length for keyword string.
  call :f5-1 "$s4_3", "%$s4_2%"

  if %$s4_3% GTR 3 (
    set $s4_2=!$s4_2:~0,-3!
    set /a $s4_1+=0x01
    goto :f3-4)

  set $n4_1=%$s4_2%

  call :f5-1 "$s4_3", "%$n4_1%"
  call set $s4_2=%%$c4_2:~%$s4_3%,1%%
  call :f1-1 "%$s4_2%" && (
    if %$s4_2% GTR 5 set /a $n4_1+=0x01)

::# units of disk size.
  set $s4_2= KMGTPE
  call set $s4_2=%%$s4_2:~%$s4_1%,1%%

  set $c4_3=%$s4_2%B
  set $r4_1=0

  if not "%~1" == "" set %~1=%$n4_1%
  if not "%~2" == "" set %~2=%$c4_3%

::# release the local variables.
  set $n4_2=
  set $s4_1=
  set $s4_3=
  set $c4_3=
  set $n4_1=
  set $c4_1=
  set $s4_2=
  set $c4_2=

::# if function exit normal, returned code is zero.
::# Otherwise, the returned code is 1.
  set $r4_1=&exit /b %$r4_1%

::# --function end--

::# --function description--
::#   parse a disk index from a string.
::#   the reg format string (IDE\DiskHitachi_HTS132112K3SA00_BB2OC31P\1&&0&0.0.0
::#                          Channel 5, Target 0...)
::#   We want to get the characters "5". and convert it to a numerical.
::# Input Parameters:
::#   P1: a string that specifies the name of output variable.
::#   P2: a string that specifies the search keyword.
::#   P3: a string for argument analysis.
::#   Note: each parameters must be included in double quotes("").
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f4-1 "output", "keyword", "input"
::# --function begin--
  set $r5_1=1
  set $e5_1= 
  set $t5_1=%*
  set $k5_1=%~2
  set $n5_1=0
  set $n5_3=0

::# We need to remove the command line first and the second parameter.
  call set $t5_1=%%$t5_1:%1,=%%
  call set $t5_1=%%$t5_1:%2,=%%

::# If the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if not defined $t5_1 goto :f4-3

::# calculating the length for keyword string.
  call :f5-1 "$n5_1", "%$k5_1%"

::# If the keyword is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if %$n5_1% EQU 0 goto :f4-3

::# Removed some of the special string.
  call set $t5_1=%%$t5_1:"=%%
  call set $t5_1=%%$t5_1:\=%%


  call set $e5_1=%%$t5_1:~%$n5_3%,%$n5_1%%%

::# here is to avoid unterminated string causes an endless loop.
::# exit loop if detected a invalid character in the string.
  if not defined $e5_1 goto :f4-3
  if "%$e5_1%" == "" goto :f4-3

::# If find a non-anchor string,
::# We will ignore it until find a anchor string.
  if not "%$e5_1%" == "%~2" (
    set /a $n5_3+=0x01
    goto :f4-2)

::# skip the string to offset $n5_1 character.
  set /a $n5_3+=$n5_1
  call set $e5_1=%%$t5_1:~%$n5_3%,1%%

::# check the number is in range 0 to 9.
  call :f1-1 "%$e5_1%" && (
    call set %~1=%$e5_1%
::# function is exit normal, the returned code is zero.
    set $r5_1=0
    goto :f4-3)

::# release the local variables.
  set $n5_3=
  set $n5_1=
  set $e5_1=
  set $t5_1=

::# if find a valid numeric value,
::# this function will exit normal, here returned code is zero.
::# Otherwise, the returned code is 1.
  set $r5_1=&exit /b %$r5_1%

::# --function end--

::# --function description--
::#   to determine the length of a string.
::# Input Parameters:
::#   P1: the name of output variable.
::#   P2: input string.
::#   Note: each parameters must be included in double quotes("").
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f5-1 "output size", "input"
::# --function begin--
  set $r6_1=1
  set $t6_1=%~2
  set $n6_1=0
::# If the string is not available, so we will not do anything.
  if not defined $t6_1 goto :f5-4

::# calculating the length for a string.
  if "%$t6_1%" == "" goto :f5-3

  set $r6_1=0
  set $t6_1=%$t6_1:~0,-1%
  set /a $n6_1+=0x01
  goto :f5-2


  set %~1=%$n6_1%

::# release the local variables.
  set $t6_1=
  set $n6_1=

::# if function exit normal, returned code is zero.
::# Otherwise, the returned code is 1.
  set $r6_1=&exit /b %$r6_1%

::# --function end--

::# --function description--
::# Input Parameters:
::#   N/A.
::# Output:
::#     if the function executed is successfully, the errorlevel is
::#     zero. Otherwise, the errorlevel is non-zero.
::# Examples:
::#   call :f6-1

::# --function begin--

  echo.driveinfo.cmd ^(Version: V1.0.0^)
  echo.Usage: driveinfo.cmd /P:[filepath] [/T:[IDE/ATA/USB/SATA]] [/H] [/?]
  echo.  Options:
  echo.    /P:   path         is a file or directory path.
  echo.    /T:   type         specify the bus type of HDD, (e.g IDE/ATA/USB/SATA)
  echo.    /H    help         show help information.
  echo.    /?    help         same as /H.

::# function is exit normal, the returned code is zero.
::# this function returned succeed alway.

  exit /b 0

::# --function end--

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