

  • 通过菜单命令:"Window/Toggle Split Direction" 设置

2:@file 标签(算子):输出文件

  • 位置:节点中
  • @file节点必须包含@others(如果有子节点),否则会报错!删除子节点之后,子节点不存在父节点的@file文件中,但是子节点的@nosent会包含在父节点的@file中
  • @file 下的@nosent不输出文件
  • 在Leo 载入时,自动的将 @file 指示的文件,从外部文件更新入Leo 文件了,在Leo 中进行了编辑保存时,也会自动更新外部文件


  • 保存时,不改变外部文件。此项一般要去除。

4:@others @all

  • 在使用 @file 标签后,

  • 可以简单的使用 @others标签来包含当前结点以下的所有结点

  • 象XSL 中的<xsl:for-each select="//."> 哈哈哈

  • Copies the body text of all nodes  except section definition nodes in an @file tree to the corresponding external file.

对比:相同点@other不包括<<>>,@all 包括<<>>  ----在@nosent和@file中用法相同

These control how Leo places text when writing external files. They are two of the most important directives in Leo.


Copies all descendant nodes to the external file. Use @all to place unrelated data in an external file.

The @all directive is valid only in the body of @file trees.

Within the range of an @all directive, Leo ignores the @others directive and section references, so Leo will not complain about orphan nodes.


Writes the body text of all unnamed descendant into the external file, in outline order.

Whitespace appearing before @others directive adds to the indentation of all nodes added by the @others directive.

A single node may contain only one @others directive, but descendant nodes may have other @others directives.


  • Leo 的 File/Import.../Import To @file 命令,支持对 C/C++/C#;Java;Python;Perl...语言的自动分析文章化组织的导入

  • 不过,自动生成的文本中可能有一些标签:
    • {{{@ignore

@language python }}}

  • 是不属于 @file 管理范围的,

  • 只要简单的注释掉,就可以成为标准的,可以自动同步外部文件的文本结点对象了


  • 在 @root限定处理下,各子结点的引用,与包含处理是使用 <<章节>> 标记

7:Tangle & Untangle

  • 这时,针对外部文件的同步,需要人工操作
    • 菜单命令:"File/Tangle.../Tangle" - 混出

    • 菜单命令:"File/Untangle.../Untangle" - 混入

    • 是一对相应的操作
      • Tangle 是将当前的编辑混出到外部文件中
      • Untangle 反之


大多数情况中 @thin 如同 @file 一样的工作. 实际上,你可以简单的将 @file 替换为 @thin 进行正常的 outline 操作.

这里是主要几点 @file 与 @thin 不同之处:

  • Leo 不会在 .leo 文件的 @thin 节点树中保存信息
  • 源自 @thin 的文件 (可以称作 "轻依赖"文件) 是从文件的outline 信息重建 @thin 树的. 具体的就是利用文本中 @+node 和 @-node 作为独特的标识节点
  • . @all 指示符仅仅在 @thin 树中起作用. 此指示符与 @others 类似, 不过对其有些限制:(haoxiangbudui)
    • 它将倒出所有标记以內的节点到文件中,包括标记为 @ignore 和 @others 以下的树会当作普通的孤立节点倒出. (不妙的体验是,原先 @others 可以限定下属节点倒出文本时的缩进,而@all 粗暴的将所有下级节点当作同级的兄弟处理了!)

9:@root vs. @file 树

@file 树比 @root 树使用起来方便很多:

  1. @file 树需要的指示符支持比 @root 树要少; 所有 @root 树中的章节都需要声明(而且不能重名,在同一文件中!), 而 @file 树常常包含很多非命名的章节节点. 在 @file 树中, @others 指示符 行为就象关联起所有非常命名的章节.
  2. 工作在 @root 树中,用户必须明确调用 Tangle 和 Untangle 命令. 而 Leo 会自动混入/出 @file 树 , 保存时混出所有变动到 outline, 重新打开 .loe 文件时自动混入所有修改从 outline.

但是, @root 树比 @file 树要 柔韧很多:

  1. 在 @file 树中, 章节必须是包含在子节点中的,而且引用点也是固定的.
  2. 在 @root 树中一个被声明的章节, 并不限制其可以在哪里被引用. 此外,@unit 指示符命令甚至于扩展了章节的引用, 可以不限制在一个 @root 树中! 即,你可以在一个 @root 中命名一个章节, 而在另一个 @root 树中引用(可以看作 节点的 clone 操作,只是在引用处看不到全部内容,除非混出为文件)
  3. 在 @root 中的章节声明,也不限制声明的地点.

@root 树与 @file 树不同之处在于:

  1. 只有 @root 树可以包含章节定义行(不过 @file 中可以使用 "<< class declarations >>"类声明的专用章节)

  2. 只有 @file 树可以包含 @others 指示符.
  3. @c 指示符 需要章节名出现在 @root 的节点标题树中.
  4. @c 指示符仅仅可以工作在 @file 树的体文本起始处.所谓 体文本是在 @root 中没有标记会被忽略,而在 @file 树是作为无命名的代码章节内容处理的节点正文文本.

The following table summarizes the various ways of creating external files.

Kind Sentinels in external file? Sections and @others expanded on write? File data stored in .leo file?
@asis no no yes
@auto no yes no
@edit no no no
@nosent no yes yes
@shadow Note 1 yes no
@file @thin Note 2 yes yes no

Note 1: @shadow nodes create two files, a public file without sentinels and a private file with sentinels.

Note 2: @file and @thin nodes are synonyms.

  • 经体验, 可以简单的使用 @nosent 替换 @root ,可以象 @file 一样的使用,却又没有Python格式的注释的结构信息
    • 而且,@others 章节声明也可以很好的混同使用
    • 只是不能象 @root 那样在正文中使用@root expfile.t2t 模式的声明,而必须在 outline 树节点中显要的指明

    • 如此就可以使用 Leo 方便的管理,编辑不支持 # 为注释的各种语言文件了

    • 嗯嗯 ? 只是可惜的是这样一来,所有代码只能安全的存储在 .leo 文件中,生成的代码文件是干净了,但是团队开发时,就要反复同步 .leo 文件,否则,难以快速把握哪些文件受到修改了…………

10:@asis <path>

The @@ convention : Within @asis trees only, if a headline starts with @@, Leo writes everything in the headline following the @@ just before the corresponding body text.



  • You can bind keys to the commands created by script buttons:

    @button my-button @key=Alt-8
g.es('Hello World!')
g.es('from fuwenchao!')

点击上面的my-button按钮,会在log pane中打印hello world,from fuwenchao


Enables syntax coloring until the next @nocolor directive.


Disables syntax coloring in a node, overriding all @color, @nocolor or @nocolor-node directives in the same node.


Disables syntax coloring until the next @nocolor directive.


Disables coloring for only the node containing it. The @nocolor-node directive overrides the @color and @nocolor directives within the same node.

@ and @doc

These directives start a doc part. @doc is a synonym for @. Doc parts continue until an @c directive or the end of the body text. For example:

@ This is a comment in a doc part.
Doc parts can span multiple lines.
The next line ends the doc part

When writing external files, Leo writes doc parts as comments.

Leo does not recognize @ or @doc in @asis trees or when the @all or @delims directives are in effect.

@c and @code

Ends any doc part and starts a code part.

@code is a deprecated synonym for @c.

Leo does not recognize this directive in @asis trees or when the @all or @raw directives are

@encoding <encoding>

Specifies the Unicode encoding for an external file. For example:

@encoding iso-8859-1

When reading external files, the encoding given must match the encoding actually used in the external file or “byte hash” will result.

@first <text>

Places lines at the very start of an external file, before any Leo sentinels. @first lines must be the very first lines in an @<file> node. More then one @first lines may appear.

This creates two first lines, a shebang line and a Python encoding line:

@first #! /usr/bin/env python
@first # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Here is a perl example:

@first #!/bin/sh -- # perl, to stop looping
@first eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
@first     if 0;

@last <text>

Places lines at the very end of external files.

This directive must occur at the very end of top-level @<file> nodes. More than one @last directive may exist. For example:

@first <?php
@last ?>

Leo does not recognize @last directive in @asis trees.

@ignore 忽略节点

Tells Leo to ignore the subtree in which it appears.

In the body text of most top-level @<file> nodes, the @ignore directive causes Leo not to write the tree. However, Leo ignores @ignore directives in @asis trees.

Plugins and other parts of Leo sometimes @ignore for their own purposes. For example, Leo’s unit testing commands will ignore trees containing @ignore. In such cases, the @ignore directive may appear in the headline or body text.

   @edit <path>

   The @edit directive imports an external file into a single node.

When reading @edit nodes, Leo reads the entire file into the @edit node. Lines that look like sentinels will be read just as they are.

When writing @edit nodes, @edit nodes must not have children and section references and @others are not allowed.

@shadow <path>

The @shadow directive creates two external files, a public file without sentinels, and a private file containing sentinels.

When reading an @shadow node, Leo uses a brilliant algorithm devised by Bernhard Mulder that compares the public and private files, and then updates the outline based on changes to the public file. In this way, @shadow provides many of the benefits of @file trees without writing sentinels in the (public) external file.

Leo can do an initial import of @shadow trees by parsing the corresponding public file, exactly as is done for @auto nodes.

@pagewidth <n>

Sets the page width used to break doc parts into lines. <n> should be a positive integer. For example:

@pagewidth 100

The @pagewidth directive overrides the @int page_width setting.

@tabwidth <n>

Sets the width of tabs. Negative tab widths cause Leo to convert tabs to spaces.

@int page_width=60  节点上

@string target_language=rest 节点上

@language <language name>

Specifies the language in effect, including comment delimiters. If no @language directive is in effect, Leo uses the defaults specified by the @string target-language setting.

A node may contain at most one @language directive.

The valid language names are: actionscript, ada, autohotkey, batch, c, config, cpp, csharp, css, cweb, elisp, forth, fortran, fortran90, haskell, haxe, html, ini, java, javascript, kshell, latex, lua, noweb, pascal, perl, perlpod, php, plain, plsql, python, rapidq, rebol, rest, rst, ruby, shell, tcltk, tex, unknown, unknown_language, vim, vimoutline, xml, xslt.

Note: Shell files have comments that start with #.

Case is ignored in the language names. For example, the following are equivalent:

@language html
@language HTML

The @language directive also controls syntax coloring. For language x, the file leo/modes/x.py describes how to colorize the language. To see the languages presently supported, look in the leo/modes directory. There are over 100 such languages.

@lineending cr/lf/nl/crlf

Sets the line endings for external files. This directive overrides the @string output_newline setting.

The valid forms of the @lineending directive are:

@lineending nl The default, Linux.
@lineending cr Mac
@lineending crlf Windows
@lineending lf Same as ‘nl’, not recommended
@lineending platform Same as platform value for output_newline setting.

@path <path>

Sets the path prefix for relative filenames for all @<file> tree.(@nosent也管用呀)

This directive may appear in headlines or body text, and may appear in top-level @<file> nodes.

The path is an absolute path if it begins with c:\ or /, otherwise the path is a relative paths.

Multiple @path directives may contribute to the path prefix. Absolute paths overrides any ancestor @path directives. Relative paths add to the path prefix.

If no @path directives are in effect, the default path prefix is the directory containing the .leo file.

Within @path and @<file> paths, {{exp}} gets evaluated with the following symbols known: c, g, p, os and sys. For example:

@file {{os.path.abspath(os.curdir)}}/abc.py

refers to the file abc.py in (absolute path of) the current directory.


Enables line wrapping in Leo’s body pane.

Only the first @wrap or @nowrap directive in a node has any effect.

@wrap may appear in either headlines or body text.


Disables line wrapping the Leo’s body pane.

Only the first @wrap or @nowrap directive in a node has any effect.

@nowrap may appear in either headlines or body text.

@raw and @end_raw

@raw starts a section of “raw” text that ends  only with the @end_raw directive or the end of the body text containing the @raw directive. Within this range, Leo ignores all section references and directives, and Leo generates no additional leading whitespace.


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LEO(Log End Offset)是指副本底层log文件中下一条要写入的消息的位移。例如,如果LEO=10,那么当前文件已经写入了10条消息,位移范围是[0,10)。HW(High Watermark)是指所有分区已提交的位移,通常HW<=LEO。 对于多副本情况下,各个副本中的HW和LEO的演变过程如下:当Leader副本写入新的消息时,它会更新自己的LEO。Follower副本会从Leader副本中拉取消息,并更新自己的LEO为Leader副本的LEO值加1。同时,Follower副本还会更新自己的HW。更新HW的算法是比较当前LEO和Leader副本中传送过来的HW的值,然后取较小值作为自己的HW值。HW的更新会触发消费者端的位移提交和消息删除。 Kafka中的LEO和HW分别代表副本底层log文件中下一条要写入的消息的位移和所有分区已提交的位移。通过比较HW和消费者的位移,Kafka可以保证消息的顺序性。 关于分区器、序列化器和拦截器,分区器用于决定将消息发送到哪个分区,序列化器用于将消息对象序列化为字节流进行发送,拦截器则可以在消息发送前后进行一些处理。处理顺序是先经过拦截器,然后经过分区器和序列化器。 Kafka生产者客户端的整体结构包括一个或多个Producer线程、一个缓冲区、一个分区器、一个或多个拦截器和一个或多个序列化器。Producer线程负责将消息发送到Kafka集群中的Broker,缓冲区用于缓存待发送的消息,分区器决定消息被发送到哪个分区,序列化器将消息对象序列化为字节流进行发送,拦截器可以在消息发送前后进行一些处理。


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