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转载 热量单位卡路里的历史

CalorieFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThecalorieis aunit of energywidely used innutrition.For historical reasons, two main definitions ofcalorieare in wide use. Thesmall calorieorgram calorie(usually denotedcal) is the amount of hea...

2020-10-26 14:27:01 805

转载 How Are Fire Alarm Loops Supervised?

A fire alarm system has internal checks to make sure everything works to detect fire an warn people of fire. It calls out a trouble alarm when a wire breaks or when an input device or output device fails.For signal communication outside the panel,...

2020-10-24 23:28:46 246

转载 What is a Fire Panel and How Does it Work?

What is a Fire Panel and How Does it Work?The design, features, and code requirements of addressable and conventional fire alarm control panelsKnown as a fire alarm control panel (FACP), fire alarm control unit (FACU), or fire panel, these appliances

2020-10-24 23:25:53 716

转载 The benefits of integrated fire protection and life safety system testing

NFPA 3 and NFPA 4 explore integrated fire protection and life safety system testing and are vital to a building’s overall fire/life safety implementation.BY ALLYN VAUGHN, PE FSFPE, NV5, LAS VEGASJULY 26, 2018Facebook Twitter LinkedIn EmailCourte.

2020-10-24 23:14:56 512

转载 Integrating Fire Safety and Security Solutions in the Campus Environment

avigating the line between fire safety and security to create a safer learning environmentBy April Musser, PE, CFPS, MBA June 01, 2019Integration of security and fire alarms in facility design and emergency response planning is vitally important in tod

2020-10-24 23:05:13 184

转载 The Fire Integration Challenge

Most municipalities require a permit process for access control systems with magnetic locks and the systems are not powered up until they have been inspected by the local fire authorities to determine that they are properly integrated with the building fir

2020-10-24 22:59:43 216

转载 An Introduction to Fire Detection, Alarm, and Automatic Fire Sprinklers

ABSTRACTCultural property management is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting and preserving an institution's buildings, collections, operations and occupants. Constant attention is required to minimize adverse impact due to climate, pollution,

2020-10-24 22:58:26 2622 1

转载 跨步电压和接触电压的区别及联系

本文转自:greymatters,网址:https://greymattersglobal.com/step-and-touch-potential/What is Step and Touch Potential And How Can You Reduce its Risk?Awareness of step potential and touch potential risks, caused by anearth potential rise.Is vital for anyone wo..

2020-10-22 17:35:14 898

转载 电压启动压降计算表格

本文转自EEP,原文章有此计算程序的下载,网址:https://electrical-engineering-portal.com/download-center/electrical-software/motor-starting-calculationMotor starting case studiesA motor starting case study for any given electrical network can be performed by reduced the netw

2020-10-22 17:30:38 527

转载 感应电动机的启动压降计算

Voltage Sag due to Induction motor startingApril 1, 2018adminPower Engineering本文转自http://voltage-disturbance.com/power-engineering/voltage-sag-due-to-induction-motor-starting/在此网站中还有自动计算程序,使用的的话可以转到原网页。Motor Starting Current: Induction motor starti

2020-10-22 17:27:03 764

原创 漏电设备的发明者Charles Dalziel

克拉克是研究电流对人体电击具体机理的先行者,他通过自身实验和招募志愿者研究了电流对人体的作用,从电路角度进行了详细分析,并且研发了GFCI。在wiki中给了如下介绍:Charles Dalziel(1904–1986) was a professor of electrical engineering and computer sciences atUC Berkeley. According to volume 54 of UCB's Blue and Gold, Dalziel gradua..

2020-10-20 11:40:50 280

转载 How to Choose a Transformer: Dry Type vs. Oil Cooled干变和油边的区分和选择

Types of transformerOil Immersed TransformerAs the name suggests the coils in thistype of transformersare immersed in oil (mostly mineral oil) which helps in keeping the temperature of the transformer under control. This oil dissipates the through ...

2020-10-12 13:46:21 986

原创 为什么用k这个字母代表短路

它来自德语Kurzschluss,在20世纪初,德语代表着科技的最高成就,是科技的通用语言。在一个英文网站,同样有朋友有这个疑问,摘录如下:Does anyone know the meaning of index “k” in many of the short-circuit related parameters, for example, Ik (short-circuit current), Uk (short-circuit voltage), Sk (short-circuit powe

2020-10-10 23:01:20 1419

转载 BMS, BAS and EMS – definitions and differences

Smart systems incorporating internet-of-things (IoT) type technology are changing the way commercial buildings are designed, operated and managed. These systems make use of networks of components that allow for centralized control and monitoring of dissimi

2020-10-10 14:27:58 527

转载 Building Automation VS Building Management

First, let’s break the stereotypeIt is not uncommon mistake to classifyBuilding Automation SystemasBuilding Management System, but the truth is that two cannot exist without one another. To make it simple – BMS is dependent on BAS.In following artic...

2020-10-10 14:24:53 228

原创 现场总线与工业以太网通信模型

对于OSI七层协议模型,进行区别,从下往上以此是:各层功能 物理层 简单的说,物理层(Physical Layer)确保原始的数据可在各种物理媒体上传输。在这一层上面规定了激活、维持、关闭通信端点之间的机械特性、电气特性、功能特性以及过程特性,为上层协议提供了一个传输数据的物理媒体。这一层传输的是bit流。 机械性能:接口的型状,尺寸的大小,引脚的数目和排列方式等。电气性能:接口规定信号的电压、电流、阻抗、波形、速率及平衡特性等。工程规范:接口引脚的意义、特性、标准。工作方...

2020-10-08 21:53:11 869

原创 罗格夫斯基线圈

罗格夫斯基(Rogowski)(7 May 1881 – 10 March 1947)是波兰裔德国物理学家,他在许多电子领域填补了理论物理学与应用技术之间的鸿沟。罗戈夫斯基线圈以他的名字命名。罗格夫斯基(Rogowski)于1920年回到亚琛(Aachen),成为理论电子技术教授和电子技术研究所所长。当时,研究所在采矿业大楼里。 Rogowski和他的首席助手Eugen Flegler开始为自己的建筑制定计划。该大学于1923年向教育部提交了该草案。但是,直到1925年,该计划才得以完...

2020-10-03 17:10:31 1954

转载 阿贝尔的脑残粉-维尔斯特拉斯

2020-10-03 16:21:57 74

原创 椭圆函数基础介绍


2020-10-03 16:05:29 15875

转载 功率三角形中的reactive power

Reactive PowerReactive Powercan best be described as the quantity of “unused” power that is developed by reactive components in an AC circuit or system.In a DC circuit, the product of “volts x amps” gives the power consumed in watts by the circui...

2020-10-03 11:14:55 1918








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