

Professional Domain Name Search Software
New! Domain Name Analyzer Professional v4.0

Wish to sort domain names by their expiry dates? Never lose a domain name because you forgot to renew it! Make sure that you renew your valuable domains in time.

Want to create a list of all 5 character domain names that start with 'a' and end in 'web' and then check them all for availability? How about all 4 character names?

Are you worried about some one modifying your domain name records without your knowledge? Domain Name Analyzer can extract and tabulate the last modified dates of domain name records. You can also sort domain names by last modified dates.

Power packed domain list display in version 4 contains columns for domain registry status, registry and registrar expiry dates, last updated date, last looked up date, IP address, US trademark record count, name servers, registrar name and availability status.

Want complete control on how the domain names are looked up? Configure the number of simultaneous connections and connection interval for each and every whois server. You can now make more connections to whois servers that allow it and still ensure that you don't violate the terms of other whois servers.

Need to perform high speed availability checks with minimum whois lookups? The software may be configured to avoid whois lookups for domains that have an associated website. This will help ensure that your IP is not banned by registrars for too many whois lookups.

Note: Verisign recently started redirecting the unregistered COM and NET domains. Domain Name Analyzer Pro has been updated to automatically detect Verisign Site Finder IP address and ignore it.  You can also add other IP addresses that should be ignored. This is useful if your ISP redirects unregistered domain names (e.g. AOL)

Want to make use of the high speed availability check options supported by certain registrars? This is available whenever the registrar supports it through a special whois server or through a special query parameter.

Want to obtain the actual ownership information of com, net and org domains automatically? Domain Name Analyzer Pro will find the actual whois server for the domain and then retrieve the information.

Want to quickly check if a large list of domain names have a related website or if they are simply registered and then not used at all?

Need to easily check if the word that make up the domain name has an associated US trademark registration?

Want to easily manage your records, sort domain names by expiry dates, last modified dates, name servers and or registrars?

Want to export the raw whois data of all the domain names you have looked up into a text file? Domain Name Analyzer supports this also.







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