data: lt_list like table of bapi1003_alloc_list, lt_num like table of bapi1003_alloc_values_num, lt_curr like table of bapi1003_alloc_values_curr, lt_char like table of bapi1003_alloc_values_char. clear: lt_num, lt_curr, lt_char, lt_list. clear: gv_class,gv_object,gt_return,gt_char. if gs_tab-n_feg_online is initial and gs_tab-n_feg_outage is initial and gs_tab-n_i0_status is initial and gs_tab-n_quality is initial. else. * 将function location的外部编码转换为内部编码 call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_TPLNR_INPUT' exporting input = gs_tab-tplnr importing output = gv_object exceptions not_found = 1 others = 2. * 获取class gv_class = 'N_GENERAL'.
gv_ctype = '003'. call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_GETCLASSES' exporting objectkey_imp = gv_object objecttable_imp = 'IFLOT' classtype_imp = gv_ctype read_valuations = 'X' keydate = sy-datum language = sy-langu tables alloclist = lt_list allocvalueschar = lt_char allocvaluescurr = lt_curr allocvaluesnum = lt_num return = gt_return. if not lt_char is initial. append lines of lt_char to gt_char. endif. if not lt_curr is initial. append lines of lt_curr to gt_curr. endif. if not lt_num is initial. append lines of lt_num to gt_num. endif. * 获取特征值的value mcr_character_value: 'N_FEG_ONLINE' gs_tab-n_feg_online, 'N_FEG_OUTAGE' gs_tab-n_feg_outage, "
'N_I0_STATUS' gs_tab-n_i0_status , " 'N_QUALITY_AND_SAFETY_CLASS' gs_tab-n_quality. " clear gt_return. ******************************************************* call function 'BAPI_OBJCL_CHANGE' exporting objectkey = gv_object objecttable = 'IFLOT' classnum = gv_class classtype = gv_ctype status = '1' keydate = sy-datum tables allocvaluesnumnew = gt_num allocvaluescharnew = gt_char allocvaluescurrnew = gt_curr return = gt_return. */--End of Change On 2011-02-11-----* clear: gs_return,gs_error. * 记录创建失败的错误信息 read table gt_return into gs_return with key type = 'E'. if sy-subrc = 0. move-corresponding gs_tab to gs_error. loop at gt_return into gs_return where type = 'E'. concatenate gs_error-message gs_return-message into gs_error-message separated by space. endloop. gs_error-lines = gv_lines. append gs_error to gt_error. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. else. call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' exporting wait = 'X'. endif. endif.