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原创 保证函数调用时stack的起始地址是十六字节对齐的方法

    在某些应用到SSE指令的代码中,都会要求所参与运算的内存地址必须是16字节对齐,否则程序将会crash. 在默认情况下如果一个(静态/动态)库是用gcc编译的,并且调用该(静态/动态)库的程序也是用gcc编译的,则该程序将运行正常,因为这样可以保证所有代码中都用相同的stack初始化逻辑,如果代码出错,则必定是真实的错误,而不是由于函数调用过程中stack初始化错误而造成的。 

2009-12-29 10:48:00 5097 3

原创 Visual C++ 别名包含的用法: #pragma include_alias

缘起: 用某些版本的DirectX SDK 来编译mpc时会遇到如下问题: .....include/qedit.h(498) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: dxtrans.h: No such file or directory 这是因为 dxtrans.h这个文件在某些版本的Microsoft Dire

2009-12-27 11:41:00 3383

原创 x264常用options整理

Syntax: x264 [options] -o outfile infile [widthxheight] Infile can be raw YUV 4:2:0 (in which case resolution is required),  or YUV4MPEG 4:2:0 (*.y4m),  or Avisynth if compiled with support

2009-12-25 10:15:00 1965

转载 暴风被判侵犯美国瑞尔公司著作权 赔偿20万元

 12月23日消息,美国瑞尔数码公司诉暴风公司侵权一案近日在北京市高级人民法院宣判,暴风公司被判立即停止侵犯著作权行为,并在判决生效之日起15日内赔偿瑞尔公司经济损失人民币20万元。  据了解,RealPlayer媒体播放器软件是瑞尔公司研发的播放RM/RMVB格式文件的媒体播放器。瑞尔公司指出,暴风公司未经瑞尔公司授权,擅自在其多个版本的“暴风影音”媒体播放器软件中复制并使用RealPl

2009-12-24 20:54:00 2093

原创 How to compile x264 on Windows?

How to compile x264 on Windows? 0) install Subversion, CVS and git 1) install MinGW + msys from:http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/mingw 2) install yasm fromhttp://www.tortall.net/p

2009-12-24 17:28:00 2001

原创 GCC Linker 在Windows下的查找依赖库的规则

    经常在Linux下做开发的朋友都知道,gcc在LDFLAGS中的-l编译选项会告诉连接器去找程序所依赖的第三方库,比如-labc,会和libabc.a这个库做依赖,即自动匹配libxxx.a。     而在windows上则除了上述匹配规则外,还额外做了如下匹配规则:xxx.lib,亦即-labc如果找不到libabc.a,会尝试寻找abc.lib.通过此举对Windows的开发人

2009-12-24 14:35:00 1179

原创 delete a NULL pointer is safe

C programmer often writes codes in the following fashion: if(p){    free(p);    p = NULL;} But in C++ scenario, the check of NULL is useless! C++ guarantees that operator delete chec

2009-12-21 16:04:00 829

原创 P2P reload

最近一段时间因工作需要分析了市场上所有常见的P2P的视频点播和直播实现,没有发现一个令我满意的产品,虽然学术上对P2P的研究已经相当成熟,但研究一般止步于网络模拟阶段,并没有实现真正成熟的P2P产品!导致了虽然P2P的研究paper发了上千份,但最终也仅仅是"研究"而已! 尽管国内的P2P水准不必国外差,但纵观PPLive、PPStream、QVOD、 QQLive、迅雷看看、funshi

2009-12-14 12:47:00 637


<br>-----FFmpeg SVN r12790 build-----<br>configured by:<br><br>FFmpeg version SVN-r12790, Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Fabrice Bellard, et al.<br> configuration: --prefix=d:/OmniCoder/svn_build --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-encod<br>er=snow --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=vorbis --disable-encoder=vorbis --disable-vhook --enable-ffplay --disabl<br>e-ffserver --disable-mpegaudio-hp --enable-pthreads --enable-liba52 --enable-nonfree --enable-libamr-nb --enable-libamr-<br>wb --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libgsm --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-<br>libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-avisynth --enable-gpl --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enab<br>le-demuxer=vfwcap --enable-demuxer=rm --extra-cflags=-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/SDL --extra-ldflags=-L/us<br>r/local/lib --extra-libs=-lpthreadGC2<br> libavutil version: 49.6.0<br> libavcodec version: 51.54.0<br> libavformat version: 52.13.0<br> libavdevice version: 52.0.0<br> libavfilter version: 0.0.0<br> built on Apr 12 2008 22:21:14, gcc: 4.3.0<br><br>Note:<br>output_example.exe, tools/cws2fws.exe, tools/pktdumper.exe, tools/qt-faststart.exe, tools/trasher.exe are also compiled<br><br>H264 decoding/encoding should be ehanced huge in this version if you have multi-core CPUs<br>x264 encoding will use multi-cores automically in this version<br><br>eg:<br>ffmpeg -i input.avi -threads 2 -vcodec libx264 -b 500K -bufsize 500K -minrate 500K -maxrate 500K -rc_eq "blurCplx^(1-qComp)" -qmin 2 -qmax 51 output.mp4<br><br>Addins:<br>1) how to make a mp4 streamable with Adobe Flash Player?<br>You can use the following command to make a mp4/mov/3gp file<encoded with H264+AAC> streaming feature which is compatible with the latest Adobe Flash Player<br>eg:<br> qt-faststart.exe input.mp4 output.mp4<br> <br>Now,output.mp4 can be rendered instantly by Flash Player<br><br>2) VFW camera capture<br>The following command will use your default camera device to preview&grap picture,and encode the picture to mpeg4<br><br>ffmpeg -f vfwcap -s 320x240 -r 25 -i 0 -b 400K -vcodec mpeg4 new.mp4<br><br>Enjoy it!<br><br>//--------------------------------------------<br>by mvp@mvplayer.net<br>http://groups.google.com/group/nextplayer<br>2008/04/12



<br>-----FFmpeg SVN r12476 build-----<br>configured by:<br><br>./configure --prefix=d:/nextcodeccode/svn_build --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-encoder=snow --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=vorbis --disable-encoder=vorbis --disable-vhook --enable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --disable-mpegaudio-hp --enable-pthreads --enable-liba52 --enable-nonfree --enable-libamr-nb --enable-libamr-wb --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libgsm --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-avisynth --enable-gpl --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enable-demuxer=vfwcap --enable-demuxer=rm --extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/SDL" --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/lib --extra-libs=-lpthreadGC2<br><br>Note:<br>output_example.exe, tools/cws2fws.exe, tools/pktdumper.exe, tools/qt-faststart.exe, tools/trasher.exe are also compiled<br><br>Addins:<br>1) how to make a mp4 streamable with Adobe Flash Player?<br>You can use the following command to make a mp4/mov/3gp file<encoded with H264+AAC> streaming feature which is compatible with the latest Adobe Flash Player<br>eg:<br> qt-faststart.exe input.mp4 output.mp4<br> <br>Now,output.mp4 can be rendered instantly by Flash Player<br><br>2)How to use avfilter?<br> Enabled filters:<br> crop graphfile scale<br> drawbox hflip setpts<br> fifo movie slicify<br> format negate split<br> fps noformat transpose<br> graph overlay vflip<br> graphdesc rotate<br> <br> a)To vertically flip a video, you would do:<br><br> ./ffplay -vfilters vflip input_video.avi<br> But the following commands(apply two vflip filter) will result in the orginal picture<br> ./ffplay -vfilters vflip,vflip input_video.avi<br> <br> b)To scale video to specific dimension, you would do:<br> ./ffplay -vfilters scale=640:480 input_video.avi<br> <br> c)avfilter can accepts many input files and generate many output files at the same time.<br> I will elaberate this feature on FFmpegSDK3.3<br><br><br>3) VFW camera capture<br>The following command will use your default camera device to preview&grap picture,and encode the picture to mpeg4<br><br>ffmpeg -f vfwcap -s 320x240 -r 25 -i 0 -b 400K -vcodec mpeg4 new.mp4<br><br>I will add audio capture on win32 in next major build<br><br>by mvp@mvplayer.net<br>2008/03/17



FFmpeg r12430 build Introduce: FFmpeg is a complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec, the leading audio/video codec library. FFmpeg is developed under Linux, but it can compiled under most operating systems, including Windows. H264 decoding/encoding should be ehanced huge in this version if you have multi-core CPUs eg: ffmpeg -i input.avi -threads 2 -acodec libfaac -ab 64K -b 500K -vcodec libx264 -s 640x480 new.mp4 NOTE: this version is compiled by the latest GCC4.3 and optimized for intel core2 architecture. You can download it directly by the following address Configured by: ./configure --prefix=d:/nextcodeccode/svn_build --enable-memalign-hack --enable-shared --disable-static --disable-encoder=snow --disable-decoder=ac3 --disable-decoder=vorbis --disable-encoder=vorbis --disable-vhook --enable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --disable-mpegaudio-hp --enable-pthreads --enable-liba52 --enable-nonfree --enable-libamr-nb --enable-libamr-wb --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libgsm --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid --enable-avisynth --enable-gpl --enable-swscale --enable-avfilter --enable-avfilter-lavf --enable-demuxer=vfwcap --enable-demuxer=rm --extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/SDL -mtune=core2 -march=core2" --extra-ldflags=-L/usr/local/lib --extra-libs=-lpthreadGC2 Note: output_example.exe, tools/cws2fws.exe, tools/pktdumper.exe, tools/qt-faststart.exe, tools/trasher.exe are also compiled Addins: 1) how to make a mp4 streamable with Adobe Flash Player? You can use the following command to make a mp4/mov/3gp file<encoded with H264+AAC> streaming feature which is compatible with the latest Adobe Flash Player eg: qt-faststart.exe input.mp4 output.mp4 Now,output.mp4 can be rendered instantly by Flash Player 2)How to use avfilter? a)To vertically flip a video, you would do: ./ffplay -vfilters vflip input_video.avi But the following commands(apply two vflip filter) will result in the orginal picture ./ffplay -vfilters vflip,vflip input_video.avi b)To scale video to specific dimension, you would do: ./ffplay -vfilters scale=640:480 input_video.avi c)avfilter can accepts many input files and generate many output files at the same time. I will elaberate this feature on next major builder Enjoy it and test it Thanks Inspired by: http://www.mvplayer.net http://groups.google.com/group/nextplayer 2008/03/14



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