
Chapter 2: Conformance Criteria 第二章:一致性原则

Overview . Previous . Next . Elements . Attributes . Properties

contents 目录

    1. 2.1.Overview
    2. 2.2.Processing modes
      1. 2.2.1.Features
      2. 2.2.2.Dynamic interactive mode
      3. 2.2.3.Animated mode
      4. 2.2.4.Secure animated mode
      5. 2.2.5.Static mode
      6. 2.2.6.Secure static mode
    3. 2.3.Processing modes for SVG sub-resource documents
      1. 2.3.1.Examples
    4. 2.4.Document Conformance Classes
      1. 2.4.1.Conforming SVG DOM Subtrees
      2. 2.4.2.Conforming SVG Markup Fragments
      3. 2.4.3.Conforming XML-Compatible SVG Markup Fragments
      4. 2.4.4.Conforming XML-Compatible SVG DOM Subtrees
      5. 2.4.5.Conforming SVG Stand-Alone Files
      6. 2.4.6.Error processing
    5. 2.5.Software Conformance Classes
      1. 2.5.1.Conforming SVG Generators
      2. 2.5.2.Conforming SVG Authoring Tools
      3. 2.5.3.Conforming SVG Servers
      4. 2.5.4.Conforming SVG Interpreters
      5. 2.5.5.Conforming SVG Viewers
        1. implementation notes
      6. 2.5.6.Conforming High-Quality SVG Viewer

2.1. Overview 概要

Graphics defined with SVG have many different applications. As a result, not all software that uses SVG will have the same features. Conformance to the SVG specification is therefore not a binary matter; sofware may be conforming within a restricted feature set.


Furthermore, SVG is designed to be integrated into other types of documents; depending on the type of integration, only a limited feature-set may be appropriate. There are various ways that an SVG document fragment can be referenced by or included in other documents and thereby be processed by a user agent. SVG documents can also be viewed directly, as the primary document. Each different method by which an SVG document fragment can be used implies a certain set of requirements on how the SVG document fragment must be processed.


This chapter therefore defines a number of processing modes that encompass the different combinations of features which may be enabled or disabled in the document. In addition, it specifies normative requirements for which processing mode must be used when SVG documents reference or embed other SVG documents. The same set of processing modes may be used by reference in other specifications to describe how SVG documents should be processed.


This document does not place normative requirements on other specifications that can reference or include SVG documents, such as HTML and various CSS specifications. The intention is for these other specifications to normatively point to the appropriate processing mode from this document.


This chapter also outlines specific conformance requirements for different types of SVG content, and different classes of software that use or create SVG.


2.2. Processing modes 处理模式

This section defines a standard set of processing modes for SVG documents. Each processing mode specifies whether certain high level SVG features are enabled.


2.2.1. Features 特性

The features that can be enabled or disabled depending on the processing mode are as follows:


declarative animation


Declarative animation includes both the animation elements in SVG – ‘animate’, ‘animateMotion’, ‘animateTransform’ and ‘set’ – and CSS Transitions and Animations (see the Animation appendix for details). When declarative animations are disabled in an SVG document, any animation elements or CSS Transitions or Animations must not be applied or run.

声明动画有两种方法:一种是SVG动画元素‘animate’, ‘animateMotion’, ‘animateTransform’ 和‘set’ ,另一种是CSS转化或动画(具体参考动画附录:Animation appendix)。当在SVG文档中声明动画无效时,任何动画元素或者CSS转化或动画不能被应用了。

This is not the same as pausing the document's animated state at 0s document time; if an animation is defined to begin at 0s, it still will not be applied.


references to external resources


References to external resources are URLs references or network access requests made by markup, style properties, script or other Web platform features used in the document, except for:


When external references are disabled in an SVG document, any attempt to fetch a document through an external reference must instead be treated as if a network error occurred and no data was received.


When external references are enabled, user agents that support external file requests from the Internet must adhere to the restrictions on cross-origin resource fetching, as outlined in the Linking chapter.

当引用外部可以时,支持从网络获取的外部的用户必须收到交叉资源的限制,在the Linking chapter进行了概要说明。

script execution


Script execution is the execution of any SVG ‘script’ elements, script found in event attributes(such as ‘onclick’ on SVG elements), or any other script defined by other Web platform features used in the document, such as any HTML ‘script’ elements. When script execution is disabled in an SVG document, no script in the document must be run.

执行脚本是执行SVG脚本元素,通过脚本处理SVG事件属性(‘onclick’ ),或者通过文档中定义的网页平台属性,例如HTML脚本元素。当在SVG文档中执行脚本被禁止,则此文档中的脚本都被禁止执行。



Interaction refers to the delivery of DOM Events or the invocation of any user agent specific UI behaviors such as text selection, focus changing, link traversal, or animation or transition triggering that is done in response to user input such as mouse or keyboard activity. When interaction is disabled in an SVG document, any user input events that would be targetted at the document or any elements within the document must have no effect.


2.2.2. Dynamic interactive mode 动态交互模式

This processing mode imposes no restrictions on any feature of the SVG language.


Dynamic Interactive Features 动态交互特性
script execution 脚本执行yes
external references 外部引用yes
declarative animation 声明动画yes
interactivity 交互yes

2.2.3. Animated mode 动画模式

This processing mode is intended for circumstances where an SVG document is to be used as an animated image that is allowed to resolve external references, but which is not intended to be used as an interactive document.


Animated Features
script executionno
external referencesyes
declarative animationyes

2.2.4. Secure animated mode 安全动画模式

This processing mode is intended for circumstances where an SVG document is to be used as an animated image that is not allowed to resolve external references, and which is not intended to be used as an interactive document. This mode might be used where image support has traditionally been limited to raster images (such as JPEG, PNG and GIF).


Secure Animated Features
script executionno
external referencesno
declarative animationyes

2.2.5. Static mode 静态模式

This processing mode is intended for circumstances where an SVG document is to be used as a non-animated image that is allowed to resolve external references, but which is not intended to be used as an interactive document. For example, an SVG viewer that processes graphics for inclusion in print documents would likely use static mode.


Static Features
script executionno
external referencesyes
declarative animationno

2.2.6. Secure static mode 安全静态模式

This processing mode is intended for circumstances where an SVG document is to be used as a non-animated image that is not allowed to resolve external references, and which is not intended to be used as an interactive document. This mode might be used where image support has traditionally been limited to non-animated raster images (such as JPEG and PNG.)


Secure Static Features
script executionno
external referencesno
declarative animationno




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