

  • R Documentation
    Conditioning Plots

  • Description

This function produces two variants of the conditioning plots
discussed in the reference below.

  • Usage

coplot(formula, data, given.values, panel = points, rows, columns,
show.given = TRUE, col = par(“fg”), pch = par(“pch”),
bar.bg = c(num = gray(0.8), fac = gray(0.95)),
xlab = c(x.name, paste(“Given :”, a.name)),
ylab = c(y.name, paste(“Given :”, b.name)),
subscripts = FALSE,
axlabels = function(f) abbreviate(levels(f)),
number = 6, overlap = 0.5, xlim, ylim, …) co.intervals(x, number = 6, overlap = 0.5)

  • Arguments

formula a formula describing the form of conditioning plot. A formula
of the form y ~ x | a indicates that plots of y versus x should be
produced conditional on the variable a. A formula of the form y ~ x| a

  • b indicates that plots of y versus x should be produced conditional on the two variables a and b. All three or four variables may be
    either numeric or factors. When x or y are factors, the result is
    almost as if as.numeric() was applied, whereas for factor a or b, the
    conditioning (and its graphics if show.given is true) are adapted.

given.values a value or list of two values which determine how the conditioning on a and b is to take place. When there is no b (i.e.,
conditioning only on a), usually this is a matrix with two columns
each row of which gives an interval, to be conditioned on, but is can
also be a single vector of numbers or a set of factor levels (if the
variable being conditioned on is a factor). In this case (no b), the
result of co.intervals can be used directly as given.values argument.
panel a function(x, y, col, pch, …) which gives the action to be carried out in each panel of the display. The default is points.
rows the panels of the plot are laid out in a rows by columns array. rows gives the number of rows in the array.
columns the number of columns in the panel layout array.
show.given logical (possibly of length 2 for 2 conditioning variables): should conditioning plots be shown for the corresponding
conditioning variables (default TRUE).
col a vector of colors to be used to plot the points. If too short, the values are recycled.
pch a vector of plotting symbols or characters. If too short, the values are recycled.
bar.bg a named vector with components “num” and “fac” giving the background colors for the (shingle) bars, for numeric and factor
conditioning variables respectively.
xlab character; labels to use for the x axis and the first conditioning variable. If only one label is given, it is used for the
x axis and the default label is used for the conditioning variable.
ylab character; labels to use for the y axis and any second conditioning variable.
subscripts logical: if true the panel function is given an additional (third) argument subscripts giving the subscripts of the
data passed to that panel.
axlabels function for creating axis (tick) labels when x or y are factors.
number integer; the number of conditioning intervals, for a and b, possibly of length 2. It is only used if the corresponding
conditioning variable is not a factor.
overlap numeric < 1; the fraction of overlap of the conditioning variables, possibly of length 2 for x and y direction. When overlap <
0, there will be gaps between the data slices.
xlim the range for the x axis.
ylim the range for the y axis. … additional arguments to the panel function.
x a numeric vector.

Coplot的意思就是conditional plot
首先需要知道一个词:given 中文翻译大概相当于:条件是
举个例子coplot(a~b|c, data=qq.df, …)
指的就是 examine the dependent of a and b given c in the data “qq.df”,查看a,b在给以c为条件下的关系。data也可以不用指定,它会从语境里判断是哪个数据。

其次,六个图是因为coplot函数最后运行的那句co.intervals(x, number = 6, overlap = 0.5)
另外,官方文档中说A formula of the form y ~ x| a * b indicates that plots of y versus x should be produced conditional on the two variables a and b. 这个我没有运行成功。。大家可以试一下。。什么时候我成功了再回来填坑。。


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