






type Type interface {
    // Methods applicable to all types.
    // Align returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
    // this type when allocated in memory.
    Align() int
    // FieldAlign returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
    // this type when used as a field in a struct.
    FieldAlign() int
    // Method returns the i'th method in the type's method set.
    // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumMethod()).
    // For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
    // fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
    // For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
    // method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
    Method(int) Method
    // MethodByName returns the method with that name in the type's
    // method set and a boolean indicating if the method was found.
    // For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
    // fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
    // For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
    // method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
    MethodByName(string) (Method, bool)
    // NumMethod returns the number of exported methods in the type's method set.
    NumMethod() int
    // Name returns the type's name within its package.
    // It returns an empty string for unnamed types.
    Name() string
    // PkgPath returns a named type's package path, that is, the import path
    // that uniquely identifies the package, such as "encoding/base64".
    // If the type was predeclared (string, error) or unnamed (*T, struct{}, []int),
    // the package path will be the empty string.
    PkgPath() string
    // Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
    // a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
    Size() uintptr
    // String returns a string representation of the type.
    // The string representation may use shortened package names
    // (e.g., base64 instead of "encoding/base64") and is not
    // guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for type identity,
    // compare the Types directly.
    String() string
    // Kind returns the specific kind of this type.
    Kind() Kind
    // Implements reports whether the type implements the interface type u.
    Implements(u Type) bool
    // AssignableTo reports whether a value of the type is assignable to type u.
    AssignableTo(u Type) bool
    // ConvertibleTo reports whether a value of the type is convertible to type u.
    ConvertibleTo(u Type) bool
    // Comparable reports whether values of this type are comparable.
    Comparable() bool
    // Methods applicable only to some types, depending on Kind.
    // The methods allowed for each kind are:
    //    Int*, Uint*, Float*, Complex*: Bits
    //    Array: Elem, Len
    //    Chan: ChanDir, Elem
    //    Func: In, NumIn, Out, NumOut, IsVariadic.
    //    Map: Key, Elem
    //    Ptr: Elem
    //    Slice: Elem
    //    Struct: Field, FieldByIndex, FieldByName, FieldByNameFunc, NumField
    // Bits returns the size of the type in bits.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not one of the
    // sized or unsized Int, Uint, Float, or Complex kinds.
    Bits() int
    // ChanDir returns a channel type's direction.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Chan.
    ChanDir() ChanDir
    // IsVariadic reports whether a function type's final input parameter
    // is a "..." parameter. If so, t.In(t.NumIn() - 1) returns the parameter's
    // implicit actual type []T.
    // For concreteness, if t represents func(x int, y ... float64), then
    //    t.NumIn() == 2
    //    t.In(0) is the reflect.Type for "int"
    //    t.In(1) is the reflect.Type for "[]float64"
    //    t.IsVariadic() == true
    // IsVariadic panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
    IsVariadic() bool
    // Elem returns a type's element type.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Ptr, or Slice.
    Elem() Type
    // Field returns a struct type's i'th field.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
    // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumField()).
    Field(i int) StructField
    // FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding
    // to the index sequence. It is equivalent to calling Field
    // successively for each index i.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
    FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField
    // FieldByName returns the struct field with the given name
    // and a boolean indicating if the field was found.
    FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool)
    // FieldByNameFunc returns the struct field with a name
    // that satisfies the match function and a boolean indicating if
    // the field was found.
    // FieldByNameFunc considers the fields in the struct itself
    // and then the fields in any anonymous structs, in breadth first order,
    // stopping at the shallowest nesting depth containing one or more
    // fields satisfying the match function. If multiple fields at that depth
    // satisfy the match function, they cancel each other
    // and FieldByNameFunc returns no match.
    // This behavior mirrors Go's handling of name lookup in
    // structs containing anonymous fields.
    FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool)
    // In returns the type of a function type's i'th input parameter.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
    // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumIn()).
    In(i int) Type
    // Key returns a map type's key type.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Map.
    Key() Type
    // Len returns an array type's length.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Array.
    Len() int
    // NumField returns a struct type's field count.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
    NumField() int
    // NumIn returns a function type's input parameter count.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
    NumIn() int
    // NumOut returns a function type's output parameter count.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
    NumOut() int
    // Out returns the type of a function type's i'th output parameter.
    // It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
    // It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumOut()).
    Out(i int) Type
    common() *rtype
    uncommon() *uncommonType
type Value struct {
    // typ holds the type of the value represented by a Value.
    typ *rtype
    // Pointer-valued data or, if flagIndir is set, pointer to data.
    // Valid when either flagIndir is set or typ.pointers() is true.
    ptr unsafe.Pointer
    // flag holds metadata about the value.
    // The lowest bits are flag bits:
    //    - flagStickyRO: obtained via unexported not embedded field, so read-only
    //    - flagEmbedRO: obtained via unexported embedded field, so read-only
    //    - flagIndir: val holds a pointer to the data
    //    - flagAddr: v.CanAddr is true (implies flagIndir)
    //    - flagMethod: v is a method value.
    // The next five bits give the Kind of the value.
    // This repeats typ.Kind() except for method values.
    // The remaining 23+ bits give a method number for method values.
    // If flag.kind() != Func, code can assume that flagMethod is unset.
    // If ifaceIndir(typ), code can assume that flagIndir is set.
    // A method value represents a curried method invocation
    // like r.Read for some receiver r. The typ+val+flag bits describe
    // the receiver r, but the flag's Kind bits say Func (methods are
    // functions), and the top bits of the flag give the method number
    // in r's type's method table.



type T struct {
    a int    `test:"a_int"`
    s string `test:"s_string"`
func (t *T) SetA(a int) {
    t.a = a
func (t *T) SetS(s string) {
    t.s = s
func (t T) PrintT() {
    fmt.Printf("%d  : %s\n", t.a, t.s)
var t = T{1, "hello"}


func main() {
    value := reflect.ValueOf(t)
    typ := reflect.TypeOf(t)



  1. ValueType有什么区别 ?

  2. ValueType在获取结构体方法上的区别 ?

    f1 := value.MethodByName("PrintT")
    f2, ok := tp.MethodByName("PrintT")

    f2叫做函数,它只是一个普通的函数,是接收一个T类型值为参数的函数,与t无关。相当于是这样一个函数:func PrintT(t T)



    1 : hello 
    1 : hello


    f2.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(T{2, "word"})})


    2 : word


  3. 值接收者与指针接收者

    value := reflect.ValueOf(&t)
    tp := reflect.TypeOf(&t)
    f1 := value.MethodByName("SetA")
    f2, _ := tp.MethodByName("SetA")


    param1 := reflect.ValueOf(5)
    param2 := reflect.ValueOf(7)


    f2.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{value, param2})


    1 : hello
    5 : hello
    7 : hello


  4. 获取结构体的标签

    type StructField struct {
        // Name is the field name.
        // PkgPath is the package path that qualifies a lower case (unexported)
        // field name.  It is empty for upper case (exported) field names.
        // See http://golang.org/ref/spec#Uniqueness_of_identifiers
        Name    string
        PkgPath string
        Type      Type      // field type
        Tag       StructTag // field tag string
        Offset    uintptr   // offset within struct, in bytes
        Index     []int     // index sequence for Type.FieldByIndex
        Anonymous bool      // is an embedded field


    Field(i int) StructField
    FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField
    FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool)
    FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool)






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