理解 _WidgetBase

理解 _WidgetBase

Understanding _WidgetBase

In this tutorial, you'll learn what Dijit's _WidgetBase module is, and how it serves as the foundation for all widgets in the Dojo Toolkit.

在本教程中,你将会学习 Dijit包中的_WidgetBase模块,它是Dojo 框架所有微件的基础。

Getting Started


The foundation of Dijit, and the ability to create your own widgets, relies primarily on one base class, defined in the dijit/_WidgetBase module. While there are a few other key pieces commonly relied upon for developing web applications with the Dojo Toolkit (such as the Dojo parser and the Dijit templating system), this module is the key to creating any kind of custom widget using the Dojo Toolkit. In this tutorial, you'll learn how Dijit's widget infrastructure works.

Dijit的基础以及实现创建自定义微件,主要依赖于一个定义在 dijit/_WidgetBase中的模块。当然在使用Dojo框架开发应用时还有一些其他的通用的依赖(例如Dojo parser和 Dijit 模板系统),这个模块是使用Dojo框架创建任意类型自定义微件的关键。在本教程中,你将会学到Dijit包的微件基础是如何工作的。

If you are coming from a previous version of Dojo, you may be familiar with the dijit/_Widget module. While dijit/_Widget still exists and inherits from dijit/_WidgetBase, it is currently recommended to inherit from dijit/_WidgetBase directly when defining your own custom widgets from the ground up. dijit/_Widget is likely to be phased out by Dojo 2.0.

如果你是Dojo老版本的用户,你可能会比较熟悉dijit/_Widget模块,dijit/_Widget模块在新版本中依然存在,并且也继承自dijit/_WidgetBase,如果你要从头开始创建你自己的自定义模块,新版本的Dojo建议直接继承dijit/_WidgetBase。dijit/_Widget 可能会在Dojo2.0中删除。

The most important thing to understand about Dijit's system is the lifecycle of a widget. This lifecycle is primarily concerned with the inception of a widget—in other words, from when a widget is conceived to when it is fully usable by your application—through the destruction of a widget and its associated DOM elements.


If you are wondering why "_" is in front of both "Widget" and "WidgetBase", it is because neither module is intended to be instantiated directly; instead, they are intended to be used as base classes using the Dojo Toolkit's declare mechanism.


To accomplish this, dijit/_WidgetBase defines two concept lines: a set of methods that are called in succession during the process of creation, and a way of getting/setting fields with minimal data binding while the widget lives in the application. Let us take a look at the first mechanism: Dijit's widget lifecycle.

为了实现这一功能,dijit/_WidgetBase 定义了两个概念:在微件创建的过程中,会调用一系列的成功执行回调方法;在微件运行期间可以通过getting/setting 属性字段来绑定少量数据。 我们先来看一下第一个机制:Dijit 微件的生命周期。

The Dijit Lifecycle


Each widget declared with _WidgetBase as its base will run through several methods during instantiation. They are listed here, organized according to the sequence in which they are called:


  • constructor (common to all prototypes, called when instantiated)
  • constructor(所有原型都有,在初始化时调用)
  • postscript (common to all prototypes built using declare)
  • postscript (所有原型都有,使用declare创建)
    • create
      • postMixInProperties
      • buildRendering
      • postCreate
  • startup

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These methods exist to handle a number of things:


  • initialize widget data from both default and run-time values
  • 初始化微件的默认及运行时数据
  • generate the DOM structure for the widget's visual representation
  • 生成微件的Dom元素结构
  • place the widget's DOM structure within the page
  • 将微件的Dom元素结构加载到页面上
  • handle logic that is dependent on the DOM structure being present in the document (such as DOM element dimensions)
  • 处理Dom元素在页面中的结构逻辑(例如Dom元素的大小)

By far, the most important method to keep in mind when creating your own widgets is the postCreate method. This is fired after all properties of a widget are defined, and the document fragment representing the widget is created—but before the fragment itself is added to the main document. The reason why this method is so important is because it is the main place where you, the developer, get a chance to perform any last-minute modifications before the widget is presented to the user, including setting any kind of custom attributes, and so on. When developing a custom widget, most (if not all) of your customization will occur here.

到目前为止,你要牢记的 在创建自定义微件过程中最重要的方法就是postCreate方法。这个方法在微件所有属性定义完成之后执行,表明页面元素部分已创建,不过还没添加到主页面上。这个方法之所以如此重要是因为,它给你,开发者,在微件呈现给用户之前最后修改微件的机会,包括设置任意的自定义属性等等。当开发一个自定义微件时,大部分(如果不是全部的话)的自定义内容都出现在这里。


Probably the second-most important method in the Dijit lifecycle is the startup method. This method is designed to handle processing after any DOM fragments have been actually added to the document; it is not fired until after any potential child widgets have been created and started as well. This is especially useful for composite widgets and layout widgets.


When instantiating a widget programmatically, always call the widget's startup() method after placing it in the document. It's a common error to create widgets programmatically and then forget to call startup, leaving you scratching your head as to why your widget isn't showing up properly.


Tear-down methods

In addition to the instantiation methods, dijit/_WidgetBase also defines a number of destruction methods (again listed in the order they are called):


  • destroyRecursive
    • destroyDescendants
    • destroy
      • uninitialize
      • destroyRendering

When writing your own widget, any necessary custom tear-down behavior should be defined in the destroy method. (Don't forget to call this.inherited(arguments)!) Dijit itself takes care of node and most object management for you already (using the aforementioned destruction methods), so you generally don't have to worry about writing custom versions of these methods from scratch.

当构建自定义微件时,所有必须的自定义析构方法都应该定义在destroy 方法中。(不要忘了调用this.inherited(arguments)!)Dijit会帮你解决好节点和对象管理,所以你尽可不用担心创建这些方法的自定义版本需要从头做起。

Although destroy is arguably the central destruction method of any widget, it is advisable to call destroyRecursivewhen explicitly destroying a widget. This ensures the destruction of not only the widget itself, but any child widgets.


Node references

A widget is generally some sort of user interface, and it would not be complete without some sort of DOM representation._WidgetBase defines a standard property called domNode, which is a reference to the overall parent node of the widget itself. You can always get a reference to this node programmatically if you need to do something (like move the entire widget around in a document), and it is available by the time the postCreate method is called.


微件一般是某种界面元素,无法。_WidgetBase 定义了一个标准的属性domNode,指向微件的父节点。在你需要的时候你可以通过代码获取到这个对象(例如在页面中移动整个微件),这个对象在postCreate调用时就已经可用了。

In addition to the domNode property, some widgets also define a containerNode property. This is a reference to a child node in a widget that may contain content or widgets defined outside of your widget definition, such as within the originating source node of a declaratively-instantiated widget.

除了domNode属性,有些微件也定义了containerNode 属性。这个属性指向微件的一个子节点,这个子节点包含主体内容,或者在微件之外的一个微件区域,比如指向最初的通过声明方式定义的微件。

We'll discuss the importance of the containerNode property in another tutorial; for now, be aware that the property exists and may be defined (most notably, it is defined on all widgets which inherit dijit/_Container).


Getters and Setters


In addition to the startup and tear-down infrastructure, _WidgetBase also provides not only a number of pre-defined properties that all widgets need, but also a way of letting you define custom getters and setters that will work with the standard get and set methods, pre-defined on all widgets. This is accomplished by defining custom "private" methods in your code according to the following pattern:


// for the field "foo" in your widget:

// custom getter
_getFooAttr: function(){ /* do something and return a value */ },

//     custom setter
_setFooAttr: function(value){ /* do something to set a value */ }

If you define custom method pairs in this manner, you can then use the standard get and set methods of _WidgetBase on instances of your widget. For instance, given the above example, you could do this:


// assume that the widget instance is "myWidget":

// get the value of "foo":
var value = myWidget.get("foo");

// set the value of "foo":
myWidget.set("foo", someValue);

This standard allows other widgets and controlling code to interact with a widget in a consistent way, while giving you the ability to perform custom logic when a field is accessed (such as modifications to a DOM fragment, etc.), as well as allowing you to fire off any other methods (such as an event handler or a notification). For example, say your widget has a custom value, and you want to be able to notify anyone that that value has changed (possibly via an onChange method you've defined):

这种方式允许其他微件及控制代码与微件以一种一致的方式相互影响,并且使你能够在属性被访问时添加其他逻辑(例如修改DOM段等),同样也可以触发其他的方法(例如事件回调函数或者事件通知)。例如,比方你的微件有个自定义属性 value,如过你想在这个属性变化的时候通知所有人该属性变化了(可以通过自己定义的onChange方法)。

// assume our field is called "value":

_setValueAttr: function(value){
    this.onChange(this.value, value);
    this._set("value", value);

// a function designed to work with dojo/on
onChange: function(oldValue, newValue){ }

As you can see, this gives us a convenient way to be able to customize getter and setter behavior within our own widgets.


When defining your own widgets, you should create custom getter and setter methods whenever you need to define custom logic behind the retrieval or modification of a custom property. When using your own widgets, you should always use the get() and set() methods for field access, in order to properly communicate with the custom getters and setters. In addition, when defining custom setter methods, you should always use the internal _set method to update internal values, in order to interface properly with the watch functionality from dojo/Stateful, which all widgets inherit.


Owning handles


The _WidgetBase infrastructure provides a method for registering handles as "owned" by the widget. This should be used for any handles created by the widget, often listeners to DOMNode events setup in postCreate().

_WidgetBase 提供了一种“拥有”事件处理器的方式。为微件添加事件处理器都需要使用这种方式,一般用来监听在postCreate()方法中添加的DOM节点的事件。

The method for attaching handles to a widget is .own(), and its usage is simple:


    on(someDomNode, "click", lang.hitch(this, "myOnClickHandler)"),
    aspect.after(someObject, "someFunc", lang.hitch(this, "mySomeFuncHandler)"),
    topic.subscribe("/some/topic", function(){ ... }),

The advantage of using own() in the widget infrastructure is that internally, the widget can keep track of all of its handles, and make sure everything is disconnected and/or unsubscribed when the widget is destroyed—preventing any kind of memory leaks.

使用 own()方法的好处是微件可以跟踪所有的事件处理器,保证在微件销毁时,将所有事件解绑,防止内存泄露。

Pre-defined Properties and Events


Finally, _WidgetBase provides a set of pre-defined properties, with appropriate getters and setters where applicable:

最后,_WidgetBase 还提供了一些预定义属性,包括其标准的存取器:

  • id: a unique string identifying the widget
  • id: 标识微件的String类型的唯一值
  • lang: a rarely-used string that can override the default Dojo locale
  • lang: 很少使用的String值,可以重写Dojo默认的locale
  • dir: useful for bi-directional support
  • dir: 用于双向支持
  • class: the HTML class attribute for the widget's domNode
  • class: 微件domNode的html样式
  • style: the HTML style attribute for the widget's domNode
  • style: 微件domNode的style属性
  • title: most commonly, the HTML title attribute for native tooltips
  • title: 一般表示原生提示的html title属性
  • baseClass: the root CSS class of the widget
  • baseClass:微件的根CSS样式
  • srcNodeRef: the original DOM node that existed before it was "widgetified", if one was provided. Note that depending on the type of widget (e.g. templated widgets), this may be unset following postCreate, as the original node is discarded.
  • srcNodeRef: 微件在微件化之前的原始Dom 节点,如果有的话。注意这个属性与微件的类型有关(如基于模板的微件),并且在postCreate之后可能会被丢弃。


As you can see, Dijit's _WidgetBase infrastructure provides a solid foundation on which to create and use widgets; all aspects of a widget (lifecycle, DOM node references, getters and setters, pre-defined properties and events) are covered out of the box. We've seen how a widget's postCreate() method is the most important lifecycle method when developing custom widgets, and how vital calling startup() is when instantiating widgets programmatically. We've also covered Dijit's getter/setter infrastructure, as well as the importance of a widget's domNode property.








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