
作者微信:15013593099 欢迎交流


1 下面是我注释过的代码,希望对大家有用,另外大家在使用时注意遵守GPL许可。

2 由于本人水平有限,注释难免出错,有问题欢迎讨论或者直接向Xen的邮件列表提问 。
3 如果有时间我会整理一片短文。
4 原本想把整个shadow.c的注释发上来,但是由于CU博客的限制,只能发成连载。谢谢大家的关注
/* Entry points into the shadow code */
/* 整个shadow code 的入口:
* sh_page_fault():
* sh_invlpg():
/* Called from pagefault handler in Xen, and from the HVM trap handlers
* for pagefaults.  Returns 1 if this fault was an artefact of the
* shadow code (and the guest should retry) or 0 if it is not (and the
* fault should be handled elsewhere or passed to the guest). */
/* 由Xen的#PF处理程序调用,或者由HVM #PF trap 处理程序调用,
* 如果这个fault是由shadow制造的假象(客户操作系统需要retray)则返回1,
* 否则返回0(#PF需要在别的地方处理或者传递给客户).
/* 主要工作:
* 1) 遍历客户页表的各个层次.
* 2) 根据error_code做出该#PF是否应由shadow code处理.
* 3) 模拟指令的执行
* [ fix me ] 有时间的话看看MMIO
static int sh_page_fault(struct vcpu *v,
                          unsigned long va,
                          struct cpu_user_regs *regs)
    struct domain *d = v->domain;
    walk_t gw;
    u32 accumulated_gflags;
    gfn_t gfn;
    mfn_t gmfn, sl1mfn=_mfn(0);
    shadow_l1e_t sl1e, *ptr_sl1e;
    paddr_t gpa;
    struct sh_emulate_ctxt emul_ctxt;
    struct x86_emulate_ops *emul_ops;
    int r, mmio;
    fetch_type_t ft = 0;
    SHADOW_PRINTK("d:v=%u:%u va=%#lx err=%u\n",
                   v->domain->domain_id, v->vcpu_id, va, regs->error_code);
    // XXX: Need to think about eventually mapping superpages directly in the
    //      shadow (when possible), as opposed to splintering them into a
    //      bunch of 4K maps.
    // 从上面的注视可以看出当前的做法是将superpages映射到一些4K页面
    // 最终应该考虑将superpages直接映射的shadow
/* 对于64bit Xen/PAE 利用PTE的reserved bit实现的快速路径,所以error code中会有PREC_reserved_bit位设置 */
    if ( (regs->error_code & PFEC_reserved_bit) )
        /* The only reasons for reserved bits to be set in shadow entries
         * are the two "magic" shadow_l1e entries. */
        if ( likely((__copy_from_user(&sl1e,
                                       + shadow_l1_linear_offset(va)),
                                      sizeof(sl1e)) == 0)
                    && sh_l1e_is_magic(sl1e)) )
            if ( sh_l1e_is_gnp(sl1e) )
                if ( likely(!is_hvm_domain(d) ||
                            paging_vcpu_mode_translate(v)) )
                {  /* PV translated */
                    /* Not-present in a guest PT: pass to the guest as
                     * a not-present fault (by flipping two bits). */
                    ASSERT(regs->error_code & PFEC_page_present);
                    regs->error_code ^= (PFEC_reserved_bit|PFEC_page_present);
                    SHADOW_PRINTK("fast path not-present\n");
                    return 0; /* 客户不存在,要注入异常 */
                    /* Not-present in the P2M: MMIO */ /* [fix me??] 为什么? */
                    gpa = va;
                /* Magic MMIO marker: extract gfn for MMIO address */ /* MMIO magic 标记 */
                gpa = (((paddr_t)(gfn_x(sh_l1e_mmio_get_gfn(sl1e))))
                    | (va & ~PAGE_MASK);
            SHADOW_PRINTK("fast path mmio %#"PRIpaddr"\n", gpa);
            return EXCRET_fault_fixed;
            /* This should be exceptionally rare: another vcpu has fixed
             * the tables between the fault and our reading the l1e.
             * Retry and let the hardware give us the right fault next time. */
            SHADOW_PRINTK("fast path false alarm!\n");            
            return EXCRET_fault_fixed;
    /* Detect if this page fault happened while we were already in Xen
     * doing a shadow operation.  If that happens, the only thing we can
     * do is let Xen's normal fault handlers try to fix it.  In any case,
     * a diagnostic trace of the fault will be more useful than
     * a BUG() when we try to take the lock again. */
    /* 检查#PF是否在我们正在处理shadow时发生。
     * 如果发生的话,我们唯一能做的事情是让Xen正常的处理程序试图修复.
     * 在任何情况下,一个诊断的trace比一个BUG()更有效
    if ( unlikely(shadow_locked_by_me(d)) ) /*  遍历客户页表层次,将相应的客户页表设位只读 */
        SHADOW_ERROR("Recursive shadow fault: lock was taken by %s\n",
        return 0;
    if ( guest_walk_tables(v, va, &gw, 1) != 0 )
        SHADOW_PRINTK("malformed guest pagetable!");
    /*  与上面的shadow_autid_table()并不矛盾,注意他们的编译开关 */
    sh_audit_gw(v, &gw);
    // 首先检查是否由于客户自身引发的#PF
    // We do not look at the gw->l1e, as that will not exist for superpages.
    // Instead, we use the gw->eff_l1e...
    // We need not check all the levels of the guest page table entries for
    // present vs not-present, as the eff_l1e will always be not present if
    // one of the higher level entries is not present.
    // 我们并不查看gw->l1e, 因为对于superpage, 不存在.
    // 相反我们使用gw->eff_l1e
    // 我们也不必检查所有层次的gle是否存在,
    // 因为如果eff_l1e在高层entry不存在情况下总是不存在点的.
    // (初始化gw的时候使用了memset(...,0).)
    if ( unlikely(!(guest_l1e_get_flags(gw.eff_l1e) & _PAGE_PRESENT)) )
    { /* 客户页表l2e/l1e标记为 NOT PRESENT
        * 对于guest_walk_tables()来说,l2e不存在的话 gw.eff_l1e=0 , 所以gw.eff_l1e&_PAGE_PRESENT也为0
        if ( is_hvm_domain(d) && !paging_vcpu_mode_translate(v) ) /* HVM domain,并未开启分页,使用P2M表,其中标记为Not present */
            /* Not present in p2m map, means this is mmio */
            gpa = va;
            goto mmio;
        goto not_a_shadow_fault; /* 由于客户本页表项不存在引发的缺页 */
    // All levels of the guest page table are now known to be present.
    /* 这里已经确定所有层次的guest page table 是存在的*/
    accumulated_gflags = accumulate_guest_flags(v, &gw);
    // Check for attempts to access supervisor-only pages from user mode,
    // i.e. ring 3.  Such errors are not caused or dealt with by the shadow
    // code.
    // 检查是否由于试图从用户模式访问特权页面引发的#PF,
    // 这种错误不应该由shadow code处理.
    if ( (regs->error_code & PFEC_user_mode) &&
         !(accumulated_gflags & _PAGE_USER) )
        /* illegal user-mode access to supervisor-only page */
        /* 用户模式非法访问特权页面 */
        goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    // Was it a write fault?
    ft = ((regs->error_code & PFEC_write_access)
          ? ft_demand_write : ft_demand_read);
    if ( ft == ft_demand_write )
        if ( unlikely(!(accumulated_gflags & _PAGE_RW)) )
        { /* 客户尝试写一个只读的页面 */
            goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    else // must have been either an insn fetch or read fault 一定是由于指令预取或者read引发的fault
        // Check for NX bit violations: attempts to execute code that is
        // marked "do not execute".  Such errors are not caused or dealt with
        // by the shadow code.
        // 检查是否用于NX位引发的缺页:
        // 尝试执行被标记为"不可执行"的代码页面.
        // 这种错误不由shadow code引发而且不由shadow code 处理
        if ( regs->error_code & PFEC_insn_fetch )
            if ( accumulated_gflags & _PAGE_NX_BIT )
                /* NX prevented this code fetch */
                goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    // 到达这里就可以确定是由shadow引发的#PF
    /* gfn仅仅是地址空间虚拟化的一个抽象*/
    /* What mfn is the guest trying to access? */
    gfn = guest_l1e_get_gfn(gw.eff_l1e);
    gmfn = vcpu_gfn_to_mfn(v, gfn); /* 利用P2M表定位mfn */
    mmio = (is_hvm_domain(d)
            && paging_vcpu_mode_translate(v)
            && mmio_space(gfn_to_paddr(gfn)));
    if ( !mmio && !mfn_valid(gmfn) )
    {  /* gmfn 不正确 */
        SHADOW_PRINTK("BAD gfn=%"SH_PRI_gfn" gmfn=%"PRI_mfn"\n",
                      gfn_x(gfn), mfn_x(gmfn));
        goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    /* Make sure there is enough free shadow memory to build a chain of
     * shadow tables: one SHADOW_MAX_ORDER chunk will always be enough
     * to allocate all we need.  (We never allocate a top-level shadow
     * on this path, only a 32b l1, pae l2+1 or 64b l3+2+1) */
    /* 确保有足够的空闲内存构建shadow tables 链:
     * 一个SHADOW_MAX_ORDER chunk 总能满足我们的要求.
     * (我们从不分配一个顶级的shadow,在这个路径上)
     * 在客户更新cr3或者分页模式发生变更的时候分配顶级的shadow
    shadow_prealloc(d, SHADOW_MAX_ORDER);
    /* Acquire the shadow.  This must happen before we figure out the rights
     * for the shadow entry, since we might promote a page here. */
    /* 获取或者建立相应的shadow entry
     * 注意:寻址的结束总是从l1e中获取物理基址+OFFSET得出
     * 所以最后必须取得一个sl1e,获得sl1e的地址.
    ptr_sl1e = shadow_get_and_create_l1e(v, &gw, &sl1mfn, ft);
    if ( unlikely(ptr_sl1e == NULL) )
        /* Couldn't get the sl1e!  Since we know the guest entries
         * are OK, this can only have been caused by a failed
         * shadow_set_l*e(), which will have crashed the guest.
         * Get out of the fault handler immediately. */
        unmap_walk(v, &gw);
        return 0;
    /* Calculate the shadow entry and write it
     * 计算l1 shadow entry 并写入新的entry.
    l1e_propagate_from_guest(v, (gw.l1e) ? gw.l1e : &gw.eff_l1e, gw.l1mfn,
                             gmfn, &sl1e, ft, mmio);
    r = shadow_set_l1e(v, ptr_sl1e, sl1e, sl1mfn);
    /* Prefetch some more shadow entries */
    sh_prefetch(v, &gw, ptr_sl1e, sl1mfn);
    /* Need to emulate accesses to page tables */
    /* 需要模拟对客户页表的写操作 */
    if ( sh_mfn_is_a_page_table(gmfn) )
        if ( ft == ft_demand_write )
            goto emulate;
        else if ( shadow_mode_trap_reads(d) && ft == ft_demand_read )
        { /* Xen  暂时不支持读页表的模拟 */
            goto emulate;
    if ( mmio )
        gpa = guest_walk_to_gpa(&gw);
        goto mmio;
    sh_audit_gw(v, &gw);
    unmap_walk(v, &gw);
    return EXCRET_fault_fixed; /* fault  已经修复,需要replay */
emulate: /* 模拟对GPT的操作 */
    if ( !shadow_mode_refcounts(d) || !guest_mode(regs) )
        goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    if ( is_hvm_domain(d) )
         * If we are in the middle of injecting an exception or interrupt then
         * we should not emulate: it is not the instruction at %eip that caused
         * the fault. Furthermore it is almost certainly the case the handler
         * stack is currently considered to be a page table, so we should
         * unshadow the faulting page before exiting.
        /* 如果我们在注入异常或者中断的时候产生了#PF,
         * 那么我们不应该模拟: 并非由于%eip的指令引发的#PF,
         * 几乎可以肯定的是: 处理程序栈所在页面被认为是一个页表,
         * 所以我们在退出前unshadow faulting page.
        if ( unlikely(hvm_event_injection_faulted(v)) )
            gdprintk(XENLOG_DEBUG, "write to pagetable during event "
                     "injection: cr2=%#lx, mfn=%#lx\n",
                     va, mfn_x(gmfn));
            sh_remove_shadows(v, gmfn, 0 /* thorough */, 1 /* must succeed */);
            goto done;
        /* 保存客户寄存器,用于下面的模拟之用 */
        hvm_store_cpu_guest_regs(v, regs, NULL);
    SHADOW_PRINTK("emulate: eip=%#lx esp=%#lx\n",
                  (unsigned long)regs->eip, (unsigned long)regs->esp);
    emul_ops = shadow_init_emulation(&emul_ctxt, regs);
     * We do not emulate user writes. Instead we use them as a hint that the
     * page is no longer a page table. This behaviour differs from native, but
     * it seems very unlikely that any OS grants user access to page tables.
    /* 我们不模拟Guest 用户对页表的写操作.
     * 相反,我们将这种操作做为一种暗示:
     *  要写的页面已经不再做为页表使用
     * 这看起来有点问题,
     * 但实际情况是没有哪个操作系统会授权用户访问页表.
    if ( !(regs->error_code & PFEC_user_mode) )
        /* [fix me??] 没有看 */
        r = x86_emulate(&emul_ctxt.ctxt, emul_ops); /* 模拟指令缓冲中指令的执行 */
     * NB. We do not unshadow on X86EMUL_EXCEPTION. It's not clear that it
     * would be a good unshadow hint. If we *do* decide to unshadow-on-fault
     * then it must be 'failable': we cannot require the unshadow to succeed.
    if ( r == X86EMUL_UNHANDLEABLE )
        SHADOW_PRINTK("emulator failure, unshadowing mfn %#lx\n",
        /* If this is actually a page table, then we have a bug, and need
         * to support more operations in the emulator.  More likely,
         * though, this is a hint that this page should not be shadowed. */
        sh_remove_shadows(v, gmfn, 0 /* thorough */, 1 /* must succeed */);
    /* Emulator has changed the user registers: write back */
    /* 模拟器可能已经改变用户寄存器: 所以需要写回 */
    if ( is_hvm_domain(d) )
        hvm_load_cpu_guest_regs(v, regs);
    goto done;
    if ( !guest_mode(regs) )
        goto not_a_shadow_fault;
    sh_audit_gw(v, &gw);
    unmap_walk(v, &gw);
    SHADOW_PRINTK("mmio %#"PRIpaddr"\n", gpa);
    return EXCRET_fault_fixed;
    /* 并非由shadow 引发的#PF */
    sh_audit_gw(v, &gw);
    unmap_walk(v, &gw);
    SHADOW_PRINTK("not a shadow fault\n");
    return 0;





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