

standford algorithm learning notes


Breadth First Search(BFS)
To systematically explore the nodes of the graph beginning with the given starting vertex in layers.


BFS(graph G, start vertex s)
[all nodes initially unexplored]

  1. mark s as explored.
  2. let Q = queue data structure (FIFO), initialized with s.
  3. while Q ϕ :
    1. remove the first node from Q, call it v.
    2. for each edge(v, w):
      if w is unexplored:
      • mark w as explored
      • add w to Q(at the end)

Basic properties

  • at the end of BFS, v exposed G has a path from s to v.
  • running time of main while loop = O( ns + ms ), where ns is number of nodes findable from s, ms is number of edges findable from s.

Application : shortest paths

Goal: Compute dist(v), the fewest number of edges on a path from s to v.
Extra code:

  • initialize dist(v) = { 0, if v = s; or 1, if v s
  • when considering edge (v, w):
    • if w unexplored, then set dist(w) = dist(v) + 1

Claim: at termination, dist(v) = i v is in i th layer.


Depth First Search(DFS)

  • much more aggressive search than BFS where you immediately try to plunge as deep as you can only backtracking when absolutely necessary.
  • preserve topological ordering in directed graph.


Recursive version: DFS(graph G, start vertex s)
1. mark s as explored.
2. for every edge(s, v):

  • if v unexplored:
    • DFS(G, v)

Basic properties

  • at the end of the algorithm, v marked as explored path from s to v in G.

    Application: topological ordering

    definition: A topological ordering of a directed graph G is a labelling F of G’s nodes such that :
    1. the f(v)’s are the set {1,2, ,n}
    2. (u, v) f(u) < f(v)

    topological sort via DFS:

    DFS-loop(graph G)
    1. mark s as explored.
    2. current_label = n[to keep track of ordering]
    3. for each vertex v G:

    if v unexplored:
    DFS(G, v)

    set f(v) = current_label

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void CreateGraph Graph graph 的创建 { ENode p q e; int i; cout<<"请输入连通无向的顶点数和边数 例如 3 3: n"; scanf "%d %d" &graph >numberOfVerts &graph >numberOfEerts ; for i 1;i< graph >numberOfVerts;i++ { cout<<"请输入第"<<i<<"个顶点的信息: n"; cin>>graph >amlist [i] data; graph >amlist [i] number i; graph >amlist[i] firstedge NULL; graph >amlist [i] mark 0; } for i 1;i< graph >numberOfEerts;i++ { p ENode malloc sizeof ENode ; cout<<"请输入每条边的信息(编号小的在前 例如1 3回车1 2回车2 3) n"; cin>>p >ivex>>p >jvex; p >ilink p >jlink NULL; if graph >amlist [p >ivex ] firstedge NULL graph >amlist [p >ivex ] firstedge p; else { q graph >amlist [p >ivex ] firstedge ; while q NULL { e q; if q >ivex p >ivex q q >ilink ; else q q >jlink ; } if e >ivex p >ivex e >ilink p; else e >jlink p; } if graph >amlist [p >jvex ] firstedge NULL graph >amlist [p >jvex ] firstedge p; else { q graph >amlist [p >jvex ] firstedge ; while q NULL { e q; if q >ivex p >ivex q q >ilink ; else q q >jlink ; } if e >ivex p >ivex e >ilink p; else e >jlink p; } } } void SetMark Graph graph 设置访问标记 { int i; for i 1;i< graph >numberOfVerts ;i++ graph >amlist [i] mark 0; } void DFS Graph graph int v 深度遍历 { ENode p; cout<<v<<" "; graph >amlist [v] mark 1; p graph >amlist [v] firstedge ; while p NULL { if p >ivex v { if graph >amlist [p >jvex ] mark 0 { cout<<"<"<<p >ivex<<" "<<p >jvex<<">"<<endl; DFS graph p >jvex ; } p p >ilink ; } else { if graph >amlist [p >ivex] mark 0 { cout<<"<"<<p >jvex<<" "<<p >ivex<<">"<<endl; DFS graph p >ivex ; } p p >jlink ; } } }">void CreateGraph Graph graph 的创建 { ENode p q e; int i; cout<<"请输入连通无向的顶点数和边数 例如 3 3: n"; scanf "%d %d" &graph >numberOfVerts &graph >numberOfEerts ; for i 1;i< graph >numberOfVerts;i++ { cou [更多]




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