#!/usr/bin/env python第3题
import string
import keyword
firstLetter = string.letters + '_'
letterOnLevel = firstLetter + string.digits
print "Please Input Words To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
if len(testWord) == 1:
if testWord in firstLetter:
print "%s Is On Level."%testWord
print "%s Isn't On Level."%testWord
if testWord[0] not in firstLetter:
print "%s Isn't On Level."%testWord
for ch in testWord[1:]:
if ch not in letterOnLevel:
print "%s Isn't On Level."%testWord
if testWord in keyword.kwlist:
print "%s Is An Keyword,And It's Not On Level."%testWord
print "%s Is On Level."%testWord
第4题#!/usr/bin/env python
import string
ar = []
Count = 0
switches = True
while switches:
print "Please Input %dth Digit:"%(Count+1),
chs = raw_input()
for ch in chs: #test the inputs is all digit or not
if ch not in string.digits:
switches = False
if switches == False:
Count += 1
print ar
print ar
ar[-1::-1] = ar
print ar
第5题#!/usr/bin/env python
examList = []
Count = 0
while Count != 5:
print "Please Input %dth Result Of Exam:"%(Count+1),
chs = raw_input()
Count += 1
avgExam = float(sum(examList)) / 5
print"Result Is %.2f "%avgExam
if avgExam <= 100 and avgExam >= 90:
print "A"
elif avgExam < 90 and avgExam >= 80:
print "B"
elif avgExam < 80 and avgExam >= 70:
print "C"
elif avgExam < 70 and avgExam >= 60:
print "D"
elif avgExam < 60:
print "E"
#!/usr/bin/env python
print"Please Input Any Word To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
for ch in testWord:
for ch in testWord[-1::-1]:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Please Input First Word:",
word_1 = raw_input()
print "Please Input Second Word:",
word_2 = raw_input()
if len(word_1) != len(word_2):
Count = 0
for ch in word_1:
if ch != word_2[Count]:
Count += 1
print "=="
#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Please Input Any Word To Test:"
testWord = raw_input()
Count = len(testWord) - 1
for ch in testWord:
if ch == testWord[Count]:
Count -= 1
if Count == -1:
print "=="
print "!="
#!/usr/bin/env python第6题
print "PLease Input Any Word To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
rTestWord = ""
for ch in testWord[-1::-1]:
rTestWord += ch
testWord += rTestWord
print testWord
#!/usr/bin/env python第7题
def myStrip(strs):
newString = ""
Lens = len(strs)
if strs[0] == " " and strs[-1] == " ":
for ch in strs[1:Lens-1]:
newString += ch
return newString
if strs[0] == " ":
for ch in strs[1::]:
newString += ch
return newString
if strs[-1] == " ":
for ch in strs[:Lens-1:]:
newString += ch
return newString
return strs
print "PLease Input Any Word To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
print testWord
print "~~~~~~%s~~~~~"%(myStrip(testWord))
第8题#!/usr/bin/env python
num_str = raw_input("Enter a number:")
num_num = int(num_str)
fac_list = range(1,num_num+1)
print fac_list
i = 0
Count = 0
allNu = len(fac_list)
while i < allNu:
if num_num%fac_list[Count] == 0:
del fac_list[Count]
Count += 1
i += 1
print fac_list
第9题#!/usr/bin/env python
print "Please Input Any Intager To Test(0-1000):",
testInt = raw_input()
for x in testInt:
x = int(x)
if x == 0:
print "Zero",
if x == 1:
print "One",
if x == 2:
print "Two",
if x == 3:
print "Three",
if x == 4:
print "Four",
if x == 5:
print "Five",
if x == 6:
print "Six",
if x == 7:
print "Seven",
if x == 8:
print "Eight",
if x == 9:
print "Nine",
第10题#!/usr/bin/env python
def changeTime(M):
ms = M % 60
hs = M / 60
return [hs,ms]
Ms = raw_input("Please Input Time(Min):")
print changeTime(int(Ms))
第12题#!/usr/bin/env python
testWord = raw_input("Please Input Any Word To Test:")
newWord = ""
for ch in testWord:
if not ch.isalpha():
newWord += ch
elif ch.isupper():
newWord += ch.lower()
elif ch.islower():
newWord += ch.upper()
print newWord
第14题#!/usr/bin/env python
def findChar(tarString,ch):
Len = 1
for c in tarString:
if c == ch:
Len += 1
if Len == len(tarString):
return - 1
return Len - 1
def rFindChar(tarString,ch):
Len = len(tarString) - 1
for c in tarString[-1::-1]:
if c == ch:
Len -= 1
if Len == 0:
return - 1
return Len
def subChar(tarString,ch,newChar):
newString = ""
for c in tarString:
if c == ch:
newString += newChar
newString += c
return newString
print "Please Input Any Word To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
print "Please Input The Char That's You Want To Find:",
chs = raw_input()
print findChar(testWord,chs)
print rFindChar(testWord,chs)
print "Please Input An New Char To Turn:",
newCh = raw_input()
print subChar(testWord,chs,newCh)
第15题#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
def Guess(result):
computerResult = random.randint(-1,1)
if result == computerResult:
print "Even"
elif computerResult + result != 0:
if computerResult > result:
print"You Lose"
print"You Win."
elif computerResult + result == 0:
if computerResult < result:
print"You Lose"
print"You Win."
print "Please Input You Choose."
print "A:'R'ock B:'P'aper C:'S'cissors"
result = raw_input()
if result == 'R':
elif result == 'P':
elif result == 'S':
第16题#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
def countDays(list_1,list_2): #list MM/DD/YY
Day_1 = int(list_1[3:5])
Month_1 = int(list_1[0:2])
Year_1 = int(list_1[6:8])
Day_2 = int(list_2[3:5])
Month_2 = int(list_2[0:2])
Year_2 = int(list_2[6:8])
AllDay_1 = Year_1 * 360 + Month_1 * 30 + Day_1 #I 1Year = 12Months = 360Days
AllDay_2 = Year_2 * 360 + Month_2 * 30 + Day_2
return abs(AllDay_1 - AllDay_2)
print countDays("02/20/98","04/29/97")
def brithday(listDay): # list MM/DD/YYYY
days = int(listDay[3:5])
months = int(listDay[0:2])
years = int(listDay[6:10])
allDay = years * 365 + months * 30 + days
today = 2016 * 365 + 9 * 30 + 15 #Today is 2016-9-15
print"You Had Lived In This World For %d Days."%(today-allDay)
第17题#!/usr/bin/env python
def sumMaritx(list_1 , list_2):
X = int(list_1[0]) + int(list_2[0])
Y = int(list_1[1]) + int(list_2[1])
return [X,Y]
def mulMaritx(list_1 , list_2):
X = int(list_1[0]) * int(list_2[0])
Y = int(list_1[1]) * int(list_2[1])
return [X,Y]
print sumMaritx([3,1],[4,2])
print mulMaritx([3,1],[4,2])
第19题#!/usr/bin/env python
def myPop(tarList):
Len = len(tarList)
del tarList[Len-1]
return tarList
print "PLease Input Any Word To Test:",
testWord = raw_input()
print myPop(list(testWord))
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
def printColumn(tarList,column):
rows = len(tarList) / column
for i in range(0,column):
beginIndex = rows * (i)
if i == column - 1: # Last Column
endIndex = len(tarList)
endIndex = rows * (i + 1)
print tarList[beginIndex:endIndex]
listInt = []
#for i in range(0,99):
# listInt.append(random.randint(0,99))
i = 1
while i <= 100:
i += 1
print "Please Input Column:"
col = raw_input()