test gcp pubsub with emulator

  • To test Google Pub/Sub functionality in a Java function, you can follow these steps:
  1. Set up a test environment: You will need to set up a testing environment to run your Java function. You can use a testing framework such as JUnit or TestNG, and create a new test class for your Pub/Sub function.

  2. Add the Pub/Sub dependency: You will need to add the Google Cloud Pub/Sub dependency to your project's build.gradle or pom.xml file. The dependency for Pub/Sub is:

    // Gradle
    implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-pubsub:2.0.0'
    <!-- Maven -->

  3. Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription: You will need to create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription for your test. You can create these using the Google Cloud Console or programmatically using the Pub/Sub API.

  4. Write the test: You can then write your test to publish a message to the topic and receive it in your function through the subscription. Here's an example test using JUnit:

    import com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1.Publisher;
    import com.google.cloud.pubsub.v1.Subscriber;
    import com.google.pubsub.v1.ProjectTopicName;
    import com.google.pubsub.v1.ProjectSubscriptionName;
    import com.google.pubsub.v1.PubsubMessage;
    import com.google.pubsub.v1.Subscription;
    import com.google.pubsub.v1.TopicName;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    import java.io.IOException;
    public class PubSubTest {
        public void testPubSub() throws IOException {
            String projectId = "your-project-id";
            String topicId = "your-topic-id";
            String subscriptionId = "your-subscription-id";
            ProjectTopicName topicName = ProjectTopicName.of(projectId, topicId);
            ProjectSubscriptionName subscriptionName = ProjectSubscriptionName.of(projectId, subscriptionId);
            // Create a publisher to publish a message to the topic
            Publisher publisher = Publisher.newBuilder(topicName).build();
            // Publish a message to the topic
            PubsubMessage message = PubsubMessage.newBuilder()
                    .setData(ByteString.copyFromUtf8("Hello, world!"))
            // Create a subscriber to receive the message from the subscription
            Subscriber subscriber = Subscriber.newBuilder(subscriptionName, new MessageReceiverImpl()).build();
            // Wait for the message to be received by the subscriber
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // Stop the subscriber
        private static class MessageReceiverImpl implements Subscriber.MessageReceiver {
            public void receiveMessage(PubsubMessage message, AckReplyConsumer consumer) {
                System.out.println("Received message: " + message.getData().toStringUtf8());

  5. Run the test: You can then run the test and verify that the message was received by the subscriber. If the test passes, your Pub/Sub functionality is working

  • To test Google Pub/Sub functionality in a Java function with the Pub/Sub emulator, you can follow these steps:
  1. Install the Pub/Sub emulator: The first step is to install the Pub/Sub emulator on your local machine. You can download the emulator from the official Google Cloud SDK website and follow the installation instructions.

  2. Set up the emulator environment: Once you have installed the emulator, you need to set up the environment variables for your Java application to use it. You can set the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the emulator's host and port number. For example, export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085.

  3. Add the Pub/Sub emulator dependency: You will also need to add the Google Cloud Pub/Sub emulator dependency to your project's build.gradle or pom.xml file. The dependency for the emulator is:

    // Gradle
    implementation 'com.google.cloud:google-cloud-pubsub-emulator:0.1.0-alpha'
    <!-- Maven -->

  4. Create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription: You can create a Pub/Sub topic and subscription in the emulator using the gcloud command line tool or programmatically using the Pub/Sub API.

  • Here are the steps to install the Pub/Sub emulator on your local machine:

  1. Install the Cloud SDK: The Cloud SDK is a command-line tool that you need to install before you can use the Pub/Sub emulator. You can download the Cloud SDK from the official Google Cloud SDK website and follow the installation instructions.

  2. Install the Pub/Sub emulator component: Once you have installed the Cloud SDK, you can install the Pub/Sub emulator component using the gcloud command-line tool. Run the following command to install the component:

    gcloud components install pubsub-emulator

  3. Start the Pub/Sub emulator: After you have installed the Pub/Sub emulator component, you can start the emulator by running the following command:
    gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=your-project-id

    Replace your-project-id with the ID of your Google Cloud project. The --project flag is required to start the emulator.

    Set the environment variable: After you have started the emulator, you need to set the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to the emulator's host and port number. You can set it to localhost:8085 by running the following command:
    export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085

  4. You can add this command to your shell's startup file (e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc) to set the environment variable automatically every time you start a new terminal session.

  • To install the Pub/Sub emulator on your local machine using Terraform, you can follow these steps:
  1. Install Terraform: The first step is to install Terraform on your local machine. You can download the Terraform binary from the official Terraform website and follow the installation instructions.

  2. Create a Terraform configuration file: Next, you need to create a Terraform configuration file to define the resources you want to create. Create a new file named pubsub.tf and add the following code to it: 

    resource "google_pubsub_topic" "test_topic" {
      name = "test-topic"
    resource "google_pubsub_subscription" "test_subscription" {
      name = "test-subscription"
      topic = google_pubsub_topic.test_topic.name

    This configuration file defines a Pub/Sub topic named "test-topic" and a subscription named "test-subscription" that subscribes to the topic.

  3. Configure the Google Cloud provider: You also need to configure the Google Cloud provider in your Terraform configuration file. Add the following code to the pubsub.tf file:

    provider "google" {
      project = "your-project-id"
      region  = "us-central1"

  4. Initialize Terraform: After you have created the pubsub.tf file, you need to initialize Terraform. Open a terminal in the directory containing the pubsub.tf file and run the following command:   

    terraform init

     This command downloads the necessary provider plugins and sets up your Terraform environment.

  5. Apply the configuration: Finally, you can apply the Terraform configuration to create the Pub/Sub resources. Run the following command:   

    terraform apply

     Terraform will prompt you to confirm the creation of the resources. Type "yes" and press Enter to proceed.

  6.  You have now created a Pub/Sub topic and subscription using Terraform. To use the Pub/Sub emulator, you can start it on your local machine and set the PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST environment variable to point to the emulator's host and port number.\

  • To set up Terraform to only run in a test environment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use Terraform workspaces: Terraform workspaces allow you to create multiple instances of the same resources with different configurations. You can use workspaces to create a separate test environment where you can run your Terraform configuration.

  2. Define a separate Terraform configuration: Create a separate Terraform configuration file for your test environment. This file should define the resources you want to create in your test environment, using a different naming convention than your production environment. You can use variables to define different values for your test environment.

  3. Use conditional logic: You can use conditional logic in your Terraform configuration to control the creation of resources based on the environment. For example, you can use the count parameter to conditionally create resources based on a variable value: 

    resource "google_pubsub_topic" "test_topic" {
      count = var.environment == "test" ? 1 : 0
      name = "test-topic-${random_string.random_suffix.result}"

     This configuration creates a Pub/Sub topic only if the environment variable is set to "test". It also adds a random suffix to the topic name to avoid conflicts.

  4. Use environment variables: You can use environment variables to set the values of variables in your Terraform configuration. You can set a different value for each environment, such as a different Google Cloud project ID or region.   

    provider "google" {
      project = var.project_id
      region  = var.region

     In your test environment, you can set the project_id and region variables to the values for your test project.

  5. Use Terraform workspaces: To switch between environments, you can use the terraform workspace command. For example, to switch to the test environment, run: 

    terraform workspace select test

     This command switches to the "test" workspace, which uses the configuration file for your test environment.

By using Terraform workspaces, conditional logic, and environment variables, you can set up Terraform to only run in a test environment.





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