
select sn, age, cn from s, c, sc where s.sno=sc.sno and c.cno=sc.cno

select s.sno,sn,cn,score from s left outer join sc on s.sno=sc.sno left outer join c on c.cno=sc.cno

select tno,tn from t where prof=(select prof from t where tn='刘伟')

select tn from t where (tno=any (select tno from tc where cno='c5'))

select tn from t,tc where t.tno=tc.tno and tc.cno='c5'

select tn, sal from t where (sal > any (select sal from t where dept='计算机')) and dept <>'计算机'

select tn, sal from t where sal > (select min(sal) from t  where dept='计算机') and dept <>'计算机'

select tn from t where (tno in (select tno from tc where cno='c5'))

select tn from t where exists (select * from tc where tno=t.tno and cno='c5')

select tn, sal from t where (sal > all (select sal from t where dept='计算机'))and dept <>'计算机'

select tn, sal from t where sal > (select max(sal) from t  where dept='计算机') and dept <>'计算机'

--查询不讲授课程号为c5的教师姓名,也可以用not in代替<>all(引用父查询属性值tno,称为相关子查询),子查询和相关子查询的先后顺序不一样,后者由父表的行数决定
select distinct tn from t where ('c5'<>all (select cno from tc where tno=t.tno))

--查询不讲授课程号为c5的教师姓名,相关子查询使用not exists
select tn from t where not exists (select * from tc where tno=t.tno and cno='c5')

select sn from s where (not exists (select *from c where not exists(select *from sc where sno=s.sno and cno=c.cno)))

select sno as 学号, sum(score) as 总分 from sc where (sno='s1')group by sno union select sno as 学号, sum(score) as 总分 from sc where (sno='s5')group by sno

select sno as 学号, sum(score) as 总分 from sc where (sno='s1' or sno='s5')group by sno

create table cal_table as select sno as 学号, sum(score) as 总分 from sc group by sno

insert into sc(sno, cno, score) values('s5','c3',88)

create table avgsal(department varchar(40), average smallint);
insert into avgsal select dept, avg(sal) from t group by dept;

update t set dept='信息' where tn='刘伟'

update s set age=age+1

update t set comm=comm+100 where(tno in(select t.tno from t,tc where t.tno=tc.tno and tc.cno='c5'))

delete from t where t='刘伟';
delete from tc;
delete from tc where(tno=(select tno from t where tn='刘伟'));

create view sub_t as select tno,tn,prof from t where dept='计算机'

create view s_sc_c(sno, sn, cn, score)as select s.sno,sn,cn,score from s,c,sc where s.sno=sc.sno and sc.cno=c.cno

create view s_avg(sno,avg) as select sno, avg(score) from sc group by sno

drop view sub_t

select tno,tn from sub_t where(prof='教授')

insert into sub_t(tno, tn, prof)values('t6','李丹','副教授')

update sub_t set prof='副教授' where(tn='刘伟')

delete from sub_t where(tn='刘伟')

--为用户zhangsan授予create table的系统权限
grant create table to zhangsan

--收回用户zhangsan所拥有的create table的系统权限
revoke create table from zhangsan

grant all on s to zhangsan

grant select on c to public

grant select,update(prof) on t to zhangsan with grant option

revoke select on t from zhangsan;
revoke update on t from zhangsan;





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