
  • 单选题


The early Internet used _____ (1985-1995) as its backbone.





Suppose there is exactly one packet switch between a sending host and a receiving host. The transmission rates between the sending host and the switch and between the switch and the receiving host are R 1 and R 2, respectively. Assuming that the switch uses store-and-forward packet switching, what is the total end-to-end delay to send a packet of length L? (Ignore queuing delay, propagation delay, and processing delay.) ( C)

A. none of the above

B. L/R 2

C. L/R 1+L/R 2

D. L/R 1

Given R: link bandwidth (bps) L: packet length (bits) a: average packet arrival rate, which one is RIGHT?

·A. traffic intensity = La/R

B. La/R≈0: avg. queueing delay large

·C. La/R≈1: avg. queueing delay small

·D. La/R = 1: more “work” arriving than can be serviced, average delay infinite

La/R->0延迟小  ->延迟大  >1集聚恶化

The modem’s function(s) is(are) ( ).

A. translates analog signal into digital signal

B. translates digital signal into analog signal

C. translates one kind of digital signal into another digital signal

D. both translates analog signal into digital signal and translates digital signal into analog signal

The time required to propagate from the beginning of the link to the next router is ( ).

A. queuing delay

B. propagation delay

C. processing delay

D. transmission delay

The ( ) is a worldwide computer network, that is, a network that interconnects millions of computing devices throughout the world.

A. television net

B. Intranet

C. switch net

D. Internet

Which of the following devices is not a plug and play device? ( )

A. hub

B. router

C. switch

D. repeater


Which of the following institute is NOT the standard body ____





RFC(request for comment)请求评论

The port numbers ranging from ____to ____ are called well-known port number and are restricted.

· A. 0, 1023

·B. 0,255

·C. 0, 127

·D. 0, 65535

___is a network entity that satisfies HTTP requests on the behalf of an origin Web server.

A. proxy server

B. local server

C. Web server

D. DNS server

题干中提到的“network entity”是指网络实体,问题问的是“满足HTTP请求的网络实体,代表着源Web服务器”B. 本地服务器(local server)通常指在本地计算机或者局域网内提供服务的服务器;C. Web服务器(Web server)是指能够处理HTTP请求并向客户端提供Web内容的计算机程序或设备;D. DNS服务器(DNS server)则是负责将域名转换为IP地址的服务器。

If the header line Connection is close, it means that the client wants .

A. nonpersistent connection

B. persistent connection with pipelining

C. not connection

D. persistent connection without pipelining


The receive side of transport layer reassembles segments into messages, passes to ____layer.

A. Networking

B. Application

C. Physical



DNS uses ____ service.



C. Both TCP and UDP

D. None of above

In the following four options about DNS messages, which one is not correct?

A. The header section in DNS message has 12 bytes.

B. There are only two kinds of DNS message.

C. Both query and reply message have the same format.

D. The authority section contains the resource records for the same that was originally queried.

HTTP can use two types of connections, which are .

A. connection with pipelining and without pipelining

B. parallel and serial connection

C. persistent and non-persistent connection

D. TCP and UDP


____ is the byte stream number of first byte in the segment.

·A. ACK number

·B. Checksum

·C. port number

·D.Sequence number

Transport protocols run in ____.

A. Routers

B. Servers

C. End systems

D. Clients

Streaming media uses a ____ service normally.

A. Both TCP and UDP

B. None of above




You are accessing http://www.uts.edu.au from your PC. Assuming there is no DNS cache available in your PC for this site, and therefore your PC sent out DNS query to find out ______?

A. Ethernet address

B. Server name

C. TCP port number

D. IP address

A network on the Internet has a subnet mask of What is the maximum number of hosts it can handle?____

A. 2048

B. 512

C. 4096

D. 1024有12位可用于主机地址,2^12位4096,其中首位用于网络地址,末位用于广播地址,实际可用为4094

The MSS is typically set by first determining the length of the largest link-layer frame that can be sent by the local sending host----the so-called____.


B. Maximum transmission unit (MTU)

C. Sequence number

D. Checksum



IEEE802.11 protocol defines ( )rules.

A. wireless WAN

B. Token Bus

C. wireless LAN

D. Ethernet Bus

IEEE802.11 协议是一种无线局域网协议,它定义了在无线环境中传输和接收数据的方法和规则。A. wireless WAN:无线广域网是一种无线通信网络,其覆盖范围较广,相对于答案中的无线局域网(wireless LAN)来说,它要覆盖的区域更大一些,通常是以千米计算的。B. Token Bus:Token Bus 是一种基于 token passing 的局域网协议,它和 IEEE802.11 协议不是同一种协议,D. Ethernet Bus:以太网总线式拓扑结构是指将多台设备通过一条总线连接起来形成网络的拓扑结构。它和 IEEE802.11 协议不是同一种协议。

In the following four descriptions, which one is not correct? ( )

A. ARP resolves an IP address to a MAC address.

B. DNS resolves hostnames to IP addresses.

C. ARP resolves IP addresses for nodes anywhere in the Internet.

D. DNS resolves hostnames for hosts anywhere in the Internet.


Consider CRC error checking approach, the four bit generator G is 1011, and suppose that the data D is 10101010, then the value of R is( ).

A. 011

B. 010

C. 110

D. 100


In the following four options about network architecture, which one is not correct?

·A. The network architecture provides a specific set of services to application.

·B. The network architecture is designed by application developer.

·C. The network architecture is fixed.

·D. The network architecture dictates how the application is organized over special server.

For 10BaseT, the maximum length of the connection between an adapter and the hub is ( ) meters.

A. 200

B. 50

C. 100

D. 500

The principal components of PPP include but not( ).

A. physical-control protocol

B. network-layer protocol

C. link-layer protocol

D. framing

Which of following about UDP is NOT correct?

A. Large packet header overhead (16-B)

B. No connection establishment (which can add delay), so no delay for establishing a connection

C. No connection state (so, UDP can typically support many active clients)

D. Finer application-level control over what data is sent, and when

Which of the following four descriptions about MAC addresses is wrong? ( )

A. A MAC address is a link-layer address

B. An adapter’s MAC address is dynamic

C. No two adapters have the same address

D. a MAC address is burned into the adapter’s ROM

The Internet’s __B__ service helps prevent the Internet from entering a state of gridlock.

A. timeout event

B. congestion control

C. sliding window

D. Datagram

( )defines Token-Bus protocol.

A. IEEE 802.5

B. IEEE 802.2

C. IEEE 802.3

D. IEEE 802.4

The ability to determine the interfaces to which a frame should be directed, and then directing the frame to those interfaces is( B).

A. self-learning

B. forwarding

C. optimal routing

D. filtering

Fast retransmit means in the case that __A__ duplicate ACK-s are received, the TCP sender resend segment before timer expires.

A. 3

B. 5

C. 4

D. 6

How does TCP sender perceive congestion? B

A. Timeout

B. Both A and B

C. None of above

D. 3 duplicate ACK-s

(A ) means that the switch must receive the entire packet before it can begin to transmit the first bit of the packet onto the outbound link.

A. Store-and-forward transmission

B. Propagation

C. Queuing delay

D. Packet loss

The modem’s function(s) is(are) (D).

A. translates analog signal into digital signal

B. translates digital signal into analog signal

C. translates one kind of digital signal into another digital signal

D. both translates analog signal into digital signal and translates digital signal into analog signal

In the following protocol, which one is stateless?B





In the following four descriptions, which one is correct? ( D)

A. The traffic intensity must be greater than 1.

B. The fraction of lost packets increases as the traffic intensity decreases.

C. If the traffic intensity is close to one, the average queuing delay will be close to one.

D. If the traffic intensity is close to zero, the average queuing delay will be close to zero.

Suppose the TCP receiver receives the segment that partially or completely fills in gap in received data, it will __D__.

A. immediately send duplicate ACK

B. wait some time for arrival of another in-order segment

C. send single cumulative

D. immediately send ACK

Which of the following is not correct about GBN protocol? C

A. Only using ACK-s

B. Receiver discards all out-of-order packets

C. It is not pipelined protocol

D. Using cumulative ACK-s

A MAC address is a ( C)address.

A. network-layer

B. application-layer

C. link-layer

D. physical-layer

The ARP protocol can translate ( ) into ( ). ( B)

A. host name, IP address

B. IP address, MAC address

C. host name, MAC address

D. broadcast address, IP address

Consider the data D is 01110010001, if use even parity checking approach, the parity bit is( ), if use odd parity checking approach, the parity bit is( A).

A. 1,0

B. 0,1

C. 1,1

D. 0,0

In the four following options, which protocol is included in Mail Access Protocol?





Which one is the intra-AS routing in the Internet  C


B. P2P



*Consider the figure below, with three links, each with the specified transmission rate and link length.

Assume the length of a packet is 16000 bits. The speed of light propagation delay on each link is 3x10^8 m/sec

What is the propogation delay of link 1?

A. 1.00E-5 seconds

B. 0.0017 seconds

C. 2.60E-5 seconds

D. 1.60E-5 seconds

In RDT, (A ) lets the sender know that a packet was NOT received correctly at the receiver.


B. Checksum



"Use header info to deliver received segments to correct socket" is called:C

A. multiplexing

B. modulation

C. demultiplexing

D. demodulation

About the Internet protocol stack, which one is WRONG?A

A. Physical Layer: process-process data transfer

B. Network Layer: routing of datagrams from source to destination

C. Application Layer: supporting network applications

D. Link Layer: frame transfer between neighboring network elements

What is the feature of a Virus?  D

A. Shall vanish after a period of time

B. No user replication needed

C. Can not affect off-line computer

D. Requires some form of human interaction to spread

Which quality of service does the Network Layer guarantee?  D

A. Bandwidth

B. Timing and Order

C. Minimum Loss of Packet

D. Best effort

In HTTP response codes, which one means OK(request succeeded)  A

A. 200

B. 404

C. 505

D. 301

Sender sends one packet, then waits for receiver response" is called:  A

A. stop and wait

B. collision avoided

C. routing and switching

D. go-back-N

The algorithm where all routers have complete topology, link cost info is 

A. global

B. local

C. decentralized

D. surface


If packet length L = 7.5 Mbits and transmission rate R = 1.5 Mbps, which one below is right?

A. Entire packet must arrive at router before it can be transmitted on next link

B. takes R/L seconds to transmit (push out) L-bit packet into link at R bps

C. end-end delay = L/R

D. one-hop transmission delay = 10 sec

This definition below refers to (    ). 

Taking data from the layer above, adding header fields appropriate for this layer, and then placing the data in the payload field of the “packet” for that layer.

A. demodulation

B. modulation

C. multiplexing

D. encapsulation


With a pipelined sender, there may be transmitted packets that can be called ( B  ) – propagating through the channel – packets that the sender has sent but that the receiver has not yet received.

A. "in the loop"

B. “in flight”

C. "best effort"

D. "good to go"

About Internet structure, which one is WRONG D

A. End systems connect to Internet via access ISPs

B. Access ISPs in turn must be interconnected

C. Network of networks is very complex

D. Evolution was driven by ICT technologies

About the Internet: Which one is NOT true?

A. The Internet contains billions of connected computing devices

B. The packet switches are routers and switches that forward packets (chunks of data)

C. ISPs design protocols that control sending, receiving of messages

D. Communication links contains fiber, copper, radio, satellite, etc

SMTP uses ___B___ transport service to communicate.





A. 100

B. 120

C. 99

D. 92

二. 多选题

Which one(s) is(are) the BGP message(s)? ABC





Example(s) of random access MAC protocols is(are)ABCD




D. slotted ALOHA

Protocols define:ABD

A. order of messages sent and received among network entities

B. actions taken on message transmission

C. transmission rate and lowest bit error rate in practice

D. format of messages sent and received among network entities 

According to the delivery of your teacher, which one(s) below contains significant Trade-off Issues?ABCD

A. The application of the CRC

B. The design of store-and-forward network

C. The design of the subnet mask

D. The design of the differential manchester encoding

Why not centralize DNS?ACD

A. traffic volume

B. scalable in capacity

C. distant centralized database

D. single point of failure

*According to the delivery, which one(s) below can we get a TLD domain name from? BCD

A. NEUQ Cloud Service

B. Tencent Cloud Service

C. Alibaba Cloud Service

D. Huawei Cloud Service


Two generic forms of pipelined protocols for packets are:  






The output port buffer overflow of a router shall cause:

A. loss of packet

B. queueing delay

C. packet collision

D. router shut-down


三. 填空题

Two key network-layer functions are forwarding and (   )(提示:输入英文单词,注意时态、语法)routing


A circuit-switching scenario in which Ncs users, each requiring a bandwidth of 20 Mbps, must share a link of capacity 150 Mbps.

What is the maximum number of users that can be supported? (One Number only)


Two approaches to structuring network control plane are "per-router control" and  " (    ) " , also known as logically centralized control. (提示:填写英文缩写)


The 1 Gbps link with 15 ms prop. delay and 9000-bit packet, and the utilization(Usender) is: ________%

(NOTE: accurate to 0.01 percent  |  百分比后精确到0.01)


Consider sending a 2400-byte datagram into a link that has an MTU of 700 bytes. Suppose the original datagram is stamped with the identification number 422. How many fragments are generated?

(提示:仅填写阿拉伯数字   Note: Fill in the numbers only)


Assuming there's zero propagation delay, then end-end delay = (    ) second.

The typical types of switching fabrics in a router include memory, bus, and (    ). (OWO)


Host A and B are directly connected with a 100 Mbps link (short link – propagation delay close to zero). Host A can send its application data into its TCP socket at a rate as high as 120 Mbps but Host B can read out of its TCP receive buffer at a maximum rate of 50 Mbps. On average, the long-term rate at which Host A sends data to Host B as part of this connection is no more than (     )Mbps.


*Consider the figure below, in which a single router is transmitting packets, each of length L bits, over a single link with transmission rate R Mbps to another router at the other end of the link.

Suppose that the packet length is L= 8000 bits, and that the link transmission rate along the link to router on the right is R = 10 Mbps.

The transmission delay shall be ________ second(s). (ONO)


You are transmitting a huge amount of data across a link of rate 100Mbps, over a distance of 1100km. The packet size is 1200Byte, and the propagation speed is 2.5x10^8 m/s. Assuming perfect channel with no packet error or loss.

If the RDT 3.0 (stop-and-wait) protocol is used, what is the link utilization? (提示:答案以小数形式、非百分号形式,保留到小数点后三位)


On the Internet, each object is addressable by a/an  (    ), e.g.,https://www.neuq.edu.cn/someDept/pic.gif   (提示:英文缩写)


四. 判断题

Exposed terminals are senders who can sense each other but still transmit safely (to different receivers)

The performance of a client-server system is strongly influenced by two major network characteristics: the bandwidth of the network and the latency

The wireless NIC on your mobile phone should be compatible with 802.11  protocol

Pages are named with URLs in the the World Wide Web

Protocol layering is the main structuring method used to divide up network functionality

Link layer switches process link and physical layers and hosts process all five layers.

The address is private.

In the typical C/S paradigm, there is a server with a well-known server IP address or domain name.

The forwarding table in a router is configured by both intra-AS and inter-AS routing algorithms.

Suppose that a host in the NEUQ dormitory sends an IP datagram destined to host www.uts.edu.au. The source port is 3376, and the destination port is 80. And the NAT shall change the source port in order to accomplish the task.

If a router has more than one interface, then it has more that one IP address at which it can be reached.

When receiving out of order packet, GBN shall re-ACK packet with the highest in-order seq#.

There can be times when the channel is idle, when a node has a frame to send, but is prevented from doing so by the medium access protocol.

Suppose that a host in the NEUQ dormitory sends an IP datagram destined to host www.uts.edu.au. The source port is 3376, and the destination port is 80. And the NAT shall change the source port in order to accomplish the task.


A host can get an IP address only by DHCP

TCP/IP is a principled, international standard, seven layer model to connect different systems

Routing among hosts, routers in same AS is inter-AS routing

Link layer services supports only half-duplex communication

All of the spectrum is carefully divided, and its use should be licensed

Flow control means the service will control senders so that the senders do not collectively send more data than links in the network can handle.

The static route algorithm can not handle any changing routes.

Buffering is required when datagrams arrive from fabric slower than the transmission rate

Link layer services supports only half-duplex communication

* The MAC address is contained in a SIM card and used when a device identifies itself and connects to an LTE network.


Imagine that you're sending an http request to another machine somewhere on the network.


1. What layer in the IP stack best corresponds to the phrase: 'bits live on the wire'

2. What layer in the IP stack best corresponds to the phrase: 'handles the delivery of segments from the application layer, may be reliable or unreliable'

3. What layer in the IP stack best corresponds to the phrase: 'moves datagrams from the source host to the destination host'

4. What layer in the IP stack best corresponds to the phrase: 'handles messages from a variety of network applications'

5. What layer in the IP stack best corresponds to the phrase: 'passes frames from one node to another across some medium'


A. Security Layer

B. Network Layer

C. Transport Layer

D. Link Layer 

E. Application Layer

F. Session Layer

G. Physical Layer 



(1) 4

(2) 7,w

(3) 2,u

(4) w

评论 1




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