iOS-plist: iOS Keys

官方文档说明:Information Property List Key Reference

iOS 项目配置的Info.plist里key的相关描述
Launch Services Keys 的相关描述

iOS keys

KeyXcode nameSummaryAvailability
CoreSpotlightContinuationnoneSpecifies whether the app supports Spotlight query continuation. 指定应用程序是否支持Spotlight查询延续CoreSpotlightContinuationiOS 10.0 and later
INAlternativeAppNamesnoneSpecifies alternative names by which users can refer to the app in Siri 指定用户可以在Siri中引用该应用程序的替代名称INAlternativeAppNamesiOS 11.0 and later
MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModesnoneSpecifies the types of directions the app can deliver指定应用程序可以传递的方向类型MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModesiOS 6.0 and later
UIAppFontsFonts provided by applicationSpecifies a list of app-specific fonts.指定应用程序特定字体的列表UIAppFontsiOS 3.2 and later
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspendApplication does not run in backgroundSpecifies whether the app terminates instead of run in the background. 指定应用程序是否终止而不是在后台运行UIApplicationExitOnSuspendiOS 4.0 and later
UIApplicationShortcutItemsHome Screen Shortcut ItemsSpecifies the static Home screen quick actions for the app指定应用程序的静态主屏幕快速动作(长按显示的快捷操作)iOS 9.0 and later
UIApplicationShortcutWidgetnoneSpecifies the bundle ID of the widget to be available as a Home screen quick action, for apps that have more than one widget.对于有多个widget的应用程序,指定widget的bundle ID作为Home屏幕的快速动作可用iOS 10.0 and later
UIAppSupportsHDRSupports HDR color modeSpecifies whether the app supports HDR mode on Apple TV 4K指定应用程序是否在Apple TV 4K上支持HDR模式tvOS 11.2 and later
UIBackgroundModesRequired background modesSpecifies that the app needs to continue running in the background.指定应用程序需要在后台继续运行iOS 4.0 and later, watchOS 4.0 and later
UIDeviceFamilyTargeted device familyInserted automatically by Xcode to define the target device of the app由Xcode自动插入以定义应用程序的目标设备iOS 3.2 and later
UIFileSharingEnabledApplication supports iTunes file sharingSpecifies whether the app shares files with the user’s computer through iTunes指定应用程序是否通过iTunes与用户的计算机共享文件iOS 3.2 and later
UIInterfaceOrientationInitial interface orientationSpecifies the initial orientation of the app’s user interface指定应用程序用户界面的初始方向iOS
UILaunchImageFileLaunch imageSpecifies the name of the app’s launch image指定应用程序启动图的文件名称iOS 3.2 and later
UILaunchImagesnoneSpecifies the launch images to use for the app指定应用程序使用的启动图像iOS 7.0 and later
UILaunchStoryboardNamenoneSpecifies the storyboard from which to generate a launch image to use for the app.指定用于生成应用程序启动图像的故事板iOS 9.0 and later
UILaunchStoryboardsnoneSpecifies information about multiple storyboards from which to generate launch images for an app. See UILaunchStoryboards for details.指定用于生成应用程序启动图像的多个故事板的信息iOS 9.0 and later
UINewsstandAppnoneSpecifies whether the app presents its content in Newsstand指定应用程序是否在Newsstand中显示其内容iOS 5.0 and later
UIPrerenderedIconIcon already includes gloss effectsSpecifies whether the app’s icon already includes a shine effect. 指定应用程序的图标是否已经包含闪光效果iOS
UIRequiredDeviceCapabilitiesRequired device capabilitiesSpecifies the device-related features required for the app to run指定应用程序运行所需的与设备相关的特性iOS 3.0 and later
UIRequiresPersistentWiFiApplication uses Wi-FiSpecifies whether this app requires a Wi-Fi connection指定此应用程序是否需要Wi-Fi连接iOS
UIStatusBarHiddenStatus bar is initially hiddenSpecifies whether the status bar is initially hidden when the app launches当应用程序启动时,状态栏是否被初始隐藏iOS
UIStatusBarStyleStatus bar styleSpecifies the style of the status bar as the app launches.指定应用程序启动时状态栏的样式。iOS
UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocolsSupported external accessory protocolsSpecifies the communications protocols supported for communication with attached hardware accessories指定与附加硬件附件通信时支持的通信协议iOS 3.0 and later
UISupportedInterfaceOrientationsSupported interface orientationsSpecifies the interface orientations that the app supports.指定应用程序支持的接口朝向。iOS 3.2 and later
UISupportsDocumentBrowserSupports Document BrowserSpecifies that the app is a document-based app. 指定该应用程序是一个基于文档的应用程序iOS 11.0 and later
UIUserInterfaceStyleUser Interface StyleSpecifies the preferred user interface appearance—light or dark—for a tvOS app为tvOS应用程序指定首选的用户界面外观——亮或暗tvOS 10.0 and later
UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearancenoneSpecifies whether the view controller determines the status bar style.指定视图控制器是否确定状态栏样式iOS 7.0 and later
UIViewEdgeAntialiasingRenders with edge antialiasingSpecifies whether Core Animation layers use antialiasing when drawing does not align to pixel boundaries.指定当绘图不对齐像素边界时核心动画层是否使用抗锯齿iOS 3.0 and later
UIViewGroupOpacityRenders with group opacitySpecifies whether Core Animation layers inherit the opacity of their superlayer. 指定Core Animation层是否继承其超层的不透明度iOS 3.0 and later
UIWhitePointAdaptivityStylenoneSpecifies the app’s white point adaptivity style, for use on devices with True Tone displays. 指定应用程序的白点自适应风格,用于设备与True Tone显示iOS 9.3 and later

Launch Services Keys

LSApplicationQueriesSchemesSpecifies the URL schemes the app is able to test using the canOpenURL: method.指定应用程序能够使用canOpenURL:方法测试的URL方案(跳转第三方app等scheme值的白名单配置)iOS 9.0 and later.




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