
class BaseTimer_Helper {


  // Stops the timer.

  ~BaseTimer_Helper() {




  // Returns true if the timer is running (i.e., not stopped).

  bool IsRunning() const {

    return delayed_task_ != NULL;



  // Returns the current delay for this timer.  May only call this method when

  // the timer is running!

  TimeDelta GetCurrentDelay() const {


    return delayed_task_->delay_;




  BaseTimer_Helper() : delayed_task_(NULL) {}


  // We have access to the timer_ member so we can orphan this task.

  class TimerTask : public Task {


    TimerTask(TimeDelta delay) : delay_(delay) {

      // timer_ is set in InitiateDelayedTask.


    virtual ~TimerTask() {}

    BaseTimer_Helper* timer_;

    TimeDelta delay_;



  // Used to orphan delayed_task_ so that when it runs it does nothing.

  void OrphanDelayedTask();


  // Used to initiated a new delayed task.  This has the side-effect of

  // orphaning delayed_task_ if it is non-null.

  void InitiateDelayedTask(TimerTask* timer_task);


  TimerTask* delayed_task_;






// This class is an implementation detail of OneShotTimer and RepeatingTimer.

// Please do not use this class directly.

template <class Receiver, bool kIsRepeating>

class BaseTimer : public BaseTimer_Helper {


  typedef void (Receiver::*ReceiverMethod)();


  // Call this method to start the timer.  It is an error to call this method

  // while the timer is already running.

  void Start(TimeDelta delay, Receiver* receiver, ReceiverMethod method) {


    InitiateDelayedTask(new TimerTask(delay, receiver, method));



  // Call this method to stop the timer.  It is a no-op if the timer is not

  // running.

  void Stop() {




  // Call this method to reset the timer delay of an already running timer.

  void Reset() {






  typedef BaseTimer<Receiver, kIsRepeating> SelfType;


  class TimerTask : public BaseTimer_Helper::TimerTask {


    TimerTask(TimeDelta delay, Receiver* receiver, ReceiverMethod method)

        : BaseTimer_Helper::TimerTask(delay),


          method_(method) {



    virtual ~TimerTask() {

      // This task may be getting cleared because the MessageLoop has been

      // destructed.  If so, don't leave the Timer with a dangling pointer

      // to this now-defunct task.




    virtual void Run() {

      if (!timer_)  // timer_ is null if we were orphaned.


      if (kIsRepeating)




      DispatchToMethod(receiver_, method_, Tuple0());



    TimerTask* Clone() const {

      return new TimerTask(delay_, receiver_, method_);




    // Inform the Base that the timer is no longer active.

    void ClearBaseTimer() {

      if (timer_) {

        SelfType* self = static_cast<SelfType*>(timer_);

        // It is possible that the Timer has already been reset, and that this

        // Task is old.  So, if the Timer points to a different task, assume

        // that the Timer has already taken care of properly setting the task.

        if (self->delayed_task_ == this)

          self->delayed_task_ = NULL;

        // By now the delayed_task_ in the Timer does not point to us anymore.

        // We should reset our own timer_ because the Timer can not do this

        // for us in its destructor.

        timer_ = NULL;




    // Inform the Base that we're resetting the timer.

    void ResetBaseTimer() {



      SelfType* self = static_cast<SelfType*>(timer_);




    Receiver* receiver_;

    ReceiverMethod method_;





// A simple, one-shot timer.  See usage notes at the top of the file.

template <class Receiver>

class OneShotTimer : public BaseTimer<Receiver, false> {};



// A simple, repeating timer.  See usage notes at the top of the file.

template <class Receiver>

class RepeatingTimer : public BaseTimer<Receiver, true> {};



// A Delay timer is like The Button from Lost. Once started, you have to keep

// calling Reset otherwise it will call the given method in the MessageLoop

// thread.


// Once created, it is inactive until Reset is called. Once |delay| seconds have

// passed since the last call to Reset, the callback is made. Once the callback

// has been made, it's inactive until Reset is called again.


// If destroyed, the timeout is canceled and will not occur even if already

// inflight.

template <class Receiver>

class DelayTimer {


  typedef void (Receiver::*ReceiverMethod)();


  DelayTimer(TimeDelta delay, Receiver* receiver, ReceiverMethod method)

      : receiver_(receiver),


        delay_(delay) {



  void Reset() {





  void DelayFor(TimeDelta delay) {

    trigger_time_ = Time::Now() + delay;


    // If we already have a timer that will expire at or before the given delay,

    // then we have nothing more to do now.

    if (timer_.IsRunning() && timer_.GetCurrentDelay() <= delay)



    // The timer isn't running, or will expire too late, so restart it.


    timer_.Start(delay, this, &DelayTimer<Receiver>::Check);



  void Check() {

    if (trigger_time_.is_null())



    // If we have not waited long enough, then wait some more.

    const Time now = Time::Now();

    if (now < trigger_time_) {

      DelayFor(trigger_time_ - now);







  Receiver *const receiver_;

  const ReceiverMethod method_;

  const TimeDelta delay_;


  OneShotTimer<DelayTimer<Receiver> > timer_;

  Time trigger_time_;






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